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01x13 - For the Sake of Love

Posted: 02/03/23 13:53
by bunniefuu
Saved from Kutou by
Tamahome and Chichiri...

...the Priestess of
Suzaku, Lady Miaka...

...was taken to Taiitsukun's palace
on Mt. Taikyoku to recover.

There, for the first time,
she learned of the terrible thing...

...that happened
three months before... her best friend, the Lady Yui.

Thanks to Taiitsukun's mysterious
power, the Lady Miaka...

...took her duty to heart
and returned safely... Konan with
renewed determination.

However, awaiting her
there was a battle between...

...the Emperor Hotohori's and
Tamahome's burning hearts.

There's only you.

The Lady Miaka finally
realized just how strongly...

...her heart was
now bound to Tamahome.

"Important Documents Reference Room"

"The Priestess of Suzaku
learned how Tamahome felt..."

"...and returned
his thoughts in kind..."

Is the Priestess of
Suzaku really Miaka?

Why's she this popular?!

"At that moment, Tamahome
sensed a suspicious presence..."

What's this
force I'm sensing...?

Huh? What's wrong?

Be careful, both of you!
I sense an evil presence!

I have a message for
the Priestess of Suzaku.

Who are you?!

I am a messenger
from the land of Kutou.

We have already advanced
on several villages in Konan.

This is common knowledge.

However, if the one member of the
Suzaku Seven known as Tamahome... presented to Kutou,
we will advance no further.

Send Tamahome to Kutou?

I repeat, if the one member of the
Suzaku Seven known as Tamahome... presented to Kutou,
we will advance no further.

They're saying they'll stop the
advance in exchange for Tamahome?

I love Tamahome.

That's why I'm going
to take him from you!

Could that be it?
Is Yui...?!

Miaka! What's that
presence I feel?!

The ceiling!

Stop! I said STOP!

How rude! He broke the wall!

YOU broke the wall!
He got away.


Don't go. You won't go
anywhere, will you?

Your Highness, what's this
about villages being att*cked?

It happened yesterday.

Three villages to the south-west,
in Juso Prefecture...

...were att*cked by soldiers
dressed in black.

Fortunately, I heard the casualties
were relatively light.

{\pos(394,479)}Do you think they may have come
to take Tamahome to Kutou?

{\pos(414,475)}It's possible.
Tamahome, pay it no mind.

{\pos(409,477)}We may be militarily
weaker than they are...

{\pos(393,474)}...but we won't give
up this easily.

Your Highness, I don't sense that

As he said. There's no
need to worry now.

Get some rest tonight,
both of you.



Damn it! Where they're
attacking is near my village!


It's all right. I said
I wouldn't go anywhere.

Get some sleep. I'll stay
here with you tonight.

You really, REALLY
won't go anywhere?


You don't trust
people much, do you?



Miaka, stay well...

Master Tamahome?

You're saying you promise to halt
this w*r if I go with you?

Of course we'll keep our promise.

Now, then,
if you'll use that horse over there.

Tamahome, where are you?!

What's wrong, Miaka?

Tamahome's gone!


What's wrong? Why are you
running around like this?

Hotohori! Tamahome's...
Tamahome's disappeared!

Do you mean...?!

I found this notebook
open on the desk...

...and there's
something written in it...

...but I don't know how to
read this country's language!

What's it say?!

Tamahome isn't here anymore.

It says he's gone to Kutou.

"While I go to Kutou,
use this break in the w*r..."

" find the other three
of the Suzaku Seven."

"When they're all assembled,
I swear I'll come back."

No! It can't be! He told me
yesterday he wouldn't go anywhere!

There has to be some mistake!

Hotohori, read it
right this time!


Tamahome... You liar...

You're going
to find the other three?

Uh-huh. I'm all rested now.

But even if you look, the copy
of the "Universe of the Four Gods"...

...which has the hints for finding
them is in the Kutou's hands.

I'm sorry...

Oh! I wasn't criticizing
you about that...

What's that?


Instead of using Suzaku's
"Universe of the Four Gods"...

...that hand mirror
will tell you if...'re getting close
to any of the Suzaku Seven.

I'll use this to
look for them. See you!



No... It's nothing.
Just be careful.

Nice weather today! We don't get
skies this color in Tokyo!

If we come to someplace connected
with one of the Suzaku Seven...

...this hand mirror's
supposed to react somehow.

Hey, Miaka!


Mt. Reikaku is up ahead.

I hear there're mountain
bandits there, though.

We have Chichiri with us.


Chi... Chichiri?!

I'm back, you know?

But why?

Because you seemed so
depressed, you know?

I'm human, too. Tamahome
has sacrificed himself...

...for his country
by going to Kutou.

And Miaka is forcing herself
to act cheerful in spite of it...

Yet I cannot be at Miaka's side
protecting her in Tamahome's place!

Well, then, I can take YOU R place
for you, Highness, you know?


Like twins, you know?
The country's safe for the time being.

There shouldn't be any harm in my
filling in for you for a bit.

Chichiri... That's why you...?

I'm... I'm...

I'm more beautiful than that!

My eyes are longer-slitted, and the bridge
of my nose is far more graceful!

Most of all, you aren't sexy enough!
Now redo the transformation!

Jeez... I can't look any more
like you than I do now, you know?

Let's see... Everything from
here to here, please!


Don't worry.
If you want money, here.

Coming right up!

Okay, time to eat! Still,
I wonder where Chichiri went.

What a waste, especially with
this feast we've got!

Miaka, you don't have to force
yourself to be so cheerful.

You're worried about
Tamahome, aren't you?

Oh, never mind that!

Never mind...? YOU...!

Oh, dear.
It must have been rotten.

Are you saying it's just fine
with you that Tamahome's gone?

Well, he's gone,
so no use crying over it.

Here we go.

All right! It looks great!

Yay! Yay!

Well, maybe it's not my place
to mention it, but...

Miaka, wait!
Don't eat any!

Huh? What?

You idiot! And you ate
my portion, too?!


Miaka, wake up! These guys work
for the mountain bandits!

Run for it!

Gimme that money!


Gimme that money!

- Hotohori!
- Your Highness!

Miaka. Are you all right?

Well, I didn't get to eat a
mouthful, so I'm fine, but Miaka...

Uh, no. I just
ate so fast I choked.

Nuriko, water, please?

Huh? You mean Chichiri
is taking your place?

Why would he do that?

Because I was worried about you.

And it's about Tamahome, too.

Oh, no, are you worried
about me, too, Hotohori?

I said I was fine.

Oh, this is the note
Tamahome left me.

Can you understand what's
written at the very bottom?

It says "I love you."

It's how Tamahome feels about you
from the bottom of his heart.

To protect his country, his family...

For you, the one he
loves more than anything...

...Tamahome went
to an enemy nation.

I understand that...
I understand that...

That's why I had to
convince myself!. But...

Will you always,
ALWAYS stay with me?

You'll never, ever leave me?

Of course I won't,
you little idiot.

He said he'd stay
with me, but...!

I'm sorry.

No, stop!

That much? You really
love Tamahome that much?

I know you have
no feelings for me.

I know it's unfair
to be doing this now...

But, I... I love you!
Since the moment we first met!


Miaka! Your Highness!

Hotohori! Nuriko!


Thank goodness!
You're both all right!

But, what are we doing here?

The last thing I remember
was running towards you both...

There's blood on your arm!

It's nothing.

When you shielded me before...


I'm right, aren't I ?!

Hello there.
Looks like you're awake now.

Who are you?!

Aw, you mean you
haven't heard of us?

All right, we'll tell ya!
We're the bandits of Mt. Reikaku!

We helped ourselves to
your bags for your toll payment.

Now listen, you better behave,
or we'll make you sorry you didn't!

Wait, when we
were riding before...

The character that
appeared was "mountain"...

Which means among these bandits...

...maybe one with the mark
on his body. The fifth member...

Anyway, just behave yourselves
and do what we say.

Agh! What's with her?!

Behave...and do...
what you say...huh?!

Stop it! Miaka!
Quit acting like a barbarian!

Who is this brat?!


I came 'cuz the boss told me to
take one of these captives to him.

Since you seem so
enthusiastic, I'll take you!


If you're gonna
take anybody, take me!

It's all right,
Hotohori, Nuriko.

It's a good chance.
I'm trying to see if one of...

...these guys here is the fifth
member of the Suzaku Seven.

You two stay here and keep quiet.

You're hurt, Hotohori, remember?

What the hell are you doin'?!
Come on! Step lively!

See you!


Hey, Baby.
You look real fine.

Why don't you be a nice
gal and serve us drinks?

B- Baby?

It looks like they think
we're both women.

No big surprise there, since we're
both prettier than Miaka is!

We'll take your chains off.

We gotta do what Miaka
said and keep quiet.

You mean behave like
a common serving girl?!

Hurry up, over here!

A moment, please...

Shall we go, Nuriko?

There we go, drink up!

Oh, what a marvelous
drinker you are!

Please, you have some, too!

Holy... His Highness is
really getting into this!

Welcome, Tamahome,
warrior of the Suzaku Seven.


I am Nakago, a celestial
warrior like yourself.

For Seiryu, however...

Seiryu? Are you the one
who ordered me to come?

What are you gonna do to me
now that you brought me here?!

Use you to comfort Lady Yui.

Besides, I like you.

You're the first person
to ever land a hit on me.

Oh? Then you must not
be that good after all.

Nakago! What are you doing?!

That didn't even tickle me!

Everyone, get out!
Leave the two of us alone!

As you wish,
Priestess of Seiryu.

Are you all right? I'm sorry.
I'll speak to Nakago later.

Never mind me.
You have it much worse.

They're forcing you to be the
Priestess of Seiryu, aren't they?

If we'd saved you before,
this wouldn't have happened.

No, I'm fine... Anyway,
I'm surprised Miaka let you leave.

I left without telling her.

I see...

But she'll be okay.

I know she'll be able to find the
other members of the Suzaku Seven.

Once she has, I'll take you...

...and Suzaku's "Universe of the
Four Gods" back to Konan with me.

We just have to be
patient for a while.

I see...

Miaka, no matter what
you try, you'll fail.

I'll never let
Tamahome go back to you.

"The Priestess of Suzaku..."

"...was finally brought
before the bandits' leader..."

Within the Lady Yui's
flames of rage and grief...

...the Lady Miaka's heart
is now wholly supported... one, all-consuming thought:

Of how much she wants
to be with Tamahome.

However, this wish may
become an empty one...

...when she is kidnapped by
a young man named Genro.

Next time,
"Wolf in the Fortress"

Within a maze where the
path ahead can't be seen...