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02x07 - Hollow Wood

Posted: 02/03/23 05:05
by bunniefuu
Oh, excellent! Well done, Felicity.

I can tick that off.

It's yarrow root, another useful thing for potions.

Oh! Look at the state of me! What's up next? Who wants to volunteer and get it? This whole sorry business has nothing to do with me.

Only Mildred Hubble could devise a secret competition that meant we used up all the ingredients.

This is child labour.

Pentangle's wouldn't send their witches out like this.

And if they did, they'd send out a proper teacher to help us, not Miss Mould.

She hasn't a clue about potions.

Maybe that's why HB sent her.

She knew we'd have to do it ourself like proper witches.

Got some grimly grass! I don't think that's grimly grass, Mil.

That's egg pong plant, stupid!

- Is that on the list?

- No.


So, what's left, apart from grimly grass? Raven feathers and mandrake truffles.

Found in Hollow Wood.

Uh, why all the weird looks? Don't you know anything?

- Hollow Wood is enchanted.

- Yeah, right.

If you believe it, you'll believe anything.

- Witches go in there and

- Never come out again.

HB wouldn't send us anywhere dangerous, would she? No, Maud, she wouldn't.

Every witch gets warned about going into Hollow Wood.

But, of course, you're not a proper witch.


Come on.

Don't be such wimps.

It's just a wood! Wait for me.

Why can't I be out with Mildred and Maud? Because this is a punishment, Enid.

Miss Hardbroom wants the second

- year ring leaders separated after last night's potions fiasco.

- Miss Drill, that's not fair!

- So that means you're with me.

Stock checking.


Come on, it'll be fun.

Kitchen's first.

And that is how you duplicate.

Are there any questions about the potion? Um, Miss Hardbroom? I prepped for a lesson on duplicating a small animal.

But you give us cheese.

The second

- years used up the main ingredients for animal duplication.

They'll have everything replenished by the end of the day.

Whereupon you'll be able to do double the work, Clarice Twigg.

Great! Miss Hardbroom did specify you had to collect everything.

But Hollow Wood is enchanted.

Absolute nonsense, you silly witches.

Enchanted? No.

Enchanting? Yes! Look at all that dappled light.

It's wonderful! You must remember, there is nothing out there stronger or more powerful than what is in here or what is in here.

You see, being a witch isn't just about the magic, it's about who you are.

What's inside you.

Your imagination, compassion, selflessness.

It's about being brave and overcoming your fears, no matter how afraid you are.

Okay, Miss Mould, we get the picture.

We're going.


Well, chop

- chop.

Get to it and we'll all be home in time for tea.

Uh, aren't you supposed to be coming with us? You are the designated adult.


I want to make use of this light.

I'll follow along soon enough.

Off you go.


Woods it is.

- Are we playing Witchball later?

- Wild horses couldn't stop me!

- Esme!

- Sybie! Well met, Esmerelda.

Well met, Miss Hardbroom.

To what do we owe this pleasure? I came to see my sisters and, hopefully, Miss Cackle.

Ethel is off site at the moment doing a task I've set.

But I shall tell Miss Cackle you're here.

Thank you.

So, aren't you going to introduce me to your friends? This is Beatrice, that's Clarice.

She's head of the year.

I can't believe it.

You're such a hero.

Everyone knows what you did, what you sacrificed to save Cackle's.

- She's the best.

- Yes, but, since you no longer have any magic, are you actually allowed to be here? Pardon? I thought non

- magical girls aren't allowed in academies.

- Clarice.

- What?

- I'm just say

- You're not saying anything! She's the best sister, the best witch, the best head of year this academy has ever had or will ever have! But she's no longer magical.

How dare she? How dare she? Look, I'm sure she didn't mean it.

She's just a bit blunt.

- I don't care! She's not my friend.

- No, of course she is, Sybil.

You should still be here.

Well, maybe I'll be back sooner than you think.

- What do you mean?

- Miss Cackle will see you.


What's wrong with all of you?

- This place is

- Don't say creepy.

It's not creepy.

It's just trees and a bit of wind.

Have none of you ever been camping? I used to go every holiday with my mum.

She was a Girl Guide.

She taught me everything I know about the countryside, trees, tracking This, for example, is called a badger's sett.

Oh, look I found some grimly grass.

Definitely grimly grass.


Another item ticked off the list.

This place is about as enchanted as a multi

- storey car park.

I can't take this anymore! Come on, Felicity, we'll get the raven feathers.

Really? Shouldn't we stick together? No! I want to get home before dark.

Esmerelda! How nice to see you.

Well met.

What brings you here? Well met, Miss Cackle.

I was just visiting.

You've been on my mind.

How are you finding things? Esmerelda? I'm fine.

Esme No, really, I'm fine.

Everything's fine.

Oh, dear.

Tell me all about it.

I just don't fit in, in the non

- magical world.

I don't understand how anything works.

You'll learn, Esmerelda.

These things take time.

And it's all so boring, like life with all the colours drained away.

Come on, Sybil, you know what Clarice is like.

She was just being, you know, Clarice


- And she didn't understand what she said

- Offensive.

Yes, but, can't we just be friends again, please?

- No harm done?

- I'll think about it if she apologises.


We can fix this.

To me and my sister.

Sure, easy fix.

Very easy.

- Raven feathers!

- Yup.

Can we hurry up here? Are you going to go up and get them, then?

- Are you?

- I found them.

I identified them.

No point in us both getting filthy.

I'm the hurly and you're the burly.

What does that even mean? We all have roles, Felicity.

I'm a thinker, a problem solver, a leader, and you're a doer.

So, you get up the tree.

Felicity? She wants me to say sorry to her and her sister? She's upset.

All I did was ask a simple question.

But sometimes that's not always a good thing.

Sometimes we need to not say things.

What do you mean? Please, just say sorry.

- Of course I'll say sorry.

- Great.

As soon as she apologises to me.

Come on, Maud.

- I think we've got enough already.

- Nearly there Sorry.

Let's get back to Miss Mould.

It's getting late.

I'm gonna stay.

I've nearly got this.

I'll see you in a bit.

Okay, yeah, see you in a bit.

I don't think I'll ever fit in.

How can we help? Might there be a role for me here at Cackle's? With all my skills and everything I've done, I could make a contribution.

You want a job? If it were down to me, the answer would be "yes" in a heartbeat, but there are rules and a magical tradition we adhere to.

I understand.

Why don't you catch up with Sybil, and I'll discuss it with Miss Hardbroom? Oh, thank you so much! You know she can't work here.

There might be a precedent, something.

Ada, I'm not talking about statutes and rules.

I mean it would be t*rture for Esmerelda.

That girl gave up her magic for me, and all I've done is let her down.

The only person to blame for this is Agatha.

Miss Mould! Miss Mould! Miss Mould? Hey, Esmerelda! If anyone can help me get Sybil and Clarice back together, you can.

Oh, Beatrice, I'm not sure I'm able to help you.

Clarice never meant to upset or offend anyone.

She just comes out with stuff.

Sybil knows what she's like, but neither will apologise until the other does.

Okay, well, what do you need from me? We usually play Witchball, but they haven't shown up.

Maybe we can coax them out? I've got no powers anymore.

Don't they play a game called netball in the non

- magical world? I don't really know much about it.

See? You're a natural.

Stay here.

I'll go get them.


Miss Mould? Felicity! Where's Ethel? Have you seen Miss Mould? Felice? Felicity? Hello, Felicity? Come on! Stop messing around!

- It's true! This place is enchanted.

- What do you mean? Miss Mould's gone and Felicity's in trance.

Something's got her.

- I'm sure there's an easy explanation.

- Follow me! It was this way.

Mildred? It sounded like a monster.

It's not a monster.

It can't be.

I mean, there's probably just a Ethel? So, sort of a monster.

Have you seen Felicity? She's disappeared.

Yeah, I've seen her.

She turned into something.

I told you this wood was enchanted! This is all your fault, Mildred Hubble.

Agatha might listen to reason.

Surely it's worth a try.

Esmerelda gave up her magic for me.

Agatha would never restore Esmerelda's magic.

It would end in disaster.

This school and all the witches in it is your life.

I won't let you risk it.

Not even for Esmerelda Hallow.

You're right, Hecate.

Yes! Sybil.


Now try to get it through the hoop.

What? Throw it with my hands? Yes, throw it, go on.

Ooh, so close.

- What do we do?

- Find Miss Mould.

I'll use my outdoor skills to track her down.

If your outdoor skills are anything like your indoor skills, we're in big trouble.

Come on.

Hopefully, having Sybil and Ethel here will make it easier to break the news.

Speaking of Ethel, aren't the second

-years a little overdue?

- Where did you send them?

- Only to Hollow Wood.

Hollow Wood? It's full of ingredients and there's been no trouble for a hundred years.

Well, if you're sure.

Quite sure.

Okay, footprints, broken branches.

We're close, really close.

Look! Oh, well done, Mildred Hubble.

You've discovered a paintbrush bush.

- Top marks.

- It's Miss Mould's.

And there she is! Miss Mould! Oh, are we glad to see you.

Miss Mould? Are you alright? Miss Mould? Hello? What's done this? Maud, what do you think?

- A hypnapillion.

- A what


-allion? It's supposed to be extinct.

It feeds off people's minds, fears, imagination.

You mustn't look at one.

It's sent Miss Mould into "a semi

-conscious dreamlike state".

She's an art teacher.

How can you tell? "If the trance isn't broken within two hours, the dreamlike state becomes permanent".

If there's anything in that book about how to get out of this, it would be a good time to share.

Ah, there's a potion to break the trance.

We need grimly grass, yarrow and oh, raven feathers, the one thing we don't have.

Come on, Ethel, lead the way.

I'm sure they'll be fine for a bit, Millie.

Be careful, silly girl! Mr.


- What are you doing here?

- Looking for my daughter.

Ethel? She's off collecting ingredients somewhere.

Showing her coven who's boss, I expect.

Lovely girl.

No, Esmerelda.

Esmerelda? For reasons I cannot fathom, she's come here.

And my wife has sent me to fetch her.

I haven't seen her.

Oh, dear.

This is good.

A bit weird, but good.

The non

-magic life might just be alright.

Don't say that.

I'd do anything for you to stay.


Would you lose all your friends? You know, sometimes a good friend says what's needed, not always what's wanted.

I think Clarice is a good friend.

I'll always be your big sister, won't I? It won't always be this tough, Sybie.

But when it is, being with friends makes it so much easier.

- I'm sorry.

- Sorry! I don't have a sister.

I should have tried to understand that sororal dynamic better.

Sororal, it means that unique sister thing we have.

I should've been more understanding.

I'm a lousy friend.

No, you're not! Duplication? What in the wide world of wizardry?

- I can't get up there!

- Levitation spell? There's too many branches.

It'll never work.

I've got an idea.

Oh, brilliant, Mildred Hubble's got an idea.

How about we get that creature to knock the feathers out.

What creature? Up there.

It's kind of enchanting.

Or we could just use this.

And to think you doubted my outdoor skills.

Ethel? It's the hap

- nop It's the hip

- hap The magic butterfly! Don't look up, whatever you do.

Come on, Maud, we need to get this potion made and quick! Whoever thought netball was so crafty? Go Team Hallow! Esmerelda? I'm so sorry, I really have tried everything, but I'm afraid you cannot work here.

That's okay, Miss Cackle.

I shouldn't have put you on the spot like that.

I love this place, but I need to look forwards, Miss Cackle.

I have a feeling I'll be okay.

I know you will.

- Esme? What is the meaning of this?

- Dad?

- Dad!

- Mr.


- Well met.

- Well met, indeed.

I shouldn't need to cast a finding spell to locate my daughter.

I assumed Esmerelda told you where she was.

I thought I'd make a quick trip just to see Sybil and Ethel.

And Miss Cackle.

Why? Is she giving you your magic back?

- Of course not.

- Of course not.

What is going on here, Miss Cackle? You've been duplicating cheese in the potion lab.

Cheese, Miss Cackle.



Hallow, we were running a little low on ingredients.

The second

- years, with your daughter, are doing a fine job of replenishing them.

Where have you sent them? Hollow Wood.


I didn't think it could get any worse, but it has.

It really has! I'm not sure about this, Millie.

What if it doesn't work? It has to.

Come on.

From deepest wood and darkest glade Do not flee or be afraid Take this thing that feeds on fear Make the hypnapillion disappear What did we do wrong?

- What are you doing? Don't look at it!

- It feeds off our fear.

Well, I'm not afraid of it.

Remember what Miss Mould said? A witch is about being brave and overcoming your fear, no matter how afraid you are.

You did it! I shall expect to hear from Ethel as soon as she returns.

I don't want another traumatised daughter, courtesy of Cackle's.

Come on, Esmerelda.


- bye, Sybil.

My wife will be very interested to know what's been going on around here.

- There's nothing worth troubling her for.

- You think so? Ha!

- Have you ever met Mrs.


- Oh, I can assure you I have.

Then you'll know you've not heard the last of this.

Not by a long chalk.

They're just empty threats by a hotheaded Hallow.

- Hold tight.

- Esmerelda! Wait! Wait! No! No! Please wait! Come back! Esmerelda! It's gonna be alright, Ethel.

Esme's gonna be okay in the non

- magical world.

I needed to see her.

I could've helped her.

This is your fault, Mildred Hubble! If we'd left when I said, I wouldn't have missed Esmerelda! I'm sorry, Ethel.

You have no idea what you've messed up.

Millie! Maud! I've been stock

- taking all day.

- It was awful.

- I wish I could have been there.

Uh, you didn't have any trouble, Miss Mould? We had a very productive trip.

All ingredients collected and some wonderful sketches.

You've drawn a creature that's been extinct for over a century.

What a vivid imagination you must have.

Good job you didn't bump into one.

Nothing that a brave, clever, and brilliant witch couldn't have gotten us out of.