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02x21 - Boy of Fact & Fiction

Posted: 02/04/23 18:03
by bunniefuu
Having gained the power of Seiryu…

…Kutou has launched
an att*ck on Konan.

The Lady Miaka and the surviving
members of the Suzaku Seven…

…joined the battle against
the armies of Kutou.

However, because
the power of Suzaku…

…has been sealed away by
Lady Yui, the Priestess of Seiryu…

…the Suzaku Seven had no
way to defend against them.

After they just barely managed
to k*ll Soi of the Seiryu Seven…

…the Lady Yui used
her second wish to Seiryu!

Take Miaka and myself back
to our world at once!


And then, a miracle occurred!

It’s up to you now, Tetsuya…

It can’t be… Why…?

What’s Tamahome doing here?
In the real world?!

Is it a dream? An illusion?

I can’t believe it, but…
He did it…

Tamahome made it out of the book!

Hey! Takahashi?

What do I do? I know we
can’t stay here in the school…

…but where am I supposed to
take Tamahome…? Of course!

God… I’m wiped out and
it’s all Miaka’s fault!

Hello, Yuki residence.

Big Brother!

Miaka! Miaka, is that you?!

Yui? When did you get back?
I’ve been so worried!

Just leave me alone!
I’m tired!


Lady Yui, take this.

It’s my earring.

If for any reason we’re separated,
it will allow us to communicate.

If I put the other
one into Tomo’s shell…

…it will pull in your life
force and allow us to talk.

If anything should happen,
I’ll come to you at once.

Forgive me, Nakago.

For abandoning you all
in the middle of a battle…

att*ck! The ramparts
are almost breached!

— The ramparts!
— They’re falling!


Here is where
I shall k*ll you all!

Damn it all! What’ll we do?!

Tamahome and Miaka
have disappeared!

There’s nothing we can
do against him now!

Suboshi, what are you
waiting for?! k*ll them!

Lady Yui…

There’s nothing to fear.
We shall see Lady Yui again.

Who are you?

Excuse me! Yes, who is it?

It’s an incredibly dashing fellow here
to save his boss from a tight pinch!

Oh, how wonderful!
Come on in!

Thank you.


Konan bandits…
This has grown tiresome.

Suboshi! We’re leaving!

Hey! Come back here!

Forget him. We’d have
no chance against him.


It’s been a while, Genro!

How’s it been, Koji?

Man, that was close!

Oh, what happened to the
Priestess of Suzaku? She okay?

Well… About that…

I don’t believe it. A person from
the book actually came out of it?

What’s with you now?

You were the one who carried
him back here, weren’t you?

Anyway, how and when did you
get back from inside the book?

Yui summoned Seiryu…

And I think she used the
power to wish me back here.

I think she was trying to
separate Tamahome and me.

You mean Yui’s come
back here, too?

I don’t know. What have you
been doing, Big Brother?

Where’s “The Universe
of the Four Gods”?

Oh, yeah!

You have no idea what I’ve been
through for the last two days!

I’m home!

What are you two doing,
standing out here in the hall?

Oh, uh… Nothing!

Mom… It’s been months
since I’ve seen her.

What’s with you?
Are you hungry?

That’s right.
For me it’s been months…

…but for her we’ve only been
apart for a couple of nights.

Whoa, thank God…

I was trying to think of what
we’d do if she found him in there!

Big Brother, the way you’re
acting’ll definitely tip her off.

Right, I see.
Sorry to bother you.

Yui has come back, too.
But her mom said…

…she had to do something and
went out a little while ago.

I see… As long as
“The Universe of the Four Gods”…

…is with Ohsugi and the others,
there should be no problem…

Suzuno Ohsugi.
Tetsuya and I went to see her.

And what happened to Suzuno?!


She’s gone…


It’s all true?!




It was all okay…
It took so long…

But they were still happy!

Both of them!
And even now, they’re happy…!

At the very end,
they were together.

After that, that guy Toki
offered to help us…

…and right now he and Tetsuya
are researching the book.

I couldn’t let Mom worry…

…so I came back here
first and then you called.

Tamahome, you’re awake?


What is this? What is
all this?! Where am I?!

Where’s Tasuki and
the others?! Where’s Nakago?!

Tamahome, calm down!
This is my home.

Tamahome, we both
traveled to my world!

To… your world…?

We have to go back!
We have to go back right now!

Chichiri and the others and
all of Konan are in danger!

Miaka, hurry up and get ready!
We’re going back! Where’s my armor?

What? But…

To go back, we need to open
“The Universe of the Four Gods.”

But Tamahome doesn’t know
he’s a character in a book.

What’ll I do?

Hi there, Tamahome!
How do you do?

I’m Keisuke Yuki, Miaka’s brother.

I’m really happy to meet you!

You’re even cooler than
I pictured you’d be!

Can I get your autograph later?

Big Brother, quit clawing him!

I know you’re worried about
Tasuki and the others…

…but I’m afraid we don’t
know how to send you back yet.

You somehow crossed dimensions
and came to this world.

First of all, we need to
solve that mystery.

Big Brother, hold it!

Come on, how else should
I explain it to him?

“The Universe of the
Four Gods” isn’t here!

Your friend’s on the phone!

That’s gotta be Tetsuya.

Okay, Tamahome, just stay
here a bit and rest, okay?

Can’t I go back…? I wonder
if everyone’s all right.

Tamahome! Tell me,
why did you come here?

When it happened…

In the instant your body
vanished in that blue light…


I just thought “I won’t
let you go anywhere”…

…and grabbed on as
tight as I could!

And he came with me
out of the book.

So, this is the world
where you were born…

Yeah! Yeah, it’s true!
Miaka’s come back…

…and she brought someone from the
book with her into the real world!

This is just too amazing!
Isn’t it incredible?!

Love can cross dimensions!

You shouldn’t get too moved
by all this, Keisuke.

The situation isn’t as
“cute” as you think it is.

I don’t know if what’s
happened there is to blame…

…but OUR world’s just moved
into this story, too!

This book takes the actions
of the main characters…

…and turns it into
the story, right?

Well, I’m reading what’s happening
in your house here in the book!

This conversation
we’re having right now…

…is turning into a
sentence before my eyes.


“…the girl’s brother
exclaimed loudly”…


So, you’re saying
that WE’RE now characters…

…in “The Universe
of the Four Gods”!

Don’t get too happy! I just found
a disturbing sentence in here.

I’ll read it. “And now,
a new darkness is…”

“…about to cross the dimensions
to the young girls’ world.”

“One who possesses a life
force of tremendous evil.”

“Who seeks to put all
the world at his feet.”

“One who wishes to become a
god is now about to appear.”

You don’t mean…!

Tamahome… You mean you did
it so we wouldn’t be apart?

I promised you, didn’t I?
That we would live together.

That I’d create any miracle
we needed to keep that promise.

Tamahome! It’s true!
It’s really true!

You really are here, right?!
I feel like I’m dreaming!

Sure! I’m right here.
Right by your side, right?

His warmth…
The warmth of his skin…

The sound of his heartbeat.

It’s not a dream.
We’re not in the book.

Tamahome’s here… He’s here!

How…? How can
Tamahome be here?!

It can’t be true… How can
one of the book’s characters…?!

No! I won’t let even the
laws of heaven b*at us!

If Miaka can’t stay
in this world, then I…

Then I’ll go to Miaka’s world!

I thought I’d separated them…
And now…!

If anything should happen,
I’ll come to you at once.

I’m not going to let
this go on, Miaka!

That’s right… I came back to
the real world from the book.


He really came out of the
book into the real world.

He made a miracle
happen, all for me…

Hey there, Newlywed.

What are you doing sleeping
next to him, you pervert?!

Well, I’m off. Miaka, don’t
slack off on studying…

…for your exams just
because it’s Sunday.

There’s not going to be
any highschool for me, Mom.

I’ve decided to live
my life with Tamahome.

I’m going back into
the book with him.

Still, it’s going
to be such a shock…

…when he finds out he’s
a character in a book.

Okay. It’s safe
to come out now.

Tamahome! Want some
rice for breakfast?

You’ll like that better
than hot cakes, right?

I can make a simple meal.

Uh… Sure.

Don’t do it, Tamahome!
You wanna lose your stomach?

What’s that?

A T.V. Television. You use the
remote control for it like this, and…

Huh? Look at all the people
there are inside this box!

It’s all ready! I made some
for you, too, Big Brother.

Uh, look! You use the
remote like this and…!

Whoa! Look at all the
stuff in this box!

Eat it!

Um… Keisuke, right?

Do you still not know how
to send me back to my world?

Well, I figured it out, but…


Big Brother!

Actually, I’ll be meeting
Tetsuya in Shibuya today.

He’s got “The Universe
of the Four Gods.”

Then we’ll explain
things to him, okay?

We don’t want to shock
him too much, right?

Besides, we have to
get him some good food…

…at one of the
restaurants down there.

We can’t have him thinking THIS
is what we like in this world!

I’ve done it! I’ve done it,
Miaka! Take a look!

You look like a freak,
Big Brother.

You shut up.


He looks better than some of
the actors you see. Cool, huh?

He said I shouldn’t go outside
in my armor for some reason.

Does it suit me?

Oh, MAN, does it suit you! I’d never
guess you were a character from—

Yui? Yui, are you sure
you’re not sick?

Maybe we should have
the doctor look at you.

I’m fine! Leave me alone!

Nakago! Nakago, answer me.

Yes, I’m here.


It’s Lady Yui.

Where?! Where is she?!

Calm down. Here.

Lady Yui, can you hear my voice?

Nakago! Can you see me?!

Yes, I see you clearly.

Lady Yui!

Suboshi, you too.

Nakago, forgive me for suddenly
going back here like that.

But it’s all right.
I’m saving my final wish for you.

I’m in no condition
to make it, though.

What’s wrong, Lady Yui?

Making an educated guess,
I’d say… Is it Tamahome?

Nakago, I…

I thought I’d finally separated
Miaka from Tamahome!

But, somehow, Tamahome
ended up here! Why?

Why can’t I win
against those two?!

Why him more than me…?
Even though we were friends…

Even though we’ve been together
since we were children…!

Who is it you love?
That girl or Tamahome?

Tamahome? Yes, I loved him.

But… I… I…!

Nakago, please come to me soon!
I can’t bear this alone!

I can’t bear it with
those two together!

Lady Yui…

While I would like
to come to you quickly…

…there are still things
I must do here.

Why?! You said you’d
come to me at once!

At the moment,
there is someone…

… who needs to go to you
more desperately than I.

What?! Miaka and Tamahome
have disappeared?!

It’s true. They suddenly vanished
into this blue light…!

Mitsukake was hurt real bad.
Chichiri’s taking care of him.

We got back here by taking a
back road only bandits know about.

We managed to turn
back the first wave!

But the second wave
is already too close…

…and if the ramparts fall,
we’re finished!

Highness! The bandits of Mt. Reikaku
pledge their assistance!

I know those two’ll come back!
We just have to hold out till then.

Very well, I see! I’m going out
to lead the army personally!

I want you to go on ahead
and prepare for that.

Yes, Highness!

Take this and think of me.

Has she gone back to her world?
And taken Tamahome?

If so, perhaps it’s for the best.

At least the two of you can be
happy there, in a peaceful world.

Miaka! This carriage moves
so fast! Look at it out there!

It’s not a carriage,
it’s a TRAIN, Tamahome…

God, he’s like a little kid!

He’s been like this
since we went outside!

What do you expect?
His world’s like ancient China.

Seeing th century civilization
must be a huge culture shock for him.

I guess so…

For whose sake are you born?
For what purpose do you live?

Within Tamahome’s heart
as he is wracked with torment…

…exists one last hope.
It is the Lady Miaka.

He has risked his body,
his soul, all that he has…

…on a love he knows is real.

For that was the proof
of Tamahome’s existence.

Next time, “Repose of
the Soul’s Light.”

Now, there is no doubt…