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01x02 - Food

Posted: 02/03/23 07:27
by bunniefuu
- Look here for me, bud.

You're gonna be okay, kid. I got you.

[JORDAN] Eddie.



[JORDAN] Eddie? Eddie?

- Jordan.
- [JORDAN] Eddie, help me.

- I'm coming. I'm coming.
- [JORDAN] Eddie.

- Eddie, I'm dying.
- Don't worry.

[GRUNTS] I'm coming. I'm coming.

- Help me. I'm dying. [COUGHING]
- [EDWARD] I'm here, Jordan. I'm here.


- [EDWARD] I'm here.
- [JORDAN] Eddie.





- Eddie.
- Oh, my God.

Hey, pal. Hey, stay with me, buddy.












- I'm gonna come around and get you.
- [REPORTER] It's the miracle boy.

- Thank you. Excuse me.

Please excuse me. This is... This
is private. This is... Excuse us.

Come on, honey.


[REPORTER ] It's the miracle boy.

[REPORTER ] How's it feel to be home?

Just ignore him, Eddie.

Edward, which is it, Eddie or Edward?


Eddie? Honey, we're late.

Eddie. We have a table. Come on.

Eddie, come on.


My name is Edward.

"Your lonely pilgrim."

[INHALES DEEPLY] What the f*ck?

What the f*ck?

Hi. Is this the support group?

Yes. Welcome.

Can I tell you something before
the others get here? In confidence?

Of course.

I'm weeks pregnant.

- Oh, my goodness.


But my boyfriend's the only other person

in the entire world that knows,

and he's dead.

And my parents are toxic
and we don't actually speak.

And I don't know if his parents
know that the baby exists.

I actually don't know if they know
that I exist, but I have his baby.

And I have a part-time job

and a shitty apartment
with roommates, and like...

I have no one, and I'm
wandering around the city

just thinking that maybe Gary's
gonna send me a sign, which is...

I'm losing my mind. [CHUCKLES]

And I know that this is a grief group

but I also feel like
my problems are bigger.

Aw, yeah. Yeah.

Sorry, I don't think I
belong here. I should go.

- Oh. Wait, no.

[STAMMERS] What's your name?


Linda, listen to me.
Come here, come here.

I know how you're feeling
right now. Gutted. And angry.

And, you know, some
days you don't even know

if you're gonna be able to go on.

Listen to me, you belong here.
You absolutely belong here.

Thank you. [CHUCKLES]

Can I hug you? Can I give you a hug?

I'm a hugger.




Ah. Want a cupcake?

Oh, these are so good.

- They're the best in the tristate area.
- Okay.

That's a good choice. That one is, um,

- chocolate sea salt caramel. Yeah.
- Caramel.

- [GASPS] Isn't it so good?
- [CHUCKLES] It's so good.

It's really good. I didn't
really expect a hug and a cupcake,

but if this is therapy, I'm all in.

- I... I know. [CHUCKLES]
- [CHUCKLES] This is really good.


Hey. Good afternoon. I'm Milo.

Hi, Milo. I'm Dee Dee.

- Hey, Dee Dee.
- Hi.

I'll be, uh, running the support group.

Oh, great. Okay.

So, you're... you're not... You're
not the therapist? [CHUCKLES]

No, I'm not a therapist. I'm a griever.


So, is this... This is it?

You're not gonna say anything?

Anyone's invited to speak,
but I'm okay with the silence.

So no icebreakers or...

[LACEY] I, for one, I'm missing work.

Not to mention I left
Edward home with my husband,

which is basically like leaving a
-year-old boy alone with a man,

who I love dearly, but is
also essentially a -year-old.

Oh, hold up.

Did you say a -year-old boy
named Edward? Is it the Edward?

Just putting two and two together here.

[DEE DEE] Are you the aunt?

Yeah. Yeah, that's me.
I guess I'm the aunt.

Sorry the press won't
leave you guys alone.

[ADRIANA] How's he doing?

How are you doing?


I'm dealing with it. [CHUCKLES]

I'm dealing with it
just like we all are.

People meet me and they... they think,

"She's the woman whose nephew
survived the plane crash."

But they forget I'm also...

the woman who lost my big sister.

And my family.


all in all, it's been a...

it's been a pretty shitty March.

Hello, my niece.

May I?


Hello, Turtle. I'm Kojo. I'm
sure you must have heard about me.

I'm Becks's very
handsome uncle from Ghana.


You haven't heard
anything at all? Nothing?

No, that... [CHUCKLES] She
must've mentioned me at least once.

Is that right?

Not even one time?




It's okay.

I'm here now.

I'm gonna take care of you.



Jordan, stop. You're gonna break it.


They have all this
baby stuff and no baby.

- So what?
- So, it's creepy.


- Stop! Jordan. Get...


They're gonna come up
and see. Jordan! Out.

Eddie, why are we even here?

Mom hated Aunt Lacey.

[SCOFFS] Bullshit.

Then why did we visit here,
like, three times our entire life?

Well, what choice did we have, Jordan?

[LACEY] Guys, it's time for dinner.

[SIGHS] Smells like fish.

You think there's any
chance of calling Domino's?

- Shh.
- What?

Can I give you a piece of bread?

Um, the airline will
pay for a psychologist.

I think it could be a good
idea. Just, you know, so you...

so you have somebody to talk to.

I mean, you can always,
always talk to us of course.

- Absolutely.
- [LACEY] Um,

but you've got so much going on.

No, thank you.

Uh, yeah. I'll think about it.

Yeah, good. Here.

- Oh.


Okay, just wait here.

Uh, we're... You know,
we're eating dinner.

Go away. Get out.

- Oh, Besa. I'm sorry.
- Oh. No, are you sitting down to dinner?

- Should I come back later?
- Well, yeah...

I have never seen anything like that...

- I know.
- ... yesterday.

All those press people.

What does it take to realize
people need a little privacy?

Hi. Edward, it's so nice
to meet you. I'm Besa.

We're right next door, green
door. Weird eagle knocker.

Not my fault, it was there when
we moved in. Knock on it anytime.

[WHISPERS] He's a little shy.

Honey, say hi to Edward. He
won't bite. Will you, Edward?

- Mom.
- [BESA] Anyway, we should go,

you guys are eating.
I made you my nana's

arroz con leche, straight from Havana.

Oh, wow. You did not have to do that.

[BESA] Never mind. And
this is very special.

Oh, that's so...

It's a selenite wand.
It has healing powers.

- You can wave it over your front door...
- [JOHN] This is awesome. Thank you.

Hey. What's up, Shay?

Seriously, we are here if
you need anything whatsoever.

- Right, Shay?
- Come on.

[LACEY] All right. Okay,
thank you. Okay. [CHUCKLES]

We'll miss you around here, Adriana.

I'll miss it too.

So, what are your plans?

Well, I started taking classes
at City College in urban planning.

So, I spoke to the department chair,

he said I could start
full-time next semester, so...

- Oh, great. That sounds great.
- Yeah, that's the plan.

Oh, good for you.

I am here for anything you ever
need. Okay, we all are. We're family.

Thank you, Cora.

- There's something we need to talk about.
- Okay?

I know we're all
mourning your grandmother,

but the reality is her seat
is going to be hotly contested.

There's gonna be national attention.

People are already making announcements.

We need to throw our hat in the
ring, and we need to do it quickly.

- This is about your grandmother's legacy.
- I'm not gonna run, Cora.

I was actually thinking about me.


It's just, you quit, and
you're going to graduate school.

- So I assumed you weren't...
- No, I'm... I'm not.

Oh, okay.

Well, I wanted to ask you

if you would consider
giving me your endorsement.

[CHUCKLES] What does
anyone care what I think?

You're the congresswoman's

They'll care.

I've been here years,
I'm her Chief of Staff.

I know this job, I know
her. I can win this.

- If you need some time to think about it...
- No, I don't need anytime.

You have my endorsement.

- Thank you.

[DEE DEE] Oh, Charles.

You were a pillar of strength.

You gave us security and

unconditional love.


listen, I know I was not always

the most low-maintenance
person in the world.

You loved me for who I am. Always.

And we love you always.

[SIGHS] And we miss you.

Go ahead.

Love you, Dad.

- I said what I needed to...
- Thank you, Honey.

- ... say at the funeral, Mom.
- So succinct.


I can't stop thinking about the text.

- What text?
- The text, Mom. The text that he sent.

- Well, he was obviously in a... in a...
- Yeah...

- ... in a very heightened state.
- He should've been with us though.


No matter how much he was in LA, he
never missed our birthdays before.

- Wait a second.
- What?

- Our tree, our linden tree.
- What tree?

- The...
- The linden tree.

Excuse me.

- Oh, my God, Mom. [SIGHS]
- Oh, my God. Excuse me!

- Mom...
- Excuse me.

Uh, there was a linden tree here,
and... and it's not here anymore.

Mom, he has nothing to do with it.

- Oh, my God.

- The linden tree, yes.
- Yes, yes. It's gone.

[STAMMERS] And it... Uh, you
know, it was a mature tree.

It was beautiful.

And when we were here for the funeral,

[STAMMERS] I made a note to
the funeral director that I...

There seemed to be a
little rot in the bark.

But... But now it's not here.

[STAMMERS] And this
is my husband's grave.

And he wasn't even supposed
to be on that flight.

- He slept in and he missed his flight.
- Mom.

And so he took the next flight,
and it crashed on our birthdays.

- Mom.
- And he d*ed, and I don't know what to do.

[CRIES] He was our rock.

- Can we sit down? I know.
- He was our rock.

- Can we sit down?
- And I don't know what to do,

and his tree is gone.

I know. Let's sit down.

- I'm sorry.
- Can you mention it?




- [DEE DEE] This is nice.
- Yeah.


Oh. Sorry, I think
I'm in the wrong place.

[MILO] Wait, you're looking
for the support group?

Yes, the support network.
I received an e-mail.

- Then you're in the right place.
- Okay, good, because I need support.

Uh, number one...

Here, I need an American
passport for my niece,

to take her home to Ghana.

In addition to the passport,

I've been getting eviction notices
from my sister's very rude landlady,

who has been threatening to
turn off the gas and electric

if we don't vacate the apartment.

Also, my niece doesn't speak.
To anyone. I need her to speak.

I think this might be a different type

of support group than what you thought.

This is talk therapy,
it's grief counseling?

I see. So you... You
talk about your feelings?

Um, well, if we were to reduce
it to its most basic description,

well, basically, yeah.



Yes. I'll give you a % discount
and that is my best offer.

Yes, but my porta-potties
are superior quality.

They are scented, they smell beautiful.

We have lavender, grapefruit,
pineapple, watermelon...

No, the watermelon is sold out. Listen,

my competitors don't have
scented porta-potties.

Yes, call me back. You have hours.

Okay, bye.

People don't like to talk about
sh*t, but sh*t is the reality.

It needs to be discussed.

Yes, it does.

Um, this is the number for a
tenants' rights advocacy group.

If you just tell them that Congresswoman
Washington's office sent you,

they will make sure no one
turns off your utilities

while you are staying there.

- And, um...
- Okay.

... in terms of a
passport, try these guys.

- They are out in Queens...
- Okay.

... but they're the fastest way
to get an expedited passport.

And as far as your niece not talking,

I don't really know much about
kids, but maybe she just needs time.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

- What's your name?
- Adriana.

Good luck in Ghana.



[LACEY] It's beautiful.
It's beautiful. Thank you.

[JANE] It wrecked me that I
couldn't be there when you lost her.

- I was on a production rewrite, I...
- It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal.

I get to drink as much as I
want and we're gonna try again.

It is a... a big deal.

Right, so try again.
That... That's the plan?

[LACEY] Yes, that's the plan.

Did you ever call that adoption agency?


They match families with
children who need homes.

They're kind and sensitive.

Yeah, they're great humanitarians.

They take $ , from
desperate, vulnerable people.

Uh, if it's about the money,
I can help you out. I...

Don't throw your money
around. Don't do that.

I realize that Mom gave you her
golden reproductive system...

[CHUCKLES] ... and all I got was
her TMJ, but I am not giving up.

I want a baby, I don't want to adopt,

and you should f*cking
want that for me too.

You're my big sister.



[GRUNTS] Whoa, creepy.


Whose jacket is that?

It was in the house. I need
something soft to crash into.

Is it your dad's or something?

I needed something soft to crash into.

It was in the closet. Is that
cool with you, Anderson Cooper?

So what are you doing? What is this?

Roller Derby practice.

- You do Roller Derby?
- Yeah.

Gonna. I got a tryout set up.

- So, what's it like being famous?
- [SCOFFS] I'm not famous.

Okay. So you're telling me
all those reporters were here

to see how your aunt's
dandelions were coming in?


You have a...

- Huh? That? It's nothing.
- Blood. Yeah.

I got much worse than that.

Oh, you should've seen this a week ago.

It was totally
black-and-blue. So cool.

Oh, and you see this and this?

- And this?
- Yeah?

All from Roller Derby.

Huh. Seems pretty dangerous.

[SCOFFS] You bet.

Those from the crash?


- Any other injuries to speak of?
- Um, m... my leg mostly.

[SIGHS] Yeah, I noticed that. Can I see?


Oh, gnarly. It gonna get back to normal?

Uh, they don't know yet. Hope so.

[CHUCKLES] That must suck.

I mean, guess it could
be a whole lot worse.

Anyway, I should... I should go.


See you around.

Uh, yeah, see ya. [SIGHS]



[JORDAN] I think we should
start believing in God.

[EDWARD] Yeah, right.

[JORDAN] No, I'm serious.

It's the only way we all
stay together. You, me...


You don't just start believing
in God. It doesn't work that way.


- [EDWARD] What are you doing?
- Praying.

[EDWARD] We're not even Jewish.

We're half Jewish.

On Dad's side.

Judaism is passed
through the maternal side.

- You don't just start believing in God.
- Would you stop being a know-it-all?





[EDWARD] That's the prayer for
wine. You're making zero sense.

You can't just say you believe in God

and expect Mom and Dad to come back.

Well, what do you f*cking suggest, huh?

Why don't you come up
with something better?






[EDWARD] Amen.


[EDWARD] Good night, stupid.

Good night, stupid.


I humbly announce my candidacy
for the th congressional district

of the city of New York.


I know this district better than anyone.

I know Congresswoman
Washington better than anyone.

I know this job better than anyone.

I am the best person for this job.

[NURSE] God, your story
is just so amazing.

I cried when I heard it. [CHUCKLES]
Well, the whole country did.

It was God. It had to be.

God saved you.

Thank you.

- [DOCTOR] Hi.
- Hi.


His wounds are healing.

He's got more movement back in his
left leg, which I was happy to see.

That is great. That is so good.
I thought it was getting better.

- Didn't I say that, John?
- Yeah, she was...

But I am very concerned.
He's lost more weight.

I know. He's a rail. I'm all over it.

I've been researching, uh, everything.

I'm a bit of a nutrition buff,

so I knew a fair
amount coming into this.

Now that he's finally home,
I can really get this done.

Some of what that hospital
was trying to pawn off

as food was absolutely criminal.

So here's the table of contents in here.

- This... This... This... This is great.
- The recipes are in the back.

Mrs. Curtis, you need to hear this.

- We are at a critical juncture.
- Mm-hmm.

Edward is now in the fifth
percentile for his weight.

This is going in the wrong direction.

If this doesn't turn around,
I have to re-admit him

and put a feeding tube in him.

No one wants that.

He needs to eat.

It doesn't matter what.

You have to put calories
in this boy's body now.


- [SIGHS] Dee Dee.
- Oh. Hi, Brad.

- How are you?
- I... I am so incr... incredibly sorry.

- Hi. Aw, thank you.
- I...

I can't imagine what you
must be going through.

It's... It's... [STAMMERS]
... something else. [CHUCKLES]

[CHUCKLES] I have to say you
would... you would never know.

- You look as beautiful as ever.
- Aw. Thank you.

Well, um, should we just...

- Yeah, um, yes. [STAMMERS] Thank you.
- Okay. Let's, uh...


... did you and, um, Charles
discuss your finances recently?

In terms of assets and liabilities?

I mean, you know. That...
That was his department.

I am not a left-brained person.

So thank God he was so, you
know, I mean, you know how he was.

- He was like, on it.
- Yes.

So, I'm gonna learn.

- Right. I see. [CHUCKLES]

Well, uh... [SIGHS]

There's no other way to put this.

- There is a considerable amount of debt.
- Debt?

Yeah. There are mortgages
against the house.

Negative cash flows.

The-The retirement fund is tapped out.

Things have gotten really bad
ever since he left Leighton.

He didn't leave Leighton.

Dee Dee, Charles lost his
job a year and a half ago.


That's... That's impossible,
'cause he didn't tell me.

He would've told me. [STAMMERS]

We tell... We tell each
other everything, so...


I'm sorry, Dee Dee. I-I truly am.

He thought that he was
gonna turn things around

financially for you guys.

I-I know he was working on that.

So, I don't... Uh, what does this mean?

I mean, Zoe's at Barnard. She's
got three more years to go, like...

- What are you telling me here, Brad?
- Okay. Okay. Okay. Well, uh...

You know what? [STAMMERS] This
is... This is gonna work itself out.

- It is? Okay.
- Well, uh... Well, n...


I don't... Don't get the wrong idea.
I mean, we have a lot to... to do,

but for starters,

we need to unload anything
that isn't absolutely necessary.

We need to stop cash
going out. Immediately.

Um, club memberships, clothes shopping,

- expensive dinners.
- Mmm.

And you need to divest
of all your property

outside of your primary residence.

Well, we only have the Jersey place.

As you know, we sold the
Vermont place already, so...

No. I-I mean, the condo in LA.

We don't have a condo in LA.


W... would you like a glass of water?

Yes, that would be wonderful. Thank you.

[CLEARS THROAT] I'll be right back.


[LACEY] I hate this
place. I never shop here.

I usually go way out of my
way to go to Whole Foods,

but even they import most of
their produce from other countries,

so their carbon footprint
is just... Never mind.

My point is... You get my point. I'm...

I'm f*cked up.

What happened isn't fair, Edward.

It f*cking sucks.


I can't eat either.

I know I will never replace your mom.

I know I can't do that,
and I'm not trying to.

But I am your aunt.

And I'm going to do my best
to take care of you. I promise.

And I do not break promises.

So, here's the dealio.

We're gonna go in there,

you're gonna pick out
whatever looks good to you,

and I'm gonna cook it,
and you're gonna eat it.



Let's go.


All right.

- Hmm.
- These?


Great. Excellent.



Yeah, yeah, go for it. Go for it. Sure.

[EDWARD] Um...

Edward, um, I'm gonna run and pick
up the red meat from the butcher.

- Yum.
- Okay.

Uh, you keep shopping.
You're doing great.

Okay? I'm gonna be right back.

I'm so sorry, Edward. I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry. [BREATHES SHAKILY]

[EDWARD] Who are you?

- I'm so sorry you lost your brother.
- What?





[JORDAN] Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t.


Paper covers rock.



[LACEY] Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

He was dehydrated. He's back home now.

He's stable. But he's
not, um... he's not okay.

He's in the fifth
percentile of his weight.

And, um, he's close to
having to be re-hospitalized.

The doctors aren't sure if
he's ever going to thrive.




I have tried...

I have tried for the last
nine years to get pregnant.

Maybe there's a reason it didn't happen.

I don't know... I don't know
how to be anyone's mother.

And I definitely don't know
how to be Edward's mother.

This situation is so far over my head.

[LACEY] I'm drowning.


- [MILO] Thank you, Lacey.
- Yeah.

Looks like we're out
of time for the day.

We have a choir group coming through.

Well, I'd like to give
you a hug if I could.

[DEE DEE] Nobody knows
how to be a mother.



[KOJO] Becks.

Becks, time to go.

Becks, we can draw when we get home.

You didn't tell me your
niece was an artist.

Can I see what you're drawing?

Oh, my gosh. [GASPS]

Wow. Oh, my gosh. Wow.

Those are not just any
butterflies. I kinda recognize them.

They're from the, uh,
Natural History Museum, right?

It's beautiful.

It's kinda like my favorite
place in the world. [CHUCKLES]

Me too.

I'm Adriana, by the way.

I'm Becks.

[STAMMERS] A-Are you hungry?


[ADRIANA] Anyway,
water under the bridge.

It was just so annoying when she said

that she was the best
person for the job.

Well, she's running for office.
Of course she's going to say that.

Well, she's not the
best person for the job.

[KOJO] So, who is?

[LAUGHS] You were going to say you.

- No, I wasn't. No.
- Yes. Yes. You was.

No. I... I was... N-No.

Whatever. Maybe I was. [CLEARS THROAT]

So why don't you run?

[INHALES SHARPLY] You know, I grew up

going to the office with my grandmother

since I was five years old.

The th congressional
district is in my DNA.

And my entire life, all I wanted
to be was the Congresswoman.

You know, my grandmother was my hero.

But then you start
working in the office,

and you kinda get disillusioned.

- By what?
- Politics.

There's just a lot of people
who have lost their way,

and I don't wanna become one of them.

You know sometimes... [EXHALES DEEPLY]

... we don't choose our path.

Sometimes our path chooses us.

So philosophical.

[CHUCKLES] Thank you.

You should run. You won't lose your way.

- I just do... [SIGHS]
- What?

I just don't know when
I'm gonna be ready.


Adriana, you are already ready.
And you'll never be ready.


Your food has been waiting for you.




[PERSON] Hello?

[PERSON SIGHS] Is anyone there? Hello?

Is this the residence
of Charles Cameron?

[PERSON] Yeah, it is. I'm
sorry, who is this calling?

[GROANS] m*therf*cker, Charles! [YELLS]

f*cked me! You f*cked me!

[MILO] We all grieve in our own way.

In our own time.

My hope for this group
is that we give each other

the time and space we need.

But we need to understand that
there's no formula to healing.

There's no magic b*llet.

We will come out of this. But none
of us will come out of it unscathed.

Um, you sure you're okay with this?

I'm working on it. Have a... Sit down.

This might be the greatest
day of my marriage.


It's good.

I'm so glad you like it.

Drink a little water.
You need to stay hydrated.

Whoo. C-C-C-C-C-Corn dogs.

Manna from heaven. Try one.

- I... No. I'm okay.
- No, come on. Just one bite.

[LACEY] Um...

This is disgusting.

And the best thing I've ever eaten.


What are we gonna do
with all of this food?

I think I overdid it a little bit.

Oh, no, no. We got it.
Don't worry about it. [BITES]

[LACEY] Okay, sweetie.
It's a work in progress.

[JOHN] Yeah, so the bed finally arrived.

It's missing a few nuts and bolts,

some of which are
potentially structural.

We can paint if you
don't like the color.

And, um, and pick out different bedding.

No. This is, um, this is
really nice. Thank you.

Just wait, Edward. Just wait.

Good night.

[LACEY] Okay.

All right, night. Sweet dreams.

And if you get cold, just yell.

Or if you need anything. Just next door.


paper, scissors, sh**t.

[JORDAN] Paper covers rock.

paper, scissors, sh**t.

Paper covers rock.


Good night, stupid.

Good night, stupid.

Oh. Hi, Edward.

We had extra.

[BESA STAMMERS] Thank you.

[EDWARD] Yeah. Yeah, okay.

Is... [BREATHES SHAKILY] Is Shay home?

- Shay?
- [STAMMERS] Uh, Shay! You decent?

[BESA] Shay.

Hey, Shay. Is it okay
if Edward says hello?



Uh, cool room.

Gee, thanks.

I gotta go to sleep. Like, soon.

If I don't get eight hours of
sleep at night, bad things happen.


Do you mind if I sleep over?


On the floor.

I guess.

Good night, stupid.

What'd you say?

Could... Could you just say it back?

What? Why?


Good night, stupid.