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01x01 - A Leap in Time

Posted: 02/03/23 19:59
by bunniefuu
[seagulls squawking]

[carriage squeaking]

[crowd shouting]

[priest] We fear women
because they tempt...

they seduce...

and they think.

We fear women who do not obey,

who rise up, who question.

[priest] This woman you see here,
Carmen Eguiluz,

is a friend of the devil.

She has bewitched animals.

She has used plants and herbs...

to enchant men and make her masters ill.

She has seduced a poor, innocent man
with her charms,

with the arrogance of someone
who thinks she is just as her master.


by virtue of the encyclical,

Summis desiderantes affectibus...

I sentence you to burn here and in Hell.

In nomine Patris, Filii
et Spiritus Sancti.


[fire crackling]

- Mitutu onatuto laroyeile.
- [priest praying in Latin]

[praying in Latin]

Hechua gogo, hechua laguana,
hechua guatipongo...

hechua yomamaqueño.

[dogs howling]

Hinca mancheca maricua, camamo.

[dramatic music plays]

[Carmen gasps]

[water flowing]

[Carmen gasps]

[modern club music plays]

[clubbers cheering]

[whistling and cheering]

Nice costume!

Are you all right?


[theme music plays]

[doctor] Can you hear me?
Do you know where you are?

- You are at God Hospital's emergency room.
- [crowd shouting echoes]

You must tell me anything you remember.

[machine beeping]


For example, how did you get here?

[metal tools clattering, machines beeping]

Do you remember who brought you?

How did you get these wounds?

[breathing operator hisses]

This will hurt a bit,

but we must avoid an infection, okay?

- Ouch!
- [doctor] Watch it.

Are you a healer?
I know how to heal wounds.

If you bring raw onion, aloe vera,

apple vinegar and water, and...

Ouch! It hurts! It hurts!

We must follow
a more serious treatment plan,

something stronger than a home remedy.

Who taught you that formula?

Never tell anyone what my niece just did,
not a word to anyone.

This is the beginning
of your power, Carmen.

You'll become a very powerful witch.

Not a single word...

to anyone. Never ever.

Yes, Uncle.

How long must I stay here?

Until you recover, dear.

But I have important things to do.

[doctor] With your feet like that,

you won't be able to go anywhere
for a few days.

Can you tell me what year it is?

Marina, I need you to call the police.

We may have a protocol one case.

[tense music plays]


[doctor] No matter what happened,

or how traumatic it has been,
there is always a way to heal wounds.

I can help you.

Are you sure you don't remember your name?

[man] Carmen Eguiluz.

Healthy, young, a virgin.

Good teeth, cooks wells
and good at domestic tasks.

She doesn't eat too much.

She is strong.

[man ] Enough!

You don't have to treat her like that.

Are you all right?

[man ] Is anyone interested?

[doctor] It is important for us
to have your name.

- [doctor] Relax.
- Where is my stone?

- Calm down.
- That stone is very important...

- Calm down, calm down.
- ...where did you put it?

[doctor] Over there in that closet.
Can you see it?

We take care of all
our patients' belongings,

and our patients too.

[doctor] You are safe from anyone
who wants to harm you.

Because you didn't do that
to yourself, did you?

[doctor] Look, you don't have to protect
the culprit.

I know what it is to be afraid.
Nobody has to live like that.

Do you remember who did this to you?


I need my stone.
I must leave this place!

No. Calm down, calm down.

I won't let you leave
before I know you are safe.

- [doctor] The sedative, please.
- [doctor] Sure.

[machine beeping]

[brush sweeping]

[birds tweeting]

[man] "I'm dying to see you, my love.

I'll wait for you tonight
in our secret garden."

[fire crackling]

[man] You're finally here.

Thank you.


No, water lilies and honey.


For eternal love?

For real love.

[woman] There's the witch!
Rogelio, don't let her escape.

[Rogelio] Guards, go get her! Guards!


What did you do to my son?

When did your spell start?

[man] Stop talking nonsense!

I would never force anyone
to do anything they don't want to do.

[woman] You are so arrogant.

Rogelio, seize her!

[dogs barking]

Carmen, please.


- Don't move!
- [dogs whine]

Can't you see she's bewitching you?

That's not true, Mother!

Rogelio, seize her!

[man] Please don't! Don't move,

- Release her!
- [Carmen screams]

[Rogelio] Take her!

Mother, listen to me, please!

Let go of me!


Despite a % reduction
in ozone layer depletion,

news is not encouraging.

Climate change continues to advance,
and the doomsday clock has gone forward.

Don't move!

A new burnt body was found this morning
on an abandoned road,

surrounded by a ring of fire.

This would be the fifth female victim
of the culprit,

whom people started calling
the "Fire k*ller."


[doctor] She arrived here
with second-degree burns on her feet.

We could be seeing the only
living witness of the Fire k*ller.

Let's go, guys!

Let's see, let's see.

Can we talk to her already?

You can, but don't get your hopes up.

[doctor] She says
she doesn't remember anything.

She is in a state
of severe post-traumatic shock.

[doctor] This way.

[nurse] Doctor,
will you give me a second?

- We must talk to her no matter what, okay?
- Yes, sir.

[machine beeping]

Mitutu onatuto laroyeile.

[fuse crackling]

[policeman] What's this?

[machine beeping]

[fuse crackling]

Hechua gogo, hechua laguana,
hechua guatipongo...

hechua yomamaqueño.

- [bang]
- [women scream]

- [policeman ] Watch out, Jiménez!
- [Jiménez] Are you all right?

[policeman ] Jiménez, Jiménez!

[doctor] Someone turn
the generator back on, please!

[man] Turn the fuse box off.
There is smoke!

- [doctor] Look for the head nurse.
- [policeman ] Jiménez!

[car accelerating]

[horn beeping]

[tires screeching]

[driver] Stupid woman!

I'm sorry, but we can't find the patient.

Damn it!

Well, her feet are wounded.
She can't be that far.

- Thank you very much, Doctor. Let's go!
- Yes, thank you.

[Carmen groaning]

[Carmen breathes deeply]

[Carmen sighs]

[crowd] It's the witch! It's the witch!

[woman] This sl*ve bewitched my son!

She seduced him with Satan's help!

That's a lie!

How do you explain the fact
that a sl*ve can read and write?

This letter was written by her.

The Devil moves her hand.

[man] That's not true.

She knows how to read and write,
because I taught her.

[woman] Shut up!

Carmen is innocent
of all she's accused of.

- She's not a witch.
- Shut up!

Hilda confessed.
She saw how the Devil seduced my son.

Carmen, they forced me.

[man] Burn her!

[crowd] Burn her! Burn her!

[Carmen] Hilda is innocent,
and I'm innocent, too.

Falling in love with Cristobal
was my only sin.

And I know how to read and write,
but not because of the Devil,

but because of my intelligence.

Because of your intelligence?
You insolent, cheeky witch!

[crowd] Witch! Witch! Witch!

[crowd] Burn her! Burn her!

By the power the Tribunal
of the Holy Inquisition confers upon me,

I condemn Carmen Eguiluz,

eighteen-year-old mulatto sl*ve,

for witchcraft and heresy.

She will be burnt alive at the stake!

No, if you burn her alive,
I will be burned with her.

No, Cristobal, no.

Your Excellence, he's my son.
I beg you, please.

[Cristobal] Arrest me!

If this religion can't understand
our love,

I renounce it!

- Don't do it, Cristobal! Cristobal!
- [Rogelio] Cristobal!

[Rogelio] My son's destiny
will never belong to the Devil!





[man] They say witches don't cry.

But not all of them are equal.

Some are more special than others.

Which type do you belong to?

[man] No, birds don't talk.

I'm here, on the other side of your cell.

[man] Repeat these words with me:

Mituto onatuto laroyeile.

[man] Without fear!

[man] Repeat with me:

[man] Mituto...




[man] ...laroyeile.


[Carmen gasps]

[man] Hechua gogo.

[Carmen] Hechua gogo.

[man] Hechua loguana.

[Carmen] Hechua loguana.

[man] Hechua gotipongo.

Hechua gotipongo.

Hechua yomamaqueño.

Hechua yomamaqueño.

[man chuckles]

What's this?

The sign that you are a real witch.

[man] A pure-blood witch.

[Carmen] And who are you?

Aldemar, the Immortal.

I want to make a deal with you.

What do you want the most in this world?

Something that's impossible.

I want Cristobal to live again.

Cristobal, a lover?

And if I told you that
I can bring Cristobal back to life,

would you do something for me?

Nobody can revive dead people.

I know, but I can go back in time
to the exact moment

when Cristobal was alive,

and then you would be able
to prevent the tragedy.

What must I do?

Travel to the future
and accomplish a mission for me.

[upbeat music playing]

Excuse me, I'm looking
for a woman called Ninibe.

They told me I could find her
on the Caribbean coast,

but I don't know where that is.

Well, the Caribbean coast
is this region here.

- All right, thank you.
- You're welcome.

[people chatting indistinctly]

[car horn blaring]

[car horn blaring]

[Aldemar] The deal is very simple.

You just need to travel and bring
an unharmed stone to Ninibe,

an old friend of mine, and I promise
that as soon as you deliver the stone,

you will immediately go back in time,

and enjoy your beloved one's company.

Is that all?
I just need to deliver a stone?

[Aldemar] It is not as simple as it seems.

What risks are you willing to take
to recover your beloved?

All kind of risks.

As long as Cristobal lives again,
all possible risks.


we have a deal.

[roller-skates rolling]

Sir, excuse me.
Is all this the coast?

All this and more.

It goes that way to infinity.

It's like looking for a needle
in a haystack,

but there must be another way.

Sir, what do you think is the best way

to find a person
that is lost in this world?

Well, the easiest way
is to go to the police.

There! The police.
Just in case you want to ask them.

Thank you.

There it is. It's her.

[police siren wailing]

[Jiménez] It is her, Tino.

[police siren wailing]

[Carmen panting]

[police siren getting louder]

[beeping horn]

[Jiménez] Let's go, let's go!

- [Jiménez] Damn it.
- [Tino] Miss!

[motorbike approaching]


[women chatting and laughing indistinctly]

[Carmen] Let's go, let's go!

Hi, girls!

[man] Go home, black women.

[car passing by]

[police siren wailing]

[Tino] What, nothing?

[Jiménez] We'll have to stay in this area
all night, Tino.

At some point, she'll have to appear.

At some point.

[woman] Dear, it's such a pleasure
to have you here!

- I missed you!
- [woman ] I missed you, too.

I am glad to be here in town.

Next year, you should come
with your husband

and I'll have the best room for you.

[woman ] Adelaida,
you don't have a hostel, but a home.

[Adelaida] That's true. That's true.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Hey, hey, hey,
what are you doing here?

Weren't you told
guests can't just hang around?

Tourists think they own the place.

You are new, aren't you?

I have never seen you around.

[Adelaida] Jhony Ki,
help me with Dalia's luggage.

She has already checked in.

Same room as always.

Look, if you tell Grandma
that you saw me smoking,

I'll tell her you took Grandpa's books
without her permission.

I'm coming, Grandma.

You hear me?

I'm coming!

You hear?

[Carmen] Dear Cristobal, my brain
tells me that writing to you

is ridiculous,
since you are already dead,

but my heart believes in magic

and it won't resign to admitting
this is a final goodbye.

That's why I am here,
in our same house, but in the future,

trying to fulfill an agreement
I made with a great wizard,

and go back in time to save you.

I feel lonely and lost.

I am scared of what might happen to me
in this unknown world.

But what scares me most is the fact
that I might never see you again.

Love you forever, Carmen.

[piano music playing]

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you.

No, that's okay. I'm sure I was
driving you crazy, I'm a very bad student.

A pleasure, I'm Esteban.


Are you here as a tourist,
or as a student?


Are you here as a tourist or to study?

A student.
There are many things to learn here.


[Adelaida] Esteban,
I brought you the juice you like.

I didn't know you had brought a friend.

- Hi.
- Hi.

No, no, she's not my friend.
Well, not yet.

No, I'm looking for a room.

Well, you came to the right place.

I'll show you the available rooms
and the hostel.

We'll let the young man
keep practicing, okay?

Bend your fingers.

Yes, madam.

My late husband inherited this house

from his great-grandfather,
and then we decided

to open the music school here,
but Pepe died.

At that moment,
the house, the plants, even me,

started to wither.
But, well, now it is a hostel,

where I host people from everywhere
and at least I don't feel very lonely.

Hi, Jhony Ki.

Hi, Grandma! Bye, Grandma!

Oh, youth, right?
But I don't blame my grandson, poor guy.

Life hasn't been easy for him
since his parents' death.

Well, as I was saying, you can pay
per night, per week, or per month.

The fee depends on the time spent.
How many days are you planning to stay?

That's the problem.

Don't you have money?

I'm looking for a person,
and I must stay here

until I find her,
but I don't know how.

A relative?

A friend of a friend.
Her name is Ninibe.

They told me I could find her
on the Caribbean coast,

but this place
seems to be endless.

[Adelaida laughs]

Well, the university is big,
but not too big.

The university?

Could you please tell me
how to get there?

And then I can decide if I stay
or go back to where I came from.

Of course! Come with me, it's not far.

[dog whimpers]

[dog barking]

Hey, hey!
Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

No, no!

[dog barking]

Out! No, no!

- Hi.
- Hi.

Hi, where is Ninibe's office?

Over there.

Thank you.

It's okay.


[water running]

[birds tweeting]

[girl] My love, what are you doing?

[girl] My love, my love, wait!

[girl] Baby, no! They'll catch us.

[girl] Let go of me!

- Let go of me!
- [Carmen] Let go of her!

[girl] It's okay, don't worry.
He's my boyfriend.

We just came here
to get cannabis seeds, that's all.

- Cannabis?
- [boy] Marijuana...

The professor has some seeds,

and we thought we'd be okay
to take a few plants. That's all.

Please don't tell anyone.

If my father knows about this,
he'll k*ll me.

No, it's okay.
I'm just looking for Ninibe.

[Ninibe] I'm here.

[girl] Hi, Professor!

[boy] Hi, Professor.
We were about to leave. I'm sorry.

Yes, my father sent you an orchid,
I left it there.

- Excuse me.
- So long!

What were they doing here?

Kissing, that's all.

[Ninibe] And what do you need?

Finally, my great master Aldemar
will be free.

Aldemar told me that if I gave you
this unharmed stone,

you could send me back in time.

Someone in the past is waiting for me.

You will be able to go back soon.

But I have to introduce you
to my disciple first,

she'll help us with the ritual.

What ritual?

[Ninibe] The ritual
for you to go back in time.

[Ninibe] Did you use magic?
Didn't Aldemar warn you?

Yes, he told me that if I used magic,
I could summon Lucien,

the enemy, but I had no other choice.

I had to solve a problem.

You still don't have much power,
but you must be very careful.

Lucien smells witches' power
from a distance.

We don't need him to find you before...

Before what?

Before you can travel in time again,
all right?

Lucien must not find you.

If he does,
he will want you to work for him...

and use your magic for evil.

If you refuse to do it,

he'll turn you into ashes,

just as he has done with many of us.

But don't worry.
As long as you are with me,

by my side, nothing will happen to you.
I'll take care of you.



Do you want to meet our partner?

- [Carmen] Yes.
- [Ninibe] Let's go.


[Ninibe] Welcome.

[Carmen] Do people know we are witches?

[Ninibe] No, it is not necessary.

[Ninibe] We don't call ourselves witches.
We are doctors,

scientists... I am a biologist.

[Carmen] A biologist?

Yes, that was how
we were able to camouflage ourselves

in this world.

I chose the beautiful science
that studies living beings,

but the kingdom I love most,

the most fascinating one
is the plant kingdom.

Aren't they quite powerful?

Very powerful!

And where will we find the other witch?

Here at the university.
We have been safe

for a long time,
though we know Lucien is...


I already told you
I wouldn't be part of this.

Carmen, I'll see you in the garden.

I'll look for you there.
Don't talk to anyone.

[Carmen] Yes, madam.

[Ninibe] Alicia!

[Ninibe] Alicia!

I don't want to do it, period.

We can't let him win.

We must get together.

No, I don't want to have anything to do
with that.

Alicia, please,
you can't avoid it anymore.

Of course, I can!
Or did I sign a contract?

I won't take the risk
and you can't force me.

Yes, I can.

It's her. She's here.
The one we were waiting for is real.

She exists
and she has brought the stone.

She knows enough,
that she will help us do justice.

It is time to beat Lucien,
and free Aldemar.

Yes, we'll finally sleep well,

and Lucien will stop chasing us.

Please, don't hurt me.

No, no, no!

No! Don't hurt me, please! No!

[clamoring voices]

Look, I need you to understand me, sir,
I know something bad happened to her,

because we were talking
when I heard her screaming.

[policeman] We'll take care of it.

[boy] I wonder if they took her
like the others.

[boy ]
That's why women shouldn't be alone.

Come on! Stop talking nonsense, will you?

Excuse me, excuse me!

Excuse me.

You again? What are you doing here?

[Jiménez] You again?