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01x23 - Shadow of Intrigue

Posted: 02/03/23 14:34
by bunniefuu
Under Nakago's spell...

...Tamahome came to k*ll Lady
Miaka, the Priestess of Suzaku...

...and faced Emperor Hotohori
in a fierce battle.

However, he was able to regain...

...both his lost memories
and his soul.

After that, Tamahome, pretending
to still be under Nakago's spell...

...successfully recovered Suzaku's
"Universe of the Four Gods."

Just, this time, stay with me.
Don't leave me again.

Just keep holding me
like you're doing now.

This time I really promise.

I'll never leave you again.

The Lady Miaka gave her
heart completely to Tamahome...

...and Tamahome responded in kind.

The stars... The stars
are moving so chaotically.

Those are the
Seven Stars of Suzaku...

Oh, it's you. And it felt
so good to be asleep!


256... 257... 258...

Oh, Miaka.

What are you doing?

I'm counting my stash of money
I keep hidden under my bed.

H- Hold it... Don't tell
me you were up all night...?!

But every time I count it,
I come up one coin short!

Before I left here, I'm sure
I had 3 1 2 coins here!

Oh...! Now I'll have
to count them AGAIN!

You haven't changed a bit.

Don't worry, Miaka.

I'm not going to go
anywhere. I promise...

You came running to look for me
because you were worried, right?

Ah! I see it...!

Miaka, I found it!

All right, now that I've found it,
why don't we get something to eat?

Tamahome's finally back!

Which means the Suzaku Seven
are now all together.

Which means it's almost
time to summon Suzaku!

Which is all hard to think about
when the food's this good!

She hasn't changed a bit.

The first thing to do when Suzaku appears... to get Yui back from Kutou.

We haven't been able to make
up while she's been there...

...but I just know if we can
talk together, she'll understand.

And then, if I ask Suzaku...

...if Tamahome and I can
be together forever...

Sounds like it was a lot of trouble!
What's wrong? You're not eating.

I lose my appetite
when I'm with you!

Just what is it with
that attitude of yours?!

We just met, but you won't
even give me the time of day!

Just met?!

Just met... Why, you...!

Who do you think
hurt me like this?!

Ow! Ow! Ow! You'll pay
for this, you little punk!

I'd like to see you try it!

Wow! Those two are getting
along so well now!

It just looks like
they're fighting to me.

Say, Miaka. There's a
favor I want to ask you.

When you summon Suzaku
in the ceremony today...

...could you ask to
make me a woman?

What'll you do if
you become a woman?!

Why, comfort His
Highness, of course!

I want you and I
to be together.

I love you, Miaka...


I still haven't said
anything to Hotohori.

Even after he risked his life
like that to protect me.

This is no time for me
to be enjoying myself.

I can't just make a wish...

...for Tamahome and myself
with things like they are.

Come on, everyone!
If you have a wish... should ask Miaka
to have it granted!

H- Hold on a second!

Excuse me, Lady Yui.

Well? Are you still going
to mope about the place?

Nakago, what is this trap
you said you've set...

...for Miaka and the others?

If you wish to know, then
would you please get up?

There's someone I
wish for you to meet.

What do you mean?

I don't feel like
meeting anyone right now.

Would that answer apply to
one of the Seiryu Seven?

The Seiryu Seven...?

Yes. Just as the
Priestess of Suzaku...

...has seven stars who
act as her guardians..., Lady Yui,
the Priestess of Seiryu...

...have seven guardians,
myself included.

But I thought the priestess had
to search for the seven stars.

I haven't done anything!

The priestess and the seven
guardians call out to each other.

The same way I was drawn to you
when I found you that time.

Well, then, I'll bring
him to you later.

Miaka.... It looks as if
I haven't lost to you yet.

Oh, Miaka.

Tell me, do you know
where Hotohori is?

His Highness is talking with
Chichiri and asked not be disturbed.

I see...

What should I do?

I'll can't wait until the
ceremony to talk to him.

It may be a little
selfish on my part...

...but if I don't clear
things up with him now...

Then you're saying that the Seiryu
Seven have already gathered?

There's no evidence of it,
but I'm afraid that...

More importantly, the question is
how many can practice sorcerery.

I wasn't able to break through that
barrier in Kutou at all by myself.

Meaning there may be other sorcerers
there besides that man Nakago.


Until the ceremony is
successfully completed...

...I'd like to cast
a barrier of my own.

By all means. But don't tell the
others about the Seiryu Seven.

Miaka especially.

She's so happy
to have Tamahome back.

I don't want to trouble
her with these trifles.

You love her, don't you?

Ever since we first met...

...I've understood that she
only has eyes for Tamahome.

But still, I...

I still can't rid myself of
these feelings I have for Miaka.


You may laugh if you
think that's foolish.

No, Highness.

Anyway, I'd best go.

You're about to have
company, you know?


All right!


That's the capital of Konan there.

We have to hurry!

Um, well...

It's all right, Miaka. This is
about your answer to me, isn't it?

I'm sorry for
having troubled you.

My prime minister
has been after me... take an empress
for a while now.

He must be worried about the
need for an heir to the throne.

And so I started to
panic about it as well.


I'm sorry!
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

I like you, Hotohori! You've
always been so kind to me!

Always taken care of me...!

I really thought that I could
fall in love with you, but...

But I was wrong. I like you,
but I don't love you.

That's why I...

Miaka, you shouldn't cry.

Weren't you the one who taught me,
the ruler of a country...

...that you can't force
someone to feel a certain way?

But you've done
so much for me...

...and I've given you
nothing in return!

Didn't you gather
the Suzaku Seven?

And won't you use your power to save
my nation, as I wished you would?


Then will you allow a pathetic
man like me to love you?


I love you... I love you...

I love you, Miaka...

The Priestess of Suzaku?
What's that?

According to ancient legend,
the character which appears...

...on Your Highness's
throat marks you as...

...the protector of
the priestess who...

...shall come from another world
and summon the power of Suzaku.

The Priestess of Suzaku...

A girl who will appear
from another world...

Maybe she will be able to save
me from the loneliness I feel.

Maybe she'll be able
to love me as a person...

...and not simply
as the next emperor.



Forgive me.

Please go on ahead to the temple of
Suzaku with Tamahome and the others.

We should start the ceremony.

Right... I'd better get going.


Yes, Highness!

We're holding the
ceremony to summon Suzaku!

Make preparations immediately!

Hotohori... Thank you...

Why don't you ever notice me
BEFORE you stomp all over me?!

Well, what were you doing
sleeping there, anyway?!

I can't say I was wandering around
because I was worried about her.

Huh? What was that?

I came looking for you.
Where have you been?

N- No place...


Hey, Tamahome. What's your wish?

You really need to ask?

Want me to hit you?

Just kidding.
There's only one wish I have.

For you and I to
spend our lives together.

That's right. I don't need to
worry about any thing anymore.

Once I summon Suzaku,
everything will work out.

Lady Yui...

Forgive the delay.

This is Suboshi, the member of
the Seiryu Seven I told you about.

How do you do, Lady Yui?
I am Suboshi.

This boy is one
of the Seiryu Seven?

Nakago, what good
can he be to us?

How can he interfere with the
ceremony to summon Suzaku from here?

Suboshi, the Lady Yui appears
to be in a foul mood today.

Hotohori! Chichiri!

It's almost time.


So, Chichiri, how exactly
does this ceremony work?

You could say it's simple.
Basically, we read a spell...

...written in Suzaku's
"Universe of the Four Gods"...

...and then throw
it into the fire.

And who's supposed to read it?

The Priestess, naturally.
You know?

H U H?!! I can't read complicated
Chinese characters like these!

Even in my Japanese class,
I'd make lots of mistakes...

...and the teacher would always say
"Miss Yuki! You have to study more!"

Lady Priestess?

We've come as per the
order to assist you.

Order? But we just ate
a little while ago.

Not that sort of order.
They're here to purify your body...

...and dress you in the
reignments of a priestess.

In the meantime, you should think
of what your wishes will be.

You'll only have three to make.

Huh?! Is that all?!

Come, this way, please.

Oh, Miaka! There's something
I want to give you--


You jerk, that really hurt!

Oh, Mr. Tamahome.
I didn't see you standing there.

Mitsukake's powers
have recovered.

Just don't cause
too much trouble.

Oh, great. It was
so quiet around here...

...while Tasuki hadn't recovered
from his wounds, you know?

And just what's
THAT supposed to mean?!

Three wishes, huh?

But, still, I've done
so much to get this far.

I became the Priestess of Suzaku,
I found the Suzaku Seven...

...I fell in love with Tamahome,
and became enemies with Yui.

Is it asking too much to
have both Tamahome AND Yui?

Lady Priestess,
this is not a game.

This is for you to cleanse
your body and spirit.

Where'd they take Miaka, anyway?
I had something to give her...


Uh, I'm sorry!
I didn't come to spy on you!

W- Well, what are
you doing there?!

I guess I'll come to you, then...

No! Tamahome, I'm supposed
to purify my body here!

You idiot.
What are you thinking?

I came to give you this.

That's from when...

This belongs to you,
doesn't it?

I don't know why I have it...

...but I figured you'd
be worried it was lost.

Then... He must have
kept it with him...

...even when he was still
under Nakago's spell.

Despite all that, he still...



Now that's really strange...

What's up, Nuriko?

Weren't you with Miaka?

Yeah. She's changing her clothes.
So, what's wrong?

Look at this mirror.

While we didn't have Suzaku's
"Universe of the Four Gods"...

...Miaka got this from Taiitsukun
to find the Suzaku Seven with.

And it's been flashing
for a while, you know?

It must be broken, right?

Is it coming?

Lord Nakago, they're about to begin
the ceremony to summon Suzaku.

I see. It's finally time.

How can he do that?

It's all part of my strategy.


Yes. In other words,
we've planted a spy in Konan.

But the characters
on his arm...

Twins aren't
like normal brothers.

They share an exceptionally
strong link in both body and mind.

Then the spy
we have in Konan is... twin brother.

"The Priestess of Suzaku continued
to prepare for the ceremony... summon Suzaku, unaware of the
Kutou plot in motion against them... "

But why did you need to be taken
to the capital so suddenly?

I could tell by the stars.

If nothing is done soon,
the Suzaku Seven... well as the
Priestess of Suzaku...

...will be k*lled!

The Lady Miaka prepares to carry out
the ceremony to summon Suzaku...

...unaware that they will be betrayed
by one they would never suspect.

Amiboshi, one of
the Seiryu Seven.

The ace Nakago
still had left to play.

Next time, "Resolution."

The scroll to a
new battle is opened...