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02x03 - Shall We Go and Get You Changed?

Posted: 02/02/23 19:30
by bunniefuu
I don't see why it matters.

So what if you are a tool?
It doesn't change anything.

It's been a while
since I had that dream.

This is the worst.

Ah! Good morning!

Mon petit chou-chou!

Though, to be fair,

I don't honestly know how
accurate that sentiment is

when you've stayed abed until
the sun is high in the sky.

So, you're a late riser.

I can't rightly say if
I'm surprised or not.

As for me, I keep
my own hours...

This is the worst.

Ah! And so it goes.

Thus shall we continue
to learn about each other,

one small step at a time.

How beautiful!

I promise to spend every waking
moment today by your side.

I swear it!


You just said you were
going to stay with me all day!

I see.

You dear boy! I didn't know you
were so bereft in my absence.

Now, let us go! We shall
celebrate our brotherly love.

A meal of barbeque short
ribs should do nicely!

Get off of me!

Hey, if you're done yelling,

can we eat the peaches?

I thought a gift
of peaches would be

a suitable follow-up for the
crab I brought previously.

Eat! Savor its juicy sweetness
whilst I toil away.

Feel free to express
your gratitude.

Oh, yes! Thank you so much!

Good girl. While you're at it,
peel one for me as well?


Don't talk to her like
she's some kind of servant!

Well, I can't do it
myself. Heavens, no!

Just think of how sticky that
would make my poor fingers.

Do you even listen to the words
that come out of your mouth?

Worry not, Aya, my sweet.

If you but ask, my peach
is yours for the taking.

Thank you, Gure.
But I don't need it.

Your love is more than
enough to satisfy my heart.

Leave! Now!

Honestly. Just calm down.

You let every little thing
get to you. Sounds tiring.

Yeah, it is. You have
no idea how much.

There! All finished.

Now try it on. I wanna
see how it looks.

What did you do to my shirt?

Oh, wow! It's perfect for you!

It's a representation
of the solemn oath

that I swore to Yuki.

Never to leave his side.

How 'bout you swear an oath

never to touch my
clothing again?

Your brother did this as
an expression of his love.

You should treasure it.

Says the guy who was
dying of laughter a second ago.

Just two people in this world

can embroider so well,
so quickly.

It's a very rare talent.

Should you not believe
me, brother of mine,

I suggest you visit my shop.

All right.


I'll do it.

Visit your shop, I mean.

I've never seen it before,
and I should... sometime.

I was thinking that, maybe,
if I saw your work,

I'd understand you
a little better.

He's trying.

He wants to change his
relationship with Ayame.

Even though it's
not always easy.

Did you just hear that, Gure?


Yuki, my most beloved brother,

is tearfully begging for
a glimpse of the shrine

that houses my
marvelous creations.

Um, there was no
crying involved.

Today is the best of
all days! None can compare!

Will you please sit down?

I must share
the news at once!

You'll never believe it, Tori.
Yuki, my beloved brother--

That's enough!

I would be honored to grant
your humble request, of course.

And I'm sure you'd love to
visit as soon as possible;

let's make it Sunday.


Naturally, you must
come as well, Tohru.

A princess should always
remain by her prince's side.

I, um-- Princess?

However, your presence
won't be required. Sorry.

I don't know what
you're talking about,

and I don't want to, either.

Get outta here, you freak.

And now I must hasten
to prepare for your arrival!

Farewell to all!

I'm sorry about him.

You don't have to come
if you don't want to.

Actually, I'd really
like to tag along

if you don't think
I'd be in the way.

No, of course you wouldn't.


I've been dying to
check out his shop

since I first heard about it.

A boutique that sells nurse
uniforms and maid outfits.

I've never been any place
like it, have you?

Nurse? Maid? What in the world?

A closed sign?
Is this the right place?

It should be.

You know, I'm getting a really
bad feeling about this.

Well, a worse one than
I already had, anyway.

Uh! No, don't worry!
I'm sure it's gonna be fine.

The storefront looks so
lovely, don't you think?

And the sign out front has such
a charming little design, too.


More like terrifyingly

That thing is horrid.

Let's go in.


Is this a craft store?

Sorry, uh, but I'm afraid
we're closed for the day.


- -Are you--?
- -Mine!

Could you give me a quick
hand with this hem?


I was wrong.
This is the worst.

The absolute worst.

Ha! Do forgive me.

You walked in right as I was
adjusting the hem of this dress

for a client of mine.

You can use a man's
measurements for that?

What else would I use?

It was a man who
requested this, after all.

But that's... a wedding dress.

Indeed it is.

We all have our private
inner gardens to tend.

Even you must have a
secret or two or three

that you'd like to keep hidden.

I'm confused now.
What exactly do you sell here?

What's there to be confused
about? It's quite simple.

We sell materials for the
making of handicrafts,

and we also cater to individuals

who are in the market for
tailor-made garments.

And naturally,
as the proprietor,

I hand-make the requested
clothing personally.

No style is too daunting
for my needle and thread.

My creations are
many and varied.

This is but a small sample.

Hatsuharu told me what you sold,

but those outfits are even
cuter than I pictured!

You really are amazing, Ayame!

That is so true.
I surprise even myself.

Your turn, Yuki.

I'm ready to hear the
praise you no doubt wish

to heap upon me. Go!

Do you sell normal clothes,
or just that stuff?

This is what's popular.

Maid outfits are number one.

They are? Really?


Perhaps you're too young
and innocent to understand,

but at this shop, we bring
men's fantasies to life!

Maid, nurse,
waitress, secretary,

sailor, cat, or bunny!

There're too many
to name them all,

but men everywhere yearn to see
their dreams made manifest!

Letting your fantasies
run wild every so often,

there's no sin in that.

It's like the compulsion to
peep into the women's bath.

A natural drive.

No, that's a crime!

It sounds like
you're having fun in here.

I wondered if something was up

when you suddenly announced
we'd be closed today.

You could've told me your
little brother was coming.

Yep, you look exactly like
a younger version of the boss.

It's nice to meet you.

Welcome to the shop.
My name is Mine Kuramae.

I work for your brother
as his assistant.

Oh. It's nice to
meet you, too. Uh.

Sorry. I was just
noticing your outfit.

So that's the employees'
uniform... I guess?

This? A uniform?

Nope! I just like wearing it.

Pretty cute, huh?

Yes, it's absolutely adorable!

By the way, I've been wondering
ever since you walked in...

Who's this young lady?

Huh? Oh, uh, hello.
I'm Tohru Honda.

It's so nice to meet you.

Tohru- chan !

Have you ever wanted to try
on an outfit like this one?


Ah, Mine's at it again.

Uh, at what?

Shall we go and get you changed?

She can't lay eyes
on a pretty girl

without immediately
wanting to dress her up

in one of our ensembles.

Just a second, Miss
Kuramae. Please wait!

Have a request?

She would look wonderful
in any number of things.

Something prim
and proper, maybe?

I'm not so sure about this.

Mine! I think we have just
the outfit for her in the back.

What outfit?

You're talkin' about
that, aren't you?

Yes, it'll be absolutely
perfect on her.

Right this way, Tohru- chan !

Come back!

Get ready because you're
in for somethin' special!

It was inevitable from the
moment you entered the store.

Don't worry, Mine is quite tame.
She won't do Tohru any harm.

There. The boys can have
some quality time together

now that we're outta the way.

A little scheme I cooked up,

but you'll go along
with it won't you?

Of course!

I don't know how long those two

can talk without
fighting, though.

That's fine. Fighting
is a good thing.

At least it means
that they acknowledge

each other's presence.

For the boss, indifference
would be worse than anger.

Yes. Much worse.


Uh. Although I would prefer
they not get into a fistfight.

Don't want blood-stained
merchandise, do we?

They fight
because they acknowledge

each other's presence.

Yeah. That might just
be how it works.

Okay, while the brothers are
having their bonding time,

we can get to work on you!

You mean I really am
gonna try something on?

You most certainly are.

Well, look at that.
It's just the two of us.

It must be a sign from above

that we're meant to have
a meaningful interlude.

You're ridiculous.

Now, then,

parent-teacher conferences
are coming up, aren't they?

I happened to overhear
that somewhere.

Hold on.

You're not going to
suggest that you come

instead of our parents, are you?

Indeed I am!

That was amazing.
Are you secretly telepathic?

Who? Who is
responsible for this?

An accident, I swear.
A total accident.

So should I bring a gift?

What's most appropriate
in these situations?

A lovely bouquet
of roses, perhaps?

It's fine. I'll get
our parents to come.

Except, you're not in
contact with them, are you?

And the last time I checked,

they weren't exactly
your favorite people.

It's not like I hate them.

Just, these days,
I want nothing from them.

I have no expectations.

How could I?

Those people essentially
sold me to benefit themselves.

They traded my life
to better their own.

Without a thought.

Gave me away like I was
some kind of tool.

And if I invite them
to the conference,

it will give them an opening.

They might try to
control me again.

It would be an annoyance.
One I'd rather not deal with.

But nothing more.

The sad fact is,
I'm the same as them.

In exchange for the
chance to live my life freely,

I as good as sold you, too.

Yuki! Behave yourself!

Stop being a disobedient
little brat.

Don't make me hit you!

I'm a callous person.

Get back here!


Insensitive to others' pain.

That was the first time
you reached out to me for help.

The first... and the last.

Your hand trembled.

And I shook it off
easily. Without a thought.

You seem sad. Are you?

When I was younger,

I neither loved Yuki
nor hated him.

I was indifferent
to his existence.

But now, when I imagine him
feeling the same way about me,

I'm more afraid than I would
have thought possible.

I know how much
it hurts to be treated

as less than an afterthought.

I understand now,
but it may be too late.

Still, running away
won't do any good.

I'll ask them. They'll come.

I haven't decided what I'm
doing after high school yet,

so I'll need to work on that.

I want to have a
clear plan in place

so they don't come armed
with their own suggestions.

Problem is, well, I have
no idea what I want to do.

It's settled then.

I shall graciously take up
the torch and attend

this all-important conference
in our parents' place.

Did you listen to a word I said?

Yuki! Fear not!

For, if I'm there, then
your plans won't matter.

Nonexistent though
they might be.

Everyone can focus
on me instead!

And why would they
want to do that?

I know!

I can tell of the
journey that led me

to this most
romantic profession.

Perhaps I should recount
the tale for you now.

Please don't.

The truth is....

...what I wanted...
was to create something.

For all that I possess, innate
grace and incredible charisma,

even I lack confidence at times.

And that's when the urge to
create is at its strongest.

So many. Did you and
Ayame make all of these?

Yep. It was mostly
the boss, though.

That's amazing.

He must really love
making clothing

to have opened a shop like this.

He claims that he
could easily have ended up

as a chef or a gardener,

but the dressmaking just
happened to suit him best.

What mattered was
proving to himself

that he had the
ability to create,

regardless of what
it was he made.

That's all he wanted.

I just had to know that
I could make something

with my own hands.

I wanted tangible proof that
I had added to the world

and not merely taken.

There's a certain
comfort in that.

It makes me feel needed.

Knowing there's
something out there

that wouldn't exist
if not for me.


Just remember that
whatever our parents say,

your own feelings
are what matter.

Those are what should
ultimately guide you.

It'll be okay.

You aren't on your own
in this. No one is.

Even I have someone who's
always there for me.

It'll be okay. I swear.

You are nobody's tool.

And you're not as
alone you think.

So, anyway!

Gure tells me you're going to be

the next student
council president.

I can only assume that
such civic mindedness

is the result of my considerable
influence on you.

Not even slightly.

It's natural
for the younger sibling

to idolize the elder.

The real reason I took the job

was because I didn't
want to do it.


What does that mean?

It seems like a rather
perplexing way to behave.

I wouldn't expect someone
like you to understand.

Just like I don't
understand this shop

or the things you sell here.

Our ways of thinking
about the world

are just so at odds
with each other.

Perhaps... we might be too
fundamentally different

to get along.

Indeed, you may
very well be right.

Then why do you sound so happy?

There's no reason
to be discouraged.

Many obstacles can be overcome

if you're but willing
to make an effort.

You're the one who needs
to make an effort here.

Cheeky boy.

Despite what you may think,
I'm a diligent worker.

I don't know what you want
from me. I just don't.

I'm sorry.

You're right.

This does make me happy,
seeing you get so worked up.

You feel something and
you're letting me see it.

So we don't get along.
We're oil and water.

But what does that matter?

See, I was born
having what you lack.

Likewise, you were born
having what I lack.

I think you and I are
foils of one another.

Your kindness and your fragility
are things I cherish.

No doubt... you feel the same
about my noble bearing,

effortless charm, and
unparalleled magnetism.

And honestly, who could
blame you for that?

Seriously, why is
he always like this?

Is it because...?

Coming in, Boss. We're not
interrupting, are we?

Oh, good! Is she
ready for her debut?

Come in, my dear.
No need to be shy.

You heard the man, Tohru- chan !

Let's not keep our
audience waiting!

Um. Is it okay?

Tres bien!

So very "Tohru."

All that's missing is
a fluffy little dog

and a white-laced parasol.


I can see her sipping tea
in an elegant drawing room

while reading old poetry.

Well, Yuki, aren't you
going to tell Tohru

how lovely she looks?


Nothing? How rude.

She got dressed up for you

and yet you spinelessly
refuse to compliment her?

Then I suppose it's up to me.

But I won't use words.

Back off!

He struck his own brother!

Honestly, I'm surprised
he didn't hit you harder.

I should.

Nevertheless, I must
applaud your efforts, Mine.

I think you captured
Tohru's essence perfectly.

Thank you! You honor
me with your praise.

So, Boss, were you and
your brother able to have

a good conversation
while we were gone?

We did talk, and at
some length, too.

I had fun, but I'm
afraid that, once again,

I'm the only one who enjoyed
our time together.

After today,

I think I understand a little
more about my brother.


He's a caricature of a person.

Everything he says and
does is overly dramatic.

But I'm starting to realize
I just need to accept that.

There's no other way
to deal with him.

If I get sucked
into his headspace,

I'll end up exhausted.

It's kind of depressing
now that I say it out loud.

Yeah... Heh.

But... I'm still
glad that I came.

And... he was right.

You do look very
cute in that dress.

Me? Oh, no, I don't, really!

This is just-- I mean.

Don't hide your face.



The feeling that's stirring in
your soul at this very moment.

It's your first brush
with fantasy!

A single garment is all it
takes to sway a man's heart

into the path of romance.

Don't be embarrassed.
I understand completely!

And I hereby dub this occasion:
"Yuki's First Awakening"!

Cut it out!

Such a joyous moment
calls for a celebration!

I'll make preparations

No! No celebrations...

It looks like they did
end up fighting, huh?

Shall we watch over them
until they're done?

...besides yourself for once?

I must report this
to Gure and Tori at once!

It is a day to be
remembered, after all.

I'm sure they wouldn't
want to be left out...

Put the phone down! You don't...


Especially not something
as utterly ridiculous as this!

It'll be okay.

You're a person, not a tool.

And you aren't alone.

Not anymore.

Then do you know what happened?

I'll tell you!

Yuki gazed upon Tohru
in that cute dress

and thus experienced
his first awakening!

Hold on, Tori!

Did you imagine Tohru
in that dress just now?

You mustn't! Stop...

This isn't Shigure
you're talking to.

For the sake
of Yuki's special day!

"I got dumped."