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01x10 - It's Valentine's, After All

Posted: 02/03/23 18:47
by bunniefuu
I was so very happy when you smiled at me, A smile that melted everything away.

Spring is still far away, and within the cold ground, I awaited the time when sprouts would put forth their buds.

Even supposing today there may have been some pain, And though the scars of yesterday remain, You can go on living as much as your heart wants to believe.

You cannot be born again, although You can go on changing yourself, and so Let's stay together, always.

Hey, look, look! That guy is drop-dead handsome! He sure is! But what do you suppose is up with him?

I wonder if he doesn't know his way around.

Something about him makes me think he frequents the clubs.

Let's go call out to him! Who knows, maybe he'll have some fun with us.

Winter break is now over, and third term has started.

Don't think you're going to be able to keep that arrogant face forever! Someday, I'm going to make that mouth of yours say "I'm sorry!" "I'm sorry.

" No!! Why you, aren't you embarrassed to act like that!?

It's more embarrassing for you to be shouting out in front of the store.

Fine then, you girly-boy! Let's take it outside! We already are outside, right, you stupid cat?

Sorry to keep you waiting.

Hey there, Honda-san.

We appreciate your efforts.

U- um And so, these two are getting along as poorly as usual.

--Why should I have to go out shoulder- to-shoulder with you in the first place!?

As it happens, the wish I made this year at New Years' --So don't come.

was so that the two of them would get along better.

It would appear that it didn't have much of an effect.

You are really getting on my nerves, already! So, go ahead and try to force me to shut up, you girly-boy-- Leeks Kyo-kun! That should get him to behave himself for a little bit.

Hey! The tub is available.

Yuki-kun, how about getting in?


I'm going to do without today.

Oh, you're kidding! You're not going in?

How dirty! Just once, I'd like to hang him from the roof.

Sohma-kun, is something the matter?

Y- yeah.

I think I'm getting a bit of a cold.

That's terrible! You have a bit of a fever.

When you first start coming down with a cold is when it's most critical.

Take some medicine, and get to bed early.

Medicine medicine You should stay home from school tomorrow It's all right.

I don't need to go that far.

But tomorrow we have the endurance run.

Oh, so they're having that?

It sure must be tough on you youngsters in the middle of all this cold.

E- endurance run, you say!?


Didn't you know?

The endurance run a marathon something where a lot of people run.

In other words A contest! All right! Tomorrow, I'll clearly show you who's the fastest! Um, but Sohma-kun is coming down with a cold Eat some food, take a bath, and get some sleep, and you'll recover! Don't you run away! Mystic Cold Medicine But speaking seriously, now, --Tomorrow, the fight is o~n!! --when our bodies get weakened, we transform, and so you must not overdo it.


I'm worried.

I very much would like for him to take tomorrow off.

Sohma-kun, how are you feeling?

It's okay.

I think I'll be able to get by.

And besides, if I stayed home or anything, he's going to get annoying again.

Come to mention it, I haven't seen Uotani-san around.

She said she's skipping.

Hana-chan is here.

The girls will be the first to start.

Gather at the starting point at the school gate.

Well then, I'll be going, okay?


Hana-chan, let's work hard today, and make up for Uo-chan's part! Sure.

Running isn't something I'm good at, but I will try my hardest.

Now then, on your marks get set Hana-chan! What's the matter!?

Tohru-kun, I can't run any farther.

Now, I can only go on walking.

Don't worry over me.

I will be surely walking behind you walking Hana-chan! Walk, crawl, I don't care, for now, just start, Hanajima.

I wonder if Hana-chan is all right.

It's just about time the boys were starting.

I wonder if Sohma-kun is really okay.

What's that?

White hair! Someone elderly?

What's the matter!?

I- it's someone very young! F- forgive me! You hair is so completely white, I thought that someone elderly had fallen down! Please, excuse my misunderstanding! Say, do you know of the house named Sohma?

I'll win! I'm going to win over Yuki! Shut up.

Those two are incredibly fast It's not even a hundred-meter race In some sense, that's stupid.


Then by any chance, are you of the House of Sohma?

That's right.

Do you know it?

Y- yes! Um, pleased to meet you! I am Honda He's coming.


He's coming running.

If he's a Sohma gentleman, then it's probable that this person must also be of the zodiac! Um, what are you?

I got him.

Are you okay, Kyo-kun!?


Kyo-kun! Honda-san?

What the hell are you doing, you little punk!?

Just at the moment when I had finally pulled away from Yuki! If I hadn't done that, you wouldn't have stopped for me, right?


This behavior is terribly dangerous.

Anyone besides Kyo would not come away with just a scratch, so by no means should you try to imitate this.

Don't you do it either! Hey, are you listening to me!?

This time it's Haru, huh?

They just keep coming to see us, one after another.

Aren't you in school?


I set out on Sunday with that intention, but before I knew it, I had gotten onto a route I didn't know, and once I realized it, three days had gone by.

Just be candid and say you got lost.

As always, he's got no sense of direction, huh?

That's a pretty grand way of getting lost.

And in short, he hasn't had a bath in three whole days.

That's nasty.

Um, right now, shouldn't we change locations?

Mm-hmm, you're right.

Oh, he's Sohma Hatsuharu.

He's in his third year of middle school, one year behind us.

Haru, this here is Honda Tohru-san.

Oh, is that so?

It is a pleasure to meet you.

Not at all! The pleasure is mine! Hatsuharu-san has such good manners, and is more grown-up than you usually see in third-year middle-schoolers.

So, what did you come here for?

To fight.

I was planning to challenge you at New Years', but you skipped the banquet, right?

That's why I've come to you.

Come on, let's do it.

J- just a minute! I'm in the middle of another important match right now! I've already spent three days coming to get you.

That's just because you're the one who got lost, you know! --It seems the talk has taken another direction --Never mind, let's just go! --Once we get home, I'll face you as much as you want.

--No way.

This could turn a little bad.


Hey, Kyo, how about going ahead and doing as Haru says?

I said no, and I meant it! Now, go on home! Right now I'm busy-- Stop your grumbling and moaning! Too late.

If you were a man, you'd take on any fight, you little kitty-chan! And now you can go to hell! Why, you little brat! What have you got against me to bother me like this!?

He's gone and done a fine job of calling out Black Haru.

B- B- B?

Haru is a pretty easy-going guy, but once he snaps, he's uncontrollable.

Among our family, we call that "Black Haru.

" A- ah S- so, you mean to say he's the same type of person as Kagura?

No He's even more ill-tempered than Kagura.

Don't you just stand here watching, Yuki.

Today's the day when you're mine! What are you going to do once you have me?

C'mon, get up Kyo! I already am up! Where is it that you went!?

Fight! Let's fight! --Honda-san, this looks like it may be a while.

--My fight with Yuki comes first! --It's okay if you go on ahead.

--Don't be ridiculous! --But --Don't you be ridiculous! Kyo, why you! When did you get to be such a gutless pansy?

You know, when you go Black, you get seriously malicious! You smart-ass! If you gripe any more, I'm going to take the young lady too! Huh?

What about her?

I'm gonna do this, and I'm gonna do that, and on top of it all, I'm even gonna do that! What are you talking about, you jerk?

You've forgotten that you owe me for when you were a kid, and you'd get lost on the way to the bathroom, so I would take you.

When you go Black, you lose any trace of charm, you know.

Who was it that drew you out?

Okay, it was me But when you say you'll do this and do that, what do you mean?

I don't understand, why would you take the girl away?

She has nothing to do with this, right?

That's right, she has nothing to do with this, nothing to do with this at all.

Girls have nothing to do with a man's fight! Nothing to do with it For some reason, you disgust me! You dirty brat, I'll take you down! Come at me any way you want! You should have just come at me like that from the start, you coward! --Honda-san, this really does look like it's going to take a while.

--Keep talking, you! --You can go.

--I'm gonna make your back teeth rattle! B- but shouldn't we stop them?

Hey, Hanajima-san! You could run a little bit! No.

Come on, what's the matter!?

Come hit me! Shut up! Don't you realize I've seen through all your tricks!?

Don't you sass me! Somehow, this has become a fighting anime.

U- um Leave them alone, Honda-san.

It's best to let them go at it as much as they want to.

And besides, there's no way I'm about to bring myself between them and be showered in their sparks.

Not over my dead body.

Still, I had found the Hatsuharu-san who I had just met earlier to be quite a tranquil gentleman.

What kind of punch is that!?

It's too light to have any effect at all! To think that there are people who could change like that once they snap --It sure seems the Sohma family --Idiot! Punk! --is filled with people who are hard to deal with.

--Come hit me some more, you jackass! Don't get too carried away! You're slow as a turtle, compared to Yuki! Well then, what's the deal with you not being able to beat Yuki, when he took up martial arts after we did!?

You even went through training! How revolting! You're even worse than a turtle! You're a tortoise! An amoeba! I am seriously going to send you to hell! That's nonsense.

Still, it seems Kyo-kun is pretty strong.

Ah, yeah, against Haru, Kyo probably is stronger.

In any case, they are definitely fighting fools.

Long ago, the two of them both enjoyed studying the martial arts Sohma-kun?


Sohma-kun! Yuki! Is it an attack?

His bronchial tubes?

You have a terrible fever, don't you?

You've got to be more careful when you've caught a cold, you know?

For now, just lie here.

Go contact the main house right away.

Sohma-kun! He's having trouble He's having a lot of trouble.

I should have insisted on having him take the day off! You don't want the main house involved, huh?

Can we put our fight on hold momentarily, Kyo?


Well then, shall we go to Shigure-sensei's house?

Of all the Does this mean the endurance run is on hold too?

What a waste, now that's ruined too.

We could take him by taxi That's no good, if Yuki were to transform, it would be a pain.

I'll go together with him! I'll do anything! I know.

You're pretty cute.

I can have you work together with me.

I'm just saying that as long as I have to hug someone, they may as well be cute.

Hold on to the back of my neck, so I don't change back.

It'll be easier on Yuki to carry him this way.

It's here.

It's finally here.

Now I can say for sure.

Royal, straight, flush! What, seriously!?

How come you get nothing but the good cards!?

You guys, if you're not going to run, go home.

So, you came all the way home in that form, then?

It's nothing to laugh at! He's sleeping soundly.

Looks like he got off with just a slight attack.

He still has a fever, but he'll be all right.

Thank goodness! Sorry about that, Tohru-kun.

You can still go back to school now.

No! School is important, but I don't want to go if I have to leave him here sick.

I'm sure Mother would say so too.

B- besides, colds are dreadful.

You must not take them lightly.

Well then, shall I go to the school and get your things?

N- no, you needn't go to the trouble It's okay, it's okay, don't worry about it.

Kyo-kun, put in a call to Ha-san.


Why should I have to do that!?

Ha-san is on edge lately from being overworked, so watch yourself.

Seems the whole family is coming down with influenza.

I'll call him.

Where's the phone again?

Don't go walking around naked! It's disgraceful! Well, I'm off.

Take care of Yuki-kun, okay?

Yes, I appreciate you're doing this.

He's so cheerful Shigure-san really is filled with consideration.


High school girls, high school girls, ?


high school girls, openly calling to me! ?

Mm-hmm, understood.

Thanks in advance.

What did Hatori say?

For some reason, he was angry at me.

It's a mystery.

That's what happens when you go missing for three days.

So, what do we do?

Looks like that damn Yuki has settled down and all.

Should we continue our fight?

Ah, no, that's okay.

Kyo, you really are stronger.

I'll just have to discipline myself more.

Hold on, you brat! You can't just go getting people all wound up, and then break it off when you feel like it! You've gone and turned back into "White Haru" before anyone realized it! So you're not Black-san any longer, then?

Ah, yeah It's just now, you seem like a completely different person.

How's Yuki?

He is sleeping.

Don't go attacking him in his sleep, Kyo.

Would I do that, you moron!?

What meaning would there be in me winning using a cheap trick like that!?

I will obtain my victory by facing him fair and square! This is repulsive! I'm going back to school! Yuki and Kyo, do they come to blows every day?


They do argue every day, though.


That means they're getting along quite a bit better.

Before, their relationship was so clouded.


It sure was.

Both of them have changed a little bit.

Before, they were more on edge, with this aura that said "don't come near" about them, but it feels like that has died down.

It could be because you're here at their sides.

I- it couldn't be, I'm not doing anything so great! I haven't seen how everything has gone, so I don't have any proof, but for the time being, as long as things are changing in the right direction, that's good enough, isn't it?

Especially Yuki Yuki was my first love, after all.

I do like Kyo too, but Yuki is someone special to me.

When we were kids, I hated his guts, though.

And why was that?

Because he's the Rat.

It's in the fable, right?

How the Rat rode on the Ox's back to the banquet?

Because of that, I was unconsciously hostile towards him.

What's more the Ox was a fool and an idiot to let himself be used like that, or so all the adults around me would say when I was a kid, and laugh at me.

Of course, those adults were probably only doing so half-jokingly, but I felt as though every day, I was myself getting laughed at for being stupid.

And because I was laughed at, I became depraved, a child who blamed everything on the Rat, and lost my temper easily.

My "Black" personality developed then too.

Not even my parents could handle me, so they had me begin learning the martial arts to let me vent my stress.

No good at all! But I wasn't able to vent.

I enjoyed the martial arts themselves, but it still remained that I was being laughed at a lot.

And then one day I happened to bump into Yuki.

The truth is, up until then, I'd never even exchanged words with him.

We didn't ever see each other, except for at New Year's.

I just popped off, and unloaded everything I had saved up inside on him.

I hate your guts! It's the rat's fault for the ox always being laughed at! It's the mean, dirty rat's fault that the ox is a fool, that the ox is an idiot! It's all, all your fault! Is that so?

Is that so about you?

Are you really a fool?

No No, I'm not I'm I'm not a fool I'm not a fool! Mm-hmm I know.

After that, the frequency of me losing my temper dropped.

Yuki had let me say what had been stored up in my heart most.

He had freed me from the yoke that was about my heart.

I was astounded.

He was completely different from the Yuki that I had imagined he was.

It was true.

I had labeled Yuki as being the mean Rat.

I'm glad I saw Yuki that day.

Otherwise, even now, I would be mistaken about him, and hate him.

Then I really would be a fool.

That's a wonderful story.

I was surprised today, too--seeing Yuki next to you, smiling quietly.

He never smiled like that when he was at the main house.

That's why I was thinking, maybe you had softened up Yuki's heart somewhat.

Oh, no! You see, um, I'm not capable of doing anything so great Well, let's find out.



Are you coming around?

That's right! I was I'm sorry to have put you out Please, lay down.

How did I get back home?

Hatsuharu-san was good enough to turn into an ox for you.


That must have been a sight.


While you were asleep, Yuki, I told Honda-san everything about why I like you.

And why would you tell her about that, of all things?

What are we to do if Honda-san were to take was you seriously?

It is a serious story.

It was a very wonderful story, Yukikun.

That's okay, you don't have to pay any attention to Haru You could call him by his name.

I'm sure he'll be thrilled.

Hatsuharu-san, it won't work coming from me after all.

And so, the stormy endurance run ended safely.

And then, that evening, everyone came to be stricken with colds.

You see, if you go out playing Old Maid in this cold air, you're bound to catch cold.

Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.

Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.

La, la, la Wonderful love and life La, la, la Adorable love and life La, la, la Wonderful love and life On the next Fruits Basket Episode 11 Today is February 14th, Valentine's Day.

Here, Ha-san, Valentine's chocolate from me! Take this chocolate, stuffed full of my love.

Don't want it! Would any man eat such sugary chocolate as that!?

Is that right?

Kyo-kun, you don't like chocolate, do you?

F- fine! I just have to eat it, right?

I'll eat it! Idiot.