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03x05 - Cession in Session

Posted: 02/02/23 09:13
by bunniefuu
WOMAN: Previously on Motherland.

WOMAN: Speaking of people coming back

Alder, she's back.

ADIL: She's off with Khalida,

looking for the First Song.

- Where's Raelle?

- Dead.

She's not dead.

She's healing.

In the Mycelium.

Stay here and meet with

the council when they arrive.

We need their support for what's ahead.

Why are they trying to k*ll me?

Because you're a steward

of the First Song.

- I'll take you somewhere safe.

- If you need me

or you're in danger

use this.

Meet your personal oversight,

Colonel Jarrett.


Army versus Spree!


Okay. You're gonna be okay.

I'm gonna get you out of here. Okay.

WOMAN: Sounds like you haven't

found your voice yet, Albie.

It's merely a work in progress,

which I'll harness soon enough.

- WOMAN: I saw her!

- WOMAN: Who?

WOMAN: Raelle.

There was nothing left.

I think she might end the world.

Hurry up, we'll be late.

Cortez, you're the only person

in the world

who gets excited for Mothertongue.

What can I say?

I'm the Mistress of Menishe.

Professor Grafton, what's happening?

Mothertongue has been cancelled today.

What? Why?

Lupe, it

I'll answer that.

What's your name?

Officer Cadet Guadalupe Cortez.

Astarte Coven.

Well, Cadet Cortez, as you know,

myself and my fellow Oversight Officers

are on base to ensure that

witches are no longer seen

as a separate society

in our nation,

to reassure

the American people that witches

are being held accountable

for their actions.

And yet somehow,

a secret language spoken only by

witches seems counterproductive

to those aims, does it not?

But there's so much history and

- cultural significance.

- Classes are postponed

until further notice.

Do you have any more questions?

Anything else?



Enjoy your day.



Maybe we should tell

the council about Wade.

No, she said we shouldn't tell

anyone, not even them.

I mean, she and The Marshal

were both pretty clear

- about that.

- But why?

How do we know

we can even trust The Marshal?

How do you know you can trust

the Council?

You know what? It's not about trust.

We're innocent and that's what matters.

Once we make our case,

they'll recognize that.

You cannot be that naive.

You can't prove Wade's alive.

We've brought a lot of heat

down on the Cession.

The Council can't just ignore that.

Then we'll make them listen to reason.

You can't punch your way

out of this one.

When I said make them listen to reason,

I actually meant reason with them.

Why are you so skittish about

meeting the Council anyways?

I'm not gonna meet them.

You forget my situation

is much different than yours.

And the Spree

how are you gonna avoid it?

They got to drop the wards

when they arrive.

- I'll sneak out the back door.

- TALLY: You're gonna leave us

just like that?

But where Where are you gonna go?

Don't worry about me, Red. You

know I always land on my feet.

They're here.


They're not what I expected.

They represent seven

different language groups,

each with their own unique traditions.

It's like nations within a nation.

I spent a lot of time

in the Cession growing up.

I even went to elementary

school for a while.

Come on.

We need to make our case. Now.

The Council of the Great River

will summon you shortly.




I've got good news and bad news.

Good news is I fixed you.

You okay?

I feel like shit but I'm alive.

What's the bad news?

They wanna cut out our throats.


They've been in there for over an hour.

It's like we're sitting

at the kids' table

while the adults decide our fate.

What is going on in there?

I have to tell you something.

I saw something,

something bad in the future,

something that we have to stop.

I'm sorry, what did you say?

Look, okay.

During Yule,

I saw a vision of the future

where Raelle released a Witch b*mb

that was destroying the world.

Well, I didn't see that one coming.

Yeah. I'm sorry

I didn't tell you sooner.

I wanted to, but

Tally, you can't trust

a thing Nicte taught you.

She lies as easy as breathing.

What I saw was terrible.

I mean, it looked

like the end of everything.

I think you're just missing

Raelle so much

that it's scrambling your sight.

And I get it.

I have yet to have a night

where I didn't dream about her.


Maybe you're right.

One thing at a time, okay?

Let's get through today

and then we will get Raelle back.

Then we can worry

about whatever else comes next.

Whatever it is, we'll take care of it.

And what can we do?

I don't know.

Wait, have you ever tested it?

Seen something

and then tried to prevent it?

There you go.


It's time.

You coming, Baby Spree?

My place is with them now.

And with Raelle.

I really do hope you get her back.

We're ready for you now.

Follow my lead.


Esteemed members of the Council

of the Great River,

I'm Abigail


We know.

We thank you for the opportunity

to prove our innocence,

but first



Wow. Mothertongue.



MILLY: Well, would you listen

to that handsome songbird sing.

ABIGAIL: We'd respectfully ask

to be sheltered on your land

until it is safe for us to return home.


What are you, a lost kitten?

I don't think you understand, soldier.

We've already made up our minds.

We're sending you all back

to where you belong, to D. C.

I don't understand.

Why did you wanna meet with us

if you're just sending us back?

Because we need answers.

But need is a bit, hyperbolic, Pauline.

Let's make this quick, huh?

- I've got bingo tonight.


ABIGAIL: Ask us anything you want.

Let's start with why you destroyed

private property on our land.

We didn't intend to destroy anything.

But we had to stop the Camarilla.

I know I look good for my age,

but I'm too old for fairy tales.

Unlike the U. S.,

our people don't fall for that

Euro-Inquisition gobbledygook.

Witches and non-witches

live in harmony here.

There are no Camarilla among us.

ABIGAIL: You're wrong.

And we don't want you

to realize it too late,

after they wreak havoc like they

did in India and Fort Salem.

The only havoc we've seen

was caused by you

and your ragtag friends.

ADIL: We're telling the truth

about the Camarilla.

They hunted my people

to near extinction.

They hunted all of us.

You're Tarim.

My heart breaks for you and your people.

PAULINE: Still, we have a treaty

to uphold.

And your government seems to think

that you assassinated President Wade.

- Which is a lie.

- We know that.

Our Marshal was holding you

when it happened.

I'm more interested

in why they think that.

Blanton Silver.

He's Camarilla, now,

the leader of the free world.

First he blamed us

for his daughter's death

and now Wade?

He's using us

to stoke hate against witches.

The Camarilla don't care

about borders or treaties.

And they're an enemy to all witches,

those in the Cession included.

THELMA: If that's true, then

you're the ones responsible

for bringing them

right to our front door.

All the more reason to send you

back in a big red box

with a big red ribbon around it.

No, no, no, you got to broil 'em frozen.

That way they stay tender in the middle.

You gotta rethink

everything you know about cod.

We heard you were special.

You look like any other witch to me.

What are you doing?




You've been holding out on me.

I picked up a thing or two from

my time working with Scylla.





TALLY: The Great w*r

with the Camarilla isn't coming,

it's already here.

We know how to fight them.

We can help you fight them, too.

[SCOFFS] We don't need you to save us.

MILLY: I think they're asking us

to save them, cousin.

And if what they're saying is true,

then sending them back to the US

is a death sentence.

THELMA: So what, we risk w*r

with America for harboring them?

MILLY: Who said anything about w*r?

Oh, you always jump to the worst

possible conclusion, Bear k*ller.

And you always jump

to the easiest, cousin.

PAULINE: It appears that

we are no longer in agreement

about extraditing the fugitives.

I suggest that we call a new vote.

Please wait outside while we deliberate.

You'll have our decision shortly.

Forgive me,

but it seems like you're debating

whether to have us extradited

or allowed to be sheltered here

and I have another option

for you to consider.

What are you doing?

Trust me.

My parents were Dodgers,

so we were always on the move.

And when we needed a safe place to hide,

the Cession welcomed us.

The best years of my childhood

were spent here.

Honestly, it's the closest thing

to a home I ever had

until I found my true home,

the woman I love

who is also from the Cession.

It breaks my heart that we

brought our problems here,

to this place that has given me so much.

If you let us go and help us

get out of the Cession,

we will leave immediately.

Where would you go?

California, it's where I grew up.

We'll consider your request.

Please wait outside.



You'll be safe here.

Is traveling in this place always so



It feels less and less each time.


Are you another shepherd?

No. My name is Khalida.


I was hoping you were another shepherd.

Sorry to disappoint you.

What is this place?


This is where I grew up.

Why did you bring us here?

While I find the remaining stewards,

I need to keep you all safe.

This was the last place where

I knew what that felt like.

My sister and I were about your age

when our mother taught us

to sew right over there.

And we used to sing to our father

after dinner by the fire.

Our family was happy here.

And that,

that's where our parents

were m*rder*d by the Camarilla.

After that day, any thoughts of sewing

and singing were behind me.

I needed to make sure we lived,

so we ran,

and life was never the same again.

Every Spring,

my brother would take me high

into the mountains

to see the snowdrop flowers bloom.

It was what I most

looked forward to each year.

I loved how strange

and beautiful they looked,

the way they fought their way up

through the snow to reach the light.


One Spring,

as we'd done many times before,

we left our parents to go see them.

And when we returned,

they had been k*lled.

There was no time to grieve them

because in that moment,

I became our people's leader.


I know something of your pain.

They burned this house

in the name of their god,

and drove us from here.

New shores proved just as dangerous.

These moments could have destroyed us,

but they did not.

And we need not endure this pain alone.

We are stronger together.

We've come a long way.


We're survivors.

It was only a matter of time

before we earned each other's trust,



We've come to a decision.

You will be allowed to leave the Cession

and we will give you whatever

resources you'll need to do so.

But none of you can return here ever.

That is the condition of your freedom.

And before you ask,

yes, this decision applies

to Raelle Collar as well.

How's it going in there?

We're a little busy.

How about in here?

You're gonna be okay.

I'm gonna get you out of here.


Looks like it was quite a party.

Sorry I missed it.

We got a lot of good stuff though.

We're getting deeper

into the sub-sonics.

Should be able to update

our newest modules.


Alban's implant is already

better than the modules.

I worry about him.

Me, too.

Could you imagine putting

their flesh in your body?

The man's a hero.

He'll make any sacrifice

to cleanse the world of them.


ANACOSTIA: Now you're gonna

show us the way out of here.


This is so terrible.

You seem like good kids.

I was in your corner.

Remember that.

Their corner?

What about the Sioux who elected you?

Mind your own business, Thelma.

I'm in charge of getting

you safely across our border.


Not my idea of a good time

either, soldier.

Me and my guards will be

on the grounds tonight.

We leave in the morning.

The wards will be going back up,

in case anyone feels like running,

and you'll have to wear these.

Are those really necessary?

We're not criminals.

Yeah. Well, I'm not as trusting

as The Marshal.


Wish it didn't have to be this way.

A couple of you were starting

to grow on me.


I really don't like her.

I never would have picked that up.


Damn. Sorry.


What is it?

This isn't a win.

Not even close.

- We did our best.

- Did we?

Because it seems like all we did

was save our own skins.

We told them about the Camarilla.

We warned them.

We couldn't even get them to trust us,

let alone believe

that the threat is real.

My whole life has been about

training to be a soldier,

protecting people.

Then I think about all the people

that I've failed to protect,

Charvel and Penelope.

- And even Raelle.

- Hey.

Raelle is not lost.


Do you hear that?


A buzzing.


Are you seriously telling me

you can't hear that?

There! Hello?

ANACOSTIA: You're gonna be okay.

I'm gonna get you out of here.


- Hello?


What is she doing here?

Maybe she and your mom have a plan.

Anacostia's downstairs.

Come on.



Looks like Anacostia

got the drop on him.

Well, then where is she?

Sorry. Anacostia's not gonna make it.




I'm sure there are more of them nearby.

We gotta get out of this building.

We can't get past the wards.

Then we need to find a way

to get Thelma's attention.


Bear k*ller! Open up!

Maybe the wards block out

the sound, too.

Or the Camarilla already got her.

We need to get control

of this situation before

I could give away that I feel ♪

But I won't be [INDISTINCT] ♪

From above ♪

You are just like a dream to me ♪

Just like a dream ♪

To me ♪



Abigail, I love what you've done

with your hair.

I knew we should have k*lled you

when we had the chance.

Let's not make that mistake again.


"By the blast of God they perish."



HEARST: "And by the breath

of his nostrils

are they consumed."









That can't be good.


So what do you think, girls?

Can I join your little club?

It can't be possible.

I wasn't sure it would work either,

what with your kind's impure blood.

But it seems to have taken hold nicely.

You're sick.

Sick? Brilliant?

It just kind of depends on your

perspective, don't you think?


HEARST: You might wanna say

your goodbyes, you two.

Your little romance is about

to come to a tragic end.

Let's hope it works.

SCYLLA: Looks like you popped

a stitch there, doc.

These old pipes'll hold long enough.




My collar!

I'll see you soon.

I'm going after him!

How long do we have to stay here?

It's impossible to say.

But the Mother will let


My brother.

I'll go.

Stay with them.


He's gone.

Now, do you understand the lengths

these people will go to k*ll us?

All of us.

And now they're gonna see

the lengths we'll go to

to avenge spilled blood.

HEARST: Sisters!

Why don't you come outside and play?

There's something here

I think you really need to see.

He did not just call us sisters.

Let's put an end to this.


HEARST: There you are.

You know it's rude to keep

your company waiting.

- No more talking.

- I agree.



HEARST: You gave it

the old w*r College try,

but all things must pass.

Surrender now, and I'll let Raelle's

dear old daddy live.

You have my word.

And not so much as a syllable

from any of you.

I'll do the singing tonight.

Leave him out of this.

HEARST: Normally, I shy away

from hurting humans,

but I needed some Witch b*mb insurance,

just in case Raelle had recovered.

I guess she didn't make it, huh?

What's he talking about?

Where's Raelle?

Oh, he doesn't know?



Raelle got a hold of a bad mushroom.

- Poison, actually.

- Shut up, you bastard!

Scylla? What is he talking about?

HEARST: She's dead.

The spawn of your unnatural

alliance is gone.

So, what's it gonna be?

- Don't do it.

- I have to.


Take me, but you let him go now.

Oh, that is so sweet.

But you misunderstand.

I'm gonna need all of you to surrender.

Earth and Sky.

The Ginger.


k*ll them! k*ll them all!

- Hurt him!

- No, stop!


It's not possible.


It's okay. You're okay.

His voice at the party. The bandages.

It all makes sense.

And now we know what that

sick party was really for.

What now?

End of the line.

I don't have the code for this door.

I guess you won't be needing your hand.

All right, all right, all right,

all right!


I do this and you let me go, right?

You need to be worried about

what I'm gonna do if you don't.



We'll decide what to do with you

once we get out of here.


Don't even think about it.

Hey! Hey!

I guess he made the decision for us.



We need to know what they're doing here.


- How does it look?

- SCYLLA: It's okay.

- Yeah?

- Yeah, yeah. Don't worry.

You were very brave back there.

And a bit stupid.

Well, when it comes

to the people I care about,

I can be a bit of both.

Hey, you really think Rae

is gonna be okay?

She's alive.

And we're gonna get her back.

I promise you.


You all are mixed up in some wild shit.

Is every day like this for you?

Pretty much.

You still wanna kick us out

of the Cession?

I should probably say yes, but

we have a w*r to fight.

And we're gonna have

to fight it together.

And the first thing we need to do

is figure out how the Camarilla

knew you were here.

Is this because of the poison

they're using

against the mycelium?

It's getting worse.

So what does that mean for Raelle?

[PANTING] Alder!




MAN: Platoon, right turn!

Left turn!
