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01x03 - Ouija

Posted: 02/03/23 20:00
by bunniefuu
[both] ♪ No matter how much
I want to go to New York ♪

♪ And no matter how close
Or far my house is ♪

♪ Or how much I like rock and roll ♪

[both] ♪ Oh, my love beautiful! ♪

Sing, sing with me!

♪ Oh, how painful oh, oh ♪

[woman] Sing, beautiful!

♪ Oh, how painful! ♪

That was the last time
I was with my parents before the accident.

Will you help me?

I just want to talk to them
for a few minutes, that's all.

Do you think
that if I could talk to the dead,

I'd be in this mess?

Carmen, I k*lled them.
My father was teaching me

how to drive a boat and I,
like a foolish boy, accelerated.

Everything went out of control
and we crashed into a dock.

I need to know that they don't hate me,
or that at least they forgive me.

When love is real, it is unconditional.

I'm sure that no matter where they are,
your parents love and forgive you.

And you? Whom amongst the dead
do you need to make peace with?

Jhony Ki, it is late, and we must rest.

I'm sorry. I'm not the witch
you were hoping for.

It's not fair. You can levitate
but you can't talk to the dead.

I swear that if I could help you,
I'd do it,

but for that I must communicate
with Aldemar

and tell him that Ninibe disappeared.

I must know what to do
to go back to the past.

- And who's Aldemar?
- A real wizard.

I can't believe
I'm with the most foolish witch on earth.

I've spent a year seeing fake witches,
circus mentalists, cheap shamans

and no one helped with my problem.

And that Ouija board I spent all
my savings on, isn't good for anything.

What is a Ouija board?

A device that supposedly
allows you to talk to spirits.

Does it work?

[Jhony Ki] It is easy.

You place your hands on
the pointer and concentrate.

Anytime you ask a question,

the spirit will give an answer
with the letters here.

- You must write them down.
- Okay, let's try.



Aldemar, if you hear me, send a signal.

Aldemar, if you hear me, show yourself.

Nothing. Nothing happened.

Are you sure he's the only one
that can help us?

Ninibe, if you can communicate with me,
send a signal.


This doesn't work.

Oh, my God! What's this?

It is moving!

Ninibe, is that you?
Write this down quickly!

"Ninibe is not here...

don't look for her anymore,


you will...

you will lose."

Are you Lucien?

- It is gone, but who is Lucien?
- The witch hunter.

Ninibe said
that if you don't join her entourage...

you will be turned into ashes.

Like the Fire k*ller?

I think he is the Fire k*ller.

Is your enemy a serial k*ller?

I don't know but it's obvious
he took Ninibe with him

and did something to her.

Look, I think it is better
that we forget about this.

Tomorrow, I'll go to school,
you to college,

- and the agreement is over.
- No, no, sit down.

I have a mission to fulfill
and someone is waiting for me in the past.

I came here to recover Cristobal,
and I won't give up,

and you will help me.


Can you hear me?

I miss you.
I wish you could feel my presence.

So, you also have a dead person
in your story.


If he hadn't fallen in love with me

and if I wasn't a witch,
he would probably still be alive.

That's why I am here,
trying to bring him back to life...

and to do that,
I must save Ninibe, if I can still...

communicate with Aldemar.

Well, I'm sorry for the two of us,
but this didn't work.

- I'll take it with me. Carmen, I'm sorry.
- But someone must hear us, Jhony Ki.

[man] I can hear. You don't need to shout.


[theme music plays]

[man on radio] The college community
is shocked

by the possibility
that one of the bodies found yesterday

belongs to teacher Ninibe Lopez.

The police are waiting for DNA results
to confirm the bodies' identities.

[indistinct talking through radio]

Hello, hello, it is me.

Do you remember me? Can you see me? No?




No, no, no, I'm not Cristobal or Ninibe.

My name is...

I don't remember.
But don't leave me talking to myself.

Hey... Carmen.

What are you doing there?
There's an ongoing investigation.

You can't go in there.

Professor, I left something inside.

Something like what?


- Some jewels.
- I'll help you.

It is the stone I wanted her to have.

It is your stone?

No, Professor. It's for an assignment.

Professor, do you think Ninibe is dead?

Why do you ask?

I saw the news and they said
one of the bodies could be hers.

Are you scared, Carmen?

Just thinking that the Fire k*ller
could be on the loose.

I know we are all afraid
of what could happen to us,

but I'm sure that if you watch yourself,
everything will be all right.

Professor, may I talk to Carmen?
It is urgent.

Whatever you gave me
didn't help to make him forget,

he just hates me more.

Angel sent my video
to my closest friends through the chat.

What's the chat?

Are you serious?
Are you trying to be funny?

Of course, you are not
the one naked and drunk

on your friends' mobiles.

Angel hasn't posted them
on the internet yet,

but it's just a sample of what he can do.

- Alicia, I just wanted to help you.
- But you didn't.

My video is on Mayte, Leon
and Daniel's mobiles.

- What if they share it?
- That won't happen, Alicia.

They are your friends.

What if someone steals the mobile
or happens to watch it?

Or if Angel uploads it
to the college's website?

Look, I've spent many years trying

to excel as a star student
and I will not allow everyone

to treat me like the idiot
that let her boyfriend record her.

Where could someone find this video?

That's none of your business!

- You can finally see me?
- Not my business?

Obviously, you're not the one
whose intimate secrets are being shown.

Alicia, I'm not talking to you.

Tell her she shouldn't get upset.
She'll quite probably become famous.

- Shut up, please.
- Are you asking me to shut up?

- Not you, but him.
- Who?

Alicia, can't you see him?

No, I see you with your dumb face.

How could I think you could help me,
if you don't have

the slightest idea where you are?

[man] You seem to be the only one
that can see me.

Wait a minute. I mean, if you can see me,

I am a ghost but not a scary one.

You know what? Thanks for nothing.
I'll manage myself.

She looks very pretty when she gets mad.
Are you sure I can't see the video?

- Are you sure?
- No!

Are you sure?

- [door lock rattling]
- [Carmen sighs]

- Can you tell me who you are?
- Excellent question!

I don't have the answer now
because I really don't remember who I am.

Oh, no, please! I need you to leave.

What do you mean?
Why did you invoke me then?

- Did I invoke you?
- Yes!

I can't believe it!

[Carmen] I had been strongly advised
not to use my magic,

but being near him
activated it immediately.

I had to do something to help him
or Lucien would find me

and I'd end up burnt
like the other white witches.

- Look, Ghost.
- Hmm.

I'm sorry for calling you,
it was a mistake. I don't need you.

In fact, I can't see you again.
It could put me in danger.

Oh, that's great!
So, now we'll invoke the ghost

and leave him in limbo.

Great, really nice!

Well, too bad, because I have
no idea how to get back,

and I think you're the only one
that can help me,

so... I'm sorry.

If you are here, it's because you have
a mission to fulfill, right?

You can be sure about that.

What is it?

I have no idea. I don't know
because I don't remember.

I don't remember what my mission could be.

[Esteban] In the beginning,
the mission of science,

religion and magic was the same...

across the world...
but the development of consciousness

resulted in the scientific method.

Do you know the foundations of science?

[Ghost] Experimentation and reason.

- Nobody?
- Experimentation and reason.

Experimentation and reason.

- How did you know that?
- You need to read.

Do any of you know the name
of one of the first scientists

in the history of humankind?

- [Ghost] Eratosthenes.
- Eratosthenes!

Very good!

And do you know what he did?

He measured the earth
with two sticks and a camel.

He measured the earth
with two sticks and a camel.

- [marker tapping]
- Very good!

And as a part of your next assignment,
I want you to investigate...

the origin of science and how magic stayed

in the realm of superstition...
and children's stories...

in which many adults still believe.

And while it is true that many people
take this New Age stuff...

very seriously and have witches
read their fortunes,

it has nothing to do
with the scientific method,

as you will see.

And people who see ghosts,
don't you believe in them either?

Oops! I'm not with her.

Yes, maybe, but you have those inside you.

People die, leave this world
and never come back.

But we cling to them...
because it is difficult

to overcome the grief...

- or at least that's what I think.
- I don't agree.

The dead never go away entirely.

Good point to develop in your work.

Magic, religion and science.

Aldemar's story was inspired
by the real story

of an inquisitor accused of witchcraft...

who, in , was sentenced to the stake.
The legend of the time said

that Aldemar the Immortal
was burnt every Friday after sunset...

but he always came out alive.

- He doesn't burn!
- He is the devil himself.

[woman] It is not the first time.

[indistinct chatter]

[Cristobal] Hilda, I must know
what happened to Carmen.

How did this letter come to me?

According to what she told me,
Aldemar is the only one

who has the answers.

Think, Sir.

Nobody survives fire
unless they are the devil himself.

Besides, we must face the reality
that Carmen is dead,

- and nobody can revive the dead.
- That's not true. What about this letter?

How can you explain it?

Oh, maybe she wrote it
while she was alive.

That's impossible.
Look at the ink and paper,

they are different from ours.

You told me you had
written a letter to her

and that she hadn't answered it.

Listen. "A new world was opening
before my eyes,

Cristobal, and in this world
there was neither silence nor darkness!"

And it says here
that the pact with Aldemar was clear.

She talks about Aldemar and a pact.

Hilda, I am sure
Carmen is alive somewhere...

and Aldemar is the only one
that can clear this up for me.

Sir, that's impossible,
it is very dangerous.

He's the most guarded man in town.

Hilda, I have a plan
and I will need your help.

Oh, Sir.

Come, let's go. Let's go!

Quite a plan, isn't it?

Go to classes for a while,
do a project about science

and magic with some college mates
and see my platonic love

stress about the erotic video
she made with her former boyfriend.

What an awful day! Carmen, really,
if you are going to invoke me,

it must be for something more exciting.

It would also be boring for me
to pursue someone all the time.

Wouldn't you prefer
to go to the other side and have fun?

Go back to where you were...

and stop putting me in danger
by activating powers I don't need.

Well, the truth is, I don't know why...

and how but when I am with you,
I feel I am getting...

closer to knowing who I am.

I can do things I did before.
I can feel and touch objects.

I even remember names from my past.
I know you can help me.

And besides, you can count on me
for whatever you need.

I can help you. I used to be
a very intelligent guy, Carmen.

Do you know anything about
those modern devices that freeze images?


You must use modern devices,
like mobiles and tablets.

- That, yes.
- Yes?

Could you enter a place
and erase the intimate photos

that Alicia's former boyfriend has of her?

If you help me with that,

I'll help you find out who you are
and why you are here.

Well, I'd love to help you
because I think that would be

the only way I could see the video

but I'm a ghost and I don't know
how to help you.

But I would know how,
and to do that I'll need my friends' help.

[rock music playing]

[phone rings]

[phone rings]


[Alicia] Angel, please answer me.
Look, I got bored of your blackmail.

[glass shattering]

[bottle scraping]

[glass clattering]

[metal objects clanking]



- [door creaks]
- [pants]

[loud music playing]

Police, there is someone here
in the bar where I work.

Please help me.

I don't know, I have no idea!
Look, it sounds strange

but it seems to be a ghost.

- [loud music playing]
- [pants]

No, no, no, no!


Stop it!

[Dani in English] Surprise!

What a good photo!

But what will your fellow classmates say
when they see you scared witless?

Did you do all this?

No. We did nothing

but we will do something
if you keep messing with Alicia.

[Dani] Are there copies of the videos
somewhere else?

In the computer. Move!

I need to get in touch with a wizard.

Who will help me?


Aldemar... the Immortal.


- Who is it?
- Carmen.

I need your help.

I am not in.



To survive in this time,

you must learn how to use tablets,
mobiles, the Internet.

I won't be your secretary anymore,
knowing you can't help me.

Please, help me while I learn!

- No!
- [Ghost scoffs]

What's up with this boring teenager?

Just like my cousin Lino.

- Do you have a cousin named Lino?
- No.

I think so.

Do you remember something else?

Whom are you talking to?
What are you looking at?

I won't tell you if you don't help me.

- Is there someone behind you?
- Maybe.


Forget that name already.
It is someone quite powerful.

Who is it then?
Whom are you talking to?

It is someone we invoked
with your Ouija board.

A ghost?

Is there a ghost here? Where is he?
What does he look like? Is he scary?

- Well, this one seems to be a scary one.
- What's his name?

That's the problem. I don't know
who he is or where he comes from.

And if I don't manage
to make him rest in peace soon,

I'll be in serious trouble.

Help me, please.

Can I see him?

I can't guarantee you anything.

Well, at least send a message
to my parents in the afterlife.

Tell him there are no social networks
in the afterlife, but that I'll try.

He'll try.

Another one that won't help me...

but for the time being,
I have no other options.

What do we know about your ghost friend?

That he has a cousin named Lino

and it's possible he studied
in the same university.

I think he's a few years older than me...

and wears a black and grey cap
with LT letters in orange.

Littoral Team.

So, it is possible that he belonged
to the baseball team at the university.

- What are you doing with this book?
- Nothing.

Are you doing magic?

Did you see what happened to us
by playing around?

- We invoked the wrong ghost.
- Carmen, I want to talk to my parents

and since no one will help me,
I'll do it myself.

Just as you can invoke
good wizards like Aldemar,

you can invoke evil ones like Lucien.

Promise you won't do that again.

Okay, I promise. Can we carry on?

You can walk through walls?

- Why didn't you say anything?
- I couldn't do it before.

[Carmen] I have a mission for you then.

Go through the police barricade,
enter Ninibe's office,

and look for any clues
about who her disciple could be, please.

- Boo!
- Oh! How silly!

Carmen, Carmen, we have serious problems.

What's wrong? Couldn't you get in?

No, yes, yes, I walked through the wall,
the police barricades,

- entered the office...
- Yes.

...and I think I knew Ninibe.

- But from where? Are you a wizard too?
- No, not a wizard, I...

I saw several photos of Ninibe
and a woman

and each time I see the woman,
I feel like crying.

Who is she, her disciple?

I don't remember
but I'm sure she must have been

very important to Ninibe and to me.

Let's get out of here. Let's go!

[Jhony Ki] I've been investigating.

One of the guys
from the university baseball team

died last semester.

And his Facebook profile
still exists and...

Yes, it's him.

Is it just me or am I photogenic?

- Lucho Gamez, a pleasure to meet you.
- Lucho, I like it.

[Jhony Ki] You were good at sports,
weren't you?

That's him over there.

You were the baseball team captain.

Yes, yes, that makes sense.
It perfectly explains

my excellent physical condition.

Good biology student.

Are you sure?
I'm already sounding rather boring.

Popular and successful with women.

You were left messages
when you... died.

- Three hundred were from women.
- [Lucho] I left a mark then.

But there is always bad news.

I already know how you got to...

the other side.

- That sounds painful.
- How?

You jumped from your building's
fourteenth floor...

and broke every bone including your head.


No, no, that doesn't sound...

it is not my style, no.

I don’t think the shock
allows you to remember.

No, no, no!

If I had k*lled myself,
I think I'd have chosen

a much easier way. I mean, less painful.
I'm afraid of heights.

- Are you sure?
- Totally!

In fact, your mother's speech
at your funeral is published online.

He is here.

- Excuse me.
- [Lucho] It's her. It's Ninibe's friend.

Is she the one you saw in the photos?

Yes, they are very good friends.

- And do we already know who she is?
- Her name is Ximena,

she works as a professor
at the university...

and she is my mother.

Your mother?

Angel, please answer me.
Look, I got tired of your blackmail.

If you want to publish my video,
just do it.

I don't care if they see me naked.

In this world, scandals last a week
and that's all, right?


Baby... that's Angel's computer.

All your videos are on it.
You can erase them now.

Yes, he said they were only on there.

And in case he is lying,
we have a video where

he doesn't look that good,
so if he bothers you again...

Listen, I won't be able to do to anyone
what he did to me,

not even to him, but how did you get it?

It was Carmen's idea.

We don't know how she did it
but it scared him.

It turned out very well.

Oh! Listen, thank you very much.
Thanks a lot, really!

Well, you must thank her.

[Lucho] Why is talking
to my mother so important?

Because Ximena is the only person
that can help me

to get in touch with Aldemar.

It is a long story.
You are a ghost but also...

- I am a witch.
- I thought you were rather strange.

Don't remind me. I try my best not to be.

What's wrong with being strange
if strange is more valuable?

Because it gives you many problems.

- [door opening]
- No, no, but I can't see her now, no.

You said you could give me
a bit more time.

You can't leave. You have a commitment
and I must talk to her.

You must tell her
you didn't commit su1c1de.

- No, no, tomorrow. No!
- But I did.



Hello, Ximena.

Yes, I am Ximena. What can I do for you?

I came on behalf of your son.

- My son died...
- Three months and four days ago...

Three months and four days ago.
He told me that.

Excuse me.

Tell... tell her I always knew
my dog Pinocchio

didn't go to my grandma's
but got hit by a car.

He knows his dog Pinocchio
was k*lled by a car.

Tell her I also know
my father didn't leave

because he wanted to live in another city

but because he ran away
with his secretary.

I can't tell her that.

Can you see him?

Yes, he's here and he came
because he has something

very important to tell you.

There he is.

[Ximena] We got along very well...

and suddenly everything started to change.

[Lucho] I started hearing strange sounds
and voices.

It was driving me crazy.

He heard voices in his head.

And I had to end that t*rture.

He decided to end his suffering.

And why didn't he say anything to me?

I wish I had been brave to tell her
what was happening to me.

I wish I had friends like Alicia,
who realized they should show solidarity.

But don't tell her that,

just say that all I want is for her
to be happy.

Lucho, Lucho, my love, my love!

He doesn't want to leave
without telling you that...

he is very sorry for making you suffer
and that he wants you to be happy.

Son! Son, please forgive me
for having been such a bad mother.

[Lucho] No, no, no, you were the best.
Tell her she was the best...

and that I won't find peace

if she doesn't promise me
that she will rebuild her life.

I promise you.

Can you hear him?

No... I feel it in my heart.

Calm down. You may go in peace.

You may go happily, in peace.

Thank you, Carmen.

Good luck with your mission.

He's gone.

At last.

I couldn't focus today but I promise
I will be in the next class. Don't worry.

Each artist attains his or her tone
at the right moment.

Slow and steady wins the race.

- That's it.
- [Jhony Ki] Hi, Mary. Bye, Mary!

Jhony Ki!

- [grandma] Hi, Jhony!
- Hi, Grandma. Hi, Professor!

- Bye, Grandma. Bye, Professor!
- Wait, may I ask you a favor?

[grandma] I'll leave you to it.
I have a pupil waiting for me, okay?

Tell me.

Do you happen to have a bit of grass?
I am sleeping very badly.

Oh, no, Professor, not now.
I am in a hurry.

- When?
- I don't know, tomorrow.

You can send it to me with Carmen.

No, it wouldn't be a good idea
if she found out about my great business.

- Carmen is very nice.
- Yes, and very naive.

Yes. I have noticed, and very lonely too.

She doesn't have friends or family,
doesn't communicate with anyone,

- does she?
- Lonely like a wolf.

Let me tell you, she is my best friend
and to be my best friend,

you must be messed up, right?

I'll see you tomorrow, Professor.

[Carmen] I am Carmen Eguiluz...

- a witch, and I come from the past.
- Oh, it is you!

Ninibe spoke to us many times
about the Chosen One.

The Chosen One?

You've come here to free Aldemar,
the Great Master.

Be very careful, Father.

Religious visit.

Close it and leave us alone.

Are you sure, Father?

[father] Close it and leave us alone.

They send you for the umpteenth time
to exorcise this evil that afflicts me...

but there is no cure for magic
because it's not a disease.

I'm not a priest.

Who are you then?

My name is Cristobal...
and I came looking for help.

I need to know if Carmen Eguiluz is alive.

Aren't you supposed to be dead?

I survived my father's shot.
I need Carmen to know about it.

I must know where she is and meet her.

Carmen is in a faraway place
where not everyone can go.

Then you must bring her back.

If Carmen keeps her word,
she'll be back soon.

If her mission was to find Ninibe,
the news is not good.

I don't know how but Carmen sent me
a letter from the future...

saying that Ninibe is dead.

I'm really sorry, sir.

To my knowledge, Ninibe did all she could

but something or someone stronger
than her took her,

and I'm afraid the same could happen
to Carmen.

She was my only hope.

What must I do to make her come back?

If Carmen failed,
she should assume her fate.

I can't do anything for the two of you.

I beg you. I need your help.
You know Carmen is innocent.

Carmen and I had a deal
that she couldn't meet,

and when Lucien finds her, she will die.

Please tell me what I must do
to prevent it, sir, please!

Nobody can change the fate she chose...

and you two won't ever be together again.

I came to deliver a stone
that Ninibe was going to use

to fight against Lucien.

Aldemar promised that if I did it,
he'd bring me back to the time

- when Cristobal was alive.
- That means you are the Chosen One.

You are the only person
that can bewitch Lucien.


The great witch!

I'm not a great witch. I don't even know
how to control my powers. I am a disaster!

Listen, Carmen,
I don't know what to tell you...

but I'll just say,
I don't want to be a part of this.

We already saw what Lucien can do
and I don't want to end my days

as a pile of ashes.

I don't either. That's why
we must communicate with Aldemar.

But I don't know how to do that.
The one who did it was Ninibe, my master.

Please help me!
Are we going to abandon her?

Carmen, Ninibe is dead and so is my son.

Both are dead because of magic.

Because of a door that I opened
and don't want to open again.

Carmen, you don't know
what you are facing.

[woman on phone] To communicate
with a high wizard,

you must have a variety of magic elements,

including black candles,
sea sand, an old mirror,

broken into seven pieces
and an exotic cactus

whose needle must be cleaned with alcohol.



With this ritual,
I invoke the Great Master,

the high wizard who can help me.

This plant is for you,
if I can be the chosen one,

I promise to be your disciple.

Oh, Great Master, let me see your face.

Please, Great Master, Wizard of Wizards.



Big, grand or important wizard
or whatever, I must call you.

Carmen told me you were the one.
And for my case,

I don't need an intermediary.

Carmen is very pretty,
nice and everything you want

but I must talk directly
to the right one, to the boss.

What do I have to do to talk to you,
old Aldemar?

Please give me a signal.

[music playing]

[water dripping]


Great Master?

[breathing heavily] Aldemar?




- [loud music playing]
- No! I messed it up!

What did I do?

What did I do? What did I do?
I messed it up! I messed it up! God!

Ah, I messed it up!

[loud music playing]