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01x20 - Unreachable Hope

Posted: 02/03/23 14:27
by bunniefuu
Lady Miaka,
the Priestess of Suzaku...

...was captured by Lady Yui,
the Priestess of Seiryu.

And then, after finally
being reunited with him...

...she was att*cked by
her beloved Tamahome.

I... I can't believe this!

With her body and heart
both wounded, the Lady Miaka...

...headed back to where Tamahome was
in order to learn his true feelings.

"Chichiri, one of the Suzaku Seven,
crept through the Kutou palace..."

Miaka's hiding something.

She couldn't have gotten hurt like
that unless somebody did it to her.

I've got a bad feeling about
this. Maybe I should go back.

You're saying I took the
Priestess of Suzaku with me?

Yes, sir!

What are you babbling about?

Huh? G- General!

One of the Suzaku Seven...!

So long, folks!

Somebody! Catch that
super deformed general!

He chose to impersonate me...
How amusing.

So, Miaka's escaped.

So it would seem.

But I believe I know where she's headed.


Tasuki, our cover's blown!
We gotta get out of here--

Huh? Where's Miaka?

SHE did this to me!

Miaka did? I've heard of
getting careless, but this...!

I told you, I HATE girls!
They don't play fair!

You were just stupid.

Get off my back!

She's probably headed
back to that tree!

We gotta get her back, fast!

She's in danger by herself!.


Where are you?

I know you're out there.

It's safe now...
The soldiers are gone...

I came, just like I promised...

You said we'd
meet here, didn't you?

Please, Tamahome... Come out now.

Unmannered girl!

I'm sorry about before, Miaka.



It must have hurt.
I caused you so much suffering.

I only did that to make
them think I was on their side.

Really? Is that true, Tamahome?

You really haven't
forgotten all about me?

I haven't. Why else
would I have come here?


By the way, Miaka...

Chichiri and Tasuki are
with you, aren't they?

Where are they?


No, you're not the old Tamahome!

How would you know that
Tasuki's here with me, too?!

You've never even MET him!

Please, Tamahome, if you're under
some spell, then snap out of it!

Here, look at this!

This is the letter
you wrote to me.

I've treasured it every
moment since you left.

It says that you
promised you'd come back!

It says "Wo Ai Ni"...
It says "I love you!" doesn't it?

I wrote this?

Yes! Look! Look at it carefully!

Wo Ai Ni...


Do you know what this
character on my forehead means?

It's proof that
I live to protect you.

That I live only for you!

I know Tamahome
will come back to me.

You'll never, ever leave me?

Of course I won't.

I finally gathered the Suzaku Seven...

I tried so hard to get them.

Everything worked out.

But now he's gone...

The Tamahome I knew...

The old Tamahome... He's gone.


Now die.

Tasuki! Are you all right?!

I'm fine, but Miaka's...!

Miaka! Speak to us!

She's fainted.

I'm amazed she lasted this long,
hurt as bad as she is.

The Suzaku Seven, huh?

You've just saved me the
trouble of looking for you.

Now I'll finish you
off once and for all!

What's wrong with you?!

The one who hurt Miaka's arm...

Was it you, Tamahome?!

It was, wasn't it?!

Tasuki, calm down!

Not just her arm! What you did...

After she was so looking
forward to seeing you again... went and tore
her feelings apart!

No matter what the reason is...


Well, if you won't forgive me,
what are you going to do?

Beat you to a pulp!

The battle between friends has begun.


The potion Tamahome
swallowed was no mere drug.

It was made from Kodoku.


Would my calling it a curse be
understandable to you, Lady Yui?

The power of the curse
controls his memories...

...making him hate the
Priestess of Suzaku now.

His personality has
been completely remade.

Even the healing powers of
Mitsukake of the Suzaku Seven...

...would be of no effect.

The mark of ogre will never appear
on Tamahome's forehead again.

Tasuki, stop! Tamahome's one
of the Suzaku Seven, too!

He's one of US!

Shut up! Look what he did!

Is that what a friend does?!

Win or lose...


k*ll the followers of Suzaku.

k*ll them!


Why, you...!!!


So, you hold your own in a
fight with Tamahome, eh?


At this rate,
either one could win.

But no matter which it is,
the result will be the same.

If they lose even one of their
number, they will be powerless.

The Suzaku Seven
can never be gathered.

Suzaku will never be summoned.

Now, what will you do,
Priestess of Suzaku?

You sure like wavin'
that toy around, don't you?

If we're gonna fight with toys...

...then I'll use this!


He used his spell...
The seal's been broken?

I thought it would make
things more interesting.

I've got you now!

The ogre mark isn't appearing,
even though he's fighting!

Tasuki, stop it!

That may be Tamahome, but it
ISN'T Tamahome, you know?!

No, I don't know!
Talk sense, ya damn fool!

Ow! Whaddaya think yer doin', you...!!!

Rekka Shinen!


Stop it! Tasuki!

Please don't k*ll Tamahome!


If Tamahome... If Tamahome
dies, then I'll... I'll...!

Please, stop it!

Even after all that he did to her...

How heroic of her.

Even if Tamahome weren't here,
I still would have come back!

You should pay attention!

What are you doing?

All I need to fight
you are my bare HANDS!

What's wrong? Aren't you
going to fight me?

Bare hands are
fine for you, huh?

Well, I have no reservations
about using MY w*apon!

Tasuki! He'll be k*lled!

Chichiri! Don't let him!
Please, stop them!

I hate to say it,
but even if I interfered now... wouldn't make any
difference, you know?

Tamahome, please! Stop it!

Hm... So, this is it?

You're...not too bright, are ya?

You... You thought this was all...
it would take to beat me...?

Oh, really? Then it's
time to stop playing around.

Chichiri! Take Miaka
and get out of here!

Do it while I
buy you some time!

But, we can't...!

You're not going anywhere.


It's him!
He's around here someplace!

That guy's too much
trouble, you know?!

Suppressing your life
force to hide from me, eh?


So, you've finally made
your appearance, huh?

I'll take the chance!


Fool. You can't use
your power anymore.

He was an annoying distraction,
wasn't he, Tamahome?

just hang on! We can't let Tasuki's
sacrifice be wasted, you know?

And you be quiet, too!

The cat!
It's not a servant of Suzaku...

...and it can see on a
wavelength that people can't.

Which might mean...!

Your name's Chichiri, correct?
just give up.

There's no way you can break
out of this barrier, either.

Let's hope this works!

What was that?! It sounded
like a h*m* being strangled!

Well, EXCUSE ME for being gay!

Mitsukake, your cat's
floating in midair!


It's talking!

I didn't know he could.

No! That's Chichiri's voice!

I'm using the cat's form to
break through this barrier!

I want you to try to break the
barrier from where you are!



The flute...

Would you quit it?

You're fighting the wrong people.

Exactly. You're supposed to be fighting ME!

Y- You want ME to
break the barrier?

Exactly! Use your flute
to crack the Seiryu barrier!

I think you can do it.

Yes, Highness.
I'll give it a try.

All of you, please concentrate
on the sounds of the flute.

Now it ends.

I... I think this is it!

Flute music... Chiriko!


Tasuki! Tasuki! Speak to us!

You did a great job!
It's all right now.

We'll be home soon, you know?

This always...happens...when
I get mixed up...with girls...

That's why...I hate 'em...

Tasuki! TASUKI!!!

It's all right. He's just
unconscious, you know?

He did this for me...

Tamahome... I ran to him,
reached out my hand to him.

But... He hurt Tasuki.

He hurt one of his allies!

Face reality, Miaka...
He's totally changed.

No matter how you may
scream that you love him...

It won't reach him.
It'll never reach Tamahome again!

And so...

And so...

And so...





A narrow escape.
We nearly had them.


What's this? Strange...

I just suddenly started to cry.

Is it possible...?

Could his feelings be
stronger than the Kodoku?

"The Priestess of Suzaku, sobbing,
collapsed against Hotohori's breast..."

Are you all right, Miaka?

What in the world happened over there?

Where's Tamahome?

I said...goodbye to him...

I... I went to
Tamahome to say goodbye...

With her heart full of
wounds that will not close...

...and having lost
even the will to live...

...the Lady Miaka is surrounded with
kindness by the Emperor Hotohori.

To protect the Lady Miaka's life...

...Hotohori risks his life
and stands before Tamahome.

But this, too, goes against
the destiny they share... members of the Suzaku Seven.

Next time, "To Protect You".

Abandoning everything, for your sake.