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01x15 - The City of Resurrection

Posted: 02/03/23 14:17
by bunniefuu
Tasuki! Tasuki has a
character on his body!

Learning of the
existence of Tasuki...

...the fifth member of the
Suzaku Seven, from Eiken...

...the leader of
the mountain bandits...

...the Lady Miaka was
then kidnapped by Genro...

...a young member of the bandit g*ng.

When she learned
that Eiken had stolen...

...the leadership of the
g*ng in Genro's absence...

...the Lady Miaka infiltrated the
enemy stronghold along with Genro.

Genro recovered the enchanted iron fan...

...with the help of the
phantom Tamahome which...

...the Lady Miaka had summoned,
which handily defeated Eiken.

"The bandits deeply apologized
to the Priestess of Suzaku."

"The Priestess graciously forgave them..."

Please, is there a
person named "Tasuki" in here?

If he is, I'd like
him to come with me.


Eiken, do you know him?

No. Honestly,
I don't know who he is.

I know him.

Really?! Tell me!

Okay, but don't get
too disappointed.

Tasuki was the name of our old boss,
which means he's already dead.

Tasuki's dead...?

Sorry to say this, but you can't
bring the dead back to life.

Your Highness!

What'll we do?

Oh, yeah, Genro.
Do you want to visit...

...the boss's grave
when it gets light?

You probably miss him, too...


Now what? If even one of
the Suzaku Seven is missing...

...Suzaku won't appear.

And Tamahome will never come back...

Once you find the last
three, I'll come home.

Your Highness, what
will we do? Without Tasuki...

Yes... But you can't
resurrect a dead man.

Um, Boss? You see,
I've heard this rumor...


In Choko, to the north...

...there's supposed to be somebody
who CAN bring the dead back to life.

Mister, are you serious?!

Well, it's a rumor.
I haven't seen it done myself, so...

Then let's go to Choko
and check it out!


Even if there's only a 1 %
chance it's true, I'll take it!

We have to try it!
But, before we leave...

One bowl of rice, please!

Bye, everyone! Stay well!

There they go.

That girl's either totally
pure-hearted or a total idiot.

We're sure acting
strange because of her.

You'd think we've all forgotten
how to act like bandits.

We even fed her!

Forget it. I'm just relieved that
you're the boss now, Genro.

The Priestess of Suzaku, huh?

You really wanted to go
with her, didn't you?

Don't be stupid.
You think I'd turn my back...

...on the boss's wishes
and on all you guys?

Besides, I hate girls!

Then I guess this really
is for the best.

Miaka, here. River water.
It's cold and tastes good.

Thank you.

Were you looking at
Tamahome's letter?

Y- Yeah...

Don't worry. You'll be
together again soon.

It's a bit further to Choko.

Save your strength and be
careful not to get sick.

Poor guy. I'm really feeling
sorry for His Highness lately.

Even though he knows
you love Tamahome...

...he keeps on caring
for you wholeheartedly.

You aren't mad about it?

Well, I'll admit I was shocked at... strongly His Highness felt about you.

But I get the feeling I've lost.

I mean, even if I was a woman,
I wouldn't have stood a chance... I'm not angry.
Not a bit.

I'm not THAT much
of a jealous woman.

I...don't...believe you...

Still, it's true.

Hotohori really does care for me a lot.

I wonder what'll
happen to Tamahome.

Will he just stay with
Yui like this forever?

Tamahome! Tamahome!


Thank goodness
you're still here!

I had a dream that you'd gone
back to Miaka and was so scared!

Of course I didn't.

When the time comes for me to
leave, I'll be taking you with me.

All we can do now is believe
in Miaka and wait for her.

You're right...

Lady Yui. Lord Nakago
wishes to see you.

Well, I have to go.

I'll have some food
prepared for you soon.

Right. Thanks.

Food, huh? I wonder if
Miaka's eating right now.

I wonder when I'll get to
see your smiling face again.

So, you're saying Tasuki
of the Suzaku Seven is dead?

Because of that,
the Priestess of Suzaku... headed for the city of
Choko in northern Konan.

There are rumors of a person with
the power to revive the dead.

It would seem they're
encountering a lot of trouble... gathering their
seven celestial warriors.

Let them try as
hard as they want to.

Okay, maintain your
surveillance of them.


Hey! Outta the way!
Outta the way!

What could have driven
this city to such a state...?

Look at the mirror!


Does this mean that one of the
Suzaku Seven is in this city?!

Do you suppose it's the person
with the power we heard about?

Great! This means we k*ll
two birds with one stone!

All right!

Excuse me!

Um, are you okay?

Yes. Forgive me.
I was daydreaming a bit.

You sure you're all right?
You weren't hurt?


Oh, for heaven's sake.

No matter where our Miaka goes,
she always acts like a little kid.

No, no. Not at all.

I think your daughter is very sweet.

Oh, no!
It's not like that at all!

- Miaka!
- Yikes!

Well, come on!
I was fooled twice already!

I wanted to make sure she was a woman!

I am really, really,
REALLY sorry about this!

Sorry about this.

It's all right, really.
This is my apology to you.

So, where to?

Miss Shoka!

Thank goodness!
You've finally come!

This is the one?

She was suffering for months
and then suddenly died.

Don't worry.
Leave this to me.

She came back to life...

What in the world...?

It's incredible... For months now...

...we've been plagued by
a mysterious illness.

It produces fevers that
are more painful than death.

People have nicknamed
it the demon Shikkonki...

...and doctors have been
unable to find a cure.


While Miss Shoka
can't cure the disease...

...she is able to bring
the dead back to life.

While they aren't as healthy as
they were in their previous life...

...many prefer to die
quickly and be revived...

...rather than live with
the pain of the disease.

We've done it, Miaka!
Ask her, quick--

Miss Shoka!

Could you please come with us?

There's someone I'd
like you to revive!

I'm afraid I couldn't.

I'd love to come with you,
really, but...

But I can't leave this city.
I can't leave the people here.

Besides that, if I step one
foot outside of the city...

...I'll lose my power.

All right, then!
We'll bring Tasuki here to you!

We'll just ask Genro and the others
if we can take the coffin here.

Looks like a graveyard.

Did we take the wrong road?
Let's turn back.

We don't have time for that!

We have to get back there
fast and bring Tasuki here...

Miaka! What's wrong?!
Speak to me!

I'm all right. My body just
feels a little hot...

A fever! Oh, no! We have
to get back to the city!

Give us flesh...

We won't let you leave this city...

We will devour your flesh!


Miaka! Run! Miaka!


I figured this would happen.


I'm coming in!
Get down on the ground!


To tell you the truth,
I wasn't gonna come...

...but I figured you
couldn't do this alone.

Looks like I was right
to come and check on you.


We talked it over and
made Koji the new boss.

We figured our old boss
would forgive us.

But why?

You idiot.
Haven't you figured it out yet?

Genro's my nickname.

I'M Tasuki.
Sorry for tricking you.

What...?! Why didn't you tell
us that sooner, you moron?!

Honestly! After all the
trouble we've been through!

Didn't have a choice.
I had to be the new boss.

Our old one and all the guys wanted
me to. Could I have ignored them?

But then Koji and the guys
told me to get going.

I see... Thanks for coming.

Now we have the fifth member...

- Miaka?!
- Miaka, what's wrong?

Do you suppose...?!

For months now, we've been
plagued by a mysterious illness.

It produces fevers that are
more painful than death.

You think it's Shikkonki?

Find my horse! We have to
get back to the city at once!

Miss Shoka, can't you
cure Miaka's illness?

It seems to be that spirit
plague we were told about.

There's nothing
I can do about that.


My power is to revive
people from death.

If Miaka dies, then I'd
be able to help her.

You're saying we
should let Miaka die?!

Isn't there any other way?!

I'll be fine...


I'm sure there must be
a doctor in this city.

It may not help,
but let's try.

This is silk, isn't it?

It's you! It's totally you!

You look so cool!
I just knew black was your color!

Lady Yui.

Forgive my intrusion...

...but I just heard something I
thought you'd be amused to hear.

The Priestess of Suzaku has
contracted a rampant disease.

There's apparently
no cure and it seems...

...she'll linger on in
great pain until she dies.


Wait, why should you feel
anything for her, Yui?

It's only right that
this should happen to her.

With Miaka gone,
Tamahome will be mine...

Now, wait a minute!

What kind of doctor refuses to treat
a patient without examining them?!

No matter how you say it,
you've got Shikkonki.

Hold it. Myojuan might
be able to cure you.

And where's
this guy right now?!

He moved outside of town unexpectedly
a year ago and hasn't been back since.

Now get out of here now!

I don't want to get
that disease myself!.

Cripes... You quack!

Still, we learned
something valuable.

Let's go out and
look for this Myojuan guy.

This is tough...
Am I going to die?

And we only had two more members
of the Suzaku Seven left to find.

What should I do...?

It's all right.
Hang in there.

Miss Shoka.

Maybe Miss Shoka
is the sixth member...

Fish! Fish!
Buy some fresh fish today?

Let go! It's my fish!

She's fighting a bruiser like
that for one little fish?

Wow... Even that weak, her
appetite still gets her moving.

She's still so cheerful
and active... How admirable.

Miss Shoka,
you're pale as a ghost.

It's nothing. I'm tired
and should go home.

When you're finished,
please come back to my house.


Got it!

Only a real creep steals
food from a sick person!


I suddenly got a lot weaker...

There it is!

Miaka, are you sure you
should be running like that?

Cripes! Are you really sick?!

You are completely surrounded!
Come out quietly WITH my fish!

I repeat, you are
completely surrounded!

Come out quietly with my fish!

Let's check this out.

So many medicines...

Could this man be that
Myojuan person we heard about?

Hey! Mister!
Are you Myojuan?

If you are, could you
examine this girl?

Please! She's very
weak from the disease.

Please, mister? I'll even
forget about you taking my fish.

It was a really tasty-looking
fish, but I'll forget about it.

I gave up being a doctor
long ago. Now leave.

What? But you examine
animals, don't you?

I don't give a damn
about people! Now leave!

Sure, sure, whatever, pal.
Man, ask a guy a favor...

Miaka, are you all right?

I can't...move my legs right...


I wonder why he did that.
He seemed like a nice person...


Miaka! Hang on!

What're ya doing falling
asleep?! Wake up!

Damn it! Isn't there
something we can do?!

It's t*rture for her to
live on in that condition.

It's no use. We have to find
some way to ease her suffering.

There's only one thing to do.

You must k*ll her at once.

If I revive her immediately,
I can restore her full health.

You really expect us to do that?!

It's okay. I...

I can't look for the Suzaku
Seven in this condition.

I want the pain
to go away. Please...

If we don't do something, I'll
never see Tamahome or Yui again.


"The Priestess was stricken
with the deadly disease..."

"...and was suffering
in hellish torment."

"According to Shoka, the only way
to save her was to take her life..."

Would you all
please step outside?

- What?
- Hey!

I'm going to k*ll her.

Forgive me, Hotohori.

For giving you such
a terrible job to do.

I think I'd like to be stabbed.

Probably because I
like yakitori so much.

I'll count "1, 2, 3" and then
you s*ab me quick, okay?

Once upon a time, Shoka had
a lover named Myojuan.

As she faced death alone...

...her belief that Myojuan would
return to her sustained her.

It sustained her
right up to the very end...

The Lady Miaka
now knows very well...

...the pain Shoka feels
from her heartbreak.

Next time, "Battle of Sorrow".

All they can do is say farewell...