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24x13 - Intersection

Posted: 02/03/23 06:47
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City,
the dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

If push comes to shove, I'm
never going to lie for you.

No one's asking you to.

I left my phone on

when Detective Velasco
was talking to that recruiter.

- Why would you do that?
- You'll see when you listen to it.

I'm really impressed with Bruno.

And I was thinking now
that Rollins is gone,

we could use another body.

Duarte can seem a little unpredictable.

I've never seen him
waver about BX , though.

He's a good cop.

I know how much you
respected Captain Duarte.

And that's why you k*lled him?

He wanted to take away
everything I built.

Couldn't allow that to happen.

Emma, come on.
Keep up, silly.

I'm trying, but it's just,

it's not that easy in this
embarrassing ski jacket

- you made me wear.
- I didn't want you to get cold.

I know how you get.

At least there's nobody
here to witness this.

You look like a fruit-flavored
soup dumpling, you know that?

- [GIGGLES] Stop!
- All right, all right. Close your eyes.

- Close your eyes.
- Oh...

- I got you, I got you.
- Okay.

Okay. This is the place.

What place?

The place.

- Can we go home now?
- No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

This is going to be special, I promise.

All right.

Look up.

Can you pull my hood down, please?

Yes, yes.
Sorry about that.

Well, this is our city.

You know, we never would
have met without it.

You'd still be in Boulder,
hooking up with that DJ.

MC Havoc.

And me?

- I would have been...
- Head coder at a banking app?

- Correct.

You've taught me the
most important lesson

of my life this past year.

What's that?

Sometimes things just work out.


♪ ♪



- Will you?
- Oh, hell yeah!


Oh, what if I lose it?

Don't worry, I got it insured.

No deductible.

Why does that sound so hot?

I'd give anything to tell Mia.

I wish I could have met your sister.

I don't even have a maid of honor.

Let's just enjoy the moment.




Are you okay?

I'm gonna get you out
of here, all right?

- Emma.

Stay with me.
All right.

- Stay with me, okay?

- Oh, thank God.


Hey, man.
Help me out here.

My door's busted.


♪ ♪

Sit tight.

What the hell?

Hey, hey.
Take her first, please.

I think she's really hurt.

I'll take care of her.

- Hey.

Hey, dude.
What are you doing?

Can't you see she's hurt?






♪ ♪


♪ ♪

That thing steal your girlfriend?

No, I don't have a girlfriend.

This machine just ate another bucks.

What'd you want?


I got you, boo.

You know, you shouldn't
let Benson see you do that.

Who do you think
taught me how to do it?

Yo, cowgirl.
You okay?

Yeah, why?

No, it's just, you know, it was, uh,

Duarte's funeral yesterday,

and I didn't see you shed a tear.

Do you want to see me cry, Velasco?


I'm just saying if you do, it's okay.


So you can hold me?


You know what you are?
You're a walking red flag.

Well, you're a whole
bundle of red flags

sewn into the shape of a person.

Bruno wants to ride with us today?

You don't remember?

We kind of had a whole
conversation about this.

The night that Duarte
was m*rder*d, Fin?

You expect me to remember that?

We need more bodies.
The guy's done with the Bronx.

He wants to see if
Manhattan's a good fit.


So you want to keep a stray puppy.

You got to keep one.


But you call McGrath.

You know, and by ride with us, you mean

that he wants to audition us.


Look who finally made it
south of the Harlem River.

Let's hope he doesn't
break out in a rash.

Hey, I heard this was a functional SVU.

That depends.
Are we talking people or procedures?

Very funny.

I talked to Benson.

Is she good with this?
I mean, just as a trial period?


All right.
Well, where do I sit for now?

Uh, I would not sit there.

Detective Bruno.

I see you've made yourself comfortable.

I'm just, uh, you know,

- getting a feel for how you roll.
- Yeah.

Well, if you wanna sit there, uh,

you're going to have to earn it.

That was Mercy.

Car accident vic just disclosed a r*pe.

Bruno, you're with me.


♪ ♪

So from what I gather,

that was your friend Rollins' old desk?

Oh, how did you gather that?

minutes dead silence,
rush hour traffic...

- Pretty good tip-off.
- You're quite a detective, aren't you?

- Captain Benson.
- Doctor.

Who's this?

Her candy striper.

What can you tell us about the victim?

Uh, Emma Dunn, .

In a car accident with her fiancé.

- She reported an as*ault?
- Her fiancé did.

She doesn't remember it,

but he claims
he saw her getting r*ped by the EMT.

- The EMT?
- Yeah.

Can we question this EMT?

You could if I knew who he was.

How did she get here?

They were both brought in
by a patrol officer.

Excuse me.


All right.
Uh, divide and conquer,

or do you need me to hold your hand?

I think I got it.

Is Josh gonna be all right?

He has a concussion and a broken leg,

but the doctor says he's going to heal.

He kept crying.

He said, "I'm sorry I didn't save you."

- He never cries.
- This is not his fault, Emma.

And it's not yours, either.

Can you tell me what happened?

Josh told me I was r*ped.

But you don't remember it?

The crash messed me up.

So how about, um, we start
with what you do remember?

Josh and I were by the Brooklyn Bridge.

He asked me to marry him.


Where's my ring?



Let me ask the doctor.

Maybe they removed it
on intake. Okay.

This was supposed to be
the happiest night of my life.

One of many.

It sounds like you and your fiancé

love each other very much.

You'll get through this.

And you already survived.


Why don't you tell me about this EMT?

I-I don't know anything.

- Who called the ambulance?
- No one.

He just showed up?

He must have seen the crash.

Anybody else with him?

No, he was the only one.

I thought they worked in teams.

Usually, they do.

Anything else you can remember?

Him pulling Emma into the ambulance.

So, I got out of the car,

and I crawled over.

He had cut her clothes off.

It's okay.

Take your time.

He had her legs up...

Over his shoulder.

I couldn't stop it.

I... I couldn't do anything.

Can you tell me what he looked like?

Was he white, Black?

His build, anything?

How about his face?

While he was raping Emma,

he turned around,

and looked right at me.

Seemed like he liked it...

That I was helpless.

What's wrong with people?

I'm convinced the world peaked in .

That whole Y K thing...

The world ended, all right.

It's just taking the scenic route.

No one at the hospital
could ID this EMT,

and the patrol officers,

who picked up Josh
didn't see an ambulance.

No hits on the ambulance?

I got something on the traffic cams.

Late winter night, deserted
intersection, no witnesses.

Couldn't ID the bus or its driver,

but, I got the plate
of the other vehicle.

Find out why this kid
didn't call the cops.

Copy that.


Our traffic cams show him
entering the intersection

- on a red light.
- It was green.

Can you replay the footage?

It's not going to
change a thing, but sure.

Look at the time code.

These lights are all calibrated.

This obviously wasn't.

So I have a suit against the city.

Not to mention the one for malpractice.

Against who?

Against whatever hospital
sent that ambulance.

The driver left my son
bleeding on the road

in a dangerous neighborhood.

- Chelsea?
- You want me to subpoena you, too?

Okay. Just...

What can you tell us
about the ambulance driver?

Other than the fact
that he was incompetent?

- I mean...
- Okay, Robbie, that's enough.

You should tell your son
to seek better counsel.

Better than me?

He'd be hard-pressed to find it.



Can you explain this?

Those are pictures of your
son on a bar crawl last night,

all over social media.

That doesn't prove anything.

Unless you're gonna
hop into a time machine,

- make him take a breathalyzer?
- No.

But the judge is not going to like it.

Especially in light of
his three previous DUIs.

- What do you want?

We gotta ID this EMT.

Think you can do that?

Is that going to screw up the lawsuit?

Just might help us
find this negligent prick.

Go ahead.

I took a photo of his license plate.


♪ ♪

So I traced the license plate
of the ambo and I got a hit.

Yeah, but it's not going to help.

Why not?

It was stolen off a Toyota
in Canarsie last year.

- Toyota owner report it?
- The next day.

So he likely has no idea
where the plate wound up.

Zoom in on that photo
that affluenza kid took.

Guy tried to hide it, but look.
Faded vehicle numbers.

He peeled the vinyl stickers off.

Which means probably he either stole it

- or bought it at auction.
- Okay.

So call around, and find out

if any bus with the same make
and model,

has been sold at an
auction in the last few years.

Well, my gobs are smacked
and my ghasts are flabbered.

- Are you having a stroke or something?
- No.

But it's been a long time since I've

been in a room full of
cops working a non-DOJ case

in a timely, efficient manner.

Well, welcome to Manhattan.

Yeah, we get it done, son.


Hey. We're looking for a
guy named George Kalazakis.

Well, who's asking?

Well, didn't want to go there.

But, we have probable cause,

he's involved in a r*pe.


He'd never need to r*pe anybody.

He's happily married.

Well, unfortunately,
marriage isn't always

a barrier for sexual as*ault.

In case you haven't noticed,

human beings are little
more than homicidal monkeys

with zero respect for this
planet or each other.

Hey, Georgie.

Georgie, over here.

Some folks from the NYPD
want to talk to you.

Captain Benson,
and this is Detective Bruno.

- We just have some questions for you.
- Yeah? What about?

We'd like you to come
down to the precinct.

What, am I under arrest?

No, but you could be.

So we can cuff you here,
in front of your coworkers,

or you can come with us.

Good choice.

It could be him.
But then again, maybe not.

I'd prefer it if you were % sure.

I can't remember his face.

So nothing?

That night's all a big blur.

I... I can't even remember
my engagement.

So that's why you came here.

Have you talked to Josh?

He hasn't returned our calls.

Mine neither.

Why do you think that is?

He's never been
through anything like this.

And you have?

Not like this, but...

When my twin sister Mia
died last year, I...

I hit rock bottom.

And you refuse to let whoever did this

hurt you more than that.

Do you think Josh is going
to call off our engagement?

Because I was r*ped?

Only Josh can answer that.

But I'll tell you this.
If he does...

He wasn't the right partner
for you in the first place.

- They all kind of look alike.
- All right.

Just take all the time you need.

All right.

- All right, what?

I think I know who it is.

You going to tell me, or...

What difference does it make?

If you pick the guy,

then we can formally arrest him.

Then he goes to court, then jail time.

If I would have just
delayed our engagement,

by five minutes,

I would have got to that
intersection five minutes later.

And what, none of this
would have happened?

It would have changed everything.

Look, I took the fire
test and the cop test

within a week of each other
when I was your age.


So you want to know why I'm a cop?

My dirty little secret.

It's because the police
department called me first.

What-what's your point?

I am here now.
And so are you.

What, you think either
our lives would be different,

huh, if we took
a right instead of a left?

It's all the same amount
of crappy and good.

I didn't protect her.

But you can do something now.

Be there for her.

She needs you.

♪ ♪

That's him.

That's the son of a bitch, right there.

So Bruno says the fiancé ID'd

the Greek used car salesman as the EMT.

So we have the who.
Not sure on the why.

He's a r*pist.

Rapists r*pe.

With a used ambulance?

It's kind of an elaborate
plan, don't you think?

Was he just sitting around,
waiting for accidents?

This is New York City in the winter.

There's car accidents every seconds.

I don't know.
Maybe he had a scanner.

He shows up at the crash
before the real EMTs.


What are you thinking?

I just think the couple
was at the wrong place

at the wrong time.

Like Duarte?

Had he not gone to that
bodega to buy cigarettes...

I mean, the guy quit
smoking six months ago.

I don't know why he picked
that night to start again.

You're trying to make
sense of things that don't...

It doesn't matter.
The guy was a stupid prick.

You're mad at him for dying.
That's good.

Any emotion is better than none.

Duarte had a target on his back.

So that was his fate?

He made a choice.

To go smoke,

to go after Oscar Papa.

Those five guys with machetes,
that was the result of that.

I don't think that was fate.

I think that was destiny.



I didn't r*pe anyone.

The r*pist matches your description.

He was driving the surplus ambulance

you purchased with
your dealer's license

at an auction in Pennsylvania.

We told you, that dealer's
license was stolen a year ago.

- And he didn't report it to the police?
- I didn't want the hassle.

I told you, I just got another one.

This is ridiculous.

My client doesn't own an ambulance,

nor is he impersonating an EMT.

Then why can't he corroborate
his whereabouts that night?

Because I can't.

That's your defense?

You gonna use that in front of a jury?

That's about as useful as the two pieces

of celery they put on the
plate with the buffalo wings.

Just tell them.


It's personal.

[LAUGHS] You know what's personal?

Making license plates in Green Haven,

instead of slapping
them on the back of cars

driving off your lot.

The fiancé made a positive ID?

- He's picked him out of a six-pack.
- That's a good start.

We're going to have to bring
him in for a proper lineup, though.

- What about the victim?
- Uh, she doesn't remember the as*ault.

- So we're waiting for DNA.
- Okay.

Did you find the ambulance?

The search of his garage at home

turned up an old box of "Playboys"

and, an unused fondue set.

Ah, another crime.

So we're running his financials,

cell phone records, the usual.

But no priors.

And if he's got a real alibi,
he's not giving it up.

Maybe his wife will,

when Muncy and Velasco
tell her why her husband

is in an interrogation room.

Some woman's accusing George of r*pe?

That's not possible.

We understand why you would
say that, Mrs. Kalazakis,

but we have a credible allegation.

No, you don't get it.

That's just not possible.

Okay, well, can you tell us where

- your husband was the other night?
- Yes.

I had my brother following him.

George was out with his fling.

Your husband's cheating on you?

I have the pictures to prove it.

Time stamped and everything.

Your brother's a hell of a PI.

We're Greek.
We stick together.

George is a handsome man.

He has a lot of opportunity.

Look, I don't mind that he does it.

I just don't want to be lied to.

Neither do we.

You have a name for the woman?

So still no ID on this mysterious woman

with Kalazakis the
night of Emma's r*pe?

Uh, the wife doesn't know.

And it doesn't matter,

because the DNA is not a match.

Kalazakis is not our r*pist.

So, we're looking for somebody who

stole Kalazakis's dealer's license,

and then bought a used ambulance?

What is the connection here?

And why did that kid Josh ID him?

He was feeling pretty
useless at the moment.

I think he just wanted to do something.

Please tell me you did
not coax an ID out of him.

I am sure that Detective Bruno

wouldn't make that mistake.

This ain't the Bronx.

Well, either way, we gotta
cut Kalazakis loose.

You weren't in the room.
The air had a certain funk.

- A funk?
- Yeah, it malingered.

Now that you mention it,

the air did have a
certain mildew-y smell.

Like when someone's lying to you.

Guys, he's a used car salesman.

If he's breathing, he's lying.

It's your call, Captain.
We can take another go at him.

I don't care if you
smell dirty tube socks.

You don't have any evidence
tying him to the as*ault.

I'm not doubting your nose,
Detective Bruno.

But whatever lies you picked up on,

they're now between him and his wife.

I'm gonna head out.

You want to get a beer?


You know, working a case with no leads

is not going to help
you forget the fact

that your old boss was m*rder*d.

It's kind of hard to forget, Velasco,

because you keep reminding me
every five g*dd*mn seconds.

Whoa. Are you gonna hulk
out on me now?

Yeah, if you keep pushing me.

All right, look.

It's none of my business.

But maybe you cover
everything with anger

because you don't want to deal with

how deep the sadness goes.

One beer.


No, no.
Let it go.

We're off shift.
Come on.


What corner?

How did this happen?

Some type of signal failure.

What do you mean?

Well, the light turned
green while the other vehicle

was in the intersection.

The woman swerved to avoid it,
and hit the guy on the bike.

I'm starting to think someone's

deliberately causing these crashes.

- How is that even possible?
- Captain!

Captain, over here.

My God.

Car accident vic.


Can you tell me what happened?

The ambulance driver was right there.

I thought he was going to help me.

But he r*ped me.


Look at Emma Dunn,
compared to Danielle Thomas.

- Oh, they look alike.
- Yeah.

You think we're looking
at a pattern r*pist?

Uh, I thought so at first.

Any other intersection
between the two vics?

One's engaged, one's divorced.

Work in two different fields,

live in two different
parts of the city.

Well, what about friends?

Could they have gone
to the same school?


Maybe this guy...

Staged car accidents,

targeting similar-looking,
dark-haired, dark-eyed women?

Or, sad to say,

maybe it's just completely random.

Like most things in life.

Well, that's a depressing thought.

I was rushing home to pick up my kids.

My ex and I share custody.

He hates when I'm late.

But the light had just turned green...

The accident was not your fault.

That kid on the bicycle I hit,

- he going to make it?
- Yeah, he will.

Let's worry about you
right now, Danielle, okay?

Tell us about the EMT.

He appeared out of
nowhere, right at my window.

He dragged me out of my car,

into his ambulance.

So you told us that he assaulted you.

Do you remember any details?

He cut off my pants.

Next thing I know, he's inside me,

my legs up.

It was so surreal.

Can you describe him?

His race, his build,

anything at all?

Uh, white.


He kept telling me to calm down.

Yeah, like that works.

I kind of went into fight or flight.

Kicked him off, got away.

As far as I know, he didn't finish.

Well, that's still a r*pe.

Look, we'd like to do a r*pe kit,

and check for DNA.


What kind of sicko r*pes a woman

at the scene of an accident?

He targets the vulnerable,

like every other
predator on this planet.

I'm so sorry.

I know drivers in
this city hate cyclists.

What, you think she
ran into you on purpose?

I had the light.

She just plowed into the
intersection and hit me.

How long was the light green?

Seemed like forever.

That's because it was.

You remember an
ambulance in the vicinity?


In the area.

There was one parked up the block.

I remember because he was
blocking the bike lane,

and that always pisses me off.

You know there's a fix for that, right?

- What?
- A MetroCard.


Thanks, man.

We're on our way.

Okay, Velasco pulled traffic
cams from the intersection.

Speaking of which,
you two are close, right?


How well do you think you know him?

From what I can piece together

between his grunts
and his one-word answers,

- I'd say pretty well.
- Sometimes...

Sometimes we think we know someone,
but we don't.

You know Officer Churlish,
up in the Bronx?

- Yeah, the White Shield?
- Yeah.


She gave me something that
I would like you to listen to.

And you were honest
with me about Duarte,

and, I trust that if you

hear anything that's worth mentioning,

that you'll bring it to my attention.

Of course, Captain.


So the lights on both
sides of the intersection

were green at the same time,
and then boom,

he launches a kid off his bike.

So what are we looking at,

some sort of traffic light malfunction?

At both accidents where
a woman was r*ped?

This guy's somehow causing it.

Well, I don't see an ambulance
anywhere around the scene.

Because the device works
from , feet away.

An InfraPass?

The device that emergency vehicles use,

to turn the red lights to green?

They don't cause accidents.

Yeah, this guy must have
tampered with the electronics.

I do have someone we could ask.


I guess you were right.

About what?

Maybe we could use you around here.


Captain Benson, my ex, Rose.

- Thank you for meeting us.
- Of course.

You're looking for a hacked
version of an InfraPass.

Like a remote control
for traffic lights.

Wow, I take it this is the play button?


- That will cut down on your commutes.
- Used normally.

But your perp must have
messed with the transmitters

to keep both lights
green at the same time.

Deliberately causing an accident.

I mean, how do you even get your hands

on one of these in the first place?

If you're mechanically inclined,

you can build a custom
one from simple parts

found at any electronics store.

Be a hell of a lot easier to
buy one on eBay and tweak it.

So no help tracking our guy.

Fire department
keeps a close eye on them.

I'll check and see if
any have gone missing.

Oh, we'd appreciate that.

Thanks, Rose.

Yeah. Sorry I didn't get
back to you last week.

After the way I messed things up,

I wouldn't have either.

Wild guess,

you drunk-dialed your ex-wife?

I wasn't drunk at all.

She's still using my last name, though.

So maybe there's hope.


Sometimes, though, it's
just hard to make a U-turn.



♪ ♪

What the hell are we looking at?

Multiple fatalities.
Our guy fled the scene.

On foot?

Well, he tried to as*ault a woman.

She zapped him with a stun g*n.

Then her husband and another
couple of good Samaritans

chased him off.

Well, he couldn't have gotten far.

Unis are flooding the neighborhood.

- We'll catch him.
- Good.

Because now...

This guy is also a m*rder*r.


♪ ♪

I was crossing into the intersection.

I-I had the green light.

Nobody's blaming you.

A second later, a car
pulled in front of me.

I slammed the brakes.

Did you see anyone run from the scene?

- Uh, like who?
- Like a guy

dressed like an ambulance driver.

No, it was hell,
and these girls all screaming.

It was crazy.

Everybody got out of
their cars yelling,

- looking for someone to blame.
- What, for the crash?

It was like mob mentality.

An EMT pulls up, just
trying to help some woman.

- Help her, how?
- He was trying to get her

into his ambulance,
she started freaking out,

and her husband and a couple
of guys started chasing him.

And they all went that way.

I thought he was a real EMT.

He cut me out of my seat belt, like...

Like he knew what he was doing.

And then what happened?

He started dragging me up
the street to his ambulance.

He grabbed my breast,
tried to cut my clothes off.

I tased him.

I-I'm not sure they're legal.

Listen, you saved yourself.
So good for you, okay?

You're going to be okay.

- Liv.
- You're going to be okay.

- Got a situation.
- What?

- They found our perp?
- Yeah.

- But there's a problem.
- What?

He's got a hostage.

- Hey.
- He's inside.

Precinct commander and hostage
negotiation's on the way.

- He's not going anywhere.
- I want to talk to him.

- You ID the hostage?
- Yeah. Callie Burns, .

She was out walking her dog when

this guy grabbed her,
and put his EMT shears to his neck.


No disrespect, Captain.
But shouldn't we wait

- for hostage negotiation?
- I'm not waiting.


I'm Captain Benson.

Someone who can help me?

Well, first I need to make
sure that everybody is okay.

Are you all right, ma'am?

I didn't hurt you.
Tell them!

- He didn't hurt me.
- Good.

That's good to know.

Where's my dog?

Your dog's okay, ma'am.
It's with a patrol officer.

I don't care about her dog!

So how about we talk about
what you do care about?

I can see that you're married.


Well, that's something to be proud of.

I am.

She's not.

Well, marriage isn't always easy.

But I'll tell you one thing, I'm sure,

that your wife is worried about you.

What's her name?



She doesn't give a crap about me.

I love her, and she threw
that away, like garbage.

Well, maybe you need
to tell her how you feel.

How about,

how about I get her on the phone,

right now, and you two can talk.

How does that sound?

No, I want to talk to her in person.

Get her down here!

Well, if I do that,

I'm going to need some
assurances from you, okay?

Get my wife down here.

Make her apologize to my face,

and I'll let her go.

All right.
Let-let me see what I can do.

Just do it!


♪ ♪

- Who is this wingnut?
- Clark Young, .

He works for the Department
of Weights and Measures.

And in his off-hours,
he drives around pretending to be

an EMT as a cover-up for r*pe?

That sums it up.

Anything else?

No record,
no history of mental illness.

And yet, here we are.

Why are we still negotiating?

We're making positive progress,

but he wants to talk to his wife.

- Does she want to talk to him?
- We're finding that out.

Find out faster.

Clark wants me to apologize?
For what?

We were hoping you could tell us.

I don't understand any of this.

He's holding a woman hostage?

Look, your husband might
not be who you think he is.

Wait, what did he do?

This ring is awfully shiny.
Is it new?

- Clark gave it to me.
- When?

Three nights ago.
He said it was an upgrade.

That ring was not
your husband's to give.

He took it from a woman
he sexually assaulted

three nights ago.

Is this because I'm having an affair?

Look, we're not marriage counselors,

But you might be on to something.

You need to talk to your husband,
all right?

- And say what?
- If I were you, I'd lie.

Come on.

Clark, I don't know
what you want me to say.

I have to spell it out for you?

You can never just apologize, can you?

- I'm sorry you feel that way...
- That's not an apology!

Hold on, Mrs. Young.

Let's just take a break here.

I don't know what he wants.

He just wants to
know the affair is over

- and you still love him.
- But that's not true.

It doesn't matter.
Just make him believe it.

It's not like you haven't
lied about an affair before.

Mrs. Young, you can do this.

CLARK: Hey, what's going on over there?

- Think about that woman.
- What are you telling her?

- Okay? You know what to say.
- Huh?

You know, you're right, Clark.

I-I suck at apologies.

I always have.

You always think you're right.

You are right this time.

I, I apologize.

I see that I've hurt you.


Just tell me why you did it.

I loved you too much.

It made me feel vulnerable.

And you know how
messed up my family was.

I didn't know how to love.

Hey, maybe we could figure that out,

I don't want to be with him.

I still love you.

I still love you, too.

So, please, put that thing down,

and let's go home.


Put it down.



Stop moving, stop.
Stop moving!

So the wife shows up,
says she loves him.

And he just drops the shears,
and he confesses?

Love works in mysterious ways.

So does adultery.

Turns out his wife Shari

was banging that Greek used
car salesman I questioned.

So we can trust Bruno's nose.

Like a truffle hound
when it comes to lies.

Certainly makes my life easier.
I got the DNA,

I got George Kalazakis's dealer's
permit in Clark's desk drawer.

I got his wife wearing
one of the victim's rings.

I'm charging this guy with
multiple counts of r*pe,

and homicide.

Emma and Josh are here to see you,

and Detective Bruno.

I thought this was lost forever.

Never say never.

You know, sometimes,
things just work out.

So, what happens now?

It's really up to you.

There's probably not
going to be a trial, so...

You guys are good to go.

Why-why would he do this to us?

I think that he felt helpless,

and was trying to derive power by

making other men feel helpless, too.

From now on, we're going
to protect each other.

That sounds like a good plan.

Good luck to you both.

♪ ♪

You had something in common
with that Clark guy, huh?

A messed-up marriage?

For the record,
Rose never cheated on me.

I'm the idiot who pushed her away.

So you have time to win her back.

But in the meantime,

I would like you to take a few days

to think about something.

Yeah, what's that?

Whether or not you want that desk.

♪ ♪


You know, I grew up a lot like you.

I've seen a lot of people get m*rder*d.

And the second my nuts dropped,

my boss, he put a g*n in my hand,

and made me blow this guy away.

He put a g*n in my hand,

and made me blow this guy away.

I've never told anybody that,
until now.


What do you think about your buddy
Velasco's m*rder confession?

He would have said anything
to get that banger to flip.

He's either a really good liar,

- or...
- A great one.

Well, either way,

one of my detectives may
have just confessed to m*rder.

So I need to get to the bottom of it.

- How are we going to do that?
- Well, not we.


I want you to take a few days off.

And if he calls you, don't pick up.

Copy that, Captain.

And Muncy.

If you breathe a word
of this to Velasco,

or anyone, for that matter...

I will have you working the foot post

at the southeast
corner of nd and th.

On the midnight tour.

We clear?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Okay.

♪ ♪