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02x04 - Mysteries Afoot

Posted: 02/04/23 10:44
by bunniefuu
Suboshi, one of the Seiryu
Seven, was devastated by...

...the death of his twin
brother, Amiboshi...

...and m*rder*d Tamahome's
family in revenge.

Tamahome was transformed
into a demon of vengeance.

And I also have
something to protect...

I swear I'll summon Suzaku
and then I'll save Tamahome...

...andall the otherpeople
in this country!

With this in mind, the Lady Miaka
accepted her position as...

...the Priestess of Suzaku
and set out for Hokkan...

...the land of Genbu,
to find the Shinzaho.

Big Brother?!


Miaka and I are connected
by this hair she left behind...

Just like she and Yui were
connected by their uniforms.

I've gotta find out all
I can about this book!

Keisuke Yuki!

Hey! Stop right there!

Whoa! Check out
that beautiful babe!

Huh? Where?! Where?! Where?!

You can't be THAT stupid...


I don't really have time for this...

You still owe me 10,000 yen
from the pachinko slots!

I said I don't
have time for this.

Oh? So what have
you got time FOR?!

WHAT?! Your little sister
got sucked into that book?!

C'mon, Keisuke. Why try to
play a trick on me like this?

I'm telling you, I'm not!

Anyway, Miaka's in this book...

..."The Universe of the Four Gods,"
as the Priestess of Suzaku.

Once the Suzaku Seven were gathered,
she was supposed to be able to...

...summon Suzaku and have her
wishes granted, but she failed.

On top of that,
her best friend, Yui...

...was also taken into the book,
and now the two of them are enemies.


I don't care if you
think I'm a bother! But...

I still love you!

I don't think that!

Because, when I went back,
I just couldn't forget about you!

I wanted to be with you!
That's why I came back!

Because I love you!

I didn't want you risking
yourself because of me!

My... My body's going numb...!

Oh, does it hurt?

This is the shrine of Seiryu, after all.

So your dear Tamahome
can't come to you now.

Yui... What are you...?
You tricked me...

Who tricked who here?!
You didn't come back for me!

You only came back
to be with Tamahome!

Must be nice for you.

You've always had
someone to protect you!

While l, on the other hand...

Do you have any idea?!

Of what I went through
when I came here?!

Of how I felt?!


Everything that happened
was YOUR fault!

You know what, Miaka?
I love Tamahome.

That's why I'm going
to take him from you!



Miaka, stay well...

Master Tamahome?

You're saying you promise to
halt this w*r if I go with you?

Of course we'll
keep our promise.

Now, then, if you'll use
that horse over there.

I missed you, too!


Who ever said you could
speak so casually to me?!

Unmannered girl!

Tamahome, where are you?
Answer me!

Miaka! Don't die!
You mustn't die!

Suzaku, give me strength!

I don't care what happens to me,
but Miaka mustn't die!




I see. It's finally time.

How can he do that?

It's all part of my strategy.


Yes. In other words,
we've planted a spy in Konan.

But the characters on his arm...

Twins aren't like normal brothers.

They share an exceptionally
strong link in both body and mind.

Then the spy
we have in Konan is... twin brother.

And then this group called the
Seiryu Seven showed up in the story...

...and things started getting
a lot more dangerous!

Found it.

Let's see... Four Gods...
Four Gods... Four Gods... Four Gods...

Oh! Found it!

Oh, thank you.


Okay... "The 28 Constellations."

"According to Chinese astrology,
in order to fix the positions..."

"...of the constellations in the sky,
it was divided into 28 regions..."

"...which existed within
the four cardinal sectors..."

"...of north, south, east, and west."

" Each of these contained seven
of the constellations..."

"...with one of four beast gods
associated with each sector."

I get it.
This "Suzaku" your sister...

...has become the priestess
of is the beast god...

...which rules the seven
southern constellations.

Looks like the ancient
Chinese blamed anything weird...

...or catastrophic
on the constellations...

Meaning it isn't
strange for them to have...

...believed in stuff like
"The Universe of the Four Gods."

Keisuke, who's this " Einosuke Okuda"
guy they have written here?


So, how do I do this?

Push that.

The one after the next one.

Okay, okay, I've got it.
What was the name again?

Einosuke Okuda.


Religion... I think
that's on the third floor.

Okay... Okuda, Okuda...

Ah! Found it!

A professor of religion
from the Taisho era...

Lemme see that.

Taisho, huh? That was over 70 years ago!

" Discovered an ancient book,
'The Universe of the Four Gods' in China."

Returned it to Japan...

What's wrong?

According to the treatise 'Legends
of the Great Rivers of China...' 1923 he committed su1c1de after
k*lling his only daughter, Takiko.

Einosuke Okuda brought
this book back to Japan...

...and then k*lled his daughter...

What's going on here?!

Why would Big Brother and
I be connected by that hair?

Could he be in the National Library,
reading "The Universe of the Four Gods?"

Tamahome? I'm coming in.

Oh, he's so sloppy!

Doesn't matter. It looks like
he hasn't slept in 2 or 3 days.

Stop it, Tamahome!
Let me go!

I guess it's okay to
touch if he's not awake...

If this was the real world and Tamahome
was a regular high school student...

... we could love each other without
anyone getting in the way...


Eek. Pervert.

Miaka, you were molesting me
in my sleep, weren't you?

WHO was?! I just came
to bring you your food...

...and you started
sleep-hugging me!

Oh, really? I should have
tried to do something better, then.

Darn it...

What do you mean,
"darn it" ?!

Still, I'm glad.

About what?

That you're feeling better.

I heard Nuriko talking.

Everyone's been really careful
about how they treat me, but...

I'm okay now.


Besides, you're here with me.

If you weren't here...

"The Priestess of Suzaku watched
lovingly as Tamahome ate..."

I don't CARE about that stuff!.

Why did Einosuke Okuda k*ll his
daughter and then commit su1c1de?!

Please be quiet in the library!

Y-Y-Yes, ma'am!


What's that?

" Faith and the Four Gods"...

Listen to what
I was just reading.

"There is a heretical faith in
the four gods known as Shijin-ism."

"They believed that in a place
where heaven meets earth..."

"...and good meets evil, the holy
beast gods will appear."

"The ceremonies for this were
divided among the four groups..."

"...of seven star houses which
formed the 28 constellations."

That sounds like what Miaka
and the others did in the book!

Gimme that!

"The believers collected
the spells for summoning..."

"...the four beast gods
together into one source."

"This scripture they wrote was known
as 'The Universe of the Four Gods."'

" Its meaning was
regarded as heresy."

"They would have a young girl,
chosen to be a 'priestess'..."

" the spell, and she
would serve as a sacrifice..."

" bring forth a beast god..."


Miaka! Miaka, can you hear me?!

Big Brother?

Can you hear me, Miaka?!

Big... Big Brother...?

What happened?

I dunno. She just suddenly...

Miaka, get back to
our world right now!

"The Universe of the Four Gods"
isn't just an ordinary book!

If I'm right about this, things for
you and Yui will get even worse...

...and if you're not careful,
you might be k*lled!


What's wrong, Chiriko?

Miaka is acting strangely.

Miaka ALWAYS acts
strangely, you know?


I sense a life force...

An evil presence ahead of us,
coming closer and closer!

You hear me, Miaka?! This hair
connects the two of us!

Ask the Celestial Warriors with you
and have them send you back here!

What do you two think you're doing,
shouting like that in the library?!

Whoa, just calm down...

Come back here now!

I can't go back...

You can't try to summon Suzaku!

I've got a bad feeling
about all this!

A bad feeling...?

Miaka, are you okay? You catch
a cold or eat something bad?

Sure looks like it.

Come back!

Leave everyone...?

Would you rather DIE, Miaka?!



I can't go home yet.

Tasuki! Burn this hair!

Do it now!

Sure. Whatever you say.

Forgive me, Big Brother...



What are you burning in here?!

- Calm down. Just calm down...
- No, I WON'T calm down!

That idiot...! She b*rned the
one link she still had to me!

Now I can't talk
to my brother anymore...

Miaka... You could have
gone back to your world...?

It's okay. I can't leave now.

I'm going to stay here
with you and fight.

Chichiri! What's happening?!

I think an enormous enemy power
is approaching from ahead!

It's become a storm!
They're attacking us with lightning!

Could it be... Soi?!

That lightning will
follow the ship forever...

...until it is
completely destroyed.

You shall become wreckage upon the
sea before you ever reach Hokkan!

To hell with all this water!
It can't stand up to my flames!



I can't swim!


That idiot! You don't jump in
when you can barely swim yourself!.

Hang on!
I'll throw you a line!

Go on, Tasuki! You first!

Thanks a lot!

Hi there.

Nuriko! You fell in, too?!

Miaka! Tamahome! Nuriko!

I won't let your
deaths be in vain...!

We're still alive, you idiot!

They're being
swept further away!

We have to go after
them and save them!

If any lightning strikes now,
they'll be electrocuted!

Miaka! Are you okay?!

Guys! Get on that rock!


Why do you have to
be such an klutz?!

How am I supposed to know?!


Tamahome, hurry! If any
lightning strikes now...!

Tamhome, hurry!

Nuriko, take her!

Tamahome, get up
here, too! Now!



Nuriko takes the Lady Miaka
into his confidence...

...and tells her about his
younger sister, Korin...

...who d*ed when he was very young.

While grappling with his past...

...Nuriko shows his spirit in
confronting their difficulties.

Next time, "The Flash of Battle."

On they travel to where
their next enemy dwells...