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13x12 - The Big Leagues

Posted: 02/04/23 08:09
by bunniefuu
Why are we backing up a -?

You remember that
construction site burglary

that we responded to a few weeks back?

Two doesn't make a pattern.

The third time's the charm.
All in David Sector

and all targeting the same
real estate developer...

Craig Stutz.

STUTZ: Fun and games, right, huh?

I'm gonna wipe that
stupid smirk off your face.

You think stealing's a joke, buddy?

This is a family-run business.

- Back up.
- Back him up.

What's going on here?

This is Craig Stutz, he owns the place.

This little ingrate stole from my site.

MARCUS: I didn't steal jack.

I told you, it was the cops.

All right, be quiet.
I need more story, and fast.

Yeah, after you people did
nothing the last two times,

I hired Marcus here as security.

OFFICER GREY: Who called in to alert us

of the robbery at hours.

After it happened.

MARCUS: Oh, my God.

He let the guy waltz right in,
and I have it on tape.

What aren't you understanding here?

The guy who did this was one of them.

He was NYPD?

Flashed his badge at me and everything.

Thank you.

Danny Reagan.

My oldest and bestest.

Mickey Patrick?

The hell you doing showing
your face around here?

Turns out you cannot take
the boy out of Brooklyn.

I'm back, baby.

Brooklyn's finest,
back where he belongs.

You do realize this isn't exactly

- how witness protection works, right?
- Yeah, no,

I know, but Danny, get this.

The whole Vasquez clan,

behind bars. All of them.

And so here I am.

Been all good since August.

Ah. Six months you been back?

I should have called earlier.
Some friend, huh?

It's fine. It's water under the bridge.

I'm just glad to see you.

- It's good to see you, man.
- Good to see you, too.

What are the odds?

- Pretty good, actually.
- Yeah, I figured.

What the hell's going on?


Danny, uh, you got a minute,

talk something through?

- Yeah, let's get out of sight.
- Okay.

Look at this.

This is Alona.

We're engaged to be married.

Wow. She's beautiful. Congrats.

Yeah. The thing is,

I haven't heard from her
in almost three days.

Same problem, different woman, huh?

- Danny, I'm being serious.
- So am I.

No, it's not like...
Look, so we-we fought

a little bit, but, no, this is...

this is completely unlike her.

I'm starting to worry
something's seriously wrong.

Okay, so why don't you
call your local precinct?

Here's the rub.

We-we kind of met through a service.


Eastern European w*r refugee.
She gets a green card,

you get $,. Something like that?


You never were much of a negotiator.

I would report her missing,

but what if she got arrested?
What if she got deported?

Well, our cops are not
permitted to contact ICE,

so it's not a problem.

I can't take that risk, though, Danny.

- I can't risk losing her.
- Well, I can't take the risk

of getting involved here.

Look, brother,

I know how this looks.

It's like, same old Mickey
doing the same old crap.

This is different. I mean, sure,
it started like you said,

but when she came over,

we fell for each other.

We fell for each other,
completely, totally,

and now I do not know what to do.


What's that?

That's when my tour ends.

I'll pick you up.

- Thank you.
- Don't thank me.

I haven't done a damn thing yet.

And last stop on the grand tour,

the muster room.

Actually, the boss would
like to take a visit

to the detective squad first.

- Officer.

I'm sorry.


Ma'am, are you all right?



I just k*lled my husband.


♪ ♪

Ho ho ho.


Well, it's a little late for Christmas,

don't you think, Santa?

It's been bumper- to-bumper traffic

on the BQE since mid-December, so...

Better late than never, though, right?

Seriously, what is this all about?

I don't like goodbyes,

so when one's coming,

I make myself celebrate it
instead of getting all mopey.

Goodbye? I'm not going anywhere.

Your campaign announcement
is just around the corner,

and when that happens,
you are out of here.

Well, I might be out of here,
but never out of your life.

That's what Shmerin Shreagan said,

the A.D.A. who used to work
in this office.

Come on, open.



We're gonna sit on
a surveillance together.

My parting gift to you.

Your parting gift
is sitting on surveillance?

On the Tully Richards case.

We are this close, and you
ain't walking out that door

till we nail him to the wall.

There's a difference
between working with a crook

and refusing to get in their way.

Then, what took you so long
to call this in?


Or acting in concert?


Hey, boss.

Stuart Eiseman, Mr. Powers' attorney.

And the cavalry arrives.

That's your perp.

Our investigators pulled that off

a doorbell cam two blocks
north of the scene.

- CHRISTO: We were getting there.
- Of course you were.

Is my client under arrest?


Mazel. Marcus,

let's go.


None of Alona's other roommates
have heard from her either?

Not a single one.

And all of her belongings
are just as she left them.

Come on, no one's heard from here?

Okay, all right.

- Step back and let me do my job.
- All right.

A lot of people stay here?

Six girls.

Six girls?

Packed in, huh?

We're all fleeing something.

w*r, oppression, abusive partners.

We try to take care of each other.

Right. What about Alona?
What was she fleeing?

She didn't share much.

Come on, you expect us to believe that?

You're hiding something.
Come on, spit it out.

Okay, sit down!

Forgive my companion, he doesn't
like his teeth very much

and is hoping someone
will knock 'em out for him.

I'm sorry.

My bad, I apologize.

Can you tell me if there
was anything unusual

happening with Alona?

Any fights, domestic disputes, anything?

No, nothing like that,

but there was one thing.

- What is it?
- Um...

Last week she took a phone call,

got very upset afterwards.

Said it was the people who
helped her come to New York.


I can only imagine who'd be
involved in a business like that.


And she was so shaken up, so...

I took a picture of the phone number

when she was in the shower.

I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have.

No. You should have.

You did good.

JAMIE: Gustavo Abreu.
You really don't remember him?

CHRISTO: Not in the vaguest. He's a cop?

A captain. Not NYPD, though.

A national police force
out of Venezuela.

I escorted him on a tour
of the precinct back in .

Okay, yeah.

I think I remember the guy.

But you're absolutely positive?

The guys upstairs have me
host a ton of those tours.

Good old poster boy like you? I'm sure.

But this guy really stood out.

He was, you know, presented well,

he asked all the right questions,

he was respectable.

He even picked up the tab
for a few drinks after.

GREY: That info you requested, Sarge.

Thank you.


"USCIS indicates that Gustavo Abreu

applied for asylum status
in New York in March of ."

- Bingo.
- GREY: And get this.

Looks like he's been
working in construction

on a public works project nearby.

Eyes up, okay?
This guy knows our playbook,

so no room for error.

Can I help you?

Yeah, I'm looking for Gustavo Abreu.

I'm Sergeant Reagan.

Yeah, no problem.

[WHISTLES] Gustavo!

Come here.

Someone here to see you.

JAMIE: Thank you.

Put down the blade, yeah?

I mean no harm, huh?


You know why we're here.

Sergeant Reagan.

Come on, let's go.

- Hey.
- Hey, hey.

Keep your hands where we can see 'em.
You know better than that.


My wife.

You'll get your call. Come on.

WOMAN: Hola, mi amor.

I'm being detained, but I need
you and the kids to know

everything's gonna be all right.

- Uh, this isn't like home.
- Give me the phone.

What? Gustavo?

Te quiero con todo mi alma.

You got anything on you?

So far her story checks out.

Patrol responded to
eight domestic v*olence jobs

at her residence in the past year,

all of them logged at the precinct.

Looks like this may have
fallen through the cracks.

How's that for understatement?

GORMLEY: And she got an
order of protection in January,

but he kept coming.

So, fell through the cracks,
and the cracks got paved over.

I know this is a shock to the system...

Please don't say "but."

...but before you try to do anything,

you need to know you can't do anything.

BAKER: What?

Multiple beatings,
order of protection violated?

I'm just saying this isn't
our purview going forward.

Oh, what the hell's
purview got to do with it?

In that it's in the system now.

We are the system, Garrett.

No, we are just one part of it.

Well, we're a pretty big part of it.

Should be her husband
looking at years, not her.

Her husband's looking
at the lid of a coffin,

which is why it's in the hands
of the district attorney's office.

The D.A. does not respond

to domestic disturbance calls.

We do.

I know this is difficult.

She did commit m*rder, confessed to you,

of all people. It's simply not
your place to get involved.

But this could be on us.

That's not how the system works.

So she stabs her husband to death,

and the first thing she does
is run up the block

to the local precinct and confess.

My detective skills
may be a little rusty,

but that is unusual.

I know the circumstances are unusual.

I know I can't fix
the whole system, Garrett,

but what I can do
is make sure our part of it

does not fail her again.

- Sorry, another bum lead.
- Yeah.

Hey, Danny, I-I appreciate you

taking the time, though.

Lending your know-how and whatnot.

That's right.

How could I say no to
your irresistible charm?


- Uh, give me one second to take this.
- Yeah.

Okay. Hey.

- BAEZ: Hey.
- You got something for me?

That phone number
you asked me to look into,

it belongs to Bernie Mendez.

Is that a name I should know?

He's an up-and-comer,
runs a family out of Yonkers.

A lot like the one your buddy
Mickey used to run numbers for.

You don't say.

Okay, I'm on it.

What was that?

Uh, just something to do
with my kid's school.

- No big deal.
- All right.

How are you holding up?

About how you think.

I can't make any promises.

I didn't ask for any.

But why are you here?

Well, uh...

I can't turn back time,
and put that knife back in the drawer.


Let me ask you,

the NYPD responded
to eight domestic incidents

at your home.

Do I have that right?

At least eight.

Any idea why your husband

never got anything more
than a slap on the wrist?

Isn't that for you to tell me?

Uh, it's not a rhetorical question.

I'm trying to figure out
what I don't know.

What I told you all is all I know.

Every time he'd beat me down,
I'd call the cops.

They'd show up, give him a talking-to,

and be on their way.

You got an order of protection.

That didn't stop him one bit.

Cops didn't stop him neither.


Can you do something for me?

After he violated the order
of protection,

my officers came back
to see you again, didn't they?

Sure did.

And the same old, same old happened.


what I'd like you to do
is be as specific as you can

about what the "same old, same old" was.

Don't leave anything out,
even if it seems trivial.

Reginald'd show up high, as usual.

Pissed off about something, as usual...

...and took it out on me and my arm.

Nearly snapped it in two,
bending it behind my back.

And then you called the cops.

And then the same two
showed up as before.

Same two?

That's right, the same two every time,

after the first four, five times.

I'm a...

I'm a little confused here.

At first, cops in uniforms came.

Whoever had the shift, I guess.

Then... one time,

two cops in suits and ties.

After that, only those two.

Night or day, the same two.

Suits and ties. So, detectives.

If you say so.

Did they identify
themselves as detectives?

They flashed their badges.

The only identifying they ever
did was about the other one.

"My partner" this, "my partner" that,

like they were...

What's that called? Um...

conjoined twins.

Two halves of a whole.


I didn't resign. I fled for my life.

Says here you deserted your
post back home without notice.

If I stayed, even another hour,

the same corrupt officials
who wrote that report

would have come after my family.

I didn't have a choice.

What about stealing
from those construction sites?

You didn't have a choice
about that either?

In so many words,


So you admit it was you.

Craig Stutz and those corrupt officials,

they're not so different.

Stutz threatened your family?

People I've worked with on other sites.

Laborers, immigrants.

He pays them dirt,
then, when they complain,

he threatens them,

says he knows people at Immigration.

So you dial ,
you don't steal his lunch pail.

It's not that simple.

These laborers, they believe his lies.

They believe he has
the power to deport them.

They wouldn't cooperate.

Then you make 'em cooperate.


I only took back what Stutz owed them,
not a penny more.

And how much did you pocket?


I swear to that.

Look, even if
I believed you about Stutz,

I doubt there's anything
we can do about it now.

You've already jeopardized
any case against him.

No... I can prove it.
I can get him to talk.

That's not the way this works.

These are good, hardworking
people he's abused.

A lot of them engineers,
business owners back home.

Please don't punish
these people for my mistakes.

I'm sorry, Gustavo.

You've forced my hand.

It was a left back there.
You just missed it.

Yeah, I know.

So turn around.

You came back east to get a fresh start?

- That's right.
- Uh-huh.

So why the hell's Alona getting calls

from a guy like Bernie Mendez, hmm?

Ah, no, Danny, no,
you got this all mixed up.

No, Bernie swore to me

he had nothing to do
with Alona's disappearance.

Doesn't matter, you should've
told me from the start.

Bernie set me up with Alona as a favor.

That's it, okay? He heard
about Connie, my situation...

A guy like Bernie doesn't
do a favor for anyone

unless he's expecting
something in return.

That's not what this is.


This is your stop.

Ah, come on.


Get out.

I said get out!

I'm not running with those guys.

Really? Then why'd you call me
instead of calling the cops?

I told you, this was to protect Alona.

Even now, you're still
lying to me to my face.

Danny, this is the God's honest truth.

No, it isn't, this is about
you protecting your grand

that you don't want to lose,
and keeping yourself from getting busted

for whatever other racket
you're involved in.

Fine, fine. That's what you think of me?

Yeah, that's what I think.

Fine. Fine, Danny.

- I'll see you around.
- Yeah, I'll see you around.

See you around.

Where is he?

Ain't you ever heard,
"patience is a virtue"?

I like action, okay? I like results.

What I would like is Tully Richards

to walk down that sidewalk,
that's what I would like.

You like action and results,
and you're running for D.A.?


Good luck with that.

What's that supposed to mean?

Only that being D.A.

is just being a politician,

which I'm sure has its own rewards,

but action and actual results?

You're gonna be real disappointed.

Well, how long you been sitting on that?

Since the beginning?

What are you talking about?

Sounds like you have strong doubts

that I'll be an effective D.A.

I think you'll make a great D.A.

I just don't understand why you want it.

Anthony, I've been an A.D.A.

for -something years.

Ain't no answer to my question.

And that's a double negative,

which means I did answer your question.

Now give me those chips.

My man. Two times in the same week.

Must be my lucky day.

I hope so, Johnny. I hope so.

Take it this isn't a social call?

Not when a model citizen

strolls through your precinct's
front door covered in blood

and confesses m*rder to the PC.

So, no, not a social call.

Terrible thing, the whole story.
Just awful.

- It sure is.
- Whatever I can help you with,

please just say the word.

Yeah, I do have a question.


You want to tell me
why the complaint reports

on all these domestic jobs

were signed by two
of your patrol officers?

They were the responding officers.

Except Mrs.
Jackson told me that two detectives came

to the apartment the last few times.

And she gave a pretty accurate

of your Hobbs and Renfro team.

That's not possible.
No, she's got that wrong.

Yeah, well, that's what I told the boss.

But then I went and checked out
her building security camera.

And lo and behold...

...she's telling the truth.

Well, that ain't right.

And I will certainly
get to the bottom of it.

I'm glad to hear that, Johnny.

Got a lot going on here.

May take a couple of days
to, uh, chase this down.

I hear you, but get it done, okay?

Will do.

Reagan, you got to get your head

out of all this Mickey stuff.

You know, there was a time
that I would have

counted Mickey as the fourth Reagan boy.

Oh. And now?

Now I just count him out.


Sounds a lot like my brother.


Yeah. He was a lot like your friend.

You know? Always the boy who cried wolf.

Yeah, till he wasn't.

Caring for someone like
that, it's t*rture.

Every day, you've somehow

got to convince yourself,

today's the day he's changed.



I don't know why I'm even
entertaining this.

Because you know, deep down,
it's the right thing to do.

I can't register you as a C.I.

because you're a recent immigrant,

which means you have
no ties to the community.

And therefore I'm a flight risk. I know.

Not to mention trying
to sell it to the D.A.

based on the testimony
of a single serial burglar.

We have to conduct
a thorough investigation.

And by that time,
we'll already be too late.

Check your phone.


One of my guys is keeping tabs on Stutz.

He sent you a few pictures.

Stutz is burning the paper trail.

Pay history,
financials in the shred bins.

Your little Robin Hood act
tipped him off.

So let me fix it by wearing a wire.

We can get him on

extortion, coercion at the very least.

But if we don't act now,
all of this was for nothing.

Maybe that's what you deserve.

You're right, and I'll get
what's coming to me.

But don't let my pride blind you, too.

This is on me, Sid.

Hobbs and Renfro fessed up.

Then how's it on you?

The captain should know
what's going on in his command,

and I was blindsided on this.

The deceased, Reginald Jackson,

was an informant
they'd cultivated for years.

And not just any C.I.

I can't tell you the number
of cases we closed using him.

So my guys made a judgment call
to keep him on the street.

And out of the system.

Which turned out to have
collateral damage, yeah.

But they were getting close on
closing a major fentanyl ring,

- and like I said...
- Judgment call.


For God's sakes, John.

So I've put 'em on

modified pending and handed it
up to Internal Affairs.

Too little, too late.

It's not a perfect world.

We're good for now.

But the PC wants us to drop by
while you're up here.

We or me?


And, what, the way things are,
cops out the door,

you think he's gonna cut loose
a captain, for getting blindsided?

It's a drive-by, just checking in.

Come on, he don't bite.


I have Captain Bates
and Lieutenant Gormley, sir.



Please have a seat.

Just the captain.


Give us the room, Sid.

That Sid, he is
a bronze statue of a cop.

Sometimes I think he'd
take a b*llet for any one of us.

Truer words.

Which is why

I conducted a crucial
piece of this myself.

So Sid wouldn't be tempted
to put his thumb on the scale.

Piece of what, sir?

I handled the interviews

of Detectives Hobbs and Renfro myself.

That piece.

They told me that you said

that they could look
the other way on the domestics

because Jackson's value
as a C.I. trumped.

It's a little more
complicated than that.

You try to tell me
it was for the greater good,

I'm gonna throw you out that window.

Well... [SIGHS]

...not the greater good, okay? No.

But for a huge case.

I don't care if you were
close to a cure for cancer.

You do not turn that woman
into a punching bag.

That's not what I was doing.

But it is what you did.

All due respect,
you've got this twisted up.

Oh, I'm twisted up, all right.

But not about the facts of this thing.

Your g*n and your shield, Captain.

TV HOST: Victoria Falls is
exactly what we're looking for.



Show me your passport
and your checkbook.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

You want me in your life, fine.

You don't get to barge
in here, barking orders.

Come on, just show me where they are.

We've been through this
already. They're all here.

- It's fine.
- Great, then show me.

All right.



Open up your checking account.

No, not until you admit that
what you said crossed a line.

Open the checking account.

You know what, Danny?

You're such a...

This makes no sense.

It was all here this morning.

Look at that, every penny gone.

You said Alona had access
to those accounts?

Yeah, of course she does.
She's my fiancé.

No, Bernie... Bernie swore

he wasn't involved,
but if he was involved,

then she's paid him already.
There goes her leverage.

- Let's not jump to conclusions.
- Let's not?

Love of my life could be lying
dead in a ditch somewhere.

And pacing's not gonna help either.

We got to go to the bank,
start pulling security footage.

The only thing we have to do,
and the only hope we have

is to get the NYPD involved.

You're the NYPD.

No, I'm your friend.

We need to get them officially involved.

I don't know, Danny, if they
find out how Alona and I met...

She may be looking at time.
And you might, too.

It's the only chance
we got to save her life.

You sure about this?

You sure you love her?

I love her, man. I'm all in.

Then I got to call it in.

All right, yeah.

Just do it before I lose my nerve.





- Come on, you love these.
- He's on the move.


- Okay, hop out.
- What?

Not a chance in hell.
I'm going with you.

Over my dead body. Get out now.

And call the precinct.
Tell them to pick you up.

And stay on the radio
in case I need backup.

Never gonna forgive
you for this, Anthony.

Off the air unless it's urgent.




Out of the car now.

Anthony, I think we have a problem here.

Put your hands where I can see
'em. Come on, out of the car.

Come on, move it. Open the trunk.

Hey, man. Damn.


Step away.

Put your hands where I can see 'em.



Where do you think you're going?


Hey, what you thought you
was gonna find, big man, hmm?

dr*gs? [LAUGHS]

Keep laughing.

Uh-oh, he's calling for backup.


Hey, Erin,

yeah, we got a problem.

ERIN: Yeah, what's that?

We've been duped. There's
nothing but laundry in the duffel bag.

Well, that's because

I've got ten pounds of coke in this one.

You are amazing, Reagan.

Just amazing.

JAMIE: The microphone in your cell phone

is amplified, but it's still weak,

so you need to make sure you're
near the subject as he speaks.

GUSTAVO: You act like I haven't
done this a dozen times, Sergeant.

Don't you worry about me.


Me debes mucho dinero.

Págame ahora.

What the hell is this?

Te dije, me debes mucho dinero,

¿Eres sordo?

English, do you speak it?

You stole from my cousin Gabriel.

STUTZ: I don't know who that is.

Gabriel Perez is one of the laborers

on your Cobble Hill project
for two months.

You didn't pay him $,.

Take it up with
the Better Business Bureau.

They're not the ones who skimped him.

You know, you don't sound
like you're from around here.

Do you have any identification on you?

Come on, that's it.

What's it to you?

I got a few friends over at ICE.

They wouldn't take too kindly
to someone like you

making accusations like this.

Someone like me?

Your cousin was lucky to have a job.

Five dollars an hour
doesn't seem very lucky to me.


Oh, wow.

You people have gotten
so greedy these days.


you want to file a complaint?
Be my guest.

I'll have your whole family deported

by the end of the month.

That loud enough for you, Sergeant?




What the hell was that?

We lost audio, Sarge.

I'm going in. Put it over the air.


Where is he?

- That way.
- Stay there.

OFFICER: Don't move.
Hands where I can see 'em.

You get eyes on him this way?

No sign. Let's check the other side.

I don't understand what I'm looking at.

Bernie Mendez isn't involved,

and Alona's not in danger.

In fact, her name's not even Alona.

Wha... Well, that can't be right

because if that's right, then...

Troopers pickedher up

at a gas station in Garden City,

every last dollar of yours stuffed
into the rim of her spare tire.


Is she even from the Ukraine?


You still with me?



Yeah, I'm here.

What the hell are you smiling about?

'Cause it all makes sense finally,

doesn't it, Danny?

No shot a girl like that's

ever gonna love a schmuck like me.

Don't go there.

How many others guys
she pull this scam on?

How many?


Well, there you have it.

There it is, Danny.

The great Mickey Patrick

ain't nothing more than a dime a dozen.

What's that?

Three grand.

Till the Feds make you whole.

That way you won't have to go to Bernie.

Uh... Danny, I can't.

But you will.

I don't know how to thank you, Danny.

For everything.

Friend of mine told me... got to hang on to
hope with a guy like you.

That's my way of trying.

I guess we're not gonna be
drinking buddies anytime soon.

No, I don't think it'll
ever be the way it was,

but, who knows, you, uh...

you pay me back someday,

whenever that may be,

maybe we'll get a beer.

I'd like that.

Me, too.

Take care of yourself, okay?

You, too, Danny.

What I want is a good, old-fashioned

"lead the : news" perp walk.

Frank, hang on a minute.

You don't think they deserve it?

Of course they do,

but perp-walk three of our own?

A precinct captain
and two high-ranking detectives?

What about it?

Well, it'd be a very big deal.

Damn right.

'Cause this is a very big deal.

Police union presidents will have a cow.

Well, let 'em.

Two wrongs don't make a right,

to quote a million people and you.

Okay, how would I be wrong?

The department, this department
that you run,

has long-standing protocols

for handling officers
charged with wrongdoing.

Perp walks ain't one of 'em.

Yeah, I know, modified duty
and suspension

pending outcome of the investigation.


But, look, Angela Jackson

k*lled her chronically abusive
husband in self-defense

after we repeatedly ignored
her cries for help.

- GARRETT: Nobody's defending...
- And now she's

sitting in a cell in Rikers.

Is she on modified duty, too?

No, this is the process in place also.

It's all we have.

Boss, I'd like to pick up
a flamethrower, too, but...

Look... [SIGHS]

I love my church,

I value my faith,
so I know that pride's a sin.

But what if the show we put on

isn't for our benefit?

It's for the benefit of someone else.

Mrs. Jackson.

Yeah, I think she'd get a big kick

out of seeing us put those three
through a perp walk.

Boss, as hard as this is to say,

I can't carry out that command.

He didn't actually give the order, Sid.

He didn't?

No, he didn't.

Then... what?

Just a bit of wishful thinking.

Thanks for hearing me out.


ABETEMARCO: That dirtbag
has been dealing dr*gs to kids

for nearly a decade,

and we just put his ass
away for a dozen years.

ERIN: Eligible for parole
in five, though.


we got the bad guy and we locked him up.

We, huh?

Forgive me. You. It was all you,

and I mean that sincerely.

You were incredible out there.

Okay, any reason why you're
blowing smoke up my butt?

I'm not gonna touch that one,
thank you very much.

I know what you're getting at, Anthony.

Why would Igive up

all the fun that we have

for the drudgery of politics?

This is where you belong, kiddo.


I'm not so sure about that.

Come on.

Tell me you didn't love the thrill

of taking that guy down?

Honestly, that never gets old.

JAMIE: So, yes,
I think I did the right thing,

but my version of the right thing meant

getting egg on my face
when Gustavo ghosted me

and getting a three-day rip
for losing him.

Okay, but what's the alternative?

Check the patrol guide against your gut?

- No.
- Good, 'cause

you'd be a day late to everything.

Yeah, but he would've
saved the embarrassment

and the pay loss of a three-day rip.

Just saying.

Well, don't keep score.

That's the secret.

The grind... is the actual job.

Respect the grind.

Embrace the grind.

Wins and losses come with,
but they aren't it.

Well, that is some sales pitch, Dad.

The NYPD... come for the thrills
but stay for the grind.


JANKO: No, I mean, he's kind
of right, though.

I mean, you fall in love
with that first big win,

but you're really married to
the day-in, day-out grind of it.

You talking about him or the job?

- Oh, clearly, him.
- JAMIE: Probably both, gentlemen.

JANKO: The job.

Life with him is nothing but winning.

ALL: Aw.

JANKO: That's my story,
I'm sticking to it,

and you all can eat your hearts out.

- Hey.



[CHUCKLES] That nothing
is something. Come on.

I did a couple days on a stakeout.

And it was raw and rainy,

and a couple thousand calories

of cold pizza

and potato chips.

So, did you get the guy?

Yeah, we got him.

So we won, but

the real win was hanging with Anthony

and, well, the grind.

- And there it is.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, I got had
by Mickey Patrick. Again.

- Again?
- Again.

Is he still walking the Earth?

Slithering is more like it, Grandpa.

And yes, he is.

And if he ever comes
around looking for a favor

from his cop friend again...

You'll get had again?

I probably will.


Well, to scratch out some payback

for a woman I barely met,

I, uh, terminated
a captain and two detectives,

which I could not afford to do.

But you did.

No real wins there, just...

the grind.

SEAN: Well, I'm sorry, guys,

but it sounds like you're
all a little mixed-up.

I think you mean "ass-backwards."

I'd say "committed."

Maybe we should all be
committed, like Bellevue.



Glass half-empty or half-full?


- Half-full.
- Half-full.

- Half-full.
- Half-full.

There you go.

To better days.

ALL: To better days.