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01x24 - Resolution

Posted: 02/03/23 14:36
by bunniefuu
In Konan, Lady Miaka,
the Priestess of Suzaku...

...and the Suzaku Seven
have all gathered together.

The Emperor Hotohori... unable to ignore his
feelings for the Lady Miaka.

Even though he knows
she loves Tamahome.

We're holding the
ceremony to summon Suzaku!

Make preparations immediately!

And now, the ceremony
to summon Suzaku... about to be performed in
the palace's shrine to Suzaku.

"Hoping to prevent the ceremony
to summon Suzaku from failing..."

"...the mysterious boy
stood before Konan palace..."

All of you, do you understand?

Once the Priestess of Suzaku
begins to recite the spell...

...we Suzaku Seven must lower
our life force to nothing.

But that would leave us all
defenseless, wouldn't it?

If we were att*cked, there'd
be nothing we could do about it.

It's okay, Miaka, you know?
Just repeat everything I say.

Now pray!

Soon, Suzaku will appear
out of this fire.

There's no reason to hesitate now.

Yui... Tamahome...
I love them both!

I'm not lying to myself about that!

First, I wish for
Konan to be saved...

...and for its people and the
Suzaku Seven to be made happy.

Second, I wish
to have Yui back...

...and that we be given the
power to pass the entrance exam.

Third, no matter how it's done,
I want to always be with Tamahome.

And I especially wish for that
first wish to make Nuriko happy...

... 'cuz I'm scared of what'll
happen if he isn't...

Miaka, we're starting, you know?

The four palaces of the heavens,
the four corners of the earth.

In the name of sacred law,
belief, and goodness...

...I summon thee, Suzaku,
lord of the south.

I now say these words to thee.

Appear on earth from the
seven palaces of heaven...

...for the sake of those
here who adore you.

Come to us here.
With thy holy power...

...smash the evil which threatens us.

Save us! And hear our wishes to thee!

Descend to us
now from heaven!

Nothing's happening...

What's wrong?!
Nothing came out!


It hurts! My head...!

My head's splitting apart!

It hurts, you know?!

You've all failed.
You cannot summon Suzaku now!

Chiriko! You...!

Do you understand now why I
played my flute so much, Miaka?

Your bodies now react to the flute's sounds.

I had you listening to it constantly
so as to prepare for this moment.

Bit by bit, I introduced
my life force into you.

You mean... You mean...!
The one controlling those bats...!

Yes. It was me.

The man I k*lled there had come with
me from Kutou for that very purpose.

I regret k*lling him,
but I had to win your trust.

And then...
Those other times...

Everything I did until
today was done so that...

...I could cast this
spell upon you.

You've been deceived by my Chiriko tattoo.

Your weakness is that
you're too trusting of people.

However, all that is over now.

Why, you...!
You're one of the Seiryu...!


I am Amiboshi,
one of the Seiryu Seven!

This song will split
your souls apart!

We can't defend ourselves against
the sound! He's k*lling us!

My head...!


Miaka, stop!

Damn it! Isn't there some way
to defend against this sound?!

Stop it... Chiri...ko...

What?! I can faintly
hear another flute.

What is this sound?
It's disrupting the sound waves.

Impossible! Those
sounds have broken my spell!


I'm going, too!

Tamahome! Tasuki!

Highness! What's happened?!

He's gotten out into the city!

He won't get away!

Wait! Both of you!

Chichiri! Take me and follow those three!


Stop right now!



Sorry, Tama.
I had to do that.

Launch your boat!
Hurry! Launch your boat!

Can't do it today.

The river's swollen from all
the rain we've had lately.

A few people have been swept
away since yesterday.

You can't escape now!

Amiboshi, right? How many
of the Seiryu Seven...

...besides you and Nakago
have been gathered so far?

We don't need to ask this bastard anything!

After we took you in as a friend...

How dare you trick us!

Tamahome! Tasuki!
Don't fight!


Stop it, Chiriko!
Don't hurt any more people!

That's not the reason for playing
such pretty music on your flute!

It's to give people strength!
To comfort them!

I don't think even you want to
play your flute to hurt people!










My brother's life
force has vanished!

I don't feel anything...
He's been k*lled...

By the Suzaku Seven! No...

Brother... BROTHER!!!

Miaka! What happened?
Is that boy...?

He fell in the river.

There was no way we could
save him from the current.

I see... So, he was one
of the Seiryu Seven, huh?

I can't say that
I'm happy he's dead.

We were naive not to
realize he was an imposter.

What're you talkin' about?!

I'm sure as hell
glad that guy's dead!

You reap what you sow, right?!
It's only right that he d*ed!

Don't talk that way!

He may have been our enemy,
but deep down he wasn't evil!

Someone evil...

Someone evil could never have
played such beautiful music.

I agree.

Hey! Who are you?!


We can't defend against this sound!

My head...!

Then, you...!

Yes. I disrupted the sound of
his song with this leaf whistle.

And then I was able to partially
confuse his own life force.

What is this sound?
It's disrupting the sound waves.

Those sounds have broken my spell!

What's your name?


You mean, YOU'RE...?!

Yes. I am Ou Doukun, but my
celestial warrior name is Chiriko.

The real Chiriko?!
What are you doing here?!

I was studying for the
kakyo exam, but then...

Huh?! An... An exam?

And, for the kakyo exam,
which is...


It's a test that chooses high-
level government officials.

You were trying to become a government
official at such a young age?


Oh! Now that you mention it,
it was the shoushi part, right?

Huh? What's a "shoushi" ?

The secondary exam of the kakyo.

It has a secondary part, too?!

This kakyo thing sounds
really tough to pass.

Like I care?!

I heard from some
religious pilgrims...

...that there was a
13-year-old boy genius...

...who was taking the test.
Was that you they mentioned?

Yes. Your stars appeared
disturbingly to me in a vision.

What's this?!

The seven stars of Suzaku
are moving so chaotically!

Of course! The ceremony!

The fire's still burning! If we
try now, we may still have a chance!

Amiboshi... Farewell...

Everyone, this is our last
chance! Start praying!

Please, Suzaku.
Come out to us. Please...


What do you idiots
think you're doing?!

Oh, what's your
problem now? Cowards...


Why did Taiitsukun
appear instead of Suzaku?!

What are you saying?

Because you failed to
perform the ceremony... summon Suzaku, Priestess
of Suzaku, that's why!

R- Right...

Even though you gathered all of
the Suzaku Seven, it's too late now!

It's too late...?

Suzaku can never be summoned now!

Never be summoned...?

Even after I gave you the mirror to
help you search for the Suzaku Seven!

I failed... It's too late...

Now that the "Universe of the Four Gods"
has been b*rned...

...that method is impossible
for you to use! You fool!

Hey, Grandma! You don't have
to be that rough on her!

Miaka really gave this
her best sh*t, you know!

Who are you calling
grandma, huh?! WHO?!

Uh... Well, what I meant was...

No, Tamahome. I...

I hate myself now!


It's not just because I can't
have my wishes granted.

But how many people had to get
hurt for the sake of this moment?

For the sake of summoning Suzaku?!

Yui... Miss Shoka...Amiboshi...

You, Tamahome...
And Hotohori!

And Nuriko!
And Chichiri! And Mitsukake!

And Tasuki!

So many people
suffered so much for this...

And yet, as the priestess, I still
wasn't able to summon Suzaku!

I didn't carry out
my final responsibility!

That's why I hate myself...!


It seems you've matured a bit.

I didn't say that there weren't
OTHER ways to summon Suzaku.


Well, why didn't you say
so earlier, you old hag?!


S- Sorry, Taiitsukun!

Priestess of Suzaku!

Things will no longer be as easy
for you as they have been!

This will become a difficult test
for you. Do you accept this?

I do.

The bond between you and the
Suzaku Seven must grow...

...beyond what it is now if
you're to be successful!

You must be even more
resolute in your search!

Do you accept this?
Can you handle this?

I'll do it!

For all the people
who've been hurt.

For all those who
have encouraged us!

Because I am the
Priestess of Suzaku!

"The Priestess of Suzaku made
a mighty pledge to Taiitsukun..."

"...with not a single bit
of doubt in her mind."

"The Suzaku Seven looked on, transfixed
by the beauty of her strength."

Very well!
Then I will tell you.

First, you must travel to the
Hokkan Empire, to the north!

To the land of Genbu!

There, you must gain possession of
a holy relic known as the Shinzaho!

To the land of Genbu...?!

With strong resolve in her heart...

...the Lady Miaka decides to
travel to the Hokkan Empire.

That decision will impact the
Lady Yui and Tamahome as well.

The Lady Miaka has finally accepted...

...her destiny as the Priestess of Suzaku.

Next time, "Love and Sorrow."

Destiny tossed on
love and friendship...