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01x06 - Even If I Die...

Posted: 02/03/23 12:34
by bunniefuu
Lady Miaka, the Priestess of Suzaku...

...was unaccustomed to the
strains of her new life...

...and fell ill from exhaustion.

It was then that His Highness the emperor...

...made the decision to
return her to her old world.

However, as no one in the imperial
court knew how to do this...

...the emperor decided to take
the Lady Miaka to Mt. Taikyoku... meet Taiitsukun,
the controller of the world.

Along the way, the Lady Miaka was
separated from her companions...

...and stepped into
a mysterious world.

There, she found
another Miaka waiting...

You really are a gluttonous girl.
I should be ashamed of myself.

Wh- Who are you?

Me? I'm you. The you
reflected in the mirror.

I'm you? I'm me, but you're me,
too, so does that mean I'm you...?




Outta my way!

You can stay here
and eat all you want.

Hey, wait! Let me out!

No way. I love Hotohori,
a lot more than that other one.

That's why I'm going to
stay here with him forever.

I don't want to go
back to our old world.

Living here as
the Priestess of Suzaku...

...honored and being
served by everyone...

...will be a lot
more fun, won't it?

Just stay there and enjoy the show!


Let me out!
Let me out of here!

No one outside can see or hear you.

Try and break my spell, Miaka.

If you really ARE
the Priestess of Suzaku.


Who are you?! Who's there?!

She's in a life or death situation,
but still eats the food!

Find her?



What happened?! Where were you?!

Oh, nowhere.

Were you worried about me, Tamahome?

N- Not really...

Hey! Get away from Tamahome!

Still, I'm glad you're all right.


Forgive me, Darling!

What do you think you're doing?!

Oh, Nuriko?
Got a problem with it?

You bet I have!

Why don't you just
give up on Hotohori?

It's ridiculous,
especially since you're a guy.

A... A guy...?

Are you saying...?


I don't believe it.

There's another man
who's as beautiful as I.

Figure it out, Tamahome!

If you don't stop her,
everyone'll end up hating each other!

Never mind that, Hotohori.
Come with me.

I want to talk to you.

What did you want to say, Miaka?

Let's stop this.

Let's not go to Taiitsukun's place.

Wh- What?!

If you and I can be together,
I don't have to go back.

You love me, don't you?
And I love you...

That's not me!

Let me out of here!!!


I could have sworn
I heard Miaka just now.

"The being with the appearance
of the Priestess of Suzaku..."

"...was about to kiss him, when..."

Who the devil are you?!

Wh- Who am I...?

The Miaka I know
doesn't act like this!

Show your true form!

Be on guard, Tamahome.

Where's the real Miaka?!

Right here in front of you.
I'm Miaka's reflection.

A part of her that
even she isn't aware of.

I see now. She's me.

The irresponsible
part of me inside.

The things she says and does are
what I have deep inside my heart.

You really are a foolish man.

After I finally
confessed my love to you.

Enough of this nonsense!

Tamahome! Hotohori!

My strength...

It's draining us!

This mirror lets me drain an
opponent's strength and make it mine!

The Miaka you both love so
much is inside of this mirror.

Inside...the mirror?

You both live to protect me--
To protect Miaka, right?

It's only right that I take your power.

Isn't that right,
Miaka in the mirror?

- S- Stop it!
- Save them if you can!

Miss "Priestess of Suzaku"!

What should I do?

How can I make her disappear?


Now, how will you react,
Priestess of Suzaku?

Show me now.

I'm Miaka's reflection.

A part of her that
even she isn't aware of.

Of course!
If she's part of me...

If she's part of me...

Then I...

Then I...

I should disappear...

Go away, reflection of me!

Can it be?!

Go away!

What's going on?!

My strength's returning!


I thought something
strange was going on.

Tamahome, are you all right?

Just fine. And you were pretty
impressive there, Your Highness.

No, not nearly as much as you were.

Can you stand?

Your Highness!


It's Miaka!

Miaka! Hang on!

Why did she do this?!

Now that I think about it...

...that monster before started
bleeding from the same place.

You mean she did this
to save us? Miaka!

Open your eyes, Miaka!


Miaka! Hang on!

- Miaka!
- Hang on!

I hear their voices...

Where am I ?
What happened to me?

Oh, yeah... I stabbed myself...

I never expected she'd go that far.

I've never seen
a girl like her before!

Listen, you two just calling
Miaka's name isn't going to help her.

But, then, what should we do?

Would you two turn around, please?

Wh- What are you going to do?

We need to take her clothes off
to treat that wound, right?!


You're a guy, too, aren't you?

In my heart, I'm a woman.
I'll treat her.

This is pretty bad.

She really did a Job on herself!.

Will Miaka be all right?

Yeah. She didn't
hit anything vital.

Now it's a question of her will to live.

It's no use! The blood isn't
stopping! At this rate...!


Miaka, wake up!

Please, Miaka! Hang on!

Forgive me!
If I hadn't been so cold to you...

...this never would have happened!

Oh, no!
Her face is getting paler!

Nuriko, what should we do?!
What should we do for her?!

If only we could
give her some blood...

But we don't have any equipment!

I can't hear anything...
No one else is here.

Am I dying?

But I caused so much
trouble to other people.

I was useless and selfish...

Will I be happy if I go there?



Miaka, where are you?!

I don't know, but I think I'm
still in that strange world... and I went to together.

I thought so... Tell me,
you're badly hurt, aren't you?

Yui, how did you know that?

Miaka, come back!

It's no use. I don't think I
can ever get back to our world.

What?! Don't give up! Come back!


I can't save the life of one young girl?!

Is the power of an
emperor really so little?

I'll find some way to get
you back to our world!

Miaka, don't give up!

Yui, it's too late...

You think dying
will make anyone happy?!

Listen closely!
Can't you hear anything?!


Don't you hear the voices of
the people who care about you?!

If she needs blood...!

If she must have blood...!

I'll give you all
the blood in my body!

Miaka, LIVE!

I don't care if I go,
just don't die, Miaka!

Miaka, LIVE!

Don't die, Miaka!

Miaka, don't go!

I won't give up!


I won't die!

The bleeding's stopped.





I'm alive...


You're Tamahome, all right.

You little idiot!
You had us so worried!

Thank goodness... Truly...

For heaven's sake! I didn't think
a stupid, glutton of girl like you...

...whose only good point is her
cheerful nature, would actually die!

I'll get you for that, Nuriko!

Nuriko was worried about you, too.

Yeah, I know.
I could hear all of you.

That's why I came back.
Why I didn't die.

Thanks, everyone.

"Because her friendscalled her back..."

"...The Priestess of
Suzaku kept her life."

I knew it! This means Miaka
really is the Priestess of Suzaku!

"The Priestess of
Suzaku, along with...

"...the three celestial warriors,
found herself at Mt. Taikyoku..."

What the...?

The scenery just changed.

You've shown me how you all
truly feel about one another.

Who are you?!

The one whom you seek.

Then, you mean...
This is Mt. Taikyoku?

Welcome, Miaka.

Or should I say Priestess of Suzaku?


In honor of how deeply you
care for these three of your... celestial warriors,
and how loyal they are to you...

...I shall tell you how
to return to your world.

Taiitsukun has appeared
before the Lady Miaka...

...and the three of the Suzaku Seven,
saying that she will honor them... revealing how to return
Miaka to her own world.

At the same time,
Yui wishes desperately... once again see the dear friend
who has vanished from her side.

Next time, "Going Home".

One who is beloved in two worlds.