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01x09 - Yuki Was My First Love

Posted: 02/03/23 18:43
by bunniefuu
I was so very happy when you smiled at me, A smile that melted everything away.

Spring is still far away, and within the cold ground, I awaited the time when sprouts would put forth their buds.

Even supposing today there may have been some pain, And though the scars of yesterday remain, You can go on living as much as your heart wants to believe.

You cannot be born again, although You can go on changing yourself, and so Let's stay together, always.

December this year has really been passing quickly.

Today is the last day of the year, the day we clean house.

For crying out loud, you are so useless.

You're the last person I need to say that.


You want to fight it out!?

Stop goofing around, there! You shut up, you dirty bitch! Is that any way to talk to talk to me after I came here to help out?


Sorry about that, Honda-san.

It's all right! Something like this can be fixed right away.

You're all working so hard.

"Closed For Cleaning" Didn't you see the words "Closed For Cleaning?

" Sorry, sorry It's closed for cleaning.

I'll be done in a jiffy.

They say that the flow of electrical waves resembles the flow of water.

There is a reason for that.

You know that 60% of a person's body is made up of water, right?

In other words, if you were round up, people are water.

Nevertheless, I believe that people do not take water seriously enough.

The first place people are mistaken is that among clothing, food and shelter, water is only associated with food, which originates from a nonchalant way of thinking Sensei! I have come for the remaining 500 pages.

I have already unjustifiably asked the print shop to wait until today for them.

Sensei, do you intend to release a book in which the last half of the pages are blank paper?

I-- Ah, Shigure! Just in time! Lend us a hand! --Okay, here goes! --Ready, set --Sensei! --Mi-chan, grab that end! You should be working on your manuscript instead of this! Come on, hurry! Right! What should we include in the New Year's soba noodles, Uo-chan?

Let's see onions and fish sausage and bean sprouts and tempura He's gone! H- hold on! H- hold it, it's tipping over! It's going to fall! Ah, good grief, they smashed up the house again.

It's your fault for not holding on tight enough, you stupid rat! Don't go blaming others when you can't even see your own faults, you stupid cat! --Um, are you both unhurt?

--What did you say!?

--I said it's your fault.

--You wanna fight!?

Why is it just me!?

Hurry and start cleaning it up, already! Sensei! We're finally finished! Sensei! Sensei! Sensei! Sensei! Why, you imbecile!! What did I do!?

What are you doing!?

I was getting a bit hungry Right now, Sensei, you don't have time to be hungry! I'll write them, to be sure! I'll write them right now! But before I do, there's just one thing.

Mi-chan, would you make like a choo-choo for me?

Once I see that, I should be able to write smoothly.

Is that a fact?

Now then, would you look downward for me?

Donations, please! Really! Are you helping out, or just getting in the way?

You're the last person I need to say that.

Tohru, go on ahead and do the shopping.

Yes, indeed! Shopping?

Great, great! If you need someone to carry things for you, I'll go! Tohru-kun, I'm sorry.

A situation has come up, and I can no longer go.

Yes, have someone else go with you instead.

Your hands! Your hands! You're moving your hands! You're "moving fingers!" For some reason, with you taking a stance behind me like that-- how should I say it those things that come to me aren't coming to me, And the pen that makes progress is not progressing Whether it comes to you or not-- whether you're making progress or not-- we're well past that kind of level! I shall go on a journey, in search of silence.

Understood! And you had better not run away! It's perfect.


The second floor I'm sure there was another bathroom on the second floor That's about right, I guess.

This is your last chance to see the old year out! Honda-san, what are you going to make?

New Year's cakes! New Year's cakes?

I just hope they agree with everyone's tastes.

We'll be going back to the main Sohma house, from today.

It's our custom to spend New Year's at the main house every year.

That's right To us, it was such an obvious matter, so I completely forgot to mention it.

Is that right?

In that case, this would be a bit too much to get, huh?

Sohma-kun! Watch out! Sorry about this, Honda-san.

Here I came to carry your things.

Oh, no.

It's entirely all right.

Sensei! Sensei?

Sensei! Sensei! Oh, Mi-chan, would you hand me that newspaper?

Material, right?

You've finally set your mind to it! Of course I have.

I have to get ready for New Year's too, you know.

"The Dog" "Cleaned" Give me back my kite! I won't hand it over until you're done! No way--no way will I hand it over! Not even should I die will I hand it over! We humbly accept! S- Sensei! Hey there, Mi-chan, hurry up and come on in.

You'll wear yourself out.

I'm full, I'm full! Now I can spend the rest of the year with peace of mind! You can say that once you've completed your manuscript, if you please! Still, the soba was delicious, huh?

Now listen to me, Sensei! The situation is critical! Considering the position you're in right now, carefree things like New Year's and soba noodles are just-- I'd like to eat it every day, but my nails, you know Nails?

Soba is something that if you eat too much of it, your nails begin to stink, after all.

Heh You're a good person.

Ogres demons the Hell of the Bloody Pond the Hell of Needles blank paper m*rder-su1c1de destiny Hey The writer said to give this to you.

For Mi-chan-- The truth is, I had long since finished this! --Shigure If it was done, then why didn't he say it was done?

Oh, New Year's cakes.

They look delicious.

You think so?

But, there aren't very many, huh?

Considering the four of you?

Those are just for me.

Sohma-kun and the others are going to go back to their main house.

Okay, it's about time we left.

Both of you, get ready.



I'm not going back.

Listen to this, Tohru-kun, They're both saying they're not going back to the Sohmas.

Any good adult wouldn't use that ingratiating tone! It's repulsive! You're not going back?

You think someone who just left the house four months ago would willingly go back there just because it's New Year's?

If I were to attend their banquet, there'd be no meaning to my leaving home, you see?

Why are you doing this all of a sudden?

You've attended every other year, haven't you?

New Year's at the Sohma's, you see, is the one great event where the whole clan gets together to celebrate.

The whole clan?

It's a feat just to exchange greetings at the beginning of the year, you know.

However, the main event would have to be the banquet just for the zodiac.


It's the function which is the most important part of the Sohma New Year's.

It's a banquet which only those possessed by the zodiac can attend.

The zodiac member of the new year performs a dance.

This year it will be Momiji.

It was so pretty, you know-- the dance Yuki-kun did three years ago.

I would like to have seen that! Don't go saying anything uncalled-for! Okay.

Still, still, it's so fantastic! A banquet--it's really just like in the fable! It doesn't matter to me.

The Cat can't attend the banquet of the zodiac, after all.

But, why not?

There's been a rule since long ago that the Cat is not allowed.

And well, that would go along with the fable as well.

How awful It's really nothing you should be making that face over.

It's not like I'm not going back because I can't go to the banquet.

It's because if he does go back, he'll face being beaten half to death by an overexcited Kagura! Don't tell her that! In any case, once we go back to the main house, we'll have to stay through the first three days of the New Year, right?

During that time, it will leave Honda-san all alone in this house.

Are you just now realizing that, you stupid cat?

--Shut up! Don't call me stupid! --Why is it wrong to call someone stupid, stupid?

Um, both of you, thank you very much for thinking so kindly of me.

Somehow, just because of that, my heart is full.

I'm so happy! But, since this is your special New Year's, please go enjoy yourselves.

You'll see your parents for the first time in a while too, right?

I'm sure they are waiting for the two of you to come back.

It'll be fine! Please let me watch over the house! I'll be sure to-- Aah! The bathwater! I left it running! We really have left it to you, Tohru-kun.

Okay, then.

I'll go back.

Guess I've got no choice.

When she says it the way she does, and all Please watch out for the crowds.

It'll be fine.

There'll only be a few people out now.

Honda-san, you be careful to lock the doors, too, okay?


Come back soon! Before, she used to leave the window in her room open.

Don't tell me you went in there! Would I do that!?

I saw it from outside! Honda-san is so careless.

This morning, she fell on the stairs again.

She even runs into walls that aren't even moving.

She's definitely the type to get mochi caught in her throat.

Don't even joke about that.

You guys Stop talking as if you were housewives with your own children.

I understand that you are concerned for Tohru-kun, but you've already decided to go back, after all.

I- I'm not particularly concerned about her! That's ridiculous! Let's get going! Now that I think about it, there was an article in the evening edition about an incident of burglary in the neighborhood.

The culprit hasn't been caught yet, they said.

That's no good! She's just foolish enough that she would invite the burglar in through the front door! She'd offer him a sitting cushion, and even tea! On top of that, she'd probably ask the burglar his life's story You know, both of you, if you just stand there you'll get run into.

O- oh, if it isn't Saki-chan! Why can't she make her appearances more normally!?

I wonder where she bought that cloak.

What's the matter?

Did you forget something?



If you're looking for Tohru-kun, she's back at the house.

We were just on our way back to our parents' house.

I see.

Then this year, she really will be alone.

Up until now, she always spent New Year's with her mother.

This year, she will be all alone.

Up until now, she always spent New Year's with her mother.

This year, she will be all alone.

I told her I would stay with her, but she smiled and told me to please be with my family.

But what about Tohru-kun?

How will she feel, spending New Year's Eve with only memories of how she used to spend it with her mother?

How will she feel, listening to the same New Year's bells tolling as she listened to with her mother?

How did she feel, back then as she saw us off?

Is Tohru-kun really indifferent about that?

Is she really all right with that?

Right now, how does she feel in that house?

What are you doing?

I saw it.

What is it with you!?

Akito will get all upset again! As he was getting up, Sohma Kyo's head And what about you!?

Your beloved Kagura is waiting for you! collided with Sohma Yuki's cheek--parenthetically, a little lower--as he was about to move forward.

This concludes my commentary.

Don't be ridiculous! I'd stick a ribbon on that girl and give her over to you! No thanks! Hey, hey, you guys! Where are you going?

I'm going home! So then, Saki-chan, by any chance, did you show up just to convince them to do that?

That didn't matter to me.

I wanted to do something for Tohru-kun.

That's all.

May you have good vibes in the coming year.

You can't take her too lightly.


Why didn't I realize?

I lost sight of it, and didn't realize.

All the time, she she smiles so delightfully, that's why.

It takes just the littlest thing to make her smile so happily.

But still Saying she doesn't mind being alone--that she's all right There isn't a person alive who is like that! Y- you startled me.

What on earth?

Oh, no! You see, that's just--how shall I say this?

Oh, dear! During things like New Year's, you know, they say that people are moved, and Thank goodness.

If we had kept going I was listening to some enka folk songs, when the part of my heart that is Japanese If we had kept going without realizing We nearly left her here to cry by herself.

A- are you all right!?

We have to watch the first sunrise Before that I want to have some more New Year's soba noodles! --I'm home.

--I'm home.

Welcome home! Welcome back home, Shigure-san! Shi-chan! Hey there, Momiji! Huh?

Where are Yuki and Kyo?

They made their choice.

It isn't that they ran away.

Well then, I'm looking forward to your dance.

Akito-san They aren't coming--Yuki-kun and him.

Not coming?

Yeah How can I say this?

Oh well, I'll just say it straight out.

They're playing hooky.

What about Hana-chan?

Mm-hmm, we met her on the way.

Is that right?

Hana-chan, you'll be my first phone call of the year! I'll be waiting Um but are you sure this is okay on the part of the Sohmas?

While you're here entertaining only me, are you not putting them out?


Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.


It's no problem.


Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.


We'll still go and exchange our greetings during the first three days.


Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.


Probably Okay ?

Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.



Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.


Right about now, the banquet is probably in full swing.


Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.


Even so ?

Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.


I feel strangely invigorated.

I don't feel guilty of anything In the end ?

Wonderful love and life.


I thought many things-- considered many things ?

Wonderful love and life.


but the truth is Look at that! The sun is coming up! Have you decided what to wish for?


Adorable love and life.


I'm all set! ?

Adorable love and life.



"Thank you and farewell," we now smile, and say, ?

The truth is ?

"Thank you and farewell," we now smile, and say, ?

perhaps I just wanted to ?

"Thank you and farewell," we now smile, and say, ?

meet the New Year together with her.


"Thank you and farewell," we now smile, and say, ?

This is the year I defeat that damn rat for sure! ?

Having given our best at the end of this day, ?

Yes, yes, it would be nice if that came true.


Having given our best at the end of this day, ?


This is my little prayer.


And so, this is how we greeted the new year.


This is my little prayer.


Together with Sohma-kun and Kyo-kun, the three of us seeing the first sunrise was really beautiful and moving.

Now let us circle together, around a pleasant dinner.

Come, take today's tears, and make them tomorrow's strength.

La, la, la Wonderful love and life La, la, la Adorable love and life La, la, la Wonderful love and life On the next Fruits Basket Episode 10 Sa y, do you know of the house named Sohma?


Then, by any chance, are you of the House of Sohma?

If he's a Sohma gentleman, then it's probable that this person must also be of the zodiac! Mm-hmm, you're right.

Oh, he's Sohma Hatsuharu.

Hatsuharu-san has such good manners, and is more grown-up than you usually see in third-year middle-schoolers.

If you were a man, you'd take on any fight, you little kitty-chan! Why, you little brat!