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02x01 - Hello Again

Posted: 02/03/23 18:57
by bunniefuu
I was so very happy when you smiled at me, A smile that melted everything away.

Spring is still far away, and within the cold ground, I awaited the time when sprouts would put forth their buds.

Even supposing today there may have been some pain, And though the scars of yesterday remain, You can go on living as much as your heart wants to believe.

You cannot be born again, although You can go on changing yourself, and so Let's stay together, always.

Honda, you're an onigiri! Kyo?

Has something happened again?

What's the matter?

Did Akito say something to you?

It's all right.

I I still love you, at least.

I still love you You are a full-fledged human.

It's okay.

I'm not the slightest bit afraid of you.


You really were afraid of me, right?

That's why you checked me dozens of times a day, to make sure that my beads had not come off or anything, right?

You're my son, and I'm so proud of you.

In that case, why didn't you ever let me go out?

You're so adorable, I'm not going to show you to anybody! You were ashamed, weren't you?

No, I love you! I would even die for you! Why is that all you ever say?

You won't even acknowledge the real me, but you'll make such a show of doing all those motherly things.

Your mother loved you more than anyone.

Stop! You too you too Is running away all that we do?

Is that all we do!?

I've had enough! I've had enough of doing that! Honda-san! Tell him! Tell him the truth! Tell him what you think now! Tell him the truth! I'm not going to give in! That was damn lousy.

It's okay for you to complain.

Tohru, be yourself It's okay to get discouraged once in a while.

It's okay to tell people what you want, you know.

Let's go home.

Back to our house.

I am a fool.

Really, I have no power at all.

I'm afraid.

Right now, Kyo, I'm afraid of you.

But still but still I want us to stay together together from now on, too.

I want to eat our meals together, and study together, and worry together I want you to listen to what I want.

And Kyo-kun, I want to listen to your complaints, too.

And so I want us to stay together! You didn't have to love everything Being afraid Being afraid is just proof that you've truly seen the real me, after all But Mom she used loving words to gloss over things, and didn't even try to see me.

I wanted to think, and worry together with you I was fine with you being afraid.

Even if you didn't love me in that ugly form even so, let's still live together I've been a fool.

I didn't think that anyone anyone would ever say that to me.

Tohru Tohru How is it that you could give to me the words that I most wanted to hear right now?

How is it that somebody like you could be at my side crying for me?


Yun-chan Thanks.

Thank you.

Mother What, you're not even saying goodbye?

I'm still only this good.

But someday, I'm gonna be the kind of person who my master can be proud to tell others, "I'm his pop!" That's the kind of guy I'm gonna be!! You are still quite the troublesome son, Kyo.

Mother Is there anything I can do?

Tohru, be yourself.

It serves you right, you know.

Piping hot rice topped with Natto beans Kyo-kun, time to eat.

You're sure lively this early in the morning.

Let's see now Oh, barracuda?

Shigure-san Um Tomorrow, I'd like to go see Akito-san.

Can I see you for a moment?

The reason that Akito-san can only live for a little while longer, you see, is because he bears what you would call the "core" of the curse we are afflicted with.

That was already decided at the time he was born, and there is nothing that Akito-san himself can do about it.

All we can do is live the way he tells us to.

And that's it.

Tohru-kun, I wish that you would have nothing further to do with Akito-san.


Ah, hello?


We're headed over there right now, is that all right?

Oh, no, it's not so much myself, as it is Tohru-kun Sohma I admire your nerve What have you come here for?

Go on, tell me.

I won't be angry.

What have you come here for?

I do not know.

It's not that you don't know, is it!?

You just can't say it, can you!?

Well, let me say it for you! You're going to say that you want to live together happily with everyone in that house, right?

I won't allow it! I will absolutely make you regret having anything to do with the Sohmas! Suffer! You suffer, too! You can just wear yourself out, until you're ragged, kneeling before me! You all will realize this as well - that you cannot leave the Sohmas! That you cannot go against me! Now, say "Please forgive me," and that you will not involve yourself with the Sohmas ever again.

It must have been very painful Akito-san To be told on the very day you were born that you were going to die how very painful that must have been! What was!?

What do you know!?

Yes it is a horror that I can scarcely imagine.

It is terrifying! Shigure-san, and Yuki-kun, and Kyo-kun are all surely dreading it.

Hatori san, as well.

Akito-san, when you pass away, we will be sad very sad, I believe.

And so Who's going to be saddened?

Everyone else is able to be alive, thanks to me.

They all hope that I will be gone quickly.

I was born in order to die.

That's what was decided.


Who decided such a thing?

Akito-san, you are indeed alive, aren't you?


You call this being alive?

It has been decided.

It has been decided! And they never even asked me! I didn't know my Mother was going to die Silence! Stop talking! Hatori! Erase this girl's memory! Do it now! Hatori! I wanted her to live a long time.

I wanted her to watch me.

Stop crying.

Stop it! Stop crying! I don't know what this curse is, but I am happy, Akito san, that I met you.

I do not regret having met everyone, not at all.

Akito san, please let me hear more about how you feel.

Even if you're angry, or bitter, or frustrated.

Akito-san, whatever it is you're feeling Akito-san, right now, you're a- alive I don't know Hey! Hey, you damn rat, tell me what happened! U- um, I'm sorry, apparently, I was being a bit too presumptuous.

No, that isn't so.

Indeed not.

W- what!?

Oh, I'm just thinking out loud.

No you're not! U- um, once we get home, I'll tell you everything.

Kyo What!?

When we get home, how about a fight?

At last, you've prepared to accept your fate, huh?

Don't let me down! Hey, you! No you don't! He really is lively, huh?

You're pretty lively yourself, if you take my meaning.

Well, maybe.

I wasn't able to do anything, though.

It's not as though it's over.

We might still be able to find something, even now.

As long as we're the ones who decide what it is we're looking for.

And if we can't manage it, there's always the next one.

Yes, there is.

Shall we take it slowly, then?

Hey! Let's hurry and get home! I don't even care if they're leftovers, just feed me something! I'm hungry! Right! Having giving our best at the end of this day, "Farewell, and thank you," We now smile, and say.

This is my little prayer.

Mother, are you watching?

Once in a while, there are times when I want to cry, but I'm walking Everyone is walking to places even farther away than this.

Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.

Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.

La, la, la Wonderful love and life La, la, la Adorable love and life La, la, la Wonderful love and life