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02x04 - Mr. Hyde

Posted: 02/04/23 19:46
by bunniefuu
-[woman] Good morning!
-[man] It didn't even work!

-[man] It had no effect!
-[woman] I'm still itching!

I can't take it anymore, I'm desperate!

Look how bad it is!

I lost my job because of you!

Guys, calm down!
Calm down, I'm going to help you!

[crowd clamoring]

There she comes.

What do you have to say in your defense?

-We'll fix all the problems.
-At least she showed up.

-I'll let you know when.
-Okay, guys. I'll keep you updated.

[high-pitched humming]

[woman] I need a solution for my
money problems. I gave you free publicity

thinking it would fix everything,
but in reality...


[theme music playing]



[Carmen] You said your grandmother died
when you were a child, right?

-I see you as a grandmother instead.

I see the future instead of the past.

Every spell and potion I'm making
is coming out wrong.

That's not right.

Let's find an answer
in the Book of Shadows.

-That's a good idea.
-What's this for?

Is it a drink?


He's my cousin, he's visiting from Spain.
Sorry, I forgot to introduce you, guys.

He's from a very remote town,
he's staying a few days with me.

Nice to meet you. I'm Carmen.

-Hi. Mi name is--



I need some rum with my breakfast.

He has an alcohol problem. Excuse him.

Mauricio, let's go. I told you,
no alcohol in the morning.

I told you to stay in your room.

And not to come out until you cleaned
everything, everything is dirty!

I love it when you get like that.

-You're good at being the boss.
-Get inside, go!

-[man] Your wings are here.
-Hi, Tommy.

-How are you buddy?

-How are you?

-Are you excited?

We brought something
for your first challenge.

-Yeah, let's put this plan on action.

We're blindfolding you.

I won't be able to see anything, though,
of the challenge.

In Mr. Hyde...

Cameras are our eyes.

Tomás will record you,
and we'll all see you later.

Are you having second thoughts?
We can put everything away--

No, no.

I'm ready. Let's do this.

That's the right attitude
to make it far in the game.

-Great, right?
-That's true.

Come on, Tommy.

Do you really know what the challenge is?

I want this guy to end up so scared
that he'll never want to see us again.

Trust me. In the end, he'll beg us
to help him get out of the game.

That's what I want to hear.

-That elixir is great, right?
-Very powerful.

[laughs] I told you.

-[Tomás] Are you ready?

-[Tomás] Let's go.
-Give it your all.



-So cute. [laughs]

[chanting incantation]

May the knowledge be revealed.

Can you read it?


I'm sorry, Carmen. I can't.

But if you're not in your right mind,
none of your spells will work.

Are you sure you can't read it?

No, Alicia.

[wind gusting]

[Carmen] All the letters look backwards.

I got it!

What if you use this, Carmen?

[Carmen] Every witch or sorcerer of white,
green, red, or golden magic,

could have their powers reversed

due to a powerful black magic curse.

Black magic?

Someone performed
black magic against you?

That's what we have to find out.

Kobo, I know you really like
being in the future.

I mean, your future, because
this is my present.

I mean, your future.

And I know you like TV, cars,
motorcycles, sodas.

But you can't keep living
at Alicia's or my expense anymore.

You need to go back, right away.

Did you hear me? I'm talking to you.

I want those clothes.

Your pants are too tight
where they shouldn't be.

Kobo, those clothes are for women.

Apparently, women have better taste
than men nowadays.

If you want them, you need to buy them.

You see that motorcycle? Do you like it?
Then you have to pay for it.

You see that huge house? If you want
to live in it, you need to buy it.

And how will you buy it?
With money that neither of us have,

and even if I had it, I wouldn't
give it to you. It's money we don't have.

I'll get it anyway, Johnny.

Right now the store had too many clients.

But I'll get in tonight through
the balcony and steal them.

Besides, the amulet you gave me
protects me.


You... can't... do that here.

Besides, the amulet won't work for that.

I mean, it's powerful, but not against
the police.

Kobo, take that chip out of your head,
you can't be a pirate in .

If you want to continue stealing,

you need to go back. Which is
the best option anyway.

Stealing, but in the past. Not here.

I'm not going back.

And I don't know what that "chip"
thing is, but I'm not giving it to you.


If you don't want to go back, stay.

But do it on your own. I won't work
for you nor give you money.

Get your own job.

Find me one then.

What did I do?

I'm totally ready.

Pass that egg all over my body.

Concentrate. If there's black magic

the egg will recover all that bad energy.

Remember our last class.

All spells have a cost
because energies are unique pieces,

and everything in the universe
has it's own place.

I'm ready.

[wind gusting]

-[Carmen] Good.

Okay. Now break the egg in the water.

[Carmen sighs]

We'll know the truth
depending on what comes out.

[Alicia gasps] Carmen, what's that?

Alicia, someone put
a dangerous curse on me!

The first lesson in magic should be
to be brave when dealing with black magic.

-[Carmen] That's right.

-Are you cleansed now?

We need to figure out
what curse they placed on me.

You're going to have to trust me now.

Go up the step. There. One more.

-It feels great!
-[Tomás] It's amazing, right?

The first challenge is always simple.

-What do I do?
-[Tomás] Keep moving forward.

-Straight ahead?
-[Tomás] Yes.

You'll get lots of likes.

-Yes, many likes.
-[Tomás] Recognition.

-Are you glad you joined Mr. Hyde?

[Miguel] This challenge is pretty simple.

Of course, we'd never give you
a dangerous challenge.

[laughs] Whoo!

Have you figured out where you are?

Of course not, you idiot,
I can't see a thing.


[high-pitched humming]

We're looking at it the wrong way.

If you're upside down,
and the stars are shining down,

that means you don't look down.
You look...

-Do I keep going straight?
-[Tomás] Yes, keep at it.


Hey, Tomás.

[screams] Tomás! Don't do that!

-Don't be such a coward.
-Do I keep going?


-[Miguel] Are you sure?
-[Tomás] Very much so. Trust me.

-We're almost at the end.
-Of what?

There's a surprise at the end.
You'll love it.

-Are you sure?

Are you ready?

It's only ten more steps
and the challenge is over.

Ten steps? Tomás, stop f*cking
with me, this isn't the challenge anymore!


two, three, four, five.

Six... seven. You're doing great.

Eight, nine. At the last step, take off
your blindfold and look at the camera.

-What? Now?

Yes. Go ahead.

[Miguel screaming]

And that's how you trick someone.

For now let's concentrate
on the important thing.

Let's find the sorcerer that did this.

Carmen, what if we don't?
I have an even better idea. Look.

If everything you do is reversed,

when someone comes for something
to sleep, give them something to wake up.

If they want something to forget,
give them something to remember.

Ali, if you're afraid, don't worry.

-You don't need to help me.
-But it's black magic.


So, start practicing
everything you learned.

-[woman] I wanted to dye my hair red.
-That idiot's coming.

Where were you?
Why didn't you go to class?

We were doing some research.
What are you doing with her?

We have a project together for class.

Be careful. She's dangerous.

[laughs] Me, dangerous? You're the one
sending people to the hospital.

-Don't mess with me.
-Or what?

Are you going to try to k*ll me too?

If you're not guilty,
you have nothing to fear.

May I remind you that you've been banned
from doing magic in the university?

-I'll see you later.

Be careful. We mean it,
she's dangerous.

Dangerous? How so? I don't get it.

Besides, if you two went to class,
I wouldn't be paired with her.

What are you involved in now?
You haven't told me.

-It's best if you don't know.
-[cell phone rings]

Yes? Yes, honey?


[panting] What the f*ck is your problem?
You could've k*lled me!

We knew you were a coward.
Sorry, you're out of Mr. Hyde.

[laughing] He peed himself!

[laughing loudly]


Who's the coward now!

Tell me! Who's the coward now?

[Tomás] You hit like a girl!

Part of the material used
to build this wall

was the blood of slaves that died
under the terrible heat,

working in inhumane conditions,
something terrible for that time.

These walls, part of the one you see here

covers part of the naval museum,
as it is...

All done. You start tonight.


Tonight. It's only six hours,
and it's the best shift.

No heat, with tourists in love
that just want to kiss under the moon.

Which means there's good tips.
It'll be good for you.

We talked about easy money and you want
to put me in there for six hours?

Well, you have to start somewhere.

You could have your own carriage
in a few years.

Johnny, did you forget who I am?

I'm Kobo, the most dreaded pirate
of my time.

I won't be anyone's driver.

These walls were built after the attack
by Sir Francis Drake,

a British pirate that besieged the city
for six straight weeks.

He asked for an immense ransom,

a ransom of thousand ducats,

-an amount that was--
-He wanted , , but he got .

Excuse me?

Why are you following this guy?
He's a liar.

-What's your problem, buddy? I'm working.
-I'm sorry, sorry.

He's a tourist guide, he charges
foreigners to tell them stories.

-I'm sorry. Let's go.
-He charges money to lie to them?

I told you not to call me a liar,
I'm working.

They didn't use sl*ve blood
to build this wall.

They used mortar, sand, and water.

I lived with Drake.

And anyone could invade a city
with , men and caravels.

Right? Give me a fleet that size
and I'll be king of the world.

You said you lived with--

Don't listen to him,

-he obviously didn't live with Drake.
-Yes, I did.

He had a relative that lived with Drake.

-Let's go.
-One of my relatives lived with Drake.

But if someone knows about pirates,
that's me.

Since you know so much, what did pirates
do to their enemies?

Where did they throw them?

-They didn't throw them anywhere.
-What did they do, then?

Pirates preferred to leave their enemies
on deserted islands, so they'd suffer.

Do you want to hear real pirate stories?

-Stories unheard of?

These are my tourists,
they're not going anywhere.

Besides, I have my license,
I can tell the official history.

But I have the official version
from the pirates.

And I assure you, it's much more
interesting. Right?

-Follow me.

They can't follow you,
they haven't paid me yet!

Hey, brother, don't.

-That dude is crazy.
-But I--

-Here's some change for a soda.
-This isn't enough, he took my clients!

Sorry, I can't do anything about it.

No one was able to conquer it
because he knew the city perfectly well.

What do you think?

It's amazing, but I didn't know
you liked bikes.

It's not for me.

-It's for you.
-For me?

It's a gift.

You always said you wanted
one of these. Right?

Yes, I mean. Yes, I love it.

-I love it. And I love the color, but...


Can we really afford something
like this right now?

-You didn't get a loan for this, right?
-No, of course not.

Honey. León.

I got promoted.


-You got a promotion?

Honey, congratulations!

I'm so proud of you, I know
how hard you worked for this.

This b*llet was going straight
towards Kobo's head.

But he deflected it with his sword
towards this wall.


He was ambushed
by of the king's men.

Against Kobo and five of his men.

But do you know who escaped
with all of the loot?

Who else, ma'am? Kobo.

What happened to the treasure?

They hid it in a nearby house.

But the owner of the house was a snitch.

Kobo and his men had to spend
a few months in the open sea.

That's the story of the great pirate
Kobo and his life in Cartagena.

[crowd applauding]

Way to go.

You deserve it.

-[Kobo] Thank you.
-[woman] Thanks.

You see? You can start making money again.

I didn't think they'd pay me,
so I took the money from them already.

Kobo, what did you do?
Put that away!

I told you, you can't
steal from people!

Don't worry, Johnny,
I made sure there were no cops.

You're never going to change, are you?

I hope this medicine man can help us.

[Carmen] "Nabatare Site Obanni."

What does it mean, Carmen?

"Welcome, from the heart."

For a place that does black magic,
they're very polite.

No, Carmen. I think it's a trap.
It's a trap.

Are you sure you want to go in with me?

[hip-hop music playing]

[bell ringing]

[hip-hop music continues]

[Alicia gasps] It's closed. It's closed!

[Alicia panting, chattering]

We're locked here!
This place is dangerous.

[man] Good afternoon.
It's just a security measure, don't worry.

[chimes jangling]

How can I help you?

I'm here for a tattoo.

Look, I'm going to be honest with you.

I did everything in my power
so you'd leave.

But I guess I have to get used
to you being here.

What are you trying to say, Johnny?

Do you want to make some money?
I have a business proposal, - .

- .


But that adds up to more than .
You don't even know my proposition.

Johnny, pirates always get
the best part.

- , or I'll tell the witch
you're still here.

She'll put a spell on you
and return you to your time.

Who do we have to rob?

To be honest, no one.

I propose something first,

to put our partnership to the test.

Let's practice our tolerance.

I don't understand you
when you talk like that.

It's simple.

I'll tell you something that maybe
you won't like.

But you can't get mad. Got it?

As you can tell, I have no tolerance
for traitors.

-Let me explain, just once, please.
-Explain what?

That I--

Stealing is stealing.
Now and years ago.

But years ago we didn't have
such an established friendship.

I mean, at least I told you the truth.

If I hadn't stolen that map,
you'd never find the treasure now.

You're right about that.

That information just saved your life.

But our partnership is over.


How are you going
to find the treasure then?

You'll need someone
that knows the codes nowadays.

Someone who can move around
without raising suspicions.

Are you going to trust a stranger?

Or someone you know?

-You stabbed me in the back!
-That was before, brother!

You have to admit it. One way
or another, we're good for each other.

Bravery. Smarts.

Don't get any closer.

We're like yin and yang.

-Who's that?

Better the devil you know
than the devil you don't, right?

Can we start over?

Can we continue our partnership?

-But - .
- - .

- , Johnny.



I want this protection tattoo
against evil energies.

Against black magic and vengeance.

Why something so powerful?

I really need that protection.

Where do you want it?

Here. In the shape of a bracelet.

But I want the knot
to be continuous.

My tattoo methods are old-fashioned.

Needles against your skin,
and then the color is inserted later.

It's a more traditional method.

-However, it hurts twice as much.
-I can handle the pain.

[high-pitched humming]

To tattoo that on you, I have to be sure
you haven't drank alcohol for hours.

-I haven't drank at all.

It may take us over three hours
to make that tattoo.

-We have all the time in the world. Right?
-All the time.

And it won't be cheap.

-Why don't you want to help me?
-[man] That's not it.

It's part of my job to let you know
all the risks involved.

You know a lot about magical
protection tattoos.

Where did you learn to do them?

It's an old family tradition.

How do you know
about the tattoo you picked?

You know the answer.

You saw it.

[clears throat]

Why did you do it?

I didn't know it was for you.
They lied to me.


I can't tell you that.

You know the rules. A son of Oaha
never snitches on friend or foe.

I need you to do a cleanse.

And remove this curse.

Sure. But there's something you must know.

If I remove the curse against you, it will
backfire against the person that made it.

That person asked for it. It's karma.

That's what I think.

A reversed witch is one thing.

But it's something different
for a human to deal with the curse.

Are you sure that's what you want
for your enemy?

[man] ...from my mother. I'm here.

Asking for this water to take
all the evil away.

To cleanse something that
should've never been sullied.

Go ahead, I'm sure.

I undo what I did
to free Carmen from the curse.

Let the person who wanted her cursed
deal with the burden herself.

-[Alicia mouthing, no audible dialogue]
-[man chanting incantation]

[Mayte] What's your problem with Carmen?

-What bothers you so much then?

I don't get it, you and Alicia
are learning an exact science: biology.

Why would you believe
in Carmen's pseudoscience?

I believe that science can learn
a lot from that pseudoscience.

People are allowed
to believe in unicorns, if they want.

That's true.

But if I were Alicia's friend, like you,

I'd tell her not to follow Carmen
and stop getting in so much trouble.

I think we can finish this
some other time, Amanda.

Are you really leaving?

-That was an innocent comment, really?

Don't worry. We can leave it
for some other time.

Mayte, wait, please!

Mayte, wait, please! I'm sorry.

For what?

For sticking my nose
where it doesn't belong.

Can we start over, please?

I'll go get some beers for us. Yes?


[bird cawing]

[wings flap]

[bird cawing]

[wings flap]

-[bird caws]
-[tires screech]

[car horn honking, tires squealing]


[Amanda moans]

-Are you okay?
-Yes, that stupid bird made me fall.

Which bird?

[Amanda] The one that att*cked me.
That's why I fell.

But there was no bird, Amanda.

Yes, there was! It was a huge black bird.

My leg!

-What happened to you?
-Nothing, Tomás is an assh*le.

-I won't sell him the elixir anymore.
-That sounds great.

I don't want to sell it anymore.

-What are you talking about?
-I don't want to lie to Mayte.

But there's a lot of people
waiting for it. Don't you like the money?

Of course, but not like this.

So now you're feeling unethical?

You didn't feel that way when you spent
the money we made together!

I said I'm out!

We're together in this, like it or not!

You can't force me.

[rock music playing]

Grab it! There you go!

-[Kobo] Wait!
-Watch out. Try it again.

What the hell is going on here?

-Stop, Alicia!
-What are you doing?

Let me introduce you to the newest
tour guide superstar of Cartagena.

Johnny Ki, can we talk? Alone, please.

-[Johnny] Careful.
-Johnny Ki!

[Johnny] Be careful.

Don't drink it all.
Leave me some. Yes?

[Alicia] I told you to convince him
to go back! I don't want him here.

And now he's becoming a tour guide?

Johnny Ki, Carmen has her powers back.
She could recognize him!

That's not a problem.
Just keep him locked in here.

-No, no, no.
-Look, wait.

I made a decision.
We're going to use Kobo a bit.

-And we'll become millionaires!
-Of course.

How so? Telling pirate stories?

[Johnny] Yes and no.

Turns out there's a treasure.
Buried here, in Cartagena.

-Gold, jewelry. Lots of money.
-Of course.

It's Kobo's treasure. He buried
it in the past. And I, unknowingly,

brought the map to the treasure.

And the tourist guide thing
will be our cover,

so we can get in, disguised,
and recover the treasure.

-Got it?
-That's the dumbest idea you've ever had.

But we'll become millionaires!
It's a lot of money!

-For the three of us.
-Stop it with your crazy stories.

-And don't count me in. Forget about it.
-That's what you say now.

What are you doing?

I always wanted one of these.
I'll get it once we get the treasure.

[high-pitched humming]


Carmen... you need to accept it.

You need to protect yourself.
This can't happen again.

[echoing] Carmen!


[Carmen] I had a revelation last night.

Nothing will happen again to me
with this magic formula.

-Okay. Are you ready, my assistant?
-I'm ready.

[pop music playing]

The smoke from the incense
will cleanse my spirit.

Carmen, can you teach me how to clear
evil energies from spaces?

If you tell me the truth, maybe.

I know you're hiding something.
I've felt it since yesterday.

I knew it was just a matter of time.

Carmen, that cousin I introduced you to...

He's not my cousin.

-He's Kobo.

-Kobo, the pirate?
-Carmen, I swear. It wasn't my fault!

Johnny Ki.

I knew it! I should've closed that portal!

I swear, Carmen. We're sending
that pirate back, I swear.

The moment there's any trouble,
I'm sending him back myself.

It's enough that I have to find
the one who cursed me.

[Alicia] Well, they'll pay for it.
But Antares warned you.

Still, I was surprised you'd try
to hurt someone.

Even if that person hurt you first.

Alicia, I didn't return the curse
to that person to make them pay.

I did it to find out who they are.

How are we going to find out?

[high-pitched humming]

[crowd chattering]


[bird caws]

[bird caws]

[bird cawing]


You did it.

-Why do you hate me so much?
-What are you talking about?

You have a bad-omen bird flying
over your head. Don't try to deny it.

[bird caws]



What did you do to me?

I returned the spell you put on me.
Why do you want me to look bad?

I think there's a reason in particular
you despise me.

Carmen, please. You're not the center
of the universe. And you don't scare me.

I'm not afraid of you...

Or your stupid bird.

You can't escape your bad luck
without my help.

[bird cawing]

[wind gusting]

-[bird screeches]
-[woman screams]

Are you okay?

You split your head open.

[pop music playing]