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1x09 - Nothing to Fear

Posted: 03/08/14 03:01
by bunniefuu
Previously in Wonderland...

I've never met a human quite like you, Alice.

I've never met a genie quite like you.


Cyrus. He's alive.

Once long ago, I got you back your heart.

Now... you need to help me get back mine.

What we want can't be accomplished until the girl's made all her wishes.

I love you, Anastasia.

I love you, Will Scarlet.

People of Wonderland, I give you... your Queen.

[ Cheering ]


Cyrus: Today's the day we get out of here.

Stay strong, Alice. I'm coming for you.

All I have to do is follow the sun West, and I'll find you.

I'm Elizabeth.

But most people call me Lizard.

Will and I... we just ran together.

Sounds like you two were close friends.



[ Chuckles ]

You see that storm coming?

That is Jafar, and he's coming for us.

Why would he be after you? You're his partner.

Was his partner.

Tell me why you made an alliance with a madman.

I wanted you.

I want you back.

Look out!

[ Crackle ]

[ Groans ]

[ Gasps, groaning ]

What happened? Is he...

[ Whoosh ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Gasps ]

I can save her!

I wish... to end Alice's suffering.

[ Whoosh ]

[ Gasps ]

My binds... they're gone.

Alice, I'm free.

Will, you're a genius.

Where is he?

He's gone.

Where's the bottle?

Ah, bloody hell.

[ Grunting ]

Bloody hell!

[ Thud ]


[ Whoosh ]

[ Gasping ]

Lizard? Whoa!


I thought you were dead!

[ Scoffs ]

I thought you were stone.

What were you doing in there?

Long story, involves magic.

Even if I understood it... which I don't...

I definitely don't have time to explain it.

You're leaving?

Last I saw, Alice and Cyrus were in real trouble.

I have to make sure they're safe.

But you just got here.

I know. We'll catch up later.

I've just got to...

Will, wait!

[ Grunts ]

What just happened?

Bloody hell.

I think these are for you.

What are they?


Mistress mine, my will is thine.

Tell me your wishes three.


I'm pretty sure I'm a genie, Lizard.

And I'm your master.

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland 1x09

Nothing to Fear

Original air date March 6, 2014

[ Birds chirping ]



I can hardly tell what's real and what's a dream.

You were in a deep sleep.

But I promise, you're very much awake.

See? Totally real.

[ Smooches ]

We're together.

We did it.

You did it, Alice.

Anastasia: Ugh. You two are even more insufferable together.

Do you know that?

What are you doing here?

Alice, wait!

Don't thr*aten me, darling.


Now, we can work together, or we can perish together.

Why on earth would we work with her?

She doesn't remember.

Or maybe she just doesn't care.

What are you two talking about?

Wait... why are you two even talking at all?

The Knave. We have to save him.

The... why do we need to save him?

Same old Alice, only thinking about herself.

One more word, and I'll let her give you what you deserve.

The wish you gave to the Knave... he used it to end your suffering.

And as a result, he not only saved your life, he granted me my freedom.

Unfortunately, as you know, magic always comes at a price.

And a bottle always has to have a genie inside.

Oh, no.

So Will, he's...

I'm afraid so.

[ Sighs ]

That's why we can't leave Wonderland.

Not yet.

We have to save him.

"We" don't have to do anything.

You're not seriously considering...


If there's one thing I know from being a genie, it's what people wish for in their heart of hearts.

[ Sighs ]

And I am telling you, the Queen wants the same thing as you do... to be with the one she loves.

To be with Will.

Besides, if you want to find him before Jafar does, you need all the help you can get.

And having a little bit of magic on our side might prove to be useful.

[ Sighs ]

Very well, then.

We find the bottle, we save the Knave.

And then get the hell out of Wonderland.

The Red Queen's reign is over!

I'm the master of Wonderland now.

Enjoying the view, father?

Now you can watch me sit on the throne you didn't believe I deserved.

A throne is made when the man who sits upon it is worthy.

Where you sit, Jafar, is nothing more than a large chair.

And you, father?

Do you believe you were worthy?

More so than you.

You tried to m*rder your own son.

If only I had succeeded... the world would be a far better place.

Remove him!


Or should I say, Your Majesty?

[ Chuckles ]

You're back.

[ Sighs ]

You'd better have some good news.

My men spent all night searching, but no luck.

They'll head out again after they get some rest.


The third wish has been made.

The genie is back in his bottle.

Get more men. Raise an army if you have to!

I need that bottle now, before someone else finds it.

I've tried, but word's gotten out working for you tends to... shorten one's life expectancy.

So does failing me.

And you have failed spectacularly.


There might be one way to get what you want.

Tell me.

There's an ancient creature, imprisoned for a hundred years.

Most are afraid to even speak its name for fear it might return.

Go on.

It's more powerful than any army.

And once you tell it what you want, nothing, no one can stop it.

But I beg you not to...

I need a name.

[ Sighs ]

It is called... the Jabberwocky.

So, if the bottle rolled down this hill...

It most likely ended up here.

Cyrus: In the river.

Must we walk directly in the mud?

What's the matter, Queen?

Or is it only your hands you don't mind getting dirty?

Cyrus, you should really teach your girlfriend some manners... before someone else does.

Chances are the bottle carried downstream.

We keep to the path of the river, we'll find Will.

Alice, are you all right?

Yes. I'm fine.

Are you sure?

Of course I am.


I can't even begin to imagine what you went through to get back here.

How did you get back here?

Rabbit and the Knave came and got me out.

Out? From where?

From England.

Um, they told me you were alive and they brought me back to find you.

But what about you?

How long were you in Jafar's prison?

I can only imagine how horrible it was.

We just have some catching up to do.

We just need to talk. That's all.

We won't always be in such close quarters with the Red Queen.

We'll find time to be together.

I know.

It's just... [breathes deeply] she's so... devious.

[ Rustling ]



Where is she?

I don't know. She was right behind us.

[ Sighs ]

I can't believe I fell for it again.

Alice, we don't know...

Yes, we do.

A tiger doesn't change its stripes.

All right.

So, what's her plan... off to find the Knave on her own?


The more important question is why?

Lizard: Why risk your life going back for Alice and Cyrus?

I mean, you promised you'd help them get back together, and now they're together.

For all you know, they already hightailed it out of Wonderland.

You've got a point there.

I'm just saying you've been through a lot, fulfilled all your obligations.

Don't you think you deserve a little "Knave time"?

Well... I could use a chance to catch me breath.

How about this?

You grant me my first wish, and then you can run off, do whatever you want.

[ Indistinct conversation ]

Fair enough.


Let's see.

I wish...

Wait! Be careful!

There's rules to this genie business... very, very important rules.

Like what?

Like rules I'm trying bloody hard to remember.

Uh, right.

I'm not allowed...

[ Sighs ]

I can't...

Something about...

Here we go.

I can't make anyone fall in love.

Oh. Well, um... okay.

How about this instead?

You tell me something you want, and I'll wish it for you.

You serious?

Sure. For old times' sake.

That's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me.

Well, I don't want it to be too big.

There's consequences in that.

But something small, something safe, something like... a beer.

An ice-cold beer.

Even better... beers for everyone in the village!

[ Crowd cheers ]

One diamond pin!

[ Crowd cheers ]

One ring... looks like rubies!

[ Crowd cheers ]

This'll feed us for months.

The question is... what do we do with her?

Where am I?

Who are you people?

You people?

Did you hear that? "You people."

[ Laughs ]

D... don't you know who I am?!

Why do you think we h*jacked you?

Of course we know who you are, or, rather, who you used to be before Jafar threw you out of your fancy silver palace.

He didn't throw me out of the palace.

I abandoned it!

Just like you abandoned us!

[ Crowd shouting ]

You took our harvests, let terrifying creatures take over our fields.

You're the reason we're hungry.

You're the reason we're suffering.

And now you... darling...

...will be the one to suffer.

[ Crowd shouting ]


You were so useful to me.

[ Sighs ]

Sorry to see you didn't come out... ahead.

[ Gasping ]

Oh, thank you, Sire.

That is much more comfortable.

Now tell me where I can find the Jabberwocky.

The Jabberwo... wo... why? What... what...

I ask the questions, Tweedle.

Show me where to find it.

I would be more than happy to... help.

But with me not having a body, I'm afraid it's just not possible, is it?

[ Grunts ]

Anything is possible, Tweedle.


Would you like to be able to walk again?

Of course.

Then help me.

And I'll help you.

[ Gasps ]

It took 500 men and Wonderland's most powerful magic to imprison the Jabberwocky.

I must beg you, Sire, as your humble servant, do not do this.

Yet it's precisely your fear, your willingness to do anything to avoid facing it, that I find so intriguing about this creature.

You see... there's something in Wonderland that I want... a genie.

And, quite honestly, I've grown tired of hunting for him.

But perhaps with this creature at my side, with the threat of releasing it, I won't have to hunt any longer.

Because all of Wonderland will be falling over itself to bring him to me.

[ Grunting ]

And then Alice and her genie friend won't just be up against me.

They'll be up against everyone.

[ All chanting "Knave!" ]

[ All cheer ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

You are scandalous, you are, Isabella!

I told you!

Hell of a brew, that was.

Exactly what we wished for, huh?

Can't remember the last time people were pleased to see me.

"Don't steal the tarts, Knave! Off with your head, Knave!"

These people love me.

Couldn't have done it without you, Lizard.

Now what are we gonna wish for next?

Well, I thought you said we had to be careful.

We are being careful! Do you see any consequences?

I don't see any consequences.

I mean, I'm sure I'll have a hangover in the morning, but I don't think that has anything to do with the wish.

Now we've got to come up with something that you want.

I'm working on it.


I have no idea what Cyrus was complaining about.

Being a genie is bloody fantastic.

We shouldn't be looking for the Red Queen.

We should be looking for the Knave.

He's the one in danger.

The sooner we find him, the sooner we can leave Wonderland and start our life together.

But what if something's happened to her?

The only thing that's happened is she's gone off to get the bottle on her own.

Over there... broken branches.

And look... a piece of her dress.

Signs of a struggle.

Well, there's no trail.

Well, that doesn't mean there isn't one.

Find me some moss from the North side of a tree.

What are you up to?

Just a little bit of magic.

A stone as white as moonlight.


[ Sighs ]

An owl's is better, but this'll have to do.

Moss from the North side of a tree.

[ Sighs ]

Locus mirabilis.

[ Gasps ]

[ Twinkle ]

What's it doing?

Looking for its owner.

It should lead us right to her.

I thought you weren't magical anymore.

I'm not. It's a simple location spell.

Anyone could learn it.

Who taught you?

My mother.

She taught all of us.

I wish I could have met your family.

I do, too.

But I'm afraid they've been lost to me for a very long time.

Anyway, enough of what we've lost.

Let's see what we can find.
[ Wind whistling ]

I'm told this is the location that holds the Jabberwocky.

Turn back.

No good comes from entering this godforsaken place.

I am the ruler of Wonderland now.

Step aside... if you want to live.

You must turn back.

[ Whoosh ]

Are you really willing to die to protect this beast?

I'm not here to save it. I'm here to save you.

I appreciate your concern... but as you can see, I can take care of myself.

You're a fool.

The only thing waiting in that prison... is death.

Death and I have already met.

Send him my regards.

[ Bones crack ]

I'm not the monster that you think I am!

Once upon a time, I was... I was one of you.

I know what it's like to be poor and desperate and angry at the lot you have in life!

I know.

Then why didn't you listen to our pleas for help?

Every winter, we begged for protection from the creatures who invaded our village searching for food.

Well, tonight... we will finally have something decent to feed them.

All: Yeah!

We can't just leave her there.

We don't even know what they're planning.


Though I grant it's not looking good.


If we were the ones tied to stakes, do you think she'd lift a finger to help us?

Well, you're right. She wouldn't.

But we're not her.

Anastasia: Think about what you're doing.

Feed me to these creatures tonight, tomorrow you will be no better off than you are today.

But you hold me to ransom, and the reward that I'll fetch will fill your bellies for years to come.

I'm worth more alive than I am dead.

All right. Who?

Who would pay to save your life?

I'm the Queen! Surely somebody would!

Give us a name.

Well... n... no one.

We'll pay.

[ Crowd murmuring ]

True, the Red Queen has done terrible things.

She ruled you by fear.

Now the tables have turned, and you want the same.

All: Yeah!

You are good, honest people.

But if you k*ll her tonight, in cold blood, well, then you're no better than she is.

How much are you gonna pay for her?

Do you have any...


It was really more of a metaphor...

Move along, strangers, and leave us to our business.

We're not leaving without the Queen.

Then you'll suffer the same fate.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Well, nice try, darlings.

I suppose I should take this opportunity to say "thank you."

For what?

It appears you two are the only two people in Wonderland that care whether I live or die.

[ Creatures howling ]

We need to get rid of these torches.

The creatures... that's what they're drawn to.

They're drawn to the light.

[ Strained ]

I'm trying to reach.

Try harder!

[ Creature growling ]

I can't believe it.

We've barely been together a day, and this is how it's going to end.

[ Creatures growling ]

What are those things?

And that would be the mome raths.

[ Gasps ]

[ Creatures growling ]

[ Gasps ]

Anastasia: The flames are almost out, but they're still coming!

[ All gasping ]

[ Grunts ]

Alice, it's your necklace!

I've never seen it glow like that.

That's really lovely, but get rid of the damn thing!

Throw it!

[ Grunts ]

Well done!


Alice, leave it! We have to go now!

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Are you enjoying yourself?

It might be the best night of my life.

Which begs the question... what are you doing in here all by yourself?

Oh, I get it.

I think I understand what's going on here.

You fancy someone.

I knew it! All right. Out with it.

Name the lucky bloke out there who caught your eye.

I'll never tell.

Who helped Alice get together with Cyrus?

I did. And now they're off living their happily ever after.

So, clearly I know a thing or two about helping women in love get what they want.

You told me yourself you can't make anyone fall in love with me.

Yeah, but I can help in other ways, genie ways.

Make him notice you.

I mean really notice you.

Well, you tell me, then.

What makes you notice a girl?


Let me think... confidence.

Confidence is a terribly sexy quality in a woman.

All right. What else?

Passion. Spontaneity.

Willing to take chances, explore new places, and style.

She should really know how to wear a dress.

And a naughty streak don't hurt.

But it all comes down to this... when I see her, it feels like fireworks are going off.



Because without that, there's nothing.

All right, then. I want that.

I want all of that. That's my second wish.

All right, then!

I think I can give that a go.

[ Whoosh ]

[ Gasps ]

[ Fireworks exploding ]

All right, then. Let's go out there and show these lads the girl they've been missing.

I'd rather stay in here.

Oh, come on! What are you so afraid of?

I'm afraid that the man I like doesn't feel about me the way I feel about him.

Have you seen yourself?

He'd be a complete and utter idiot, and blind to boot.

If you don't want to go out there, I'll bring him back here for you.

No. Wait.

Tell me who he is, then.

It's you, Will.

It's always been you.

You made the right choice.

If you hadn't have sacrificed that necklace, we'd all be dead right now.

It shouldn't matter.

It's just an object, nothing more.


This just... it isn't how I saw our first day together.

I went through hell to find you, and there were days I thought I'd never see you again.

And... and now that we're finally together...


I'm afraid.

What are you afraid of, Alice?

I'm afraid that the battles will never end.

I'm afraid there will always be one more mission, one more thing preventing us from being alone together, from truly having our happy ending.

[ Fireworks exploding ]

W... what's that?


But it doesn't make sense.

Why not?

That's one of the poorest villages in the kingdom.

They can barely afford food.

They certainly can't afford this.

Maybe they could... if someone wished for it.

And if someone made a wish...

Then we just found our genie.

Fiat lux.

Jabberwocky: Why are you here?

I understand you have great power.

[ Laughs ]

There's something in Wonderland I need to find.

Listen to all your silly words.

You're jabbering.

I've brought more than words today.

I have the power to set you free.

Jabber, jabber, jabber. You're already so afraid.

And I haven't even opened the door yet.

What door?

The one... inside your head.

[ Chuckles ]

Everyone has a door like this, where you keep all your most terrifying thoughts, your greatest fears.

I've been around dark magic most of my life.

You'll have no luck getting inside my head.

[ Laughs ]

I'm not worried about getting inside your head.

Don't you see? I'm already in there.


That sounds quite festive.

And if I know Will, he'll be in the very center of it.


Maybe he's just inside his bottle, and his master won't be very cooperative when he hears we want to take his genie away from him.

We're better off splitting up.

We'll cover more ground that way.

Are you sure?

What's to stop one of us from finding the bottle and just running off?

I guess we'll all simply have to trust each other.

Alice, wait.

Well, we need to find the Knave, and I don't want to come in second.

Of course.

We have to find him, and we will. But first...

I know how hard it was for you to part with the necklace.

But that was a symbol of our past.

Our life together now is about our future.

I know.

It's just all those days and nights I spent searching for you, that necklace was the only thing that ever made me feel truly connected to you.

Well, then...

[ Inhales sharply ]

...maybe you need something else.

You know, we were rudely interrupted at the Boiling Sea.

I never had a chance to give you... this.

[ Chuckles ]

I believe I was about to ask you a question.

I said yes so quickly, I didn't let you make your speech.

It was gonna be about me risking my life for you and making sure that nothing would ever keep us apart.

But we've done that now.

What do I say to a woman who's traveled worlds and risked her life to find me?

For now, and for all the years to come, whether we're battling mome raths or fighting evil sorcerers... or just watching the clouds make their way across the sky, I will love you.

And every moment will be a thrilling adventure for me because I'll be spending it with you.

Alice... will you marry me?


And yes, again and again, forever.

Now you don't have to be afraid anymore.

I guess I was right.

The bloke you fancy is a complete and utter idiot.

Lizard, I'm sorry.

No. It's all right. I'm fine, really.

Look, you know I like you. I always have.

You're a terrific mate, and we've always had the best times together.

It's just...

You don't love me.

It's not just that. I don't love anyone.

I can't love anyone, not anymore.

It doesn't have to be love.

I just... I just wish you could at least feel something for me, anything.

What's happening?

You've made your third wish!

Take it back!


No! No!

No! No! No! No!

Please, no! Liz! Liz!

Will: No!

[ Gasping ]

I just wanted you to feel something for me.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

[ Sighs ]

Liz! No!

I'm sorry.

[ Crying ]

[ Indistinct conversation ]

[ Gasps ]

Oh, dear.



No sign of the Knave or the bottle.

Well, perhaps the Red Queen's found them.

You really trust she'd bring it back if she did?

I do now.

Where did you find it?

Your friend the Lizard. She had it.

[ Gasps ]

What did you do to her?



She was dead when I found her.

[ Scoffs ]

If you don't believe me, we can ask the genie, if you like.

Good idea. Hand over the bottle.

As you wish.


[ Chuckles ]

[ Pop, whoosh ]

Oh, thank God it's you.

Actually, Will, it's me.

Mistress mine, my will is thine.

Tell me your wishes three.

[ Groans ]

[ Chuckles ]

Yeah, I'm your master.

Bloody hell.

You did that on purpose.


You're going to pay for that.

Oh, come on, Alice. A girl needs an insurance policy.

You were right.

We should have let the mome raths have her.


Either way, we need to find the Rabbit, get out of Wonderland before Jafar gets us.

I'd prefer to take my chances with the homicidal maniac with the snake stick.

Thank you, though.

No, you won't.

Not any longer.

When he gets you, he's gonna have all three genies.

What do you mean, all three genies?

Exactly what I said.

He's already got the other two locked in their bottles.

When he gets the third one, his power is gonna be unstoppable.

Cyrus, what's wrong?

The other two bottles, what did they look like?

One... one's short, wide, and it's got large jewels on the side.

The other one's like an oil lamp.

Why? W... what does it matter?!

Cyrus, please tell me what's wrong!

Those other genies... they're my brothers.

The three of us, we were cursed into the bottles at the same time.

I spent a hundred years searching for them.

Eventually, I assumed they were lost.

But if Jafar truly has them...

Then we'll stay.

And we'll save them.

Alice, are you sure?

Happily ever after can't just be for us.

It has to be for everyone, for all of Wonderland.

I guess this is where we part company, then.

Why's that?

'Cause I don't think this one's sticking around for any of that.

And with her being my master and all...

Will, since when have I been one to give up a fight?

Since as long as I've known you.

You've always looked for the easy way out, Anna, the shortest way to get what you wanted, no matter who else it hurt.

And now you've got them three wishes in your pocket.

You've got the mother of all shortcuts.

Seems to suit you perfectly, don't it?

We're staying.

We are?

Yes, we are.

I have been a terrible queen.

These people, they deserve better than what I gave them.

So we are staying...

...and we are fighting.

Besides, there's four of us.

Jafar's on his own.

[ Chuckles ]

He doesn't stand a chance.

Jabberwocky: I have decided to join you.

In exchange for my...

[Groans] freedom, I will help you find that which you seek.


But how can I free you if I cannot see you?

[ Chuckles ]

Look... up.

[ Whoosh ]

[ Groans ]

Thank you.

I am known as the Jabberwocky.

I am Jafar.

Well, Jafar, before we begin...

I'd like to dispose of this blade.

This thing?

Must be quite powerful to keep you pinned up for all this time.


I think I'll hold on to this, if you don't mind.

What are you afraid of, Jafar?

I'm not afraid of anything.

Not even...

[ Inhales sharply ]

...the feeling of water... filling your lungs?

Your father's hands...

...holding you down.

[ Gasping ]

The feeling that there's nothing you can do to save yourself.

That you... are... powerless.

[ Groaning ]

And you don't know what burns more...

...your father's betrayal...

...or the lack of oxygen in your lungs.

[ Gasping ]

[ Shudders ]

[ Sighs ]

Maybe you're right, Jafar.

[ Coughing ]

Maybe you should hold on to that blade.

Never know when you might need it.