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02x11 - All Mine

Posted: 02/02/23 19:32
by bunniefuu
Vacuum cleaner coming through.

What's with you?

Don't know if you heard,

but apparently Akito
is back in town.

Really? So Kyo is, too?

Don't know. Why don't you
try giving him a call?

Kyo, there's something
I need to talk to you about.

I've been thinking a lot lately,

and I realized why I
came up to you that day.

Why I made you my friend.

The real reason...

...I fell in love with you.

Home sweet home.

As fun as that was,
it's nice to be back.

You've returned at last!

You must be fatigued
from your long journey.

Come. Rest.

Relax and make yourselves
at home, intrepid travelers.

What a surprise.
It's so nice to see you!

Ah, sweet Tohru.

How was your little trip?
An enlightening experience?

Hey, how the hell did
you get into the house?

Now, Kyo, take it easy.

Aya was kind enough to housesit
for us while we were gone.

Is that the story
we're going with?

"Housesitting"? Right. You
forgot to lock up, didn't you?

Guilty as charged.

But, anyway, why did you miss
out on all the fun, Aya?

Summer is the season of romance,

so my shop was simply
swamped with orders.

Um, Shigure?


Would it be okay if I
made a phone call real quick?

Yes, of course, go ahead.

Ah, great. Thank you.

So, did you come
here for a reason?

Other than to annoy me.

I heard Akito made a trip
to the summer house.

I'm sorry. You needed
your big brother.

And I failed to protect
you once again.

But I'm here for you now.

I shall hold you
in my arms tonight

and heal your wounded heart
with my brotherly love!

No way. I mean it--stay back!

Oh, he's away on a trip?
Um, no, no thank you.

I would actually like to keep it
from the others if that's okay.

Yes. Please. I'd really
appreciate that, thanks.

I'm fine.

When summer started,

I had a feeling that something
was about to happen.

Something big.

And it looks like I was right.

Something's beginning to stir,

and I think it will
touch everyone.

The Somas, and me, too.

I have something
new to fight for.

If you're refusing my embrace,

then I have no choice but
to hold Tohru as I sleep!

I fail to see the
connection. Creep.

Go on, try it. Really,
just give me an excuse.

Thanks for letting me visit.

Sorry to come so soon
after you got back.

I won't bother you long.

Please, don't worry.

It was a brief trip,
and not a very tiring one.

I went to see some friends
who live out of town,

and also to visit my
grandfather's grave.

The Soma grave isn't nearby?

No, it is.

But they didn't allow my
grandfather to be buried there.

He was laid to rest far away.

I know how it sounds,

but honestly, I think
it's better this way.

He has a kind of freedom in
death that he never had in life.

He's finally able
to be "outside."


But Kyo, he's still
alive, and he's free.

Living "outside."

Except, I heard... that's going
to change not long from now.

That's what Akito said
when we talked.

After high school,
Kyo will be locked away.

Yuki and the others will be
going back to the Soma estate.

All the zodiac members
will be reunited, for good.

They're destined to be
together forever.

With Akito as the master
of their hearts and souls.

If all that's true,
and the curse is binding them

to the future Akito
told me about...

...then I wanna find
a way to stop it.

I wanna break the curse.

That's why I came here.

If you know something,

anything that might
help set them free,

I'm begging you to tell me.


Why should you of all people
beg me for anything, Tohru?


After everything you've already
done for us, you'd do even more.

How much do you have to give?

Master? I--

Of course I'll help
in any way I can,

but to be honest,

I don't know all the details
of the curse, either.

Still, I do know the future
Akito described to you--

where Kyo is locked away and the
others return to the estate--

may well come to pass.

Naturally, I don't plan
to let that future

play out without resistance.

But there's only
so much I can do.

Perhaps the most
tragic thing of all

is that the zodiac members
lack the will to oppose Akito.

Akito is like a small child,

screaming and
crying hysterically

to get what it wants.

A fragile, unstable child.

Yet, to those possessed
by the animal spirits,

that child is a god.

A being to be feared
and respected.

Whether they're weak or strong,

they feel that
irresistible pull,

and a single word of rejection
from Akito's lips

makes them feel like
they're being torn apart

from the inside out.

It's as if the zodiac members
and their god exist in a world

that is unfathomable and
impenetrable to others.

A world that's theirs alone.

They're connected by that which
flows through their veins.

It's a bond of blood.

So that's what the
curse is? A bond?

That's my theory, anyway.

But a bond like that...
is supposed to be sacred.

If I come between
them and break it,

then maybe I deserve to be
punished, like Akito said.


I refuse to give up.

I'm beginning to think...
that you don't know how to.

I'm so sorry I could
not be of more help.

Ah! No, it's okay!

Uh, I-I mean, you've helped
out a lot, really. So, uh--

You learned about the cage.

I hoped you wouldn't.

Hey, Master?

You know, I've noticed Kyo seems
to be getting stronger lately.

He's growing a lot, too.

I think even his hands
are getting bigger

than they used to be.

Heh. Who knows?

At this rate, he may
end up being taller

than you are someday.

I don't know about you, but
I'd really like to see that.

If you wanna know
how you can help them,

then I would say, the best thing
you can do is to keep smiling.

It sounds silly, but...

When you smile, the whole
world feels a little gentler

and a little less frightening.

Keep being yourself,
no matter what.

That's what they need.
Probably more than anything.

Oh, but I'm just me.

It's not like I'm
anything special.

You are.

And the time they spend with
you will keep them going.

It will give them strength...
to forge new bonds.

Kyo! There you are!

Aw, I missed you so much,
you have no idea!

Gimme a break. You just
saw me the other day.

Are you kidding me? That was
forever ago, and you know it!

Hey, how come you only practice
at the dojo three times a week?

Wouldn't every day be better?

We don't know what will happen.

So, Kyo, for now I suggest
you treasure the time

you can call that house "home."


Well, I'm waiting.
Where's my souvenir?

What? I didn't buy you any.

You're kidding!

You went on vacation and didn't
get your girlfriend anything?

- -Kagura.
- -You jerk!

Is that how you
show you love me?

Kagura! We have to talk.

The thing is, there's something
I need to make clear to you.

I'm not--

Let's go out.


Let's go on a date.

I won't listen to what you
have to say until we do.

Wh--? It'll just take a sec.

Don't care.
My terms are non-negotiable.

Please, Kyo. I'm not ready yet.

Let me give you a hard time
for just a little longer.

The curse, a bond of blood.

Still, there's gotta be
something I can do, right?

Oh. Isuzu?

Hey, um, it's nice
to see you again.

How are you? Feeling any better?

Piece of advice?

You should stop hanging
around the Somas, got it?

Wait, please.
Your shoes! Take off your shoes!

Isuzu, get back here!

I seem to be awfully
popular today.

Yeah, I saw your last visitor
when I was on my way in.

Why was she here?

To ask me the same thing

I imagine you're about to ask.

That girl.

I won't let her
interfere. I won't.

Hold on. Rin?

Yes. I saw her.

Where were you?


I forgot I'm keeping it a secret

that I went to see Master!

Oh, you know.
I was just in town.

Like, right there in the middle.

- -Tohru.
- -No! I'm innocent, I swear!

Whoa. What's up with you?

Uh. Sorry.

Did you wanna talk
about something?

Uh. It's just...

I'm going out on Sunday,
so don't, ya know, cook for me.

Ah. Okay.

Hot date?

No! Don't be an idiot.
It's not a date.

So... hanging out
with Kagura then...

Kyo. Do you think
you could stop?

You're kind of hurting my ears.

Stupid Cat.

So you have time
to go on a date,

but you're too busy to
pick up Miss Honda from work.

Real nice.

Look, that doesn't have anything
to do with this, all right?

I wonder what that was for.

Hey, why are you givin' me that

"you're a total idiot" look?

If you've got a problem
with me, say it out loud!

Um, please don't start
hitting each other, okay?

Happiness, light, and laughter.

You don't hold any of them back.

You give so much to all of them.

Hey, Kyo!

Right here! Looking for me?

Whoa, you don't need to yell.

You made it right on time.

Good boy. I'm proud of you.

Of course, I managed to get
here 30 whole minutes early.

Nice, huh?

What? Oh, uh, yeah. Great job.

Brighten up. Jeez. You're not
nearly excited enough, Kyo.

We're supposed to be having fun.

You're way too excited.
I figure it balances out.

So, have you decided where
we're gonna go yet?

Uh-huh. Sure have!

At first I was thinking maybe
we could go to a movie,

but I thought you might
not feel like it.

Good call.

After all this time, you still
don't watch TV or anything?

You can, you know.
No one'll get mad at you now.

It's not about that. Not really.

Oh. Not long ago...

Just drop it, will ya?!

...he would've yelled at me.

But, to be fair, he
wasn't always like that.

'Kay, let's go!

Go where?

Kagura, just answer me.

I still remember
a Kyo who was shy and sweet.

Kyo- chan ?

You're Kyo- chan ,
the Cat, right?

I'm Kagura. Nice to meet'cha.

Why are you running away?

'Cause! I'll get in trouble.

Mom says that I'm not
supposed to talk to anybody.

You can talk to me,
'cause I'm just like you.

A zodiac member! I'm the Boar.

So, uh, what are
these drawings of?

Fried eggs.

They your favorite
food or something?

Do you always play
by yourself like this?

Don't you have any friends?

Hey, talk to me! Tell me
some stuff about you.

Like, what kinda TV
shows do you watch?

I don't. Mom gets
mad if I try to.

She says there's a lotta
bad stuff on there.

Well, if you want
someone to play with you,

I will.

You mean it?

Yeah! Of course!

From now on, I'm gonna
stay by your side, okay?

You and I will be
together forever!

Sorry, Kyo.

I'm an awful person, aren't I?


Oh, I know
what that look means.

You figured it out, huh?
Where we're headed.

Blast from the past.
You ready for this?

Here we are!

Looks like we're not alone.

Wonder if they're Soma kids
sneaking out of the house

to play like we used to.

I'm sorry, Kyo.

I know it can't be easy for you,
being this close to the estate.

But I guess... it just seemed
like the right place to talk.

Considering that this
is where it happened.

It's where I saw your true form.

Aw, please, Kyo- chan .

I wanna try on your
bracelet just once.

I'll give it right back!

You did everything
you could to keep it from me,

but I took it anyway.

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After that,
things changed for you.

Your mom got even stricter,

and she stopped letting
you go out as much.

You know better than anyone.

It's hard being born as
a member of the zodiac.

We struggle with it. All of us.

When I was a kid, and my
parents fought because of me,

or later, when I saw
my mom crying alone... made me sad.

And each time, I hated
myself even more.

I was insecure.

That's why, meeting you
that day... made me happy.

I felt better about myself.

Because compared to the Cat's,

my life wasn't that
hard after all.

Not really.

And compared to this
kid drawing eggs

in the dirt all by himself,
I wasn't so pitiful.

Compared to him,
I wasn't suffering.

I wasn't the one people hated.

That's the reason
I stuck with you.

That's why...

But all that time,
I was looking down on you.

I'm awful.

Really, truly... awful.

When I ran away
from you that day,

I was scared out of my mind.

I was also disgusted
with myself.

I couldn't stand that feeling.
Like I was unclean.

I wished I could do it over.

Get a chance to
make things right.

This time, I would be better.

I would be someone good.

Someone who could
accept your true form.

Of course, that very
thought was vile,

even if I didn't see it then.

I wanted to rewrite history.

Believing that if I could
fall in love with you,

and if one day, you
started to love me back,

I wouldn't be her anymore--
the disgusting girl who ran away

when you needed her
to stay by your side.

But how could something
so selfish be called love?

I realized everything
when I saw her that night,

running after you.

The way I failed to do.

I never thought about your pain,
or how scared you must've been.

Truth is, in the end, I was
only thinking about myself.

Chasing you wasn't about you.

It was always something
I did for my own sake.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Kyo.

I'm sorry!

It's okay.

You didn't need to bring me here

and say all this stuff
that's obviously hurting you.

So stop.


I'm never going to fall
in love with you, Kagura.

Or anyone else, for that matter.

I just... thought you
should know that.

So you looked down on me.
What's it matter?

I don't care.

You have nothing
to apologize for.


Still, I wanted to tell
you that, and now I have.

I feel better, but all that
confessing made me hungry.

I should get going. See you.


Whatever your reasons,

it made me happy when
you played with me.

So, um... thank you.
For sticking around.

Hey, slow down, guys!

Hurry up!

Come on, sis,
please wait for me!

It's true.

Loving him started out
as something selfish.


The way he would call my name.

How adorably awkward he was.

Somewhere along the line...

Slow down!

Come on, Kagura! Wait for me!

Kyo- chan !

It's true!

I swear. It's true.

I know what I said,
but I do love you.

Kyo- chan ! I love you so much!

Believe me.

Believe me.

Believe me!

Thanks for that.

Thank you.


Your face! What happened?

It's nothing, Mom.

See ya tomorrow.
I'm pretty beat.

Hold on. It can't be nothing.

Your eyes are red and puffy.

My poor girl.

I brought this on
myself, so don't pity me.

I've been so selfish and stupid.

It's past time for me
to own up to it.

Thanks for worrying about me,
but I'm fine. Night.



I know you care, but I
don't want your sympathy.

I don't wanna share these
feelings with anyone else.

Even you.

I want to keep them for myself.

The hurt and the happiness...
they're all mine.

So was Kyo, back then.

And maybe some small part
of him still can be.

I told him the truth,
the horrible truth,

and instead of hating me,
he said "thank you."

He held me while I sobbed,

and stayed with me
until my eyes were dry.

Let that be all mine.

At least... until morning comes.

"You cried for me."