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02x07 - How Do You Remember Me?

Posted: 02/04/23 19:18
by bunniefuu
♪ We face the music together ♪

♪ And throw our hats
in the ring ♪

♪ Facing all kinds of weather ♪

♪ And scared to death
of everything ♪

♪ Hey ♪

♪ When the sun comes up,
we'll be on our way ♪

♪ And we don't care
where we land ♪

♪ And the waves are high,
but we won't turn round ♪

♪ 'Cause your hand
is in my hand ♪

♪ And, oh-oh ♪

♪ You make me feel invincible ♪

♪ 'Cause it's you and me ♪

♪ Through the wind and hail ♪

♪ Setting sail into the world ♪♪

[Ben] It just seems like
a really difficult job.

I'm telling you, I would %
rather go to an insane asylum

in the s
than work for the TSA today.

In the s?

You would rather receive the
full Frances Farmer treatment

than tell people
to take their toiletries

- out of their carry-ons?
- Honestly? Y-Yes.

Yes, I would. Have you been
to an airport recently?

People are horrible.

Mm. So, how long have you lived
in this neighborhood?

- Uh...
- It's so cute here.

- It is cute, right?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I've been here
for two years.

And I was in, uh,
Astoria before that.

- Not as cute?
- Well, you know, it was fine.

You know, it served its purpose.

[both chuckle]

Ooh, do you mind
if we stop for a second?

I've been hearing
about this book forever,

and I'm sure you've
read it already, but...

It's about these girls
at a private school,

in, like, maybe England?

Maybe New Zealand? I forget.

But they go on this picnic,
and their teacher is a lesbian.

I think.

Or anyways, everybody thinks
she's a lesbian.

And she's with
all these girl students.


♪ ♪

[Ben] Cheers.

[door closes]

So you're giving up
waitressing and you're...

- [Whitney] I'm not
giving it up. I'm pivoting.
- ...teaching sports?

Okay, I would be
teaching boxing,

but I wouldn't actually
have to hit anyone.

Does that make sense?

I mean, it's like,
you learn how to fight,

but you never actually use it.

Robbie, why don't you
take this one?

Uh, isn't that
from The Karate Kid?

- [Pam] Yes. [laughs]
- [Whitney] Funny.

- Thank you.
- [Leo] He's adorable.

I'm telling you, he's very cute.

- He's very funny.
- Mm-hmm.

[Leo] Just give it a shot.

Just one date.

One date.

♪ ♪

[Judy] Where did you meet him?

[Ben] My friend Daryl
works with his friend

and they set us up.
I've seen his picture,

so it's not, like,
a total blind date.

- And?
- Yeah, uh, he's cute.

Yeah, he's-he's handsome.

He's, uh...

Oh. Not what you have
on your vision board?

The vision board
is not important, Judy.

I should never
have shown you that.

What's important is that
I'm putting myself out there.

- Read me the list again.
- Why?

It soothes me.

You just like making fun of me.

Read it.

"Older than me
by at least eight years,

taller than me, strong jawline,

his celebrity look-alike
is Alexander Skarsgård

from Big Little Lies.

But not abusive."

[laughs] Ah. Amazing.

Ah. A list only
a -year-old could make.

I admire your vision, though.

- Keep it up, hon.
- I am friends

with the woman
who sits across from me,

- but other than that, no.
- So, do you like working there?

Are you asking
if it's my dream job? No.

[chuckles] But, uh,
it's gonna have to do,

at least until
my writing takes off.

Oh, yeah, that's right.
Leo said you were a writer.

That is, that is so cool.

Uh, what is it?
Uh, novels, or...

I write screenplays.

- Oh.
- I'm learning there's
a big difference between

writing a screenplay and having
a screenplay produced.

I'm still trying to figure out
how to bridge that gap.

I have a feeling you're gonna
figure it out just fine.

Thank you.



[phone buzzing]

Sorry about that.

You can get it if you need to.
It's fine.

[chuckles] Um, not important.
It's just my sister Natalie.

I'll call her later.

[Whitney] Okay,
I understand where you could...

You've never been in a fight.
How could you teach boxing,

- you've never been in a fight.
- I have been in a fight.

- I can bite.
- [Pam] Please,
where were you in a fight,

- Urban Outfitters?
- First of all, f*ck you.

[Ben] I am friends with the
woman who sits across from me,

but other than that, no.

- So, do you like working there?
- Eh...

I don't know. [laughs softly]

It's sort of boring, I guess.

What about you?

Uh, I like teaching.
I-I love it, actually.

I didn't think that I would,
but after two years

with Teach For America,
I thought,

"I think this is what
I should be doing right now.

I'm proud of this."

- That's so cool.
- [chuckles]

Um, if you don't mind me asking,

what do you want to do?

Long-term? Uh... [chuckles]

I don't know.

I mean, I do know, but it just,

it sounds silly
when I say it out loud.

- No, you can say it. Say it.
- Eh.

[chuckles] Maybe after
another drink.

Excuse me, could I just have
another white wine, please?

And you live in Astoria, right?

Ugh. Don't remind me.

- And lower your voice.
- Oh, wait, wait.

What's wrong with Astoria?
I have,

I have friends out there.
It's-it's super cute.

It's just not
where I want to be.

You know, it's a, it's sublet
and I'd rather be in the city.

I didn't move to New York
to live in an outer borough.

Where are you?

Um, uh, Long Island City.


[Ben] Thank you.

[phone buzzing]

Get it if you need to.
It's totally fine.

[chuckles] Um, not important.

It's just my sister Natalie.

I'll call her later.

Yeah, I mean,
it's fiction anyways.

That's the best part, is she
just made the whole thing up.

Wow. Well, that-that's amazing
that she could pull it off.

I would love to read something
that you've written, sometime.

[stammers] Well, I'm-I'm sure
we could arrange that.

Well, if you don't like
working in finance,

you have to change that.

You have to take the steps to
get you to where you want to be.

You are totally right.

Look, I'm not saying
it's easy, believe me,

but I do think it's...

we can only be as happy
as we allow ourselves to be.

- [both chuckle]
- You sound like Oprah.

Wha... Yes, Oprah
and a very good therapist

have-have gotten me
on the right path.

I'm certainly not there yet,

but I'm at least
moving towards it.

I'm talking too much, huh?

- No. Not at all.
- Sorry.

I was just thinking
you're so handsome.

Uh, well, do you go
on a lot of dates, or...?

[inhales] Hmm.

- [both chuckle]
- Do I go on a lot of dates?

Short answer: no,
slightly longer answer:

I got out of a relationship
last year,

and I've been a little slow
to get back into the mix.

Well, you can only be
on your own timeline, right?

You know, you can't force that
if you aren't ready.

Or interested. Right?

What are you thinking now?

That I think you're also smart.

You are handsome and smart.

In no particular order.

Seventh grade.
Stacey Godek.

She called me white trash, and I
pushed her over a bike rack.

White trash?
That is a term

- I don't think we use
nearly enough these days.
- You are right.

I'm sorry, are we boring you?

No. My dad just texted me.

And you're texting him back
immediately? Son of the year.

He likes to check in.
I like that he does.


- Very sweet.
- Thank you.

Oh, you know who I saw
who's looking rough?

- Who?
- Shelly Leathers.

No. Where?

- She was walking down Ninth
between shows.
- Of course.

Yeah, Phantom has not treated
her well all these years.

[Pam] You know she has no money?

She had to borrow money
from me...

[Ben] Wait, you've never been
to The Pines?

- How is that possible?
- I've just never been.

Isn't it kind of...
I don't know, druggy?

Druggy? No.
My God, no.

It's... I mean, if you are
looking for dr*gs,

then sure, you can find them,

but you could say that
about anyplace.

You could probably
find dr*gs

- at Th-The Met.
- [phone buzzing]

If you were really
looking for them.

Yeah, I don't-I don't know
about that.

Everything okay?

Yeah, it's just my sister.

I'm sorry, it's really hard
to hear you.

Is this better?

So, do you go on
a lot of dates?

- Why do you ask?
- No reason.

You just seem social.

- Slutty.
- No, no.

Not at all, you're just...

You're good at talking
to people.

Better than I am.

I guess I am pretty social.

I try to put myself out there,
I guess.

Hey, do you want
to get out of here?

Maybe we could leave...

Now we can leave.

♪ ♪

[breathing heavily]


Toby Dooley.
It's Ford from Interlochen.

- Holy shit. How are you?
- I'm good.

I just moved here last year.
How are you?

I actually just moved here,
like, a year ago, too.

I can't believe
it took me so long.

[Ford] This is wild...

[radio announcer] There's
a bit of a slowdown

on the southbound MTR,

as there's a stalled vehicle
in the right lane.



- [exhales]
- [chuckling]

[phone buzzing]

[Toby and Ford laughing]

Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.
Hi, I'm Toby.

- Toby, this is Ben.
- Hello.

You two went to camp together?

[both] Yeah.

It was really more than camp,
it was like a...

- totally transformative
experience as a young person.
- Agreed.

We were part of
this production of

The House of Bernarda Alba

that truly shaped my
understanding of puppets.

Now every single time
I see a puppet, I'm like,

"Am I going up the back, or am I
gonna do the string-string?"

You know,
'cause that's the marionette.

Then there's also
kabuki puppetry... it's so crazy

that there's so many types.

Whatever. I'm going...


♪ ♪

[buzzing stops]


[phone chimes]

[Natalie] Give me a call
when you get a chance.

Well, maybe if
you do actually listen

to your voice mail,
you can call back.

And you should.

[line ringing]

[Natalie] Where have you been?

I'm sorry, I was...
What happened?

We've been leaving messages
for you all night.

I'm sorry. Just...
tell me what happened?

We were at Deena's party
and Dad was grilling burgers,

and he finished
and passed off the tray to me,

and then he just... fell down.

What was it,
a-a heart attack, a stroke?

They're not exactly sure yet.

They ran a bunch of tests,
but we're still waiting.

What do you mean?

He collapsed.

He fell down,
and he was unconscious.

There was no warning sound,

he just... fell.

[whispers] Oh, my God.

Devin and Michael
started doing CPR,

and I called an ambulance.
It was... awful.

They used those paddle things
on him, on the back porch.

They got him into an ambulance,

and we're all
at the hospital now.

- I should come home.
- I don't know. Yes.

I mean, he's on life support.
Maybe wait until tomorrow

- when we know more.
- I don't want to wait
that long.

Then you should come home.


Okay, I'll, uh...

I'll call you back when I have
my ticket information.

I'll try to get
the earliest flight out.

Love you.

I love you, too.

♪ ♪

- [Ford] We definitely need
to get together.
- [Toby] DM me.

- Okay.
- Okay. And if I don't respond,

just keep DM'ing me.

Ben, it is so nice to meet you.

- Yeah, you, too.
- [chuckles]

- Yeah.
- [sighs] Yeah.

[laughs] Um, well...

it's crazy that you can just
bump into someone like that

on the street after not having
seen them for... well, years.

I love it. That could
only happen in New York.

f*ck. Shit.
I don't have my phone.

- [laughs] How is that possible?
- I don't know,

I don't know, I must have
left it at brunch.

We'll go back and get it.

No, it's, like, ten blocks.
Just call it.


This is, like,
the fifth time this month

you have lost your phone.

Is this some kind
of a cry for help?

[Whitney] Yes,
I am in desperate need

of cell phone attention.

♪ ♪

[Ben] I love you, too.

[breath trembling]


What can I do?


Thank you, though.

Want to talk about it?

My-my dad had a heart attack
or a... a stroke.

He's in a coma now. No one knows
what's gonna happen.

I'm so sorry.

I have to figure out
a-a plane ticket.

I-I can do that.

You pack, and-and
I'll look for flights for you.

Where's your computer?

Never mind. I'll use my phone.

[chuckles] I don't even know
where you're from. Uh...

What's the best airport
for you to fly into?

You know what?
I can handle all of this.

Come on. You shouldn't
be alone right now.

Let me help you with this.

No, I'm fine. Thank you.

You don't have to be fine.

Something terrible
just happened. Let me help you.

You don't need to help me with
this. We barely know each other.

Okay. But, um, we just...

Had sex?

Uh, yes, we just had sex.

But that doesn't mean
we know each other.

You're right. I'm sorry.

Honestly, I-I think
you should just go.

Oh. Okay.

Let me just...

[door closes]

[Pam and Whitney chatter

[both laugh]

If you are game
for an adventure,

I have tickets
to this show at BAM.

[Robbie] What happened?

Uh, my-my... my dad's in a coma.

They don't, they don't know
what's gonna happen,

but I-I should... [sniffles]

I should get home
as soon as possible.

Yeah, okay. Um, how can I help?

[clears throat] Uh,
what about a-a plane ticket?

'Cause I-I can arrange that.

Just-just show me
where your, um,

show me where your computer is
and your credit card

and-and I-I'll just
book you a ticket.

And you can pack. Or, uh,
do you want to take a shower?

Are you-you hungry? 'Cause
I could, I could get something

- and...
- That-that is very sweet
of you, thank you.

Come here. I'm so sorry.


I'm sorry, did I,
did I do something wrong?

No, no, not at all.
I just, uh...

I am gonna hop
in the shower, actually.

That's a, that's a good idea.

Good, good. Just show me
where your computer is

and I'll-I'll book you a ticket.


[chuckles] I will handle that.

We just had
this great night tonight

and now this terrible thing
has happened,

so just let me help you
somehow, please.


I had a great time tonight.

And you're right, something...

really terrible did just happen.

So what would be most helpful to
me is if you would just leave.


[door closes]


[crying softly]



[door closes]

[indistinct chatter]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I tried soft and well ♪

♪ But I never have found out ♪

♪ Why I can't seem
to shake this feeling ♪

♪ It's like every time
a light hits the stage ♪

♪ I can't see past my own eyes ♪

♪ Oh, if I can't find it
in the subtle parts ♪

♪ Could I find it
in the silence? ♪

♪ Oh, break my silence ♪

[speaking inaudibly]

♪ How do I get past knowing
that things once done ♪

♪ Are forever done? ♪

♪ Oh, my breath just draws
in and out ♪

♪ Doesn't seem
to be catching on ♪

♪ If I can't find it
in the subtle parts ♪

♪ Could I find it
in the silence? ♪

♪ Oh, break my silence ♪

♪ And break through to me...

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[Whitney] Oh, hey, Terrence
and Hailey are at Milk & Hops

with some friends. Shall we?

- What friends?
- Uh, maybe one
very handsome gay guy

- we all think you should meet.
- Jesus.

Come on, just one drink.
We'll just say hello.

What's the harm?

- One drink.
- One drink.
- Ah!

Very good. Two drinks.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm... I'm good.

[Ford] What a perfect fall day.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪