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02x03 - Agape

Posted: 02/02/23 12:51
by bunniefuu


: You're not going anywhere with that cocaine.

Now, everybody just get your hands up and get out of the van.

You've got 10 seconds.











MAN: Harder.



- Easy.

- Ha
-ha! Stop.





VICKY: Okay, the deal is, she'd have to be going 40 miles an hour to crush her skull like that.

And human top speed, it's only 20.

Well, apparently not.

Vic, there were witnesses.

- You think he was a homicide?
- His trachea is crushed.

Can't tell yet how.

Well, he didn't strangle himself to death.

I don't know, probably more like sexual asphyxia.


Talk about unsafe sex.

VICKY: Well, what I can tell you is whatever happened here, it was drug induced.

Um, something pumped her up, way past normal.

Which means, you're treading on my crime scene.

So, what do you say Homicide splits and lets the pros take it.

Detective Gorner.

What's new, Woo? Freak dope case, should've known you'd show.


Well, dr*gs is dr*gs.

So adiós.

Go find your own DBs.

Or don't you think finding who k*lled my partner is important? We've been working it, Dean.


You guys had a lot of cases.

There's about 200 files to go through.


You're frigging paper
-chasing a k*ller.

No wonder it's taking so long.

You gotta get out on the street.

Hey, Dean, you don't need to tell me how to run a case.

Well, someone's got to.

You're choking on this one, it was a fellow badge who went down.

- Why don't you just lower your voice, huh?
- You know what? Danny.



Could I talk to you for a second over here? Dean, what do you say we call a truce on the ball
-breaking? My partner gets in his car one morning, gets blown to bits.

- And you wanna
- Want to solve the case.

As much as you.

Then find out who k*lled Torres.

Listen, um
- I need a favor.

- What? I, uh, gotta do this buy, close out a case Torres and I were working on.

But I need a wingman, face they don't know.

Yeah? Your, uh, rookie's name, Jake McCartey, come up on the list.

You give me him, I'll cut you some slack.

You want Jake to make a buy? Yeah, what? The kid actually think he's a detective or something? Forget about it.

He probably couldn't handle it anyway.

- I'd bet on him.

- Then give me him.


So, uh, what, were you out on a date or something? Yeah, Dean.

Yeah, I was.

I forgot, you, uh clean up pretty good, when you wanna.

Thanks, I guess.

I hate to admit it, you know.

Dean may be right.

What? We should be out on the streets? Danny, the hit on Torres looks strictly junior
-varsity drug
-deal payback.

We patiently peruse the files, the suspect will come to us.

Now you're starting to sound like me.

Yeah? You always say that when you know I'm right.


Uh, seems like Dean kind of has a A grudge against you.

I went out with him once.

I know.

He wasn't my type.


So why do you think he wanted Jake?
- I'm sure he could've found somebody else.

- I don't know.

Are you okay? You're a little pale.

Here, take a swig of this.


Yeah, sure.


I'm fine.

Stay in the car.

Stay here? How did I get so lucky? A rookie who catches on quick.

Hey, my friend from Passaic, how are you doing? Yes, we'll be on time.




- How did it go?
- It's on.

So, uh, tell me how did a fresh
-scrubbed, corn
-fed, white boy like yourself wind up here?
- Sorry?
- Yeah, you are.

I mean, look at you.

Did you ever live through anything besides a bad sunburn? Yeah.

Twenty minutes with you.


There's our mark.

Right on time.


Out of the car.

Don't let me lose sight of your hands.


Jake, pop the trunk, grab what's in there.


- You're dead.

- Shut up.


- Jake, what do you got?
- Cash, lots.

A hundred thou, maybe more.

Where's your meet? What time?
- Go to hell.

- No, you go to hell.

[g*n COCKS]

Go ahead, pull the trigger.

Make some real trouble for yourself.


[g*n COCKS]



Okay, okay.

I'll tell.

GABRIEL: I'm glad you called.

You want coffee, tea? Red Bull and vodka? Uh, guess I'll take the java.

The technical term for what those kids were doing is asphyxiophilia.

See? I figured you'd know something about it.

That kind of edge play, if it doesn't k*ll you, will often cause brain damage.

Brain damage? Gabriel, aren't they suffering from that already? They choke each other during sex.

I mean, whatever happened to good old boom
-boom? This is the 21 st century.

The taboo is the turn


Though erotic strangulation does go way back.

Um, 1700s, the Marquis de Sade.

In his book, Justine, the girl, Thirhse, hangs her lover so that he can better, um Uh, so that he can better He'd do it better.

Uh, William Burroughs' Naked Lunch was the same thing, just different genders.


- Oh, I'm glad you're up on this.

- Say, listen, it's my work.

It doesn't mean I subscribe to it.

Where's the twitchblade? Hmm? Mm.

Just forgot it, is all, by the bathroom sink.

- Where it belongs, right?
- Yeah.

All right, you know what? Fine.


- Satisfied?
- Mm


May I? Wanna play
-play, Sara? Uh Do you know anything about any new designer dr*gs the kids using these days? Yeah, I heard something new is catching on.

Some twisted chemist came up with it about three years ago.

I don't know what it's called, but supposedly it causes wicked hallucinations.

BEN: Hey.

Hey, let me out.

Hey, guys, let me out.

IRONS: Listen closely, young Nottingham.

Do you not find her striking? When will I learn to fight? IRONS: Soon enough.

Soon enough.

I have trained you to do my bidding.

I am nothing but what you made me.





I'm good, man.

Listen, rookie, you wanna make your buy looking like Snow White? Now shut up and drink up.

So, what's with your training officer?
- Pezzini?
- Yeah.

Well, she seems pretty cool so far.

She's a freak.

Something's off with that chick.

Hey, I'm doing you a favor by getting you away from her for a little while.

What are you getting at? What I'm getting at is, I don't like her.

One of these days, I'm gonna get her back.


Get her back for what? Ah, Hiro.


Thank you.

Oh, perfect.


You ever had it?
- Nope.

- Highly poisonous.

Like Pezzini.

One bite'll k*ll you unless it's prepped just right.


DEAN: You don't pass.

You see, I come to this place a lot and they treat me good.

And I'm not gonna let you insult my friend.


What's with you, man, huh? You rob a guy, almost snuff him toss him in the trunk and bitch at me the whole time.

First off, did we get our flash money? Yes.

Now can we make a buy and collar some bad guys? Yes.

And could we blow the case by doing it your way? Hell yeah.

Let me tell you something about Big Ben.

He's hooked, probably hundreds of kids on every drug you can name.

Sent loads of them to their graves.

That's a lot of parents with their guts torn out so's they'd like to die too.

A night in the trunk of the car will do that creep some good.

Now make me proud.


All right, man.

Happens quick, don't it? [GASPS]

What's going on? That's death, baby.

That's what you feeling.

The trick of it is to feel the poison, but not die.

Hiro's the best at leaving in just enough.

This ain't the academy.

This is the real world.

You think I don't catch heat for the way I do business? That's what the street says.

The street.

It ain't pretty, it ain't clean and it eats its young whether you like it or not.

Get the bad guys, nothing else.

Am I right? [BOTH LAUGH]

Nice little rush, huh? Ha, ha, yeah.


More? You're all right.


- Who's counting?
- So here's what I got on those drug deaths.

Oh, hit me.

Not if I was on this drug, you wouldn't want me to.

So I won't bore you with the whole chemical makeup but it's designed to work on specific parts of the brain.

Like the parts of our dead girl we scraped off the wall? Cute, but no.

It goes directly to the base brain, which where we get fear or anxiety, panic.

For a user, those emotions are all eliminated.

- Ooh, where can I get some?
- Yeah, really.

So I checked around and found it's a new psychotropic called bob.

Named after who? The genius who invented it? No.

It's because it acts fast and it makes your head bob.

- Oh, swell.


But for some people, and this is what happened with our girl it releases massive amounts of adrenalin.

So she obviously choked her boyfriend a little too hard.

Saw what she'd done, maybe got a massive adrenalin rush And ran a hundred yard dash in about 9 feet.

So much for not feeling fear, panic and anxiety.




DEAN: Who invited them? I did.

Sara asked me to, if I got another one of these deaths.

Pezzini, what, are you getting sick of Homicide? I liked your other look better.

So, what are you doing here? Ends up the girl at the party did strangle her boyfriend.

That's m*rder.

Yeah, then she k*lled herself.

Case closed.

So, what is this? Premeditated bus stop? More like unscheduled.

Ha, ha, good one, partner.

Jake, you look like hell.

DEAN: Woo, what's new? Nothing new under the sun, Dean.

Good guys, bad guys, still at it.

Detective McCartey.


Uh, Danny, I'll meet you inside.

- Ahem.

Everything cool?
- Yeah, definitely.

We should run a check on Dean.

His finances if we can get them.

- Torres too.

- Dirty laundry? Well, working Narcotics is all about getting close to the bad guys.

Something about Dean, maybe he got a little too close.

Yeah, possibly.

- I'll catch you inside.

- Okay.

Do you ever not lurk? What do you want?
- To feel that I'm safe.

- That makes two of us.

I don't think you have anything to fear from me.

You don't think? You're not sure? After what I witnessed.

After the blood on your hands.

I should even the score.

I'm not gonna be threatened.

Right, you're right, I'm sorry.

That's That's not how I feel.

I said, should.


You freed me when you k*lled Mr.


k*lled? I defended myself.

Yes, of course, you did.

You and I are alike more than any two on this earth.

I want us to be friends.

Protecting you now is a matter of honor for me.

I don't need protection.


Maybe not now but someday.


Listen, I'll meet you at your place here.


Everything cool? Oh, yeah.

So these parking guys just loan you cars that are stashed long


Listen, after we make the buy, we release Ben, we let him take the fall.

Wait a minute.

Isn't he gonna tell his bosses what happened? You know what? Maybe you're right.

I'll go back and cap him just to be sure.

Just kidding.


So you ready? As I'll ever be.

If you're scared, you don't fight it.

You just go with it.

- Play it real.

- Yeah.

So, what are you gonna do? I'm just gonna give them the money, get the merchandise, get out.


Give me your department issue.

It's a giveaway.

Take this.

Remember, Rule Number 1: Just be chill, get the bad guy to trust you.

Right on, man.

Go get them, big guy.



: Reload.


MAN: Make your move.

Come on, baby.

Come on.

I gotcha.

Yeah, come on.

Come on.

I've got Come on.

Make your move.


Yo, yo, yo, hey.

Hey everything's cool, man.

Everything's cool.

Big Ben sent me.

He called, said he couldn't make it, right? I was right there when he called.

- That's the loot.

- The loot? What are you gonna do, play a little tune from the Renaissance? [ALL LAUGH]

Well, uh, thanks a lot, blondie.

You can go now.

Not without my merch, man.


Give it to him.

You're going out the backdoor this time, blondie.









: Game over.

- Hey, big guy.

- Unh.

You got winged, huh? [JAKE GRUNTING]

What the hell were you doing? What was I doing? Ha.

That's not the question people are gonna be asking.

Let's see what we got here.


- Whoa.


- Aargh.


Slug? [GRUNTS]

Suit yourself.


See all these dead bad guys? They were all shot with your g*n.

Seems like you, uh You panicked, rookie.

Started blowing dudes away.

And worse you were high as a kite.



Now, boy, nice knowing you.

[g*n COCKS]



Dean, what the hell happened here? I'm telling you, the son of bitch rookie flipped out.

I mean, what else could it be?
- That's not like Jake.

DEAN: Listen.

I caught the kid with a pint of bourbon.

Who knows what else he fortifies himself with? All he had to do was meet these guys and say hi.

He was supposed to see if he could set up a California connection.

It was talk.

Simple, safe.

Obviously, he panicked, shot up the place.

-huh, and when you got here? He was gone.


You know, we got units sweeping the area for Jake.



Is into it too.

This was far from a clean sh**t.

DEAN: No kidding.

Listen up, there, Dean

I don't like you, and I definitely don't trust you.

If I find out you did anything to jeopardize Jake you're gonna wish you'd never been born.

Don't go far.


Where am I gonna go? [GRUNTING]

How are you doing there, Jake? Having fun yet? Say, son.

Hadn't you better get that slug out of your shoulder? Jake.


I don't like meeting like this under these circumstances.

It's bad.

Bad business.

I've lost men and merchandise.

- And you've lost money, lots.

- Yeah.

One of my best men's missing.

Probably dead.

My department contacts say, it was a cop who did this.

A rookie.

Stole the money, the dr*gs.

Took off.

We need to put our resources together.

Find them.


- Hop
-ho, partner.

- Hey.



Wouldn't release any of Torres's financial records.

But I did get out of them that he had put a lot of money in the market before the dot
-com crash.

Litvak filled me in about what happened with Jake.



Dean is dirty.

I can smell it, Danny.

We need to get something on him fast.

Pressure him, find out who he's doing business with.

- Pez
- Then we'll try to find Jake in the process.

I got a bad feeling about Jake.

It sounds like it was a pretty mean sh**t.

- And there's a good chance
- That he's dead.

Or he's gonna be soon.

Look, either he's dead, he's badly wounded or he's dirty, and that I doubt.

Yeah, I think we should make a list of people Dean might've done business with.

Hit the streets and start leaning on people.

Yeah, that's gonna take a while.


Hey, Danny, give me the photos from the Williams case, will you? Thanks.

Come take a look at this, Danny.


These two photos, same case from files dated five days apart.

Drug case, three years old.

Why two files? Exactly what I was wondering.

They're identical except notice anything different in these? DANNY: Yeah, the doll.

SARA: Yeah.

Now, according to both reports, this was the dealer's house.

Now, supposedly, a rival dealer showed up to k*ll his competition.

A little girl was also k*lled in the crossfire.

There were no dr*gs or money recovered.

So a little girl was k*lled and the doll proves? That the crime scene was tampered with.

Someone took a new photo.

The first file still exists because well, who knows what? Clerical error probably.


Dean was sloppy.

Wanna bet that there were dr*gs and cash at the scene?
- You think Torres and Dean snatched them?
- Don't you? The merchandise is probably stuffed in the doll.

DEAN: This ain't the academy.

This is the real world.

That's death, baby.

That's what you feeling.


Now, if they were playing both sides of the fence those big deposits that Torres made were probably from illegal gains.

Dean doesn't strike me as the type to follow the market.

So possibly Torres did the investing for both of them.

Yeah, and they hit dot
-com hell, bad investments, their accounts flatlined.

Dean blames Torres.

Well, he doesn't strike me as the type to blame himself.

And if Torres was in charge of the investments They probably over
-extended and they owed money to some shady characters that they were in business with.


A guy like Dean might wanna get even.

Even with his partner.

A partner would do that? It's a theory.

Now we go hit the streets, go talk to our boy Dean

GARBAGE MAN: How you doing? MAN 1: Hey.

- Now, there's your guy.

- Let's get him up.


MAN 1: Yeah, that's the guy.



Hey, you guys, you didn't see nothing.

GARBAGE MAN: No problem.



MAN 1: Hey.

MAN 1: Pick him up.

Get him up.

I want I need a doctor.


Lomax here isn't a doctor exactly.

More of a chemist.

But he can make you feel better.

You like to feel good, huh?
- You like dr*gs, huh?
- No, man.

No? I think you're a born liar.



Where are my dr*gs? The cash? Where's Big Ben? London? You know you're gonna die, don't you? Don't you know that? You can choose how.

Pain or quick.

Where are my things? Dean.

Not me.

Dean? Who's that? Another cop.

Not me.


Dean Gorner? That's who? Yeah.

That's right.


LOMAX: Do your community a favorable turn, officer.

Take Dean Gorner out of circulation.

That's your code.

Protect your community.

That's how you really feel, right? You can tell me everything about Dean.

I'm here to help.


Still, it's only a theory.

We've got nothing to prove Dean k*lled his partner.

And the photos, I mean, all they prove is someone tampered with evidence, not who.

Dean set Jake up.

Probably his getaway deal.

Clean up loose ends and get out.

We can't prove any of that yet, either.

The one person who can has disappeared out of sight.

I'm responsible for that.

I put Jake out there.


We got nothing.

Not on him, nothing solid.

Not yet.

But do we have a choice? I mean, Danny, we gotta harsh Dean into talking.

This could get ugly.

Maybe Dean somehow did manage to turn Jake.

He is a rookie.

I don't know.

Maybe they're working this together.

BOTH: Nah.

Going somewhere, Dean
-o? Timing is everything.

DEAN: Nice job, rookie.

You found the bad guy.

That's right, man.



Now that you've returned the dr*gs and some of the money you owe me, it's time to finish the job.

DEAN: You can't k*ll me.

I am dead.

I've been dead.

Oh, I'm not gonna k*ll you.

Unlike you [LAUGHS]

I'm not a cop k*ller.


Don't do it, man! [GRUNTS]

Police! Freeze! [GRUNTS]



[g*n COCKS]


Do it.

Just do it.

You like k*lling cops, huh?
- Jake.

DEAN: Do it, McCartey.

You know I would.


The real world.

- The real world?
- Jake, don't.

Why not? Give me the g*n.

Give me the g*n.

Give me the g*n.

Come on, let's get you out of here.

All I'm saying is it seemed like, you know, I wasn't that under the influence anymore.

So you're insane? Look, Jake, it's okay.

You're in good company.

At least we put bob away, for now.

And your good buddy Dean
-o is going away for a long time.

Yeah, but it's as if you were some kind of avenging angel.

I saw you.


- Ahem.

If it doesn't seem real, it's not a hallucination, right? Right.

Yeah, right.