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01x25 - Love and Sorrow

Posted: 02/03/23 14:39
by bunniefuu
The ceremony to summon Suzaku
was interrupted by Amiboshi...

...who was impersonating Chiriko.


The real Chiriko was elsewhere.

As the "Universe of the Four Gods"
was b*rned up in the fire...

...they were not able to summon Suzaku.

Taiitsukun then told the Lady Miaka... travel to the land
protected by the god Genbu.

"Taiitsukun told the priestess
to journey to Genbu's land..."

"...and gain possession
of the Shinzaho..."

Go to Hokkan... To the land protected
by Genbu, and get the Shizaho...?

Will we be able to summon
Suzaku if we do that?!


So, what is this
"Shinzaho" thing, anyway?

I can tell you no more.

You old hag...!

All right, then!
I'll go to Hokkan!

And then I'll get the
Hadou-hou, no matter what!

You sure you can handle this?

Now that I've
blown the ceremony...

...I have to summon
Suzaku any way I can!

Well, then...

If you've decided...

What... What's this...?!

My fan! It looks like
it's turned to diamond!

What in the world...?

Oh, well...
It's just a little reward...

...for how hard you've all worked so far.

I've increased your special
powers far beyond what they were.

Now that you mention it...

...I do feel like there's
more power in my body now.

That's great! Taiitsukun!
What about me?! What about me?!


I'm not giving you anything special!

You don't need some old hag
giving you presents... help you make your money, do you?

Oh, no... After all the
stuff I went through...

Give me that! Give me that!
Give it to me...!

Oh, yes. I forgot
something very important.

Close your eyes, Miaka.


Those are special ashes from...

...the remains of the
"Universe of the Four Gods."

If you have any special
power of your own...

...they'll most certainly
help draw them out.

My own...powers...?

Taiitsukun! Me, too!
Me, too! Me, too!

Knock it off!.
Knock it off!. Knock it off!.

Thank you, Taiitsukun.
I'll do my best.

Oh, well...

We'll be glad to join you.

We can't have Miaka getting into
trouble all alone, can we?


Don't forget about me.


Well, let's get ready!

Hold it! Hold it! Hold it!

I'm not done talking yet!

Would you all step outside
so I can talk to Miaka alone?

Lady Yui.


Forgive me for interrupting your meal...

...but I believe something disturbing has occurred.

Oh? What's wrong?

You almost never get
nervous about anything.

First of all, come with me.

What's that boy doing?

Amiboshi, that boy's twin
brother, has apparently d*ed.

He's d*ed...? Wait a minute...!

It appears the Suzaku Seven k*lled him.

I myself have tried to sense
his life force, but I'm afraid...

I never expected
Amiboshi would be k*lled.

Damn it all...
Damn it all...

I see. That's why
you've been crying.

Isn't it? Because you've
lost somebody important to you.

Shut up! There's no way
you can understand!

Can't I ?

I think I understand
a little how it feels.

You can cry as much as you want...

You can cry as much... you want.

Amiboshi... You were a fool.

What do you want
to talk about?

About what else?

The Priestess of Seiryu.
About your friend, Yui.

Yui! What about Yui?!

Don't you understand?

Now that Amiboshi of the
Seiryu Seven is gone...

...she cannot summon Seiryu.

Do you understand what that means?

That Yui...

That Yui will go to Hokkan,
too, to get the Oshinko!


And that means you two will
now completely become enemies.

And I fear you will have to
fight the Seiryu Seven as well!

Yui and I will
completely become enemies?

No matter which of us gets
the Shinzaho first...

...I'll have to fight Yui.

One more thing. And you must
listen to what I say very carefully.

The trial you face now...

...will be far harder and
more difficult than before.

Man, what's taking
Miaka so long?

So, you lived
in Jozen City, huh?

That's just a stone's throw
from here, isn't it?

Well, I was always shut up
inside studying for my exam.

Hey, Tasuki! Why don't you
stop being a greedy bandit...

...and take some
lessons from this guy?

Leave me alone!

Once this is all over, I'm going back to Mt. Reikaku...

...and I'll be an even better boss than our last one!

That's why I've got this fan, after all!

What do you think you're doing?!

What's the big problem?!
I didn't get anything out of this!

That's 'cuz you've got such a lousy attitude!

Oh, yeah?!
Well, you're stupider than me!

Well, your legs are shorter than mine!

So what if they are?!

You're even worse than
the bandits, you know?

Miaka! Are you finished?

Yeah. Let's go back to the palace.
I'm a little tired.

R- Right...


Tamahome's room...
Why did I come here?

Is that clear, Miaka?

I don't like it.
I don't like it, but...

It's me! It's me!

A normal girl would've screamed.

What was that?

Oh, nothing.

Anyway, what brings you
here at this hour?

Nothing special...

I just wanted to see you, that's all.

Oh, darn. I was hoping you'd
come to spend the night.

WHAT did you say?!

N- Nothing at all!

If you wish to
possess the Shinzaho...

Is that clear, Miaka?

What? Do I have
something on my face?

No, I was just wishing you'd come
to me like this all the time.

Miaka... I've saved some money.

Both what I've earned and
the allowance I get here.

You see, after all this,
I feel like I've grown up.

I was thinking of
moving out on my own.

I might be able to afford to build
a new house or something now.

I'd be happy even
in a little house...

And I kinda want to have
a son of my own, so...

So, you see...

I guess what I'm trying to say here is...

I want us to live that life together!

With who?

With YOU,
who do you think?!

'Course, if we're gonna live together,
we have to do it the right way.

Once we leave for the north,
we won't be back for a while.

Before we do,
I want to visit my dad.

And if you don't
say no to me...

...I want us to be married.

Please, marry me!

I can't! It's too sudden!
Besides, I'm only 1 5...

Yeah, the right
age to get married!

I'm also at the right age!

The right age... Really?

I've been thinking this over for a while.

I'll work as hard as I can!
I won't let you suffer...


I will protect you
for as long as I live!

And I WILL make you happy.


Is that clear, Miaka?

No! I can't say it!

But if I don't say it now,
I'll never be able to say it!

Say it, Miaka!


What are you saying?
That's silly.

You aren't serious, are you?


Tamahome, I think you've
gotten the wrong idea about me.

Asking me to marry you
is a joke, isn't it?

I'm the Priestess of Suzaku...

...and you're just my guardian,
one of the Suzaku Seven, right?


Just because I showed
you a little affection...

...doesn't mean
you should go crazy!


Boys are all the same...

Hey! You're not... You're not
talking seriously, are you?

Are you, Miaka?!

I'm sorry, Tamahome. I...

I don't feel that
way about you anymore.

Come on, we just had a
fun little relationship.

Don't take it so seriously!

That's what I came
by to tell you.

Well, goodnight, Tamahome.

Why... Miaka, tell me why!

It's no use. We can't
love each other anymore.

Forgive me, Tamahome...

Forgive me...

I want us to
live that life together!

But we can't... We can't!

Good morning, Miaka!


Oh, morning!

Hey, Miaka! Tasuki
and I were just talking.

How about we go out
on the town tonight?

They're having the Star Festival!

Come on, let's go! Come on!

Good morning, Tamahome!

I hear there's a festival tonight!

Why waste the chance?
Go and have fun!

This is the best thing
for Tamahome and me.

I have to concentrate on what's
coming up for us to do!

Did you see that, Nuriko?
How she just blew him off?

Yeah, Tasuki.
I saw it with my own eyes!

Looks like he said all
the wrong things again.

So, what'd ya do?
Come on, tell us!

I think he's serious about this...

As you can see, Hokkan
is a mountainous country.

We can send our delegation through
the Genbu Gate here to here...

No, we should cross the
border straight into them.

I think the canal's
our best option.


Oh, Chiriko.

We were discussing
the Hokkan Empire...

...and he and Chichiri got the same
idea of using the canal to go there.

We'll ready our best boat for you.
You'll set out there tomorrow.

Aren't you going, Hotohori?

It's all right. This time
you'll have six others with you.

Besides, you'll have
Tamahome with you, right?


Y- Yeah, that's right.
Well, see you!

I can't talk this over
with Hotohori, can I?



About yesterday... I-- I'm sorry
I was so rude to you. And...

It's all right.
Don't worry about it.

I'm just glad you look
a little happier today.

Y- Yes... Anyway, Nakago asked that
we both come to the shrine of Seiryu.

What are you up to, Nakago?

I thought the only one you
bowed to was the emperor.

So, did Seiryu show up?
Even after our failure?

Look well into the flames...

Eyes?! What's going on?!

You know of
Taiitsukun, don't you?

She represents the Yang principle.

This represents the Yin.

I have summoned
him here for your sake.

Yui Hongo, Priestess of Seiryu.

If you wish to summon Seiryu...

...then listen carefully to the
method I am about to describe.

Summon Seiryu...?

Are there fish around here?

Who knows?

Hey, I've been wondering
this for a while now.

Why do you wear
that mask, Chichiri?

Oh, I'm sorry!

If you don't like talking
about it, just forget I asked.

Still, it lets you smile
all the time, doesn't it?

I wish I had something like that.

Right now, I've had to cut myself
off from the two people I love most.

But this may be
for Tamahome's own good.

When I learned that Yui
was also in love with him...

...I thought I could
distance myself from him.

But then Tamahome hit me straight
on with how he feels about me.

So did Yui... That's why
I ran away from the situation.

So I wouldn't hurt them both.

I love both of them,
so I wanted them both to know... I really felt,
without any lies.

I'd just tough it out...
Lame excuse, huh?

But I was stupid
to be that direct.

Or maybe that means I've
just always been stupid.

You didn't do anything wrong.
And neither did Yui.

You just aren't
able to choose...

...between your love
and your friendship.

But whichever one you take,
you'll lose the other.

There's nothing you
can do about that.

That's what this scar
taught me, you know?

It happened when I was 18.

I was just a kid,
like Tamahome.

I had a fiance I loved
and a good friend.

The three of us were
so close... We were happy.

But then, one day,
it all fell apart.

The man who I thought was my best
friend stole my fiance from me.

And then, what did you do?

I just lost my head completely.

I was so angry and
hurt by his betrayal...

...that I didn't
realize what I was doing.

I know I didn't
really mean to do it.

But I can remember even now...

The moment my friend
passed away, I was crying.

And it was then I realized
how much I loved him.

That's when I got this scar.

And so that I never forget my best friend... will never be healed completely.

But people get upset when they see it, you know?

That's why I always wear
a smiling mask over it.

What should I...
What should I do?

There's no way I can fight Yui!

There's only one thing
I can tell you...


Mi-aka, aka-chan, aka-ma-mu-shii...
Akachan: Baby Aka Mamushi: Red Viper

What's your problem?!

Yui does love you.

Even more than
you think she does.

Even if she doesn't realize it
herself, she loves you dearly.

That's why she has to
work so hard to hate you.

And that's why you'll
be able to save her.

I'm not sure I understand what
you said, but I'll think about it.

Thanks for hearing me out!

"They went out into the city to
enjoy a brief moment of peace."

"By and by, the priestess
forgot the time..."

" she enjoyed the festivities."

I've never been out in
the city at night before!

All right, then! Tonight,
let's have as much fun as we can!

She must give up her
deep feelings for Tamahome.

That is the destiny of Miaka
as the Priestess of Suzaku.

The two of them must be apart...

...but their hearts are still
connected, strongly and deeply.

Next time, "Star Festival."

The proof of love is
the strength of the heart...