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03x04 - The Swamp Troll

Posted: 02/04/23 08:29
by bunniefuu
You have a daughter?

- Mabel Tapioca.

She's the type of witch I want to be.

I've turned into a witch, Mum.

Isn't it brilliant?

! The spell must be cast willingly by the one who is giving up her magic.

We've got to change you back.

This is how I was always meant to be.

I really don't think it's a good idea.

-night, Mildred.



! Where did you come from?


I said to transport me outside.

You know what her aim's like! It is a spoon, not a whisk, Mabel Tapioca.

You are not in your mother's kitchen now.

Don't worry.

She's like that with everyone.

The teachers at Amulet's were worse.

Believe me.

Worse than Miss Hardbroom?

Quiet! For tomorrow's lesson I would like you all to bring in your own translation potions.

Extra points will be awarded for each additional language achieved with the same spell.

The current record is 24.


Who managed that?


But I expect you will put your sister's total to shame, won't you, Sybil Hallow?


Ethel, can you help me with my translation spells?

I have no time.

Go and ask Mildred.

I thought she was your favourite.

Oh, wait, I forgot.

She's a liar.

And a cheat.

Still want to be the best witch at Cackle's?

I'll give you one more chance.

Are you sure Ethel doesn't suspect something?


I told her it was one of your spells that had gone wrong.

Very believable, to be fair.

She'll probably still try and get me sacked, regardless.

You'll have to teach me how to transport myself properly.

It'll be lovely not to have to get the number seven bus any more.


You know this can't carry on.

Why not?

I don't have to give it up, as long as I can learn to control it.

Transportation spells are very difficult.

We've only just got the hang of them.

Well, no time to waste, then.

When can we get started?

You're not going to ask me to steal for you again are you?


But you can help me look for clues.

What makes you so sure that Mildred and her mum are up to something?

Because .


Ms Hubble was acting shifty earlier.

And this lie about dropping the Wishing Star, it was so far

Trust me, this school will be a lot better off once we've got rid of the Hubbles.

Where are you going?

I admire your intellect, Ethel.

But for someone who's very smart you are prone to extreme lapses in judgment.

And I don't want to help you any more! Ugh! Ugh! What's all this, then?

Cackle's annual chanting contest.

It's being held next week.

The girls perform their own chants, with a prize going to the winner.

We used to struggle to fill the hall.

Brooms crossed the whole school will show up this time.

The outfits for the show are over here.

Prepare to be dazzled.


They're a bit dull for a concert, aren't they?

Who designed these?

I'll give you three guesses.

I did.

And what would you have them wear?


I just thought that maybe the girls could express themselves at the concert, Miss Cackle.

Perhaps design their own outfits?

I could oversee it in class.

I do not think it would be appropriate for our girls to be gallivanting around Actually, Miss Hardbroom, I think this is exactly what we need to get the students excited.

I can't wait to see what you come up with, Ms Hubble.

Just imagine your dream outfit.

And if you're entering the chanting contest, then I'll help you make your costumes for real.

I preferred it when we were working on our self

Of course you would say that.

But I'm going to look amazing when I pick up my trophy.

Miss Hubble's the best.

No magical incidents since yesterday.

This new mission's really keeping Mum focused.

Yes, for now.

But you know what she needs to do before anyone finds out.

I know, but it's not that easy.

Mum likes being a witch now.

She doesn't want to give it up.

Talk me through the idea behind your design.

The theme is tradition.


I was hoping for something a bit more exciting.

Traditions exist for a reason, Miss Hubble, so that everyone knows the natural order of things.

What does and doesn't belong.

Well, I can tell you where that attitude belongs.

And it's not in my classroom.

Ignore her, Ms Hubble.

Ethel's just upset because no
-one will sit next to her horrible hand.

Ethel Hallow! Right.

I have put up with a lot from you, but you have crossed the line this time.


What are you going to do?

Oh, you will find that I can be very creative with my punishments.

What's wrong with your arm?


It's nothing, it's just Argh! Ethel?

Are you OK?

I heard you were poorly.

I'm fine.

What do you want?

I can't get my translation spell to work.

And I have to beat a record.

Can you help me?

Seriously, I am the laughing stock of the school and you want me to help you beat my own record.

Out! What happened to your hand?

Ms Hubble threatened to punish me creatively.

I think somehow she put Mildred up to this.

And I'm going to prove it.

What do you think of the colour?

How did you make it so quickly?

Do you even have a sewing machine?

Tell me you didn't.

I just used a few little spells.

I found them in here.

Look! Miss Stitch's Magical Fashion Fixes Volume One.

You're not mad, are you?

Mum, I should never have made you into a witch.

I'm sorry but it's too dangerous.

You can't control your magic.

Well, could you three years ago?

You've given me the most wonderful gift.

There's no limit to my creativity now.

Just give me a chance to learn the ropes, yeah?

Hide among my enemies.

Become my unseen eye.

Snoop out their greatest secrets.

Serve me, loyal spy.

Who would you like me to spy on?

Millie, why are you wearing a tent?

It's a dress.

I can fix the size.

What is big, turn it small .


make this size fit one and all.

Oh, no! Oh, love, I'm so sorry! Don't you dare laugh! It's not very big of us.

Just put me back to normal, please.

You need the reversal spell.

Yes, yes.

I think it's in Volume Two.

Urgh, urgh! I don't know what went wrong.

I said the words perfectly! There's more to spells than saying words
- it's about your intent, too.

You have to be incredibly focused or they can go badly wrong.

Thanks, Maud.

I'll bear that in mind for next time.

I don't think the book's in here after all.

Maybe it's in my room.

What now?

We ran out of knotweed for our translation potions.

Can we borrow some of yours?

Actually, yes.

Come in.

I want to show you all something.

You brought your portrait to life?

Will no
-one else talk to you?

Go ahead.

You can tell them, too.

Maud Spellbody and Julie Hubble came running into the art room I think I put too much in.


Please continue.

You made her Italian?

I didn't mean to! Do you have any idea what you've done?

Go to your room! Now! Where do you think you two are going?

I need you to help me fix this! What is all this?

! It cannot be! Ms Hubble, maybe I should cast the spell this time.

Don't be silly, I can fix it.

Please, Mum, we can't go on like this.

You have to give up your magic.

We'll talk about that in a minute.

Now, I found the spell.

Right, with this spell I shall undo the shrinking that was done to you.

With my will and with my might, I free you from this doll
-sized plight.

At least it can't get any worse.

No, stop! Ah! Who's there?

! No! No, no, please! No! Ethel was in there just before the swamp troll came out of her room.

You must be mistaken, Beatrice, there's no such thing as a swamp troll.

I do not believe in folk tales either, Miss Cackle.

But that creature was real.

Which is why I sent it out into the forest before it could cause any more damage.

Where's Ethel?

I heard she went missing.

They think the troll kidnapped her.

But The what?

Try not to worry, Sybil.

I've organised a search party.

In the meantime, do not imagine this is an excuse for you not to prepare for your potions test this afternoon.

But Miss Hardbroom! She's right, Sybil
- worrying won't do you any good.

Let us take care of that for you.

We need to secure the grounds.

I suspect this creature will be back.

But this time we'll be waiting.



Star! A chanting contest.

That really is music to my ears.

As if you'd have a chant.

You can't sing a note.

Why, what are you plotting?

Come on, Mum.

You know I can't resist a large crowd.

Sorry I'm late, Miss Tapioca.

Is it true what I've heard?

Is there really a swamp troll at Cackle's?


I saw it.

I didn't think they were real.

I used to love that old folk tale, the one about the witch who cast too many spells in anger and turned into a hideous troll.

And the only way she could undo the curse was with an act of true kindness.

Yeah, my dad told me that one as well.

Casting too many spells in anger?

Is that what happened to me?

We've been walking around in circles.

I don't know what happened.

My locating spell should have worked but all it did was take us outside.

I couldn't see Star anywhere.

We need to think of something else to find Mildred before anyone realises she's gone.

Or that she's a doll.

Just saying.

I knew Mildred was up to something.

If it only takes an act of kindness to undo this curse, then I'm sure showing Miss Cackle the truth will be a very kind thing to do.

Hubble bubble, toil and trouble.

Take us both to Mildred Hubble! I don't think Ethel's been kidnapped.

If you ask me, she's doing all of this for attention.

Wouldn't surprise me if she's gone after the troll herself just to look like some hero.

Personally, I'd rather take my chances with the troll than with an angry Ethel.


Clarice, shut up, it's me! You can't understand me, can you?

Stay where you are! Where's it gone?

How can we have lost it?

I don't know! I haven't had much time to work on these.

So far I've managed to translate French into French Canadian.

Do you think that counts?

I don't know how I'm supposed to concentrate.

I should be out there looking for Ethel.

Even after what he did to you?

I've been especially horrid to her this time, too.

When we were younger Ethel would always look after me.

When I was upset, I'd run and tell her and she would make everything OK.

I know she's changed a bit lately, but she's still my sister, and I don't want anything bad to happen to her.

Look, you can't do a lot about Ethel but you can pass this potion test.

I just wish Ethel was here.

She would know what to do.

I am here, Sybil.

Don't worry.

Star! Where've you been?

Bad boy.

No Mildred, just dirt and drool.

My little girl! Maybe we should just face the music and tell Miss Cackle the truth.

You'd be confessing to breaking the code.

Mildred would be expelled.

Let's split up again.

I never should have taken this job.

The job isn't the problem, Ms Hubble.

It's the magic.

Help! Troll! Sybil Translation potions for Sybil?

Who .


are .



You are late.

And it is time for your test.

Let us see if you can beat your sister's record.

I don't see it! Arghh! It's over here! I'm right behind it! Adrimethyl .


Bodhin, and Gumraig.

25! A new school record! Congratulations.

The troll has been spotted.

It's headed towards the Great Hall.

Stay where you are, everyone.

This will all be over soon.

Come on, we have to help the troll.


! There's no need to be alarmed.

We simply want to know what you've done with Ethel Hallow.

Fail to cooperate and I will turn you into a toad.

There are worse things, in my opinion.

Please! Stop! Don't hurt the troll! I don't think it's dangerous.

It helped me.

And it was friendly with the Nightstar and Sparkle.

It's too late.

They're not going to believe you.

They might.

I can understand you.

The translation potion Sybil, it's me.

It's Ethel.

I'm Ethel! What is it saying?

It says it's Ethel.

Careful, Sybil.

It might be a trick.

We can't take any chances with this thing.

Sybil, I'm sorry.

I should have helped you with your potion and I shouldn't have snapped at you.

Mildred Hubble.

You're going to have to cope without me from now on.

But remember, you are braver and smarter than you think you are.

How do you know?

You're talking to a troll for one thing.

Only a Hallow would be brave enough to do that.



At least I only look like a troll on a bad day.

You lot are stuck like that all the time.

It's not been your year, has it, Ethel?

Why don't we draw a line under things, consider this a fresh start?

Yes, Miss Cackle.

Thank you.

-looking toy we have here, Ms Hubble, bearing a striking resemblance to your daughter, who is conspicuous by her absence.

Undo the curse upon this toy, reveal to me your secret ploy.

With my will, with my might, return now to your own true height.

Miss Hardbroom Mum.


Who is responsible for this?

I No, it was me Erm, yeah.

Mum was modelling this dress on me but it was too big, so I tried to fix it with magic but it didn't work.


I knew allowing your fashion experiments would be a grave mistake.

As deputy head I'm duty
-bound to punish students and staff.

Actually, Miss Hardbroom, it was my spell that went wrong.

Mildred was just covering for me.

Actually, it was my spell, Miss Hardbroom.

You should punish me, not Ms Hubble.

She's the best art teacher ever.

Anyone else care to confess?

Me! Me! Me! Me! No, thanks.

I'll pass! Popularity will not save you every time.

Are you sure you want to give up your magic?

It has to be your choice.

I'm sure.

I nearly lost you today.

And nothing's worth that.

I'll just stick to being the best art teacher ever.


Here's the reversal spell.

And remember, concentrate.

Take away this precious gift, the magic which I cast adrift.

I freely end my enchanted hours.

And relinquish now my witching powers! Haven't you got lantern duty to do?

Come on.

I didn't raise a slacker.

How do you feel?

Oh, you know, just like your ordinary, boring old mum again.

Normal as can be.

Maud, are you OK?

Midnight's lost his tail.

When a familiar loses its magic, it begins to disappear.

If a familiar loses its magic, it's a sign its owner's powers are corrupted forever.

There's one ingredient I couldn't find.

Tears of the wise owl.