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01x11 - This Is a Wonderful Inn

Posted: 02/03/23 18:47
by bunniefuu
I was so very happy when you smiled at me, A smile that melted everything away.

Spring is still far away, and within the cold ground, I awaited the time when sprouts would put forth their buds.

Even supposing today there may have been some pain, And though the scars of yesterday remain, You can go on living as much as your heart wants to believe.

You cannot be born again, although You can go on changing yourself, and so Let's stay together, always.


Only one.

That's strange.

I thought we'd see more, given that it's the Prince-sama's shoe locker.

What is it you wanted to see so badly?

It always happens in manga, you know That thing where the chocolate just comes pouring out.

I really don't think anything like that could happen.

I get it.

This is probably the result of actions similar to that of the cuckoo chick.


Just like the cuckoo chick pushes the shrike's eggs out of their nests, the girls have thrown out the chocolate that was already here, so that their own chocolate would stand out.

The proof is in that garbage can.

Ah! They're all thrown away! So that's it?

What an awful thing to do.

And I am the hawk, who is after the final remaining chocolate.

Eat it! Eat that thing! Um, but that belongs to Yuki-kun.

It's all right.

Today is February 14th, Valentine's Day.



K- Kyo-kun! His yearning to fight has been unabashed since this morning.

Give it to Sohma-kun! Give Sohma-kun the chocolate! Without fail! The girls sure are scary these days.

It's like they're about to rush out from around some street corner.

This may be the most terrifying occasion for a member of the zodiac.

Here, these are for you, Uo-chan and Hana-chan! I owe you one, every year! I'm so happy.

What would you like in return?

Oh, no, you don't have to return anything! This is just to thank you for always being there for me.

Kyo~o-chan! Here! Some chocolate for you! Kyo-kun is quite well-liked.

Yeah, so popular! This is Kyon-chan here! Today is Valentine's then?

I'm going home! No, that's no good.

It's dangerous at home, too.

A journey yes, I'll go on a journey.

I will disappear for a while! Kyo-kun Kyo-kun! Kyo-kun! Kyo~o-ku~un!! My love!! She came, all right! He just didn't want to see Kagura-san.

Sure enough.

But it's Valentine's! This is an important event between lovers, right?

Who is lovers with whom here?

Kyo-kun, we don't need any funny business.

The house will get busted up, after all.

Dammit! I should have left on that journey earlier! How could I have known today was Valentine's?

Usually, people realize it.

So, did you give him your chocolate?

About that, Kyo-kun is bashful, and he just won't accept it from me.

Happy Valentine's, Kyo-kun! Take this chocolate, stuffed full of my love! Don't want it.

Would any man eat such sugary chocolate as that!?

Is that right?

Kyo-kun, you don't like chocolate, do you?

Yeah, I hate it.

Eat it! Stop complaining and eat it, I said! I said I wasn't going to, and I meant it! --Come on! Say you're gonna eat it! --No way! --Say it! --No way! --I said say it! --No way! Not even if it kills me! Tohru-kun, by any chance have you prepared any chocolate?

As a matter of fact, I decided to give some to everyone, and got some ready.

I should have asked to see if everyone likes chocolate, first.

I sure would like some of your chocolate, Honda-san.

Sure! Let's see now, here! Thanks.

And this is for Shigure-san.

Oh, there's one for me too?

Isn't that what she intended from the start?

This is for always taking trouble to look after me so.

Oh, no, it's no trouble, don't be silly.

Still, I'm so happy! Tohru-kun's chocolate of love, it heals the tired body and soul.

Um, if it's okay, there's one for you, Kagura-san.

For me too?

I'm so happy! And, if I could, I have some for Hatori-san, Hatsuharu-san, and Momiji-kun that I'd like to give them.

You sure have prepared a lot of them, huh?

The wrappings were so cute, I got carried away in my happiness.

But, I'm not sure whether everyone likes chocolate or not.

Don't worry about what Kyo-kun says.

Overall, it's those who are the most manly that would eat without being embarrassed.

He just doesn't understand what real manliness is.

Those who would trample on another's heart, and another's love, fall short as humans even before falling short as men.

Um, I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have chosen chocolate, but um, Fist Crackers, or Thunder Rice Cakes, or something more masculine.

Those sound delicious too F- fine! I just have to eat it, right?

I'll eat it! Hooray! Kyo-kun ate my chocolate! K- Kyo-kun?


Okay then, I'll come by again! You don't have to! You know, Haru-chan said something.

He said that Kyo-kun and Yun-chan were getting along now, and that if they got to know each other better, then maybe they'd get along better too.

If that happened, I'd be happy too! Bye-bye! Sohma Here, Ha-san, Valentine's chocolate from me! Forgive me, I was joking! It's from Tohru-kun! Let me in.


We brought some for everybody! And so, in this way, Valentine's Day passed by.

Okay, that's it.

Everyone, pencils down! Then, another month went by, and before I'd realized it, we had finished our final exams.

Whew! Studying for the test was tough, but I love the feeling of release afterward.

Honda-san, How did you do?

Yuki-kun It went very well.

I was able to fill in much more of the answers than usual.


You did good!?

That's terrific, huh!?

Yes Tohru-kun, you can do it if you try.

(Just getting in the way) Yuki-kun taught me what I was studying.

(Just getting in the way) He was very careful and easy to understand, (Just getting in the way) even though he had his own things to do.

Truly, truly, thank you so much! That's going a bit overboard.

Sohma-kun Sohma-kun is smiling sweetly for some reason! What is it?

What is he talking about!?

I'm too afraid of that Vibe girl there, and can't get close to them Hanajima-san, it would seem you should be able to study quite well! Really?

Yes, yes, you've got that Vibe thing, you're pretty smart, and during the previous final exams, how much did you raise your grade point average?

Let's see As I recall, I had supplementary lessons every day, and my parents were called in.

That's right, my mother cried.

Was that because of-- what do you call it, your Vibe power?

It means that I was dumber than my Vibes could cover up for.

Relax, Hanajima.

There's sure to be an even bigger dummy.

Hey, you're not talking about me, right?


Well of course we are! I've never taken any supplementary, or had my parents called in! Kyon-Kyon, you actually are able to study! Hey, what do you mean, "actually!?

" Oh?

Yet you can't do a thing when it comes to winning matches?

T- that's got nothing to do with it! You're the type of fool who, you know, earnestly studies hard, then when the test comes and it covers something else, self-destructs, right?

I'll wring your neck! Lately, when he's been shutting himself up in his room, it appears he has been studying after all.

So it would seem.

When I imagine how he looks studying, it's heartwarming.

Still, when it comes down to it, Kyo-kun is more suited to actively moving around.

Ah, Honda, do you have a moment?

Yes Is something wrong?

I, uh, u- um, I have to go give it my all at my 'beit! (part-time job) Fight-o, 'beit--o, o~oh! Wow, it's been a while, huh?

So you've finished your final exams?

Yes! Starting today, I will be working hard again, so, I ask you for your kind regards! Allow me! What a nice helper.

Tohru! Welcome home! Momiji-kun! I just got here myself, you know! Come in, come in! This way, this way! This late at night, and he's still so lively! This is my first time to Shi-chan's house, and I'm so excited! Good evening! We just got home! Welcome back.

The annoying one has come over! Ah! You must be refreshed after your bath, huh, Kyo~o?

There's something about the tension when you're around that irritates me! Kyo's picking on me! Momiji-kun, surely you must be hungry.

I a~am! You see, that's what's irritating! K- Kyo-kun Momitchi, have you told us the reason why you're staying over tonight?

Mm-mm, not yet.

I have a question for Tohru! Y- yes?

What is the date tomorrow?

Let's see, tomorrow is March 14th.

Bingo! March 14th is White Day! That's why tomorrow, Tohru, I'm giving you a trip to a hot spring as a present! I call it "Me and Tohru's Carefree Hot Spring Steam Trip!" You don't have to call it anything.

Hot springs?

Which ones?

You know, there's that one place that the Sohma run, right?

Ah, that place.

T- to be invited to go to a hot spring, or any expensive place like that-- it's too extravagant for me, and I'm sure to catch it.

Uh, you know, Tohru-kun, it's just a hot spring.

After all, it's not like he's saying you'll be going to Paris, or something.

It would be a shame to turn it down.

Take this chance to relieve yourself from the strain of your job and your housework, okay?

Unless, Tohru, you're not happy about it?

I'm happy! Most joyful! Yuki and Kyo are coming too! What the hell are you speaking up for others so readily for, you brat?

Aw~ A~aw, go with us, go with us! Don't be stupid! You were wrong to think I that was going! What about you, Yuki?

You don't want to either?

I'm going! You've gone to such trouble, and all.

Ya~ay! All the more reason not to go.


You don't need to worry about money.

I've saved up my allowance.

That's not the problem.

Speaking of money, Tohru-kun, I hear you still haven't paid last month's installment for your class field trip fund.

I got a call from your grandfather, after he was contacted by whoever is in charge of that, saying that if it was necessary, he would pay for you.

H- he can't! N- no! I won't have such a thing! Last month there was a lot going on but I can pay it off with the money from my work this month, so it's all right.

I told this to the teacher in charge already, s- so I apologize for having this inconvenience you.

But, Tohru-kun, you worked well enough last month, so how is it that you-- The cost of the Valentine's chocolate?

Say, say, where are you going on your field trip?

It still hasn't been decided.

Anger You stup--!! Y- yes?

The bath you go O- okay Well done, well done.

You controlled yourself well.

That's right, though It's not like chocolate falls out of the sky.

Tohru-kun had to have paid for it out of her own pocket.

How is it that we didn't realize that?

She was smiling so gleefully, that's how! How were we supposed to realize it like that!?

I don't know if she felt obligated or what, but what was she doing, making things that much harder on herself!?

She could have used that money to buy clothes for herself, or to pay that installment fund, right!?

That was just stupid of her, you know!?

Some day, she's going to be down and out! You can't live your life if you spread yourself too thin! Say, say, you know what?

I had a class meeting yesterday.

And so, there was a kid who, before the class meeting, bought a book and brought it.

The book was called "A Complete Collection of Stories of the World's Fools.

" This kid loves funny books.

Before, he brought a book called "Universe of Stew" to-- What is it you want to tell us?

Right, right.

So anyhow, see?

Everyone read his book together.

One of the stories, see, was this one called "The Most Foolish Traveler in the World.

" There's this foolish traveler who was on a journey.

When you ask how foolish he was, see, he would always be immediately swindled.

Please, some money for medicine He was tricked by the people in the city, and he had his money, his clothes, and his shoes cheated away from him.

I have a sick younger sister I don't have money for seeds to plant in my fields.

However, the traveler was a fool, so he was deeply moved when the townspeople said that they were helped by him, and he said "I wish you happiness, I wish you happiness.

" At last, the traveler had become completely naked, and since even this traveler had become ashamed, he decided to travel through the forest.

And then, this time, he met the goblins that lived in the woods.

The goblins wanted to eat the traveler's body, and they deceived him with their flattering words.

Of course, the traveler was tricked, and gave them one leg, and one arm.

In the end, the traveler had become just a head, and he gave his eyes to the last one of them.

That goblin, as he was eating the traveler's eyes, said "Thank you.

In gratitude, I give you this present," and left something.

However, it was just a slip of paper, that had "fool" written on it.

Still, the traveler cried great tears.

"Thank you, thank you.

This is my first present ever.

I'm so happy, I'm so happy.

Thank you, thank you," he said, as from the eyes he had lost, he shed great tears.

And then, the traveler died like that.

That was the end of the story.

My friends all made fun of the traveler.

While they did, I closed my eyes and thought about the traveler.

I thought about the traveler, who had been tricked, and become only a head, and who was crying as he said thank you.

And then I thought "Ah, how sorry I feel for him.

" Loss and hardship.

It's useless to just think about them.

The traveler didn't think about those things.

It's just that, as much as someone else may think that's foolish, it wasn't all that foolish to me.

As much as someone may think that it's worth it to trick someone, I wouldn't trick them.

All I really want to do is make them happy.

What about you, Yuki?

What about you, Kyo?

Or do you think it's foolish, after all?

What do you think, when you close your eyes?

I'll go for you.

Kyo-kun, good morn-- The hot spring I'll go for you.

I didn't prepare anything to give you in return.

Instead I'll put up with that damn Yuki and go along for you.

Maybe you wouldn't particularly care if I was there or not, but No, no! It would be much more fun if you were there for me! I'm so happy! Thank you so much! I'm so happy! Thank you so much! You There really is nothing I can do about you.

Kyo's got the hots this morning! I do not! He's got the hots! Shut up! Kyo's picking on me! What's going on?

Good morning! Kyo-kun said he would kindly go to the hot spring with us.

Well, what can you do?

I'm so looking forward to this! Going together with everyone on a "Carefree Hot Spring Steam Trip!" I'm so looking forward to this! Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.

Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.

La, la, la Wonderful love and life La, la, la Adorable love and life La, la, la Wonderful love and life On the next Fruits Basket Episode 12 In return for my valentine, I get to go with everyone on a hot spring excursion.

I feel as if I had become a princess! There's still time before dinner, so let's take a bath, Tohru! Okay! It looks as though Momiji-san might just go swimming here.

Is it to your liking, princess?

I- I'm deeply touched.

I couldn't decide what to get you, but this is my gift in return.

Wow, he really does seem like a prince.