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02x10 - Revolution, Part 1

Posted: 02/02/23 09:06
by bunniefuu
Previously on Motherland

You k*lled someone.

The v*olence is not our way.

Sometimes it's the only way.

The mycelium is dead witches.

This is where we go when we die.

We live on through the mother

and our power lives on through you.

I think I've even made a new friend.

I call it Morrigan's Whisper.

How do we use it against the Camarilla?

Your boss has finally

come around to having

a witch for a daughter?

He's actually a pretty good guy.

Thank you for taking the time

to talk to the press.

I'm just really proud of you.

I love you, Pen.

With the capture of Nicte Batan,

you will step down.

Nicte was a soldier!

Until the general betrayed her!

And tried to erase her from history!

What's happening to her?



We head to the center of base.

To the Operations Building.

Hopefully your mother and the brass

are mounting a defense.

Goddess protect

What's happening to them?

They're losing control

of their vocal cords.

We have to go back

the way we came. Now!

Abigail, we can't fight them

in the middle of that.

That's su1c1de.

Along here, and here, and here

Have the prisoner brought to me.

What do we know?

As far as we can tell, the Witchplague

is still confined to isolated sectors,

but it is spreading.

There have been multiple reports

of strike teams harvesting throats.

- Any idea of their numbers?

- Communication is spotty at best.

That'll be major interference

from their tech.

We need to go on the offensive.

Spread the word as best you can:

small groups, stick to the shadows,

and pick your targets wisely.

Let's take back our base.


how can we help?

You and Captain Quartermain

head to Officer's Housing.

Round up who you can.

I'll report back soon.

Thank you, Sarah.

Of course, General.

Good. She's coming with us.

- Coming with you?

- Mm-hmm.

Heads up!

You should go. Just leave me a Scourge

so I can take some of

these bastards with me.

We fight them together. Army and Spree.

This isn't a reprieve.

The Camarilla.

I'm done hiding.

Same. All right.

Cut through the building

and approach from the inside.

Bellweather and I will

engage from the front.

Tal, what is it?

I can see it.

The frequency that's

interfering with our work.

I want to try something.

- Tally!

- Hey, Camarilla!

Match this tone!

"Hey, Camarilla"?

It was all I could think of.

Good work, Craven.

We need to tell

as many people as possible.

Agreed. You three keep

making for Operations.

Shellbark and I will get the word out.

Okay. Be safe.

You, too.


Go. Find Khalida.

They took them in their beds.

We should let General Bellweather know.

How do you want to handle this?

We fight till our very last breath.

Oh, no!


No, no, no, no, no.

Please, tell me what to do

What are you waiting for?

They're waiting for me.

Ooh, you've been busy.

I just wanted to pop by

and pay my respects before

the inevitable.

You must be the Doctor.

Alban Hearst.

I'm very pleased to meet you both.

Miss Batan, I feel that

I owe you a debt of gratitude.

No one in history has done more

to turn the tide of public opinion

against witches.

You helped pave the way

for our return, so

Thank you.

And Mama Bellweather.


This has been a long time coming.

Just so you know, I'll be

paying a visit to Abigail

and her little friend from the Tarim

before the night is over.

The Union of Earth and Sky

must be prevented at all costs.

What do you mean?

Wrap this up and meet me outside.

What are you smiling at?

Are we going to have a problem?

My fight isn't with the army anymore.

I hear your kind

doesn't like to fight back.

Kinda takes the fun out of it for us.

Oh, well.


Step away from my brother.

I'll get to you in a minute.

Tal, what does it look like?

It's strange.

Every little pocket of it is

connected to the others.

Like one organism.

And tracing back to a single source.

Can you pinpoint the source?

Just that it's getting closer.

Guys, we've gotta get out of here.

Did that really work?

Yeah. It did.

Rae, what if you hit the

source with the Witchbomb?

That might do the trick.

Tal, can you lead us to it?

It's close and it's

headed right this way.

Just stay under cover there.

Are you gonna teach me that?

Well, just as soon as you

teach me Morrigan's Whisper.


It's all over the news.

There's some sort of attack

happening at Fort Salem.

Then the w*r is upon us.

She'll be okay.

That's what I used to

tell myself about Willa

It's here.


Is she the source?


Tally, how come nobody

wants to talk to me?

She doesn't even know what's going on.


Raelle's gonna try and help you.

I can't.

It's too strong.

Tally, please!

But, Rae

Where do you think

you could do it again,

- but keep it contained?

- I can try.

If you can, I might be able to end this.

But we all have to agree.


Your mom is all right.

She'll be addressing the troops soon.

Thank you.

Hey. Are you okay?

Not yet.

But I will be.

Oh, I'm so glad you're safe.

Both of you.

I just I didn't want you to worry.

Hey, I'm always going to worry

about you, Rae, I'm just

I'm so relieved to hear your voice.

Hey, uh,

there's, uh, somebody here

who wants to, uh,

wants to talk to you.

Hang on.



How's my dad holding up?

He'll be better now that

he knows you're all right.

We both will.

How bad is it there?

It's it's bad.

And I think it's just the beginning.

Oh, I wish I was there with you.

During the attack,

I kept thinking that

I may never see you again.

And that was the worst part of it.

I love you, Scylla.

I I love you, too.

I don't understand how she's holding on.

She's too stubborn to die.

I think she's trying to say something.

She's asking for

Raelle Collar and her unit.

And she wants us

to take her to the Mother.

We've never needed words.

All these years,

we've just always known.

And now that I need the words,

they won't come.

I don't know how to do this

any of it without you.

You do.


You should come and say your goodbyes.

I spent my whole life looking up to you.

You showed me

what it means to be a leader.

To follow one's will

for better and for worse.

And don't worry

we're going to be

just as hard on my mom.

You pushed me to look inside myself

to dare to face my darkness.

If you hadn't, I wouldn't have

learned to use the Witchbomb,

and last night would have

gone very differently.

So thank you.

You told me to follow the truth,

no matter where it led.

But I don't think either of us imagined

it would lead us here.

I may never understand

some of the choices you've made

but I am beginning

to understand the burden

that those choices placed on you.

And I don't know how you

carried it for all these years.

But I want you to know

that you can set it down now.

We will carry it from here.

Thank you.

81 more, General.

The infirmary is at capacity.

Open up Memorial Hall for triage.

How many vocal cords were harvested?

How did the Camarilla get on base?

Aside from security,

we have wards in place

to prevent this kind of breach

Wards that were intricately connected

to Alder's very health.

Perhaps when she stepped down.

- Or when she was

- I don't need "perhaps".

I need answers.

You're on this.

I'll have something for you soon.

Start re-warding the Northgate,

moving west along the North Wood,

counter-clockwise until you

get to the Unknown Soldier.

Has anyone seen Colonel Raston?

How about Major Colys?

Captain Alegar?

All fallen, General.

For those who dwell in the earth.

Sorry, General, there's

someone to see you.

Mr. Vice President.

General Bellweather.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

I take it you haven't seen the footage.

We are dealing with

tragedy of unthinkable scope,

the largest attack on an active

military base since the first World w*r.

You'll forgive me if I haven't seen

The camera crews caught everything.

They were on base for

Penelope's interview.

And I guess they just

I guess they just kept filming.

Did you know that this Witchplague

took her just minutes after I left?

Can you imagine how that

feels for a father?

Penelope was one of many

who were taken

You were supposed to keep her safe.

The footage clearly shows

your daughter's unit

taking her out with

some sort of a spell!

The army is conducting an investigation.

This is a lot bigger

than an investigation.

This is now a criminal matter.

I have a warrant for

the arrest of your daughter

and her unit for m*rder.

They'll be arraigned in D.C.

Get me the president.

We all heard what you did.

You took the life of an

innocent young witch,

her whole life in front of her.

That was not an easy call to make.

And it is a decision

that will haunt your days.

But it was the right call to make.

Because in so doing,

you saved the lives of thousands.

I am here standing.

We are all here breathing

because of you three.

It took bravery,

clear thinking in the face of oblivion.

A sense of duty and honor.

I am proud to serve

in this army alongside you.

She looked at me

right in the eyes.

She was so, so scared.

And she begged me in that last moment.


We saved lives, Tal.

Just like M said.

There's no other way to cook it.

Officer Cadets Abigail Bellweather,

Tally Craven and Raelle Collar.

You are hereby remanded

into custody in connection

with the m*rder of Penelope Silver.

Step aside, Sergeant.

I'm sorry.

Stand down.

This will be over before you know it.

There you are.

We picked one hell of a weekend.

Silver's here. I'm headed back with him.

Maybe we could, um

try this again sometime?

Come here. I want to show you something.

This is the log

from Eastgate last night,

two hours before the execution.

Looks like you signed off

on the news crew

for Penelope's interview.

Yeah, I signed off on them.

I even walked them to Penelope's room.

You know how civvies

always get lost on base.


Is there a problem?

Turns out two more TV crews

entered from Northgate

and Westgate

all signed off on by you.

Care to explain that?

I only signed in the one crew.

These two aren't my signatures

I believe you.

Why D.C.? Why aren't

we being tried here?

It's not a trial.

Hopefully it won't even get that far.

It's just an arraignment

where they formally charge us.

Well, can't your mom make this go away?

She's on her way to D.C. right now.

It'll be clear in the evidence

that we did what we had to do

to stop the attack.

Penelope was a human b*mb.

We disarmed her.

We just need to explain.

I don't know, ladies.

Sounds like the pitchfork brigade

is motivating out there

"Burn, witch, burn

- Burn, witch, burn".

- Easy, Batan.

Soon enough they'll be

knocking on people's doors

in the middle of the night,

rounding up witches and

anyone else who's different.

Can you lighten up for one minute?

She's right.

The civilian government will execute me,

and I'll get a martyr's death.

I'm just sorry that it's not

gonna end so well for you.

Heady times, huh, Red?

Any chance that

you could stop calling me Red?

You're no fun.

I keep thinking about

something one of them said.

He thanked me.

He said I showed humanity

the true nature of the witch.

That I made their job much easier.

So much as I'm loathe to agree

with that genocidal piece of shit,

he had a point.

You did what you believed was right.

So did Alder.

And so did we, when we k*lled Pen.

And now they're gonna turn you

into monsters for it watch.

Have we played a part

in something awful?

Alder steps down,

they almost wipe us out.

I mean, have we helped them?

Because from where I sit, they've won.

Battle's not over, Red.

The truth is finally out

and none of it matters.

I was trying to change things.

But we've stepped so far back.

Alder had to go.

You know that.

If you say so.

Looks like you brought

the storm with you.

Please sit.

I can appreciate

Vice President Silver's grief

and bewilderment

but let's be clear here.

My daughter and her unit saved the day.

By murdering a girl.

Penelope was the source

of the contagion.

Abigail's unit had no choice.

Many more would have perished.

We just need to

understand what happened.

Then let me perform

my own investigation.

I haven't even had time

to debrief them fully.

It looks like the coup de grace

was Abigail's.


Not our daughters

will use Penelope's death as a symbol

and it will take hold.

Their numbers are already

growing so fast,

we can hardly track them.

And the nation needs to see

that the army's

more pointedly, that witches,

are held accountable for their actions.

You know, I'm noticing that

every time I say something

that you don't like,

the storm gets worse.

They'll be moving me

into my bunker soon.

I'm urging you to reconsider.

With what? Storm and fury?

You'll know when

the storm is one of mine.

There has been a huge outcry,

a demand for justice.

What would you have me do?

I will see they are treated fairly.

Thank you for your time,

Madame President.


At the ready.


- Hello?

- Edwin.

Hi, I'm a friend of Raelle's.

Is Scylla there? It's urgent.

Are you worried about Abigail?

Her mom's powerful.

She promised us

this whole thing is just

a formality.

Abigail should be back by the weekend.

Are you starting to like her?


Thank you for saving my life by the way.

Seeing that man

about to m*rder you

Something broke in me.

And it won't go back together.

It's no crime to defend yourself

or those you love.

I saw the hate in his eyes.

The kind of hate that never stops.

I'm sorry I judged you.

I wasn't putting myself in your place.

I couldn't until

I was about to lose you.

I'm here.

I don't want to run anymore.

I want to stand and fight.

Abigail's in danger.

You two can move the earth, right?

- Hold it.

- Holding it down.

Holding it down.


You just keep getting better.

Do you like that?

You saved my life


Least I could do.

I don't want to be

apart from you anymore.

Me either.

Like, ever.

Might need to make

the reunion short and sweet.

Let's get to my truck.

Oh, this weather's government-issue.

Nobody's getting through that.

We got incoming.

I'm scared, Mom.

Me, too.

What did you say?

I said I'm scared shitless.

What have I done, daughter?

Your moment came

and you seized it with both hands.

And the world fell apart.

All the better to remake it

in our image.

Quite the militia.

You guys need to disappear fast.

And you're gonna have to

stay gone for a while.

We'll head west.

Get lost in the Cession.

How about you?

Petra and I are gonna head back to base.

Back to the belly of the beast.

I worry for the beast.

We'll be in touch.

Yes, ma'am.

We have to take Nicte with us.

Not a chance.

There's no way we're

handing her over to them.

- I don't like it.

- Neither do I.

People change.

Maybe she can keep them safe.

I suppose you ladies are gonna blame

this prison break on the Spree?

You just love doing that.

Protect them.

With everything you've got.

I'll see what I can do.

All right, let's go.

Thanks for saving my ass, Red.

Couple times.


Don't look so glum.

You wanted all this.

Chaos, death, destruction

and becoming a fugitive?

The revolution.

The last shall be first.

And all the good stuff.

Here we go.


Sometimes they get you. Sorry.

I think I was rather

convincing, don't you?

Maybe the baseball hat was too much.

Oh, no, you were great.

Don't lose heart now.

It's not every day

you k*ll your own daughter.

Your sacrifice was not in vain.

The dawn will be glorious

upon the earth.


It will.

Free from the stain of witches.

It had to be done.

Someday, very soon,

you will be hailed as a hero.

And Wade Wade will pay

the ultimate price

for collusion with the enemy.

Now how does that sound

Mr. President?