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02x22 - That Isn't What I Want

Posted: 02/02/23 19:33
by bunniefuu
I didn't think much
about her at first.

In the beginning, she was
just a weird classmate

who we discovered
living in a tent.

I invited her to live with us

because she was alone
and needed help.

But part of me also did it
out of a stupid desire

to rebel against the Somas
and the zodiac curse.

And then, she said something--

so purely and sincerely.

I do have one thing to ask you.

If I forget you,
please befriend me again.

A mother?

She's like some kinda
mother figure to you?

Okay, yeah. I get it, man.

No, that's a lie.
I don't get it.

D'you wanna borrow
my mom, instead?

It's just something
I'd always wanted.

My whole life, I'd never had
a parent who truly loved me.

That's why it meant so much.

She'd sit there and
listen to me complain

without getting bored
or frustrated.

She just accepted me.

She wasn't
disgusted by my weakness

or embarrassed by my flaws.

It made me happy. Gave me peace.

Her kindness overcame my pain.

To sleep knowing I'm
loved unconditionally.

Like a child
abandoning my worries

and entrusting myself
to someone else,

in a place where
I'll be protected.

Rin... Was that
how she felt, too?

I yearned for a mother.

To finally know what
that love felt like.

I found that... in Miss Honda.

Even though she's our age?


Strange as it is,

I think the first time
I realized what I felt

was that night.

The night Kyo
transformed and ran off.

When she went after him,

she looked like a
woman, not a girl.

I don't know why, but
she seemed different somehow.

It's difficult to explain.
I found myself drawn to her.

Not romantically,
but as a mother.

Someone safe.

I didn't have an agenda.

All I wanted was
a comfortable place

where someone would
look after me, always.

Then I panicked.

I mean, when I realized
what I was thinking,

I was so confused.

Not to mention
incredibly embarrassed.

I wasn't sure how to deal
with it, so I didn't.

I shut it away, immediately.

I stuffed those feelings down.

Teased and flirted.

Like a normal guy
with a girl he likes.

But still, it felt wrong.

Gather up!

I dunno.

You sure you're being
honest with yourself?

I mean, people hook up with
partners who remind them

of their parents all the time.

Maybe you're twisting
things up in your head

'cause you figure you've
lost her to somebody else.

You know. Orange hair.
Kyo, right?

You don't think you stand
a chance against him.

That's not it.

Yeah, a part of me
wants to be like him.

And he sees her like I can't--
with different eyes.

He loves her in a way I don't.

And she... The way
she looks at him...

But that's not the reason
I feel like this.

Not being able to beat him--

whether it's good or bad,
whether it's right or wrong--

I couldn't care less
about any of that!

There are couples out there

like the ones you mentioned.

And if it works for them, great.

I'm glad they've found
someone to be with.

They want that, but I don't!

That isn't what I want!

It would be hollow.

And so lonely.

This time, I want
to discover it on my own.

Using my own strength.

I want to move forward again,

and I finally feel like I can,

because your kindness
gave me courage.

With it, I have faith that
the darkness won't win.

This time, I won't waste
the chance you've offered me.

I don't know when
to give up. I never have.

I'm too greedy.

I want it too much.

I'm alive...

...and somehow, I'll find
my place in this world.

I don't think
I've ever seen anybody

grab at life so desperately.

Don't cry, Yun-Yun!

That hurt!

You wanna give me a bloody nose?

What's your problem?!

I'm tryin' to cheer you up!
Gimme your phone!

I'll get a shot of your
nose gushing blood!

Not gonna happen!
It's in my bag!


What's the point of
having a cell phone

if you're not gonna
keep it-- Ah!

Kakeru, you meanie.
You're so violent.

What are you doing to
poor, sweet Yun-Yun?

You got what you deserved.

Thanks, Kimi. Did you
come looking for me?


Kimi worried when you
didn't come back.

Uh, ya know... maybe somebody
should be worried about me?

Are you feeling any better now?

- -Or not...
- -Better?

Yeah, your tummy
was a little upset

from the paint fumes earlier.


I think it cleared up.

Maybe it's because
I shared something

I'd never told anyone before.

Doin' all right now?
Good for you, man.

Maybe it's because someone from

a totally different world
listened to what I had to say.

Maybe it's because...
he's actually very kind.

Hey, Nabe. Pass the ball back.


Aw, no fair! What did
you talk about?

You aren't keeping secrets
from Kimi, are you?

We just chatted.

About painful stuff.

Oh. Yeah? Was it dirty?

Why's that always
the first guess?

'Cause it's awesome.

So, if you can tell me all
those things, why not her?

If I did,
it would only worry her.

And right now... she's got
her own burdens to deal with.

We'll be living together
a little longer--

till graduation, at least.

The thing about Miss Honda is,

she puts others
ahead of herself.

So it would probably
just weigh her down.

You're such a serious dude.

Must get boring.

Wait, hold on. So you got
no problem burdening me?

Uh, did I?

Mm... Uhh...

I'm burdened! So very burdened!

How can I possibly bear
such a heavy weight?

Yeah, very convincing.

I'll tell her someday.
I'm sure of it.

What should I do? I'm scared.

I read the script to get
familiar with it and...

...I have so many lines.

I have to memorize
all of them somehow,

but I don't think there's any
chance I can pull that off.

A play?

Ooh, what's it about?
Here, let me have a look.

Ah. It's Cinderella , huh?

No way! Our Kyo is
playing the prince?

Oh, yes!

You just gained
an audience member.

I'll have to record it
for posterity, of course.


Um, yes?

What do you think you're doing?

He didn't need to
know about that!

I can hear you! Gimme this!

Come back! Please, I need that.

How am I supposed to memorize my
lines if you steal the script?

At least don't look
at it in the house.

Remember, don't breathe a
word about this to Master.


Look me in the eyes.

And you lose.

No. I won't lose!

I am a bully! The evil
stepsister will get her way!

I hate to tell ya this,
but I'm the bully here.

Is this elementary school?

Oh, Yuki.

Sorry if I'm disturbing you,

but can I at least get
past the entryway?

How long were you standing
there watching us?

I guess you'll never know.

Well, anyway, welcome home.


Oh, is that the script?
They handed them out?

Sure did. And I have yours, too.


The pot is boiling over.

Sorry! I'll be right there!



Remember that hat?

Thought you'd like to know
that Miss Honda has it now.

I don't need to return it, do I?

Come on, you two.

Dinner's ready whenever you are.

That sounds great.

I'll go ahead and
eat now, thanks.

I'll... be down later.

Might've I hit a nerve
by bringing that up.

Um, what?

Honestly, he had better hurry
and get his act together,

or who knows what'll happen.


You're precious.
Someone I admire.

I'll always cherish you

for giving me what I'd so
desperately longed for.

I care about your happiness
more than anyone else's.

It's okay for you to find your
place in this world, too.

Somewhere you can be
yourself, unfiltered.

Where you can sulk.
Show your anger. Your pain.

You'll find it.

And when you do,
I'll be able to tell you.

I'll thank you for
everything you've done for me.

Like you would--
purely and sincerely.

I've heard the news.

Staging a play for
the culture festival--

how wonderfully romantic!

And naturally, I'm prepared
to help you make it

a memorable performance
out of it.

Just leave it to me, the costume
designer extraordinaire!

I shall spare neither
effort nor expense.

The players will shine
on the grand stage.

None more brightly
than you, of course!

Now, how many costume
changes will you have?

Try to keep in mind that
this is a school play.

Cinderella, you stupid girl!

Don't you know that the castle
ball is only a day away?

Get my dress done at once!

Honestly, you're such
a sloth. Isn't she?

Well, say something!

Right. Um, y-you
had better get to work.

Because... if you don't
finish... then, um...

...then... you'll go to
bed with no supper.

Don't cry!

Sister, it means so much
that you'd shed tears for me.

You aren't supposed to hug!
What don't you understand?

The "evil" part is right
there in your name...!

Someone put a muzzle on her.

So intense.

You need to embrace the cruelty!

Torment her till
all hope is lost!

Impressive, Kinoshita.

You're so passionate.

I never wanted you to
see me like this, Yuki!

- -Please turn away!
- -Come back!

You can recover from this!

What's wrong? Do you feel sick?

Oh, sure. Why don't
we just go with that?


I'm starting to worry that
we've miscast the play.

I'm doing a terrible job.
I'll ruin the whole thing.

Hey, don't beat yourself up.
You're trying your hardest.

Yes, and I'll keep trying.

I'll try and try
until I get it right.

Please don't give up on me yet.

I'll go without supper
if I need to!

I don't think that's necessary.

I have to do better than this.

I need to help make
this a wonderful play

so everyone will
enjoy the festival.

Yes, and as a way of saying
thank you to Ayame and Mine

for working so hard on
all of our costumes.

Greetings, my little lost lambs!

Your savior is here.

Hope you're ready!

Now, then, time is money!

I'll need each of you dear ones

to reveal everything there
is to know about yourself,

or at least your measurements.

You really did come, Brother.


Oh, honey! But of course.

I promised my assistance,

and as you must surely know,
I am a man of my word.

Only students and staff
are allowed to be here.

Worry not, mon frère .

No obstacle will ever prevent
me from coming to your side.

My love for you
will conquer all.

Will it?

It helps that we got
permission, too.

How'd you get that?


With the principal's approval,

no one can deny our
divine right to be here.

Shall we begin, Mine?

Right away, Boss!

Hi there! Oh, it's so
nice to see you again!

Thanks for coming to help!

Um, do you know her, Honda?


You're cute. Tell me,
do you like clothing?

If you're not careful,
you're gonna scare them all off.

What's up? I'm Uotani.
You know this girl?

Y-Yes, this is Mine.

I'm Hanajima.

How do you feel about trying
on clothing? Go on, be honest.

- -Huh?
- -Uh, well...

We're the ones who
are going to be making

all of your costumes
for the play.

Yeah? That's cool.

Oh, my.

Could you make my
dress... pure black?


Shouldn't it be pure white?

It might be okay...
if she weren't Cinderella.

Pure black, huh? That's an
idea... Very interesting.

She likes it.

A little too much.

All right,
my little lost lambs...!

They're so kind to help.

I can't let that go to waste.
I have to try harder.

All right, I won't
skip supper, then,

but I will do the
best that I can!

Just relax for now.

Right. We've got no choice.

This script could
use a facelift!

If our cast doesn't
fit the story,

then I'll just make the
story fit our cast!

Hold on, you can't
just change the story!

Yeah, is that even allowed?

It's fine! I mean, look at
the class doing Mito Komon .

Their version turned two
of the main guys into women

who beat the crap out
of their enemies!

Not exactly authentic,
if you ask me.

So it's like a Japanese
Charlie's Angels !

Go "full throttle."

Oh, man. So there's two more
girls in the bath scenes?

What a genius move!

This is high school.

I don't think there's
going to be any bathing.

That play sounds like
so much more fun

than our stupid fairytale.

When we're done,
they'll envy us.

Now, it's rewrite time.
Let's do this!

Hold on.

If you're really
rewriting it, I thought,

maybe you could change up the
prince's character a little bit.

It's just...

If the prince was different
somehow, less "princely,"

it might be easier on Kyo.

And maybe he'd actually
show up to rehearsal.

Oh. Good point.

Kyon-Kyon skipped
out on us again, huh?

Man, I wanted
to see his acting chops.

It would've been
absolutely hilarious.

I think we've
found one of the reasons

he didn't come to rehearsal.

I'm sure he's around. I'll go--

I'm heading to student council.
I'll look for him on the way.


He's had his hands all over it.
It's not mine anymore.

I don't want that thing.
Not if he's touched it.

Who cares, anyway?
It's just a hat.

Look at you sulking.
Like a little kid.

Get to rehearsal.
They're waiting for you.

I'm not sulking.

I never asked anyone to make
me part of that dumb play.

And seeing you there
would only piss me off,

so why should I bother?

If you have a problem, be a big
boy and take it up with me.

You're making it hard on them,
including Miss Honda.

Do you like it when
she worries about you?

Don't say a damn word about her!

You know nothing.

What the hell gives you the
right to treat me like a child?

You've got two parents.

Everyone thinks you're
so special, so important.

I struggle to keep my head above
water and you just sail by.

How could you understand
anything about me?

You're the prince who's always
gotten what he wanted.

You'll never know what it's like
to be on the other side of that!

To be the idiot desperately
wanting something

he can never have!


That's what you
wanna see, right?

Because if he's not
as awful as you think...

...then you wouldn't
have anyone to hate.

Go to hell.

Uh. Senpai.

Soma- senpai ,
what are you doing

just standing on the stairs?

Uh! Whoa, the window's broken.
What happened?

Oh, it's nothing.
Don't worry about it.

Can I help with anything?
You two look busy.

No, we're good.

No, thank you.

Festival prep?

What was your class
doing again? A bazar?

Yes, that's right!

And your class is
doing Cinderella .

I can't wait to see it!


I don't know what
they were thinking, though,

having someone besides
you play the prince.

I mean, we all know there's
nobody in the whole school

who's more prince-like than you!

Right? Back me up, Kuragi.


I don't think the president
is prince-like at all.

Hey! Kuragi!


I don't know what her problem
is, but it's getting real old.

It's like she thinks she's
better than everyone else.

Except really,
she's a total freak.

Maybe she figures being weird
will get her more attention.

I guess it's true, but it
doesn't seem very smart.

Hey, Kyo! There you are.

I was worried when
Yuki didn't come back

after he went looking for you.

So you've just been
sitting here alone?

Where's everyone else?

They all went home.

We finished up
rehearsing for the day.

You were waiting for me?

Uh-huh. I wanted
to give you this.

It's your brand-new script!
Totally rewritten.

Pretty amazing, right?

You should read it.
She made a ton of great changes.

I don't think you'll
mind playing

this version of the prince
as much as the other.

I was super relieved that
she rewrote my character

to make it easier for me, too.

Oh, but for me it was
because of my terrible acting.

I'm sure it had nothing to
do with that in your case.

You waited.

What were you thinking about
while you sat there all alone?

Look at you sulking.

Do you like it when
she worries about you?

Oh, I almost forgot!

There was another
really big change.

Your hand! What hap--?

You're hurt. Are you...?

Fine, you win. I'll be
in the stupid play.

No laughing. Or you'll
find a new prince.

All right, let's
go home. Come on.


"It's Cinderella -ish"!