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01x25 - Summer Will Be Here Soon

Posted: 02/03/23 18:56
by bunniefuu
I was so very happy when you smiled at me, A smile that melted everything away.

Spring is still far away, and within the cold ground, I awaited the time when sprouts would put forth their buds.

Even supposing today there may have been some pain, And though the scars of yesterday remain, You can go on living as much as your heart wants to believe.

You cannot be born again, although You can go on changing yourself, and so Let's stay together, always.

Don't look!! His body is squashed and ugly.

And what an awful smell! It smells like something gone rotten.

This is the evil spirit of the Cat's original form.

It's disgusting.

Kyo kun She saw me She saw me she saw me! It's over! It's all over! It's no use now! That is the other form that, as one possessed by the Cat, he had kept hidden.

Only humans who are possessed by the Cat become that grotesque form.

Was it revolting to you?

Did you think it frightening?

Please Kyo-kun Kyo-kun! Oh?

Honda Tohru-san?

What's the matter, all the way out here?

Whoa how awful! It serves you right, you know.

What do you understand about the Sohmas?

Do you understand the true terror of our curse?

Do you?

I can only live a little while longer.

That's just the way it is.

I've single-handedly taken the curse of the zodiac upon myself, you see.

I wonder what it was that everyone was expecting of you.

Did they think that you would be able to save the Sohmas?

Ultimately, this is what you get, you know.

And you won't get off just like that, either.

I'm going to make you regret more and more that folks like you come to involve themselves with the Sohmas.

Akito! Thanks to you, I'm completely soaked.

Tohru kun I'm sorry Knowing you I knew this I knew Tohru-kun Let's give it up! Let's give it up! You're you're going to ruin yourself! But even so! Yun-chan, why don't you go after him?

Have you come to hate Kyo-kun?

I've hated that guy from the beginning.

Ever since he's been the Cat and I've been the Rat.

Up until now, and from here on as well, that will not change.

I wonder, who was it that arranged for you to have that excuse?

It's sad, huh?

Kagura, are you sure you're okay, not going after Kyo?

I'm not going after him.

That's what I've decided.

I can accept Kyo-kun, no matter what form he's in.

After all, there's no other girl that loves Kyo-kun as much as I do.

That's why I understand, you know, that I won't do any good.

And that right now, Tohru-kun is the only one who will do any good for Kyo-kun.

Kagura Since I am also from the zodiac, for me to accept Kyo-kun would only serve to console him.

As far as that goes, Kyo-kun and I are too close, you know.

That's why now, all I can do is leave things up to Tohru-kun.


That's strange Huh ah! No, that's not it Let's see Ah, here it is, here it is.

Kyo-kun's color - The boy didn't even cry.

- Even though his mother died.

If only she hadn't given birth to a child possessed by the Cat, you know?

She probably wouldn't have become so heartsick.

Shut up! It isn't my fault! None of this is my fault! That's right.

I know.

Nice to meet you.

I am Sohma Kazuma.

It isn't my fault it isn't my fault! It's not my! It's all right.

I know.

Kyo, why don't you come live with me?

I may not look it, but I am the instructor of a karate dojo.

If you have any interest, you're willing to give it a try.

Look, it's Kyo! Kazuma-kun really has taken him in, huh?

Still, even if he is too much for his father to handle, you have to feel sorry for Kazuma-kun.


And he's still so young! Of all things, for him to take in that Cat-possessed boy! From now on, we'll have to go breathe the air of even higher locations, won't we?

Say, you're a "master," aren't you?

On TV, they said that a karate sensei was called a "master.

" So you must be a "master," right?

You certainly may be right about that.

However, none of my students ever address me like that.

As far as being psyched up goes, I'm right there with you, Teacher.

Even so, both of you have improved quite a bit.

Is that right?

We're so glad to hear you say so! By the way, Teacher, at our next rank advancement test Master Welcome home, Kyo.

Why must you try settling issues in such a violent way?

All they did was tease you about your hair.

Your father is coming.

You claim to be his foster parent.

How on earth are you raising him?

To think that he would take in the Cat-possessed boy! Kazuma-kun has to be a little touched too, doesn't he?

not my dad! Master, you're not my dad! - It's all right.

even higher locations Welcome home, Kyo.

My intent was to make amends My grandfather, like Kyo, was possessed by the Cat.

My whole family alienated him, and the whole clan slandered him, and treated him terribly.

And so I only ever saw my grandfather the one time.

Come here, Kazuma.

I'll give you some candy.

N- no way! I'll become cursed! I uttered such cruel words.

I see He was such a kind person, who still smiled at me, and forgave me My grandfather passed away, and I grew older.

From a third-person perspective, I became painfully aware of the environment that he was surrounded in.

The foolishness the cruelty and how nothing had changed from the way it had been before.

It was exactly the same.

Why don't you come live with me?

And so, in order to make amends, I took him in, even though by doing so, I may have been wanting to eliminate my own feelings of guilt.

However, by staying together, and by living together before I even realized it, there was a tenderness that was born between us and every time I saw him smile, that tenderness would grow and I held him dear, and worried about him, and I wanted him to be happier than anyone else.

It almost felt as if I had become his father.

However, I ignored what the boy wanted, and took away his beads, and arbitrarily forced my feelings upon him.

You are not my dad! Kyo What's the deal?

Why is this so urgent?

Can't we come here tomorrow with Tohru?

There's just something Vibes, huh?

Well, that's okay.

Kyoko-san will be surprised, won't she?

I mean, really, in the middle of the night like this Tohru?

What are you doing!?

You're soaked to the skin! Uo-chan Hana-chan What happened to you!?

I can't go back I'm not fit to go back I never was I wasn't fit to be staying there.

Not me Tohru?

Get hold of yourself! Don't!! What are you doing, Hanajima!?

You can't embrace Tohru-kun right now! That's what the vibes are telling me! What are you talking about!?

Go on, Tohru-kun to the place where you need to go.

You must go there! I can't go.

I just can't go! Get up.

Come on, get up! I can't go.

Stop it, Hanajima! Tohru, get hold of yourself.

Why, you! - Stand up! - Hanajima! What're you doing!?

Let me go! Tohru! Get going! Quickly! There's something for you to do that only you can do! I'm right, aren't I!?

What do you mean!?

Hanajima! It's something that none of us can do anything about.

All we can do is make you go! So, hurry up and go! GO!! Tohru?

Tohru How come?

How come!?

I was so very happy when you smiled at me, A smile that melted everything away.

Spring is still far away, and within the cold ground, Let's go home.

Back to our house.

I awaited the time when sprouts would put forth their buds.

Even supposing today there may have been some pain, And though the scars of yesterday