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01x16 - She Said Don't Step on Them!

Posted: 02/03/23 18:50
by bunniefuu
I was so very happy when you smiled at me, A smile that melted everything away.

Spring is still far away, and within the cold ground, I awaited the time when sprouts would put forth their buds.

Even supposing today there may have been some pain, And though the scars of yesterday remain, You can go on living as much as your heart wants to believe.

You cannot be born again, although You can go on changing yourself, and so Let's stay together, always.

Here you are.

Say, say, come tomorrow, why don't we all go stay over somewhere?


" After all, there's nothing going on for Golden Week, and it's going to be dull, right?

We have the opportunity, so let's go somewhere! What kind of nonsense are you talking about, all of a sudden?

Are you drunk?

Even when I do drink alcohol, I never let it get the better of me.

It's as if you're always drunk, isn't it?

Let's go, let's go! We'll borrow the Sohma cottage, or go to a spa, or something.

What do you say, Tohru-kun?

B- but, I've already let you take me on a hot springs trip once But I didn't get to go with you at that time, did I?

To tell the truth, I wanted to go too.

I felt kind of jealous.

Let's go! Stop manipulating her! Okay, okay, okay.

So then, you two are coming too, right?

You wouldn't by any means, let me and Tohru-kun go alone, just the two of us, right?

Though I wouldn't particularly mind that, either.

Okay then, with that settled, let's zoom on out of here! I'll drive.

Shigure, you have a license?

Of course I do! What was that pause for just now?

And so, it turned out that we all went to the Sohma's cabin.

That's Hatori driving! There's a lake! It's so pretty, and big! Are lakes all that uncommon?

Yes! This is the first time I've seen a real one.

This is the sort of cabin where Jason might show up, huh?

Not that again.

Jason you say?

Jason Jason What was that again?

A "Jason" is a new variety of bear, Kyo-kun, you know-nothing.

I knew that much, at least! No you don't.

A foreign-born bear?

By the way, Shigure, why on earth did you suddenly suggest that we do this?

I'm wondering about that myself.

You've got something ulterior going on, don't you?

Dear, me.

You guys are so cynical.

All I really wanted was to go on a trip with everyone.

I don't see why I should be mistrusted.

If you've got enough time on your hands to be picking on others like this, you should take Tohru-kun for a walk down to the lake, Yuki-kun, Kyo-kun.




Is something wrong, you two?

You seem gloomy.

U- um, I can just as well go by myself Hmm, this gloominess is that sort, huh?

The kind that requires a cheerful person, huh?

I know, let's call Aya! Call him and we'll send you to hell! Take your time! If only they had just gone without complaining in the first place.

Shigure About this reason why you suddenly suggested going somewhere By any chance, are you tormenting your supervisor again?

"We've gone on a trip.

Please do not look for us.

- Sohma "Shigure!?

" You stupid bastard! It's not tormenting.

I'm just having a little fun with her.

I pity your supervisor.

For some reason, the air is heavy.

Those two aren't even squabbling.

Could it be that they're angry at me about something!?

But, why in the world would they be?

Maybe it was when we went to visit the gravesite.

Could I have said or done something that was impolite?

The two of them are both such kind gentlemen that they are unable to say anything out loud! Um! L- I'm so sorry! I was just so out of it, that I utterly did not realize what I U- um, if there is anything that I have done to offend you, please tell me, whatever it is! Honda-san, j- just a moment! What do you mean?

What kind of nonsense are you talking about!?

Kyo-kun! Kyo-kun, are you all right!?

Damn, what kind of animal trail is this!?

Those footprints It's Jason! What!?


It's just a bear, I tell you.

W- w- what do we do!?

We're at risk! This is terrible! We're in danger! Both of you, hurry and go back! - Honda-san! - Watch out! Yes, yes, it's okay.

The drafts are already done.

I was joking, I was joking.

Sensei! I I was Yes, yes, I know.

See you later.

There, I went and put a call in to my editor.

As well you should have.

Stop crying.

It's no fun! It's no fun! This is no fun! I'm not having fun, either.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry! I'm sorry!! Honda-san, are you unhurt?


I'm sorry! For crying out loud, watch your step, would you?


L- I'll go gather up your clothes.

Honda-san! Watch out! Watch your step, huh?

That isn't something for the first person who fell to be saying, is it?

Hey! Don't flatter yourself! You were the first one to stumble, after all! You see how sheltered boys who spend their time shut up in their rooms are so inept?

I'd rather be that than some idiot who trained in the mountains, and is still inept.

Now, back off! Don't think you can learn everything there is to know in the mountains in just four months.

You would have been dead by the roadside after just two days! You'd better take this chance to learn your lesson! I don't need to be told to learn anything from a stupid cat.

And let me tell you something else, Jason is not a bear; he's a character from horror movies.

Stop acting like you know everything! What kind of a horror movie would have bears appearing in it?

You really are an idiot.

I'm gonna clobber you! Today's the day that I beat the life out of you! I'm really getting tired of hearing that from you.

Stop horsing around! Come and fight me fair and square! You coward! Based on the shape we're both in right now, you're the coward.

You liar! You're the one calling your friends in to line up with you! I can't help it, can I?

They just come by on their own.

Too bad, huh?

Looks like you don't have any friends on this mountain.

Dammit! This is why everyone says rats are nasty! Both of you, your squabbling is Honda-san?

W- what's the matter?

I'm sorry It's impolite for me to be laughing and such while you are squabbling, isn't it?

H- however, for some reason, I feel relieved.

"Ah, you've gone back to the way you two always are.

" That's what I thought, to my relief, and I couldn't help myself.

It's funny, isn't it?

You know, Honda-san, you were saying something a moment ago, before you fell.

I wasn't mad at you about anything, Honda-san.

If it appeared as though I was angry, it's just because I was feeling out of sorts.

Being together like this it's just that it has become very natural, and normal to me Before I even realized it, maybe I've just gotten accustomed to you being there, Honda-san.

Y- you don't mean But, it's okay now.


I didn't mean to worry you.

Me either I'm not particularly angry about anything either.

It's just it's just that I was feeling a bit out of sorts too, that's all.

Is it your head that's out of sorts?

No, it isn't! U- um I beg you pardon.

It was I that had things wrong, and caused such a fuss.

Still, somehow, I'm very happy.

Ah, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be happy that you're feeling out of sorts.

However, it's precisely because it seems natural, and normal to be together like this, that when you're not feeling right, you're able to go on not feeling right, huh?

I hope that from now on, when you're not feeling right, you can go on not feeling right Er, no, that sounds weird, doesn't it?

What I mean is, not feeling right isn't the good thing, but what's good is that neither of you need to change the way you feel.

Nothing has changed.

There's nothing in particular that has changed.

Except for the way that I hate him even more.

What did you say!?

What about you?

I'll hate you for the rest of my life! I hate you to death! I'm glad to hear it.

I feel the same way.

This is great! Even though it really is a crazy to say that for them to be squabbling is a good thing The sun is starting to set already.


Let's go to the lake tomorrow.

Okay! Honda-san, are you ready?

Yes, all set! Are you going to the lake?

Don't fall in now, Kyo-kun.

Like I would! Ah, Hatori-san, we'll be back soon.


Ha-san is asleep?

Yes Hatori is actually asleep?

Kyo-kun, everyone sleeps, no matter who they are.

I know that! That's not what I meant.

I meant that it doesn't seem like he would sleep in front of others.

I suppose you're right about that.

It is rare.

That could be because at the main house, you have so many things to worry about, huh, Ha-san?

U- um here's a blanket.

He could catch a cold like that.

That sure is kind, Tohru-kun.

You'll make someone a good wife.

No, not at all! Stupid Shigure.

I offer my praise! That was wonderfully considerate! What's the matter, everyone?

You're so stiff! That's because you showed up so suddenly! Haven't you learned anything?

Where the hell did you pop up from!?

I came in through the door, of course! Kyonkichi, you are being such a perfect fool! Wha-!?

You're the last person I want to hear that from! U- um, Ayame-san, how are y Honda san, he's dangerous! Don't get close to him! People, being moved to tears at seeing me again is fine and well, but calm yourselves, please.

I am standing here now thanks to the cooperation of a certain somebody.

Certain somebody, huh?

N- not me! It wasn't me! Not to worry, 'Gure-san! Even if the whole world were against us, it would not change the fact that I am on your side! Aya! You indeed are my emotional mainstay! "Je t'aime, mon amour, bon voyage!" "Annyong ha shimnikka!" So tell us! What the hell are you here for!?

Now, now, if you would please calm down.

As a certain teacher on a school drama used to say, the character for "person" is made up of two strokes supporting each other.

"Person" So, what about it?

That's such a good saying, isn't it?

You just wanted to try it out!?

This is wearing me out.

When you're here, it really wears me out.

If you've got no business here, then go home.


Excuse me! I always have some kind of business! Yuki, why don't we make today the day that we strengthen our brotherly bond?

I'll send you to the very bottom of the lake before then.

You will?

You will?

Us brothers will be together at all times! You can drown by yourself! Um I told you not to upset those around you so much, didn't I, Ayame?

Hatori-san, are you awake?

There's no way anyone could sleep with all of this racket.

Hey, there, 'Tori-san, good morning! Sorry we woke you up.

I was trying to keep it quiet, though, you know?

Ah, shut up.

So, what are you doing here?

I went to the main house, but I was told that you, 'Tori-san, had gone off to the cabin with everyone by the maid parenthesis, age 53, close parenthesis and since I wanted to be with everyone too, I headed out here.

And that's how it happened.

Why, you He tells Hatori everything so readily and easily! Yuki, Kyo, wasn't today the day you were going to take Honda Tohru to the lake?

Oh, is that right?

In that case, go ahead and leave.

I don't know what is keeping you here, but if you're going to escort a lady around, you have to be more smart about it.

It's your fault, isn't it!?

U- um well then, uh, we'll be going to the lake now.

Yes My, my, the young ones give us so much trouble.

Aya, I was sure you were going to say that you'd go with them.

What are you talking about, 'Gure-san?

I am not that uncouth.

Besides, it has been a long time since the three of us could spend any time together.

The night is long, and I will not let you get any sleep tonight, 'Gure-san.

Aya, it is an honor.

To think that tonight, I will be sharing the same dreams that you are having All right! You guys never grow tired of that.

For some reason, it just feels refreshing, doesn't it?

U- um?

I wonder if he's planning to spend the night.

He's your brother, why don't you do something about him?

If I could have done anything, I would have! I hate how all he does is rely on others for everything.

And what about you?

The way you depend on Shigure to carry you along?

That doesn't have anything to do with you! Stop asking about things like you know it all! I'm not asking because I want to know! You're always hanging around in my face, so I have to look at you whether I like it or not! In that case, you don't have to be around, do you?

Yeah, I'd like to not be around! And why should I have to go to the lake with you in the first place!?

Well as far as I'm concerned, looking at the lake with you is the height of agony! It's a big waste, being here! That's not what he meant, Honda-san! Don't misunderstand! We're not saying that we hate the lake, okay?

I was simply saying that I hate being here together with him, that's all! R- right I mean never mind.

Mm-hmm, as long as you don't misunderstand It's pretty, isn't it?

Why don't we see if we can walk all the way around the lake?

Mm-hmm Yeah Here's this.

What is it?


They're from Kana-kun's wedding.

You're free to look at them, or not, 'Tori-san.

I see.

She got married, huh?

You suggested going to the cabin so suddenly, so I wondered what was going on.

So that's what it was.

I feel bad, to make you fuss over me.

You know, I said we should have let you know, 'Tori-san, and to tell you to go to the wedding, and that if all goes well, to steal Kana-kun away from the groom! However, 'Gure-san said not to do it.

There's nothing I could have done over again.

It is over between Kana and I And so Here.

I'm not convinced.

I'm someone cut from the same cloth as you, 'Tori-san, and I realize that I have a biased opinion, but frankly, I am not convinced.

Kana-kun was devious.

After all, it feels to me like she forgot about everything, and embraced happiness, leaving you, 'Tori-san, to bear all of the unpleasantness by yourself.

It feels to me like you have been left behind, 'Tori-san.


Tell me Tell me, when the snow melts, what do you think it becomes?

Let's see It becomes spring, right?

That isn't entirely so.

'Tori-san, you're just too kind.

That may be one of your good points, but you're too kind.

And because of that, all you ever do is take needless suffering upon yourself! I'm not saying that you should have tried again with Kana-kun.

Instead, I will emphatically say this: 'Tori-san 'Tori-san, I want for you to become a thousand times even two thousand times happier than Kana-kun is! If only you could show such an aggressive attitude towards Yuki.



Next time I hope you meet someone that you can be together with, without being lonely.

A person that brings happiness, just by being together with her.

Indeed, 'Gure-san! You are every bit a poet.

Novelist, novelist! Someone new, huh?

That might be an absurd thing to wish for For those of us with the zodiac curse, anyhow Ah, they're back.

Thinking about it, even having that little bit of Kana's existence is enough for me, isn't it?

I'm fine the way things are, aren't I?

For now, I will just watch over them to be sure that they do not experience the same sadness.

Hey, hey, welcome back, Yuki, and friends thereof! Who are you calling his friend!?

We just got back! By the way, Yuki, I just received some advice from 'Tori-san.

From now on, I am going to strengthen our bond with a more aggressive attitude! What do you mean, aggressive?

That is to say, Yuki is my younger brother, and I am Yuki's older brother.

Based on that fact, I now declare this Yuki! As your brother, you are to obey me! That Ayame He just doesn't get it.

He doesn't get it, huh?

Ayame-san! What shall we do!?

Everyone! Ayame-san has become a snake! Get rid of that thing.

Get rid of it! I was a little bit sorry to Ayame-san, who had turned into a snake, but all of this excitement made me happy, so happy I wished that enjoyable days such as this could continue on forever.

Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.

Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.

La, la, la Wonderful love and life La, la, la Adorable love and life La, la, la Wonderful love and life Honda-san, she's a tiger.


A tiger?

Sohma Kisa, the Tiger.

'Sa-chan doesn't speak.

She doesn't speak.

From what Brother 'Tori says, the problem is in her mind.

He said she was keeping her words locked away.

What kind of song is that?

I'm sure that soon enough, she will speak to us, with her lovely voice.