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01x21 - I Never Back Down from a Wave Fight

Posted: 02/03/23 18:53
by bunniefuu
I was so very happy when you smiled at me, A smile that melted everything away.

Spring is still far away, and within the cold ground, I awaited the time when sprouts would put forth their buds.

Even supposing today there may have been some pain, And though the scars of yesterday remain, You can go on living as much as your heart wants to believe.

You cannot be born again, although You can go on changing yourself, and so Let's stay together, always.

Auntie, where's Kisa?

Oh dear, I'm sorry.

Kisa is staying over at Shigure-san's house tonight.

She said she was going to watch an anime video with Tohru-san.

Kisa really does seem to like Tohru-san.

Crap! What a formidable opponent! Is my tremendous power that terrifying, Ari?

Moge! Even so, once I return home, I find myself caught under the thumb of the Missus! What an immature foe! To think that he would hit me with tales of stress at home! The enemy gentleman has a number of circumstances all his own, doesn't he?

That is a difficult problem.

I think that this entire anime has problems.

Good morning Shigure, it's evening already.

Why don't you adjust your lifestyle rhythm?

I became a writer so that I could get away with not having to adjust it.

Oh, wow! There's a girl here that looks just like Sa-chan.

How about if your uncle here buys you some candy?

Are you still half-asleep?

Or is this some gag where you're playing the lousy father?

Yuki-kun, you're certainly cold today.

Let go of her.

She'll catch your vulgar cooties.

So then, what are you watching?

An anime They say it's funny It's popular at school too I borrowed it.

How has school been since then?

Little by little I love you! It's a jitterbug, with hearts.

Uo-chan, Hana-chan, if you'll excuse me Oh, you've got to go to work now?

See you tomorrow, Tohru-kun.

Right! Oh, I guess I got here a little early.

I could k*ll a little time in the changing room A shoe just fell down here Say Pick that up.

What an adorable boy! Pick it up! S- sure! Here you are.

What, you seriously picked it up?

What a moron! Have you no identity or policy of your own?

If you were told to fall down, would you?

If you were told to fly through the air, would you?

N- no How distasteful, people that have no sense of independence.

Now, look, once you've picked it up, give it back immediately.

Or are you, what, thinking of stealing it?

N- no, not at all Say After I came all this way to meet you, can't you even say one word of thanks?

U- um?

Would you be so kind as to at least take a guess concerning someone who came to meet the likes of you, such as I have, based on your experiences up to now?

He's one of the Sohma zodiac You're so dim, you dumb chick! Y- yes You know, you're not as great as what I heard from the rumors.

I thought you were supposed to be some more remarkable girl, but you're just average when it comes to everything.

Aw, this is useless.

I shouldn't have come to see you.

Buy me something for dinner.

Don't "Eh!?

" me.

If I don't have you do at least that much, it isn't worth my time.

Show some appreciation.

Um but I'm on my way to work, and I don't have very much money with me.

Let me see inside your pocketbook! You know, this bag is rather dirty.

Ah, but then, the color of this notebook is okay.

I like dark green.

I'll take this.

You can't! That's! I'm Sohma Hiro.

Well, I don't think we'll be seeing each other again, but that's my name, just in case.

See you.

Thank you for letting me have such an incredibly dull time with you.

Please wait! That notebook has a photograph of my mother in it! Mother has been kidnapped! L- I have to get him to return her! This is no time to be concerned about work! Mother! Hiro-san Here I was able to meet yet another member of the zodiac, and I didn't even have enough time to be impressed! Tohru! What are you doing here?

You look like you've just lost everything you have.

Momiji-kun A picture of her mother, huh?

What a pretentious mother I bet that girl just has a simple mother complex.

How distasteful.

Hiro, what are you doing here?

Do I have to be doing something?

Am I no good if I'm not working?

Are you trying to say that people who have a low productivity don't have enough value to be living?

You know that's not what I'm saying.

I asked you nicely, so answer me nicely! So, what now?

Do I have to answer anything that's asked to me nicely?

Do I have to say something, even if I don't want to?

You pedantic little kid! How dare a knapsack-wearing filthy little brat like you! What are you getting so uptight over a "filthy little brat" for?

I'm gonna send you sky-high! Hiro-san! Hiro-san, m- my notebook my notebook Kyo-kun! Whoa What, you followed me all the way here?

How did you figure out where to go?

Hiro! Have you done something?


What's that?

Are you suspicious of me for no reason?

If your accusation is false, how are you going to apologize to me?

All I did was take her notebook.

So you did do something, no question! Give it back to her, right now! What are you talking about?

That dumb chick asked me to take it.

Dumb chick, did you say?

You've taken this inflated attitude of yours far enough, Hiro.

Unless you want to let that mouth of yours get d*sfigured, I'm telling you to give it back now! Kyo-kun! If you want to be charged with child abuse, go right ahead.

Hiro-chan Hiro-chan did you take Sissy's things?

Kisa-san, hello! But, why are you here?

I see, now.

So this was all instigated by the bunny, then?

I asked Kisa where Hiro was likely to go.

Hiro-chan, you have to give it back.

You shouldn't do anything that would trouble Sissy.

Hiro chan This is ridiculous I don't even need this! - Hiro! - That was terrible! Um, it's okay now No it's not! H- Hiro-chan Why did you do that to Sissy?

I don't like it when you do things that make others sad Sissy this, Sissy that What's the deal?

You're always You're always talking about that dumb chick! Like that video, you took it straight to that dumb chick! Why!?

I'm the one that lent it to you, so why couldn't we watch it togeth?

But, Hiro-chan when you lent me the video I'm not into this, but Kisa, you'd like it, right?

I'll lend it to you, but I'm not into it.

You didn't mention a word about doing that You want me to say every little thing about doing that?

You should have guessed! Hiro, you're being unreasonable! Shut up, you bunny! And besides, I wasn't able to be any help to you at all.

Kisa, when you were in trouble, I wasn't able to do anything for you And yet"Sissy this, Sissy that" that's all you would say But I was I was Kisa I was so worried about you What's going on now?

Kyo, you're just too thick-skinned.

Hiro was jealous of Tohru.

For all he tries to do, he's still just an elementary sixth grader, after all.

It's awkward for him.

I'm sorry, okay, Hiro-chan?

Next time let's definitely watch together, okay?

As it turns out, Tohru was a rival for her affections! I'm not sure whether to feel happy or presumptuous.

It's a tough place for you to be, huh Tohru?

But, Hiro-chan would you apologize to Sissy too?

That's right, Hiro! Tohru has to work today, and now she's late! This new person from the zodiac that I have come across is quite clever But he is, after all, still a child No! I won't forgive him, even if he does apologize! I will have Hiro-san punished for this! What do you mean?

What are you going have done?

Punishment by hugging! Dummy.

Where does she get punishment out of that?

Hiro has been bothered by this for several years now.

Please accept my regards anew, Hiro-san.

He was just a boy, so sweetly in love halting though it may be.

caught under the thumb of the Missus! So, what, if the wife stopped keeping him under her thumb, he would give up being a villain?

Can't she think that her husband is anything besides a good-for-nothing?

Or was there some other reason for him to say that to begin with?

It's anime, let's just watch it quietly, Hi-kun.

That's right! It's too sweet.

Do you think that as long as you're dealing with children, you can just make everything sweet?

Haven't you thought that that's what causes cavities?

Oh, I didn't think of that.

How distasteful, people who don't show any consideration for others.

Hiro-chan It's all right, Kisa-san.

No, it's not all right.

Be more careful in the future.

R- right, I'll do my best! Hey, Hiro! Don't get things wrong.

She isn't your maid, or anything else! Come into someone else's house and take that big-shot tone of yours, will you?

And why do you have to come here every time you have time off now, anyhow?

Oh, what's this?

Since when did a cat become the head of the household here?

Do you contribute enough of anything around here that you're capable of making such a complaint?

Do you pay all the taxes here?

How distasteful, people who complain so much, when they haven't accomplished anything themselves.

If all you're going to do is pose a problem, then even a spoiled, snotty-nosed child can do that, can't they?

That goes for you too! Stop, stop, Kyo-chan! Hi-kun is just going through a rebellious phase.

I don't care if he's going through a rebellious phase or not! If he's going to carry on, he can do it in his own house! It's not as though he could carry on that much, right?

It takes a lot of resolve for someone of the zodiac to make time with someone else, be it outside or within the House of Sohma.

Well, in any case, we have let it go.

For you to lose your temper just proves that you're still in a rebellious phase, too.


You're quick to get angry.

You have to work hard to develop your mind and become a fine adult, like me.


Someone who cannot make their deadlines is a "fine adult," then?

Oh my.

She was standing outside the front door, looking like she was just about to hang herself.



Why can't you make them!?

Why indeed, I wonder It's strange, so strange Sensei, you're impossible! Yes, yes, I know.

I will write for you.

But as far as today, go on back home.


How annoying.

Can't people have more respect for quiet?

And another thing, refill my tea.

Now look, you! I'll get a refill ready for you right away! And don't you go doing every little thing anyone says, either! For some reason, the more the days go by, the noisier this house gets.

I've had it! I'm not having anything to do with that brat any more! Hiro-chan, do you hate Sissy?

I don't like her.

T- then, why do you bring me here?

Because, Kisa because, Kisa, you like her.

Because I want to take you somewhere that you'll be happy.


When I'm at Sissy's side, I feel warmer.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Here is your refill.

Bathroom I'm sorry Hiro-chan really is quite kind The two of you really do get along well, don't you?

I once thought that Hiro-chan hated me.

When I was still in elementary school he used to play with me often.

Then suddenly, he became very standoffish I would talk to him, but he would be cold to me and I didn't know why so I was really surprised I was really really worried about you too, Kisa I was glad.

Is that right?

Could it have been that "self-consciousness" thing that boys have?

There could be some other reason, though.

People from the zodiac do carry hardships unique to the zodiac, after all Thoughts that they cannot quite accept, and feelings of confusion swirling around even inside Hiro-san's little body.

Perhaps this is something hard for him.

Hiro must not yet have had any idea what would happen if he were to tell Akito.

I like Kisa! Consequently, Akito Akito-san absolutely will not accept anything that happens where he doesn't know about it, after all.

Ever since then, Hiro seems to have done everything he could not to get close to Kisa.

In the meantime, Kisa apparently met with her bullying And so, it's only natural that he couldn't follow through.

With him avoiding getting next to her, he didn't stand a chance.

When you're the reason that someone you hold dear gets hurt, it can make you timid.

Hiro must not know how to handle the indignation he feels toward what he has done.

Is that why he's taking it out on Tohru-kun?

There's the irrationality of youth for you.

Hiro-san, Kisa-san! You don't have to work today, right?

Take us somewhere to play.

Did you come here on your way home from school just for me?

That's right! We came here for you! And we're getting tired of waiting! Don't weary us any further! Hurry up and take us! Um well but, where in the world shall we?

What is this!?

Can't you decide that on your own?

Don't you have any likes and dislikes, ideas and principles of your own?

Do you think that all you have to do is walk calmly along the rails that others have already laid down?

Aw, isn't that just the most wonderful, comfortable lifestyle?

S- sorry! This is a park.

Yes, a park.

You know Why did you choose a cheapskate place like this?

Haven't the words "movie" or "amusement park" been input into that head?

U- um, but right now, I really don't have any money I like the park.

I'll forgive you.

Thank you very much! There's a crepe stand! Do both of you want one?

Do you want one, Kisa?

I'll take a chocolate one.


Kisa-san, what will you have?

Um strawberry.

Oh, then again Can't you decide on something?

Um banana chocolate They're both delicious, aren't they?

Well then, how about we make it half and half?

Mm-hmm! Excuse me, one chocolate, one strawberry, and one banana chocolate, please.

Sure! Y- you startled me! I'll pay for Kisa's.

I don't have any choice but to pay for mine, too.

Do whatever you have to for your own.

R- right! So delicious, they're to die for!! Crepe - Crepe Look, stand up straight, would you?

How scruffy! So delicious, they're to die for!! Crepe - Crepe Right! I can't figure it.

How did an air-headed gal like you manage to do something that I couldn't do?

Tell me, are you really all that incredible?

Are you able to dispel any worries that anyone might have?

Are you able to erase any pain or sadness?

Are you able to save people?

Um I don't do that at all That modesty, by the way, just makes you look contemptible, so would you stop it?

Okay If she If she had been in the same situation, I wonder if she could have protected Kisa better Loving her wanting to hold on to that feeling of loving her Wanting Akito to understand, too and yet I wasn't fair I couldn't tell Kisa I couldn't tell Akito distancing myself, as if running away knowing that she was being picked on and not doing anything but even so still thinking that I liked Kisa wasn't fair How come How come I'm such a brat?

I I wasn't able to do anything I've been such a brat and yet I even became jealous of her when she unexpectedly appeared.

I'm just the worst I hate to death how much of a brat I am I don't want to be I don't want to be like this I want to be more like an adult.

Hiro-san, you're incredible.

Look, I didn't want to have you follow up with anything, okay?

Or is it that, what, you're kissing up to me?

No, that's not it.

My mother said that it's a very frightening thing to admit to yourself that you are still a child, and that there are many people that avoid doing so.

And so, those that are able to admit it have a great deal of courage, she'd say.

Hiro-san, it's not as though there isn't anything you can do.

You can be a magnificent prince that goes on protecting Kisa-san.

After all, Hiro-san, you certainly have courage within you.

The courage to face forward and keep walking, even when you're afraid to.

So what you're trying to say is that right now, I don't have any sort of princely quality to me, is that it?

- T- that's not - Well That is true, I guess.

Here, thanks for waiting.

S- sure.

But still, your little sermon was worth the price of these crepes, so today will be special, and it's my treat.

She's so embarrassing.

What does she mean, "prince?

" She just says whatever she likes, without any conclusive evidence If I don't turn out like that, is she going to take the blame?

If I don't turn out like that?

Hiro-chan, what's the matter?

Did something happen that made you happy?

Just watch! I will turn out that way, I guarantee it! But I'll die before I thank her.

Hiro-san! Your change! I can't always have Hiro-chan to take me in hand and I have to be sure to invite you by myself So this Sunday um, would you come play with me and Hiro-chan, the three of us?

Yes, gladly! A rival! Sure enough, she's just a rival! Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.

Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.

La, la, la Wonderful love and life La, la, la Adorable love and life La, la, la Wonderful love and life I love Yuki.

From the way his hair shines silver in the sunlight, On the next Fruits Basket to his white skin, On the next Fruits Basket to the way his eyelashes veil his cheeks when he lowers his eyes, On the next Fruits Basket to the dignified way in which his voice carries Everything about Yuki means everything to me.

Ah, Yuki! As always, our destiny is like a rosebush that grows along a black gate, On the next Fruits Basket a sweet agony that causes my heart to Shut up, Motoko! You're annoying the whole neighborhood! I told you to knock, didn't I!?

What kind of idiot knocks on a sliding door?

Stop acting so westernized, would you?

If only you had given birth to me one year later! What kind of nonsense?