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03x06 - Book Club

Posted: 02/02/23 09:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on Motherland.


Why don't you just let me dynamite this?

I need something that's gonna spread.

Meet your personal oversight,

Colonel Jarrett.

Penelope, dear?

- So she's human?

- Essentially.

You cannot tell anybody

that you saw me here.

Not even the Council.

We've come to a decision.

You'll be allowed to leave the Cession,

but none of you can return here ever.

By the blast of God they perish.


Surrender now and I'll let

Raelle's daddy live.

- Edwin!

- k*ll them all!


It's not possible.

It's getting worse.

So what does that mean for Raelle?

Ready, turn.



The President kicked

off the World Economic Forum

here in New York this morning

with opening remarks

that were by all accounts,

very well received.

And now, accompanied,

as he usually is these days,

by his friend and advisor Kara Brandt

he will spend the rest

of the day in breakout sessions

with other world leaders

discussing matters

that will affect the course

of the global economy

for years to come.

Ms. Brandt tells us

your Genealogical Registration Program

is a success, Mr. President.

So nice to be able to find

these lost witches

and help keep them safe.

Yes. The test launch

in Northern California

has been very encouraging,

Prime Minister.

No pushback on the collars?

Surprisingly not as much as you'd think.

Making the collars removable

gives them a perceived sense of freedom,

a kind of, uh,

"meeting halfway" gesture.

When do you plan to escalate?


You always place a frog in cold water

before you bring it to a boil.

By the time they realize

what's happening,

it's too late.

Well then, we have a model

we can follow in our own countries.


Send him in.

I apologize for the interruption.

Oh, dear.

Girl trouble, Alban?

It's worse than that.

The Witchbomb is dead,

but somehow Alder has returned.

And she's changed.

She's stronger.

Tell us what happened.

I had them in hand,

until one of the Cession leaders


- And then Alder

- Stop.


Why didn't you lead with the good news?

The Cession Council had the

fugitives and didn't extradite,

a clear violation of the treaty.

Which paves the way for our invasion.

But we need congressional approval.

Don't worry. We have the votes.

These fugitives have proven

quite useful.

They helped turn the tide of

public opinion

against the witches,

and now we can use them

as an excuse to go into the Cession.

A place where witches

and the general populace

live in perceived harmony.

And we definitely can't have that.

Now, we just need to make sure

the invasion

spirals out of control,

and then the Cession witches,

and anyone standing along with them,

will have to fight the military.

Make them k*ll each other.

And our troops,

who are along for "support,"

can simply mop up afterwards.

What about Alder?

Her power seems to come

from the Mother

the Mycelium.

Then you're just gonna

have to step it up

at the drilling sites, don't you think?

Drown that mushroom.

And this time,

make sure the bitch stays dead.

How is she?

She says the Mycelium can heal her but,

as weak as she is, her only

access point now is at Fort Salem.

And we need to get her there.

Any idea who tipped off

the Camarilla that we were here?

No, but it had to have been

a member of the Council

or one of their staff,

which is particularly troubling,

since I keep hearing rumblings

about an invasion.

When we get to Fort Salem,

I'll talk to my mom.

Find out what's really going on.

I can tell you how to sneak onto base.

And once you're there,

ask Alder what she can find out

- about Raelle.

- You don't wanna come with us?

I need to get Edwin somewhere safe.

That's what she would want.

You and Tally can take care of Alder.

I'm going home.

They came after Edwin.

They know where our families are.

I need to make sure my mom is safe.

Of course.

Are you still obsessing

about your Doomsday prophecy?

Geez, why would I obsess

about the end of the world?

"Doomsday?" "End of the world?"

- What

- It's nothing.

Nicte scrambled her Sight

with Spree garbage-work.

I don't know what Tally saw

but I do know

that the Mother has a plan,

and we must trust her,

for we all have a role to play.

I don't care about her plan.

- I just want Raelle back.

- We all want that.

Right, Tal?

All right, I'll arrange

transportation to Fort Salem.

Get you home, somehow.

And I have a car for you and Mr. Collar.

But keep your heads down.

Technically, you're all still wanted.

Thank you.

And when I'm done playing travel agent,

hopefully I'll have some time

to track down The Marshal

and your missing president.

We appreciate all you're doing

for us, Thelma.


All right. We have our marching orders.

We need to protect our families,

find our girl, and stop an invasion.

Piece of cake.

We'll meet back here, okay?

It just feels like

every goodbye might be the last.

It won't be.

We won't let it be.

Give us the room, please.


I'm sorry to do this to you now, but I

need more information about that Army.

Any sense of numbers?

A couple thousand that we saw.

But who knows

if they have other facilities.

What's happening?

Silver's about to order me

to invade the Cession.

Congress is making

the final decision as we speak.

But at this point, it seems inevitable.

I imagine those new troops

will be a part of it.

What are you gonna do?

I'm still bound by the Salem Accord,

but so is Silver.

If I refuse the order,

he can have me replaced,

- and even disband the Army.

- Okay.

So the trick is to go along with it?

On the surface.

And then work to prevent a bloodbath.

Until we can get Wade back

and put an end to this whole thing.

All right.

You need to rest and recuperate

and stay out of sight.

I will rest once

we've stopped them, general.


Just don't let Jarrett and his

g*ons know you're back on base.

Now, tell me anything else

you can remember

about this Camarilla army.

Come on. Over here now.

- Back up.

- What are you doing?

Mom, dad!

We've got our collars.

What's with the red collars?

Witches have to identify

themselves in public.

And they have to be unable

to use their work.

- Keep your head down.

- They're innocent.

But they're wearing collars,

why are they being questioned?

The kids aren't. It's gotten bad.

There's even escorts

and surveillance everywhere.

This is just part of it.

It has nothing to do

with them. They're innocent.

We will stay on this road

about a hundred miles.

Then we'll head west on 36 until Chota,

all right? And Quinn's

new place is outside town.

That's all from memory?

Yeah. I don't forget things.

Got a mind like a steel trap.

Nothing slips through

this noggin, Sally.

Stacy. Sydney.

Stella! Stella.

These next six hours

are gonna be just great.

You, uh, ever do family

road trips as a kid?

We were Dodgers,

so my whole childhood

was one big road trip.


I've been hit by a lot lately and I

Well, I'm a nervous talker.

Oh, uh

Willa liked quiet car rides, too.

I bet you two would've

gotten on real well.

I have no doubt.

Nope, a surprise.

- No way.

- Yes, it was.

You're being serious with me right now.


He tailed her for blocks

and she didn't know?

These collars are great.

Whatever, just open up.

Keeping me waiting is a waste

of both of our time.

You know the drill.

We come in

- and take a look around.

- Oh, damn.

Can you can you give me

a hand with these?

No, I can't give you a hand.

Just a reminder

you have a legal obligation

to call in anything suspicious.

Yes, sir.

Hi, Mom.

What in the name of the Goddess

are you doing here?

The whole country is looking for you!

I came to make sure you're safe.

- I'm perfectly fine.

- You're not fine, Mom.

- You're wearing that thing.

- What, this?

- Oh, this is nothing.

- I need you to pack a bag.

I'm taking you to the Cession.

From what I'm hearing on the news,

the Cession might not be safe for long.

And I am not leaving my home.

Why do you always

have to be so stubborn?

- I'm trying to help you.

- If you really wanna help me,

you can start by putting

the groceries away.

This is an important night.

What could be so important?

Book club.

Book club?

They're recording

our work to use it against us.

How can my mother allow this?

She doesn't have a choice at the moment.

The Salem Accord binds her

to the will of the government.

It's not just words on paper.

It has real power.

You seemed to find a way

around it when you needed to.

And that came at a great cost.

This is no longer a witch's place.

We have to keep going.

We need to get her to the Mycelium.

Based on intelligence,

we know that the fugitives

were last seen

at this Cession chemical plant.

That likely puts them in the Iroquoian,

Algonquian, or Siouan territories.

I want troops ready to move

on those three borders

as soon as the President

makes his announcement.

We need to be swift and exact

in order to minimize

Swift and exact, but with an iron fist.

All Cession witches

are to be collared, detained,

and then interrogated by one of my men.

Isn't that right, General?

If those are the President's orders.

Please continue.

Our primary objective

is to bring in the fugitives.

The Bellweather Unit is

Disregard what

the civilian is babbling about.

Your only orders

are to contain the situation

and do anything you can

to prevent bloodshed,

witch or civilian, on both sides.

And if the Bellweather Unit is found,

they are to be brought in alive.

abide these orders,

you need to speak up now.

During the operation,

you will be accompanied

by a force of special ops

civilian troops.

They will take lead.

Any questions?

That's, that's, that's all, all

the Cherokee I know, I'm afraid.

And yet you're riding

through Iroquois territory

in a Council car.

Yeah, yeah. Thelma Bearkiller,

she, uh she took pity on me.

She gave me a job as her driver.

And where's Ms. Bearkiller going?

Oh, that's,

that's Council business. I


There's been a lot of strange folk

roaming about the Cession lately.

- Oh, yeah?

- Would you say

that's all been on "Council business?"

You're good to go about your day, sir.

Thank you for your time.

You're good to go about your day, sir.

Thank you for your time.

What the hell are you thinking?

I had it under control.

I, I was just

What if someone was watching?

What if he's got a partner

in that truck,

radioing in what you did?

Well, he didn't.

I saw a problem and I solved it.

There are people out there

who are just waiting

for an excuse to stone a witch.

You can't be so reckless.

Why are you so mad?

Because you're all I have left.

You've got me.


But you got Raelle, too.

Trust me.

I just

I just wanna hear her voice.

I think I might be able to do that.

But we need to find something

on the way.


I was busy. I didn't have time.

That's okay. I made extra brownies.


Hungry, boys?

Don't mind if I do.

We're working.

Move along.

- Suit yourself.

- Okay.

Oh, man.

These are amazing.

You should try a bite.

I would never eat anything

made by one of them.


How's the curry?

Not too hot, is it?

I tend to have a heavy hand

with the spices.

You've made remarkable progress,


I'm very proud.

Izadora, we need your help.



You! You tried to k*ll me!

Does this mean we can clear our names?

I'm afraid that going public

with her might be premature.

She isn't entirely human yet.

How is it possible?

I saw her die.

We all saw her die.


death isn't what it used to be.

Hello, old friend.

Hello, Sarah.

I don't know how this can be,

but it's good to have you home.

It's good to be

What's happening?

We need to get her to the Mycelium.


Raelle, are you there?

Can you hear me?

Scylla? Is that really you?

It's me!

I love you.

I, I love you so much.

It's hard to keep the connection open,

but there's someone

who wants to talk to you.



Hey, sweetheart, we missed you.

Where are you?

Are you safe?

I think so.

I really wanna come home, Dad.

- I can't

- Leave her!

She is safe with us!

Mom, please! No!


Rae? Raelle?

What, what happened?

Who was that voice?

Was that who I think it was?

How do we talk to Rae again?

It's not Raelle we need to talk to.

It's time for me to go now.

Can you take me with you?

Do not fear, Izadora.

Your time will come.

Your sister will be safe.

I promise you.

Tell her to hurry back to us.

Thank you.

We'll meet again soon.

Please bring Raelle back.

I will do what I can.

I can't relate to that, obviously.

So, speaking hypothetically.

You think she made the wrong choice.

Why couldn't she

waited for him to get back?

Okay. I'm ready.

- You know.

- I'm glad she didn't.

He was a total dud.

Yeah. Right there at all.

Been there, done that.

Yeah, I guess.

But they seemed sweet to you?

And the how about someday

This room is where the records

from the genealogical initiative

are being housed.

If we destroy those records,

we can set back collaring by

This isn't book club, is it?

Ladies, you remember my daughter Tally?

The one who couldn't wait to

join the Army and save the world?

Well, she's all grown up now.

She came home to protect me.

But since she's here,

and stubborn as always,

maybe she could be useful.

Useful for what?

How do you feel about raiding

a government building?

I can't let you do this.

This is exactly why I didn't tell you,

to avoid this conversation.

Listen, I know Silver's

witch program is repulsive,

but you're not trained

for this like I am.

Tally, waiting around is not an option.

What, so the Army

can come to our rescue?

Look what they've done

to help us so far,

- nothing!

- It's too dangerous.

Wow. Deja vu.

I'm a soldier,

I know what I'm talking about.

Well, now I'm fighting,

- and it's you who's afraid.

- I am not afraid.

If you had any idea what I've seen

I have to go.

Well then, there's just no way

I'm letting you do this alone.

So it's Willa that's holding her?

Yes and no.

Willa didn't die in Greenville.

She faked her death

to fight against the Army

and to protect Raelle.

I met her

I met her in the Spree.

Oh, Willa.

The mission she gave me was

to get Raelle out of the Army.

Willa knew all this was coming.

She died, for real,

less than a year ago.

Saving Raelle.

I'm so sorry, Edwin.

I've been wanting to tell you

for so long.

Please say something.

So how is it

that Willa is holding her now?

There's this power

that can bring people back

And she dwells in the earth,

it's good ole Mama Mycelium.

Well, whatever secrets and lies,

I don't give a shit.

On Raelle and her general health

and wellbeing,

Willa and I are united.

So how do we talk to her?

They don't teach Farspeech

much anymore, huh?

Sometimes Units get the training,

but I was Necro, so

Well, back in the day, we all got it.

Tricky work.

You do it enough with the same person,

you imprint.

And it can't be undone.

Came in handy on all

of the sloppy, shit-for-brained

tours they threw us on.

I've talked to Willa across oceans,

through 16 feet of granite.

If there's a part of Willa

that's still Willa,

she'll hear me.

Hello, General.

What is so important that it

couldn't wait until morning?

I thought I told you to rest up

in the infirmary?

It seems like no one

is obeying orders these days.

I'm sorry, ma'am.

I know your orders

were to stay in the Cession,

but Alder needed the Mycelium.

I don't need any more hoo-ha darlin'.

Willa Collar.

Sure has been a long time.

Hello, Quinn.

Now is not really a good time.

Is that any way

to talk to an old friend?

It's about Raelle.

Got a couple of people here

who need to talk to you.


Where's Raelle?

Far from those who would harm her.

Who? Who are you keeping her from?

Those who hate her for what she is.

Those who poison us out of fear.

She's a part of us now.

Part of the change

that was foretold long ago.

Her place is here.

With us. With me.

A mother cannot knowingly

let her daughter come to harm

or she is not a mother.

Yeah, honey. It's me.


I'm so sorry.

I let you grieve.

I thought I was

making the right choices.

You understand, right?

They tried to k*ll our little girl.

Raelle has a new family now,

who can protect her.

She's got a woman who loves her.

She's got a whole new life now.

We need to let her go

so she can live it.

Please, Willa.

I'm begging you.

Send her back to me

and I swear I will protect her.

But if you don't let her come back,

then take me with you

because I can't go on without her.

I'm so sorry.

I have to go.

Goodbye, my love.

Should we just burn it here?

Would be better if we could avoid

setting off any alarms.

Let's get it out of here

and into the van,

and we'll burn it later.

This new Sight you have,

you'll be able to see

if the guard is coming back?

- I will.

- That must come in handy.

All right.

You're on watch.

Everyone, keep loading.

You and I need to go to the basement.

There's something you have to see.

Trust me.

You heard my daughter.

We'll meet you at the van.

- There were twelve Sarah Alders?

- Uh-hmm.

What about Wade? Is she safe?

The Marshal and M left with her

before Hearst got there.

Thelma Bearkiller's out

looking for them.

She thinks The Marshal might have known

that there was a traitor on the Council.

Bearkiller will find them.

She's formidable.

But, in the meantime,

what are we gonna do about

Silver's plans

to invade the Cession?

- I have my orders.

- I understand.

Is there any way we can turn

this situation to our advantage?

Well, our best chance

at that remains returning Wade

to power as soon as possible.

Thelma should have Wade

by the time we get back.

I'll return to the Cession with Abigail,

get Wade,

and bring her back here myself.

And I'll slow-play

the invasion to buy you time.


Just a little motherly pride.

Carry on, soldier.

These don't come off.

We have to destroy them.

We're not getting

all these crates out of here.

No, we burn them.

I got this.

Let's go.

What's wrong?

They'll just send more collars

and more men.

All we've done is slow them down.


This is how you win a w*r,

one battle at a time.

And tonight, we won our battle.

Let's celebrate that.



Goddess, protect.

Is there a problem?

There was trouble at a building in town.

All accounted for.

Why don't you

wrap up this little meeting?

You're cutting it close to curfew.

Of course.

Same time next week?

- We'll be here.

- Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Have a good night.

Thank you.

Don't worry.

There is a way to get her back, and

I won't stop searching until I find it.

I know.

And if you find out anything,

you let me know.

Good or bad.

There's no need to protect me.

I will never keep a secret

from you again. I promise.

Hey, look, uh

whatever choices you made

before you met Rae,

I don't judge.

I know how you feel about her

is real and, uh

I trust you.

Thank you.


That means a lot.

No matter what,

the things you've done for Raelle,

- I'll never forget.

- Of course you won't.

You have a mind

like a steel trap, Edgar.


Um, Eli?

See? Admit it, you're gonna

miss me on this trip.

But I just promised

to always tell you the truth.

Oh, ouch.

Of course, I'll miss you.

Be safe.

So, what are the boys doing?

One is asleep and the other

is reading Tempest Bay.

Whoa, I guess I better read it myself

in case he asks about it.

Remember the last time you cooked for me

and you threw it in the sink?

You should try it yourself.

It's good for relieving tension.

It does feel pretty good.

It does, doesn't it?

I'm sorry.

Well, it's just a plate.

I have plenty,

if you wanna break some more.

No, I'm

I'm sorry I blamed you for everything.

I know you were just trying

to protect me.

I've never known you to apologize

for what you believe in before.

I guess I

I just understand now

what it's like to be afraid

of a future that

that's out of your control.

I saw something, Mom.

Something I have to prevent

and I don't know if I can.

That girl I saw last night,

that warrior?

She'll know what to do.

You just have to trust yourself, Tally.

And get back into the fight.

One battle at a time?


I can't believe how much you've changed.


I don't think either of us

have changed much at all.

I love you.

I love you, too.

And I'm gonna miss you.

Book club just won't be

the same without you.

My fellow citizens, at this hour,

the United States military,

along with an elite civilian force,

are preparing to invade

and occupy the Cession,

with one intention,

to root out the traitors

who assassinated

our beloved former President,

the great Kelly Wade.

This administration will not

tolerate any acts of terrorism,

domestic or abroad.

You must be Captain Quartermain.

You must be Bearkiller.

Abigail and Adil?

We drove all night.

I told them to get some sleep.

May God bless

the United States of America,

and may He bless all who stand with us.

So that's it then.

General Bellweather will do her best

to control the invasion.

But we need Wade, now.

Have you been able to track her down?

She's gone.

There's no trace of her or The Marshal.

I've been trying to Farspeak with M,

but so far, no response.

Okay. So how do we find them?

If The Marshal doesn't

wanna be found, then we don't.

And now, if you'll excuse me,

we have an invasion to prepare for.

Who are all these people?

I knew this day would be coming.

If it wasn't Silver and the Camarilla,

it was someone else eventually.

So I took precautions.

You built a militia?

You and Bellweather and the others

are welcome to stay.

You're welcome to go.

But you're going

to need to choose right now.

Was this the last of the drilling sites?

It was.

We'll be able to heal now.

This wasn't just for us.

This was for Raelle.

You're off to find the rest of the song?


Two pieces remain.

But there's something I need

to do first.

Did you see?

Cadet, what's going on?

It's General Alder. She's alive!

That can't be, can it?

I intend to find out.

Have faith and fear not.

This will always be a witch's place!

Do not lose hope.


Move! Get out of my way!

Move! Out of my way!


Move, damn it! Move!