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01x15 - Enemy of My Enemy

Posted: 03/07/14 08:20
by bunniefuu
STEPHEN: My name is Stephen Jameson.

I'm one of the Tomorrow People.

They call our powers the three T's.


CARA: Stephen?

STEPHEN: Telekinesis...

And teleportation.

There is a shadow w*r going on between us and Ultra...


... the secret organization that hunts us.

The only way to keep my species from going extinct is to find my father.

And the only way to do that is by working for the enemy.

JOHN: Previously on The Tomorrow People...


Julian is a nihilist.

An anarchist.

You know this guy?

Our paths crossed when I first got into town.

We didn't part on the best terms.

We do not t*rture people.

I'm not going anywhere.

New York is mine, bitch.


You overrode my leadership in front of everyone.

I am gonna do what I think is best for our people.

This attitude of yours is dangerous for all of us.

If you're gonna thr*aten to kick me out every time I step out of line, you should just do it already.

Pack your stuff. You need to go.










MAN 1: He's down. He's down. You all right?

MAN 2: Clear!

Made you some breakfast.

Oh, thanks sweetheart.

Can't a guy make breakfast for another guy?

I figure I got to earn my keep around here somehow.


Damn. That's really good.

It's the bread.

You gotta let it go stale to make French toast.

Saw it on a TV show.

Well, as nice as it is to see you tapping into your domestic side, you're avoiding dealing with Cara. You can't live like this forever.

(SIGHING) Look, if I'm in the way, just say the word.

It's not that.

Our people need you.

Maybe they're better off without me.

Cara kicked me out, remember?

And then she asked you to come back, and you said no.

You want to know what I think?

Not especially.

Too bad.

You're both being too stubborn to just let it go.

Face each other.

Look, you're welcome to stay here as long as you want.

But you belong with them.

And with Cara.

(STUTTERING) I don't mean, like, "With Cara."

With Cara, I just meant...

I know what you meant.

Cook her some breakfast.

Your French toast is ridiculous.


CHARLOTTE: Are you there, John?

Are you busy?


So how is everything?

CHARLOTTE: Good, I suppose.


But you're probably asking about Cara, right?

No, I was not.

But since you brought her up.

How is she?

She's not the same without you.

This whole place isn't the same.

So when are you coming back?

I don't know yet, Charlotte.

If you don't come back soon, I'm going to hate you forever.

I miss you too, Charlie.

Who you talking to?

No one.

So how is John, anyway?

It's okay.

I miss him too.

Then why don't you let him come back home?

Charlotte, I can't force him to come back if he wants to be on his own.

Why not?

You're in charge, right?

It doesn't work that way down here.

You can't bring someone in unless they're ready.

Hey, what the hell are you doing?

I believe this belongs to me.

And what do you need a cell phone for, anyway?

You're telepathic.


How do you know my name?

I read your mind.

You're crazy.

You need to listen to me very carefully.

There is a place for people like us where you'll be safe.

Off the streets, and away from Ultra.

So you've heard of them.


How do I know I can trust you?

What's up?

Um, what's up is you haven't been in school in a week.

Told you, I'm sick.

You did.

You look all right to me.

Oh. What, are you a doctor now?

Working for your crazy uncle?

Okay, so that's what this is about.

I fixed things with my uncle.

No one will ever come after you.

I promise.

Sorry, I'm probably contagious, I think you should go.

Oh, Julian, Julian, Julian.

I wish I could say I was surprised.

But, then again...

All roads lead to Ultra for your sort, don't they?

I have to tell you, when I heard you just popped in for a visit, at the most paranormally secure building on the planet, I thought it was a little bit too good to be true.

But then again, here you are.

Put down the damn needle.


You must suspect I got caught for a reason?

I don't have time for games.

I got nothing.

I lost my crew.

I lost my girl.

This is no way to live.

Being hunted like an animal.

Good news.

I take away your powers, Ultra leaves you alone.

You take away my powers, you're giving up your white whale.

Cara Coburn?

Her ragged group of rebels living right beneath your feet?

I can deliver them to you.

If you'd rather give me the needle, let's get it over with.

(SIGHS) We've got fresh food for three days.

Canned goods to last us a week.

Plus, we're running low on medical supplies.

Plus, we're out of the totally important stuff like beer and gummy bears.

I'm not talking about that supermarket crap, I mean the good German ones. Der Gummi.

Grab some people. We'll go topside tonight for provisions.

Can I come with you?

I want to help.

Not this time, honey.

We need you to hold down the fort until we get back.

What's going on?

Taking inventory.

If you want to help out, we could use the muscle.

Someone's got to carry the keg.

You know, it sounds like you got it under control.


You have this place spinning like a top.

I came here with news.

About Julian.

Please, tell me he died tasting his own blood.

Actually, he's at Ultra.

I figured he fled the city.

No one deserves the needle more than that sick bastard.

So, you're telling me when I run into him on the street, he won't have powers?

Should make our grudge match a whole lot of fun.

Still jonesing for revenge, huh?

You blame him?

Russell's got reason to hate Julian.

Almost as bad as he hates me.

Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore.


Thanks for the news.

JULIAN: What are they doing here?

I assume you're not gonna take my powers.

Well, you assume correctly.

Then why am I still strapped down, when I could be finding the Tomorrow People?

Well, let's just say I don't want to let you out of custody until I have an assurance that you're going to deliver on your promise.

Give me four men, and I'll bring you the whole g*ng tied up in a neat little bow.

And why should you succeed when my best Ultra agents have failed?

Because of that shifty little minx who's calling the sh*ts.


I taught her everything she knows about surviving in this city.

How to hide in plain sight.

When and where to find supplies.

If anybody can find her, it's me.

How's that for an assurance?


Yeah, I'm not feeling it.


What I've just injected into your sinus is an expl*sive charge.

It's not huge, but it'll k*ll you.

I thought we had a deal.

Oh, we do.

I'm just making sure it works out in my favor.


That's going to go off in 18 hours unless I desarm it.

What you do with that time is of course up to you, but if you don't bring Cara and her friends in... well, let's just say you won't have to worry about that headache anymore.

(IMITATES expl*si*n SOUND)



Aren't you supposed to be in school?

Aren't you supposed to be in your secret lair?

Wearing clothes?

Really though, why are you in Stephen's room?

Oh, just crashing for a bit.

I just needed a break, that's all.

Yeah, I know the feeling.

Is that why you're skipping school?

I was actually hoping to talk to Stephen.

Well, you got me.

You want to talk?

Why are you suddenly so interested in my life?

Well, you did pull a b*llet out of me.

A break from what?


The reason you're hiding out in Stephen's room, you said you needed...

Hey, no, we're talking about you now.

You want, uh, you want to meet up at the noodle bar?


That's kind of the problem.

I'm having a hard time getting out of the house.

I'll come to you then.



Nice house.



So, what's going on?



Stuff. Hmm.

Come on.

I don't know, I'm... not really sleeping.

Can't eat.

Haven't left the house since I got back to town.

That makes sense.

You were targeted by a hit squad.


I mean, most people would be total basket cases.


But you can't wear slippers the rest of your life.

I like these slippers.

They're nice slippers, but it's not what I meant.

Truth is...

I'm scared of being around Stephen.

I know it's not his fault.

But now that I've seen those things...

You can't unsee them.

And now you're wondering how you even leave the house, knowing you could be in the line of fire again.

You know, I ask myself the same thing every day.


And what do you have to be scared of?

Anything bad comes along, you can teleport out.

People like me, we die in car crashes and we get struck by lightning.

We can't run away from the bad things out there.

But, you take a leap of faith and you keep going anyway.

And maybe I can help.


First things first.

We find you some shoes.


Come on.

JOHN: I take it you've been on your own for a while.

Had a stint of living with others like us.

Didn't exactly pan out, so I figure better to rely on myself.

I get that.

But if I can find you, Ultra can find you.

We stand a better chance of surviving together, then we do apart.


And you want to help me.

Poor little damsel in distress, out of the goodness of your heart.

You're the best telepath I've ever met.

You can help us find others.

So you want to use me?

Maybe I'm not explaining myself right.

Is that why you won't let me inside your head, John?

Don't want me to figure out it's all a trap?


Next time you want to recruit a sweet, young telepath, don't corner her in an empty subway car.


Excuse me.

What happened to the guy that was in this room?

He's already out in the field.

Took agents out with him to go after a group of paranormals.

Right, now, remember, Tim's taking care of security, but any sign of trouble, you drop everything, we rendezvous back at the lair.

Seriously, if I don't get my gummy bears, I'm going to k*ll someone.

CARA: All right, let's get moving.

So many cold cuts, so little time.




Hello, Cara.

Figured you'd drag your rats here to refuel since I taught you about this place.

Easy in. Easy out.

You always were a creature of habit.

JULIAN: Go on. Juice her.

(SHOUTING) Come on, Cara.

I know you're still here.

You wouldn't want to leave your poor, defenseless little friends alone with me.

CARA: (THINKING) Russell, Ultra's here.

Why aren't you answering me?



We were ambushed.

It's Julian.

He's working with Ultra.

If Julian is here, let's roll the son of a bitch.

Hey. Free the others and get out of here, I gotta find Cara.


I know, I know.

Revenge can wait, Russell.



I'm not in the mood for hide and seek.



Why postpone the inevitable?

We gotta get out of here.

Everybody cool to teleport?

You okay?

What are you doing here?

I'm an Ultra agent, remember?

Got a call you needed backup.


Help load the prisoners.

My uncle's not gonna like that.

Okay, look. If this is some kind of exposure therapy, I get it.

Public transportation is terrifying.

Not nearly terrifying enough.

John, what are you doing?

Proving a point.

Fear doesn't have to own you.

Fear is something you can control.

I don't want to die.

Everyone dies, Astrid.

All you can do is make sure you're wearing the right shoes when it happens.

Do you trust me?

I know you're scared.

I'm scared too.

But I'm right here.

Count of three.




We're still alive.

Yeah, we are.

Thank you.

Uh, well you are certainly very good at dealing with life and death issues.

Look, I don't know why you're avoiding the lair.

But maybe you should face your fear. And... take your own leap of faith.

How the hell did Julian know where we were gonna be?

Our grocery grab.

I was borrowing a page from Julian's playbook.

And now he's working for Ultra. Wow.

Must have figured he could join forces.


Tim, where is that?

TIM: That's Stephen's neighborhood.

Charlotte asked me to locate it for her.

I do hope I haven't overstepped.

Where is she now, Tim?

Looking for John.


Can you hear me?


What's that?

Probably nothing.

It's a paranormal blip. We get them all the time.

Or one of Cara's rats who got lost on their way home?

I say we check it out.

Cool with that, Stephen?

Of course.

JULIAN: Get out.

What the hell are you doing?

Whatever happened back there at the store, I don't like it.

And as long as I got a b*mb in my brain, I'm only going to trust me.



John, Julian's on his way to my house, you got to get out of there.


Stephen, I'm not at your house.

Then Julian is...



Long time no see, little one.

Come here!



What happened?

I found you on the street.

Not far from where I found this.


Why didn't you tell me Julian was back?

I thought they were going to strip Julian of his powers.

(STAMMERING) I gotta get to Ultra.

Good luck.

Where are you going?

Where I should have been all along.


You had my clearance revoked.

Don't take it personally.

We will reactivate you just as soon as the operation's over.

He used to be the enemy. He's got a little girl handcuffed in there.

So, you're just gonna let him terrorize her?

Charlotte is unfortunately no stranger to our process.

How can you put more faith into some deranged psychopath, than in me?

I put a timed expl*sive device in Julian's head that I control.

That makes him inclined to do what I want him to do.

You don't have an expl*sive device in your head, Stephen.

And furthermore, you're compromised by your feelings for Cara.

I'm sorry. You fell in love with the wrong girl, a militant paranormal.

And that's why Julian has the mission and you don't.

I promised myself I wouldn't cry.

Welcome back, buddy.

Charlotte's missing.

I know.

She's been taken by Julian.

That's why I'm back.

She came looking for me. It's my fault.

Ultra's got her.

Then it's only a matter of time before they get inside her head and get everything they need.

Can we at least talk about this?

(SARCASTICALLY) Sure, let's talk.

Are you just here to get your g*n?

To say your goodbyes before you go get yourself k*lled?

And to say that I'm sorry for the way things are between us right now.

You are just gonna do the exact same thing, aren't you?

Would it even matter if I asked you not to go?


So nothing's changed.

Nothing's changed.

I still love you.

So this is goodbye.

What is your plan, you're gonna sh**t your way into Ultra to save Charlotte?

John, it is su1c1de.

I have to do this.



Two against one? How is that fair?

Should have stayed in hiding, John.


We gotta get out of here.

Why are you doing this?

I told you, we take care of each other.




All right, that's enough.

Just wrapping up, actually.

Don't worry.

I got everything I needed.

You know where the Tomorrow People are hiding?


And I'll gladly share that location with you as soon as you take this b*mb out of my head.

No, I didn't think so.

Time's ticking, Julian.

You want me to give up my only bargaining chip with no guarantee that you'll actually spare me.


No, thanks.

Think I'll stick to our original deal.


In that case, a fresh team of agents will be at your disposal.

No agents.

I want a k*ll squad.

In case they give me any trouble.

Look, Julian, I know you don't trust me...

Please, come with.

How could I say no to the boss' nephew?

(THINKING) Get out of there, Cara.

Julian's got a k*ll squad, and he's coming for you.

John, wait!

You're not gonna talk me out of it, Cara.

You don't understand. Ultra knows where we are.

They're coming. Now.

What's the location of our k*ll squad?

Central Manhattan. On the move, looks like.

Sir? It's him. Julian.


Hey, Jed. Remind me.

How can you be sure that the little b*mb you stuck up my snout's gonna k*ll me?

Well, Julian, it has the same expl*sive force as a grenade, so...

And, let's say...

If your nephew was standing right beside me.

Stephen's there?

I want an exact location on that k*ll squad now.

I thought you said no paranormals.

I did.

That's why I'm putting a suppression cuff on him.

So I can keep him close.

Deal stays the same, Julian.

I will uphold my half of the bargain.

And I expect you to uphold yours.

Your nephew's life depends on it.

Must be underground.

Everyone's headed to the safe house in Far Rockaway.

I want you to go with them.

I'm not going anywhere.

I need you at the safe house.

Somebody has to be there to keep everybody calm.

They'll be fine. I'm staying.

John, this is exactly why things fell apart for us before.

Why's that?

Because you are so damn stubborn.

I'm stubborn?

You don't respect my decisions.

That is not true.

I am in charge down here and I gave you an order, I want you at the safe house now, I am not going to repeat myself.

I'm not going anywhere.

Damn it, John. Why are you doing this?

Because after finding you, and building this place up from nothing, together, and turning it into a shelter, and then a home for us, can't you see?

This is where I belong.

By your side. No matter what happens to us.

Take this off my wrist, I will help you level the playing field.

Shh. We're getting close.

This is where we get off.


And then, there were three.

Everyone else has teleported to the safe house.

We're taking inventory of our arsenal.

Julian will be here soon.

What is all this stuff?

Most of it is Roger's. Pieces of experiments.

I haven't been able to throw any of it out.

Got about a dozen D chips here.

Which will only suppress our powers, not the human k*ll squad.

Here we go.

RUSSELL: That's what I'm talking about.

Lock and load, Johnny.

Put the g*ns away.

I've got another plan.

Try again for another positioning signal.

Sir, there's been no contact in seven minutes. They're too deep.


How much time do we have left?

Six minutes, 12 seconds. Would you like me to disable the b*mb?

If I wanted you to disable the b*mb, I would have told you to disable the b*mb.

Signal, give me a signal.


So this is their hideout.

Where is everybody? We're running out of time.

This isn't about the Tomorrow People, Julian, this is about you and me.

You can take me in to Ultra, it's time for this to be over.

I'm not here to arrest you, Cara.

No one has to die here.

Can you bring Nelly back from the grave?

Then I beg to differ.

I didn't k*ll her.

You are so bent on revenge, you would turn against your own kind, some day that'll catch up with you.

Blah, blah, blah, blah. Would somebody sh**t her already?


(g*n FIRING)


I knew you were a rat.

But thanks for the confirmation.


She's still here.

I can feel her.

Poor thing.

All of her friends have left her.

That's not quite true.

JULIAN: Hold your fire!

He's just trying to disorient you.


Oh hey, Julian.

Remember me?

What are you waiting for? sh**t!

I thought you said hold your fire.

This is getting confusing.

RUSSELL: Make up your mind, Julian!

Time's running out.

This way.

Enough with the games, Cara.

You know you can't k*ll me anyway.

I don't have to.


CARA: The glass is bulletproof, Julian.


You let me out of here, I won't say anything about this to your uncle.

Hey, Julian, remember what happened when you caught me in your house?

Now, you're in my house.

Mission should have been over by now.

Stop the countdown.

I said stop the b*mb.

We've just lost contact with the device.

It's too far underground.



Don't do this, all right? I'm begging you.

I made a mistake.

I'm one of you.

(YELLING) You can't do this to me!

You did this to yourself.




Everything all right, sir?



What happened?

Where's Julian?

I was just about to ask you the same thing.

The minute I got on the train, he knocked me out.

I woke up a half an hour ago, riding the G Line.

Lucky for you.

So you let the b*mb go off?

I did.

No word from the k*ll squad either.

I'm glad Julian's no longer with us, he was too dangerous to be out on the street.

Happy you're back, though.

I want this w*r to end, Stephen.

I would... (SIGHING)

I would do anything to see it finished.

What about the little girl?


I'm sending her back to the Citadel.

Where else?

You know, you say this w*r is to protect humanity, you don't know the first thing about being human.


I just want to go home!

Please, I just want to go home.

You got it, Charlotte.


Buckle your seatbelt, sweetie.

I like to drive pretty fast.


Oh, I hope you're not going to school looking like that.

Please, let yourself in.

I thought you were sick.

Yeah, well I'm feeling better now.

It was John, actually.

Helped me to see it was all up here.


'Cause I don't want my other life to come between us.

I don't know what I would do without you, Astrid.

Me either. (CHUCKLING)

All right. Oh, um...

So, you and John, huh?

Mmm. Yeah.


Go get ready.

You know what the scariest part of this whole thing was?

Having to look you in the eye and see what we've lost.

It's terrifying.

I guess that's why I couldn't bring myself to come back.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

I'm still here.

We're all still here.

I feel like everything we've worked so hard to build here is somehow broken.

Then we will build it again.


You're back.

Yeah, Charlie, I am.

So are you.

So are you.


TIM: Hello, Stephen.

Hey, Tim, do you know where I can find John or Cara?

Oh, dear, I'm afraid, yes, I do.

Okay, would you like to tell me?

I was told to keep it a secret.

Let's just say Cara and John are together, and, well... indisposed.


That's good.

Do me a favor though, Tim?

Anything, Stephen.

Remind me not to tell you any secrets.

What is all this stuff?

According to John, remnants of your father's various experiments.


What is this?

Your father never told me.

But it does rather seem to like you, doesn't it?