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01x10 - Spelling Bee

Posted: 02/02/23 08:21
by bunniefuu
What do you suppose the announcement is?

Well, I heard that Miss Cackle was kidnapped by an evil wizard.

And I heard Miss Tapioca was caught putting pond slime in her stew.

And I heard that Miss Hardbroom was turned into a gargoyle and her eyes were so scary that they could turn you into stone! Why don't we test that theory in tonight's detention, Maud?

As some of you have heard, Miss Cackle has some news she would like to share with us all.

Is everyone here?

Everyone except Mildred Hubble, Miss Hardbroom.

And does anyone know if she'll be gracing us with her presence?

- Um She's practicing her chanting.

- Broomstick.

She's chanting on her broomstick.

Is everyone present, Miss Hardbroom?

It would seem Mildred Hubble has a more pressing engagement.

Oh, dear! That girl really does have her head in the clouds, doesn't she?

Please, Tabby! Now I know that nasty mouse scared you, but you need to come down.

Please, Tabby! I'm already late for Mildred! I

- I'm sorry, Miss Cackle.

It was Tabby.

He got scared by a mouse and ran up to the roof.

You can sleep in my bag.

As I'm sure you're all aware, Cackle's Academy are currently reigning champions of the annual spelling bee.

- What's a spelling bee?

- It's like a competition where you mix potions to see who's the best at spells.

Well, that rules you out.

As we currently hold the title, we are guaranteed a place in this year's finals to be held here tomorrow, which means two lucky witches will have the honor of competing against Miss Pentangle's Academy.

- Miss Pentangle?

- That's right.

- Who's Miss Pentangle?

- Only the most glamorous witch there is.

I begged my mother to send me to her school.

- So why didn't you go?

- Because it's co

- ed.

- What does that mean?

- Boys! As the rules dictate, we will continue to work our way through the alphabet.

Our official judicator, Mr.

Rowan Webb, has been charged with selecting this year's team.

Last year's victory by Hazel Goodcharm and Peggy ribbit Gribble brings us to H, which means our first lucky contestant is Ethel Hallow.

Here, this should keep you going till lunch.

Swiftly followed by Mildred Hubble.


Um I think someone else should go in my place.

That isn't allowed, I'm afraid.

Witching traditions always prevail.

You see this?

I've dreamt about holding this trophy since I got my first broom.

We lose this, and I'll never forgive you, Mildred Hubble, ever.

You could still win it! Ethel's right.

I'm rubbish at spells.

You just need to practice, that's all.

I know what'll cheer you up.

Last one to the stairwell's an old toad.

Mildred Hubble.

Where do you think you're going?

It's our break, Miss Hardbroom.

There will be no more breaks or fun.

We have a competition to prepare for.

Come on, Mildred, you can do it! Come on, just one more.

Come on, come on! This is no time to rest, Mildred Hubble.

Potions Lab, this instant.

Miss Hardbroom! Right, let's start with some basics.

Level 1, the sneezing spell.


Um, feather of crow?

- And?

- Dragonwort.

And the most important ingredient of them all?

Eyes of newt?

Eyes of newt.

I've met chimps with a better grasp of spells.


The sap of a honeysuckle, Miss Hardbroom.

I see we're going to have to start at the very beginning.

Get out your cauldrons.

Hand me the ladle.

Not bad.


That's it.

That insufferable creature has to go.

Miss Tapioca.

Take Tabby down to the kitchen.

Oh, you leave him with me, Miss Hardbroom.

I'll soon lick that scrawny fellow into shape.

Broomstick privileges revoked for a week.

Still as strict as ever, I see, Hecate.


Well met, Hecate.

Well met, sister.

You're looking very pink.

Haven't you been keeping up with the latest trends?

Black is so last century.

Vanity is very unbecoming in a witch.

But along with pink, not against the Witches' Code.

So, which of you girls is competing against my school?

Ethel Hallow, Miss Pentangle.

Ah, Hallow.

I knew your mother.

I see we have our work cut out.

Mildred Hubble.


I believe I don't know who Mildred comes from a family of witches based in the far seas.

- The far seas!

- Mmm.

I look forward to seeing you in action, Mildred.

And who will we be competing against?

Two of my very best students.

I'm sure you'll all get on like a coven on fire! I'd like to introduce Sapphire Hailstone.

I better get back to my cauldron.

And Zac Hawthorn.

I'd like you to meet your fellow Bees: Mildred Hubble and Ethel Hallow.

- Welcome to Cackle's.

I'm Mildred.

- Hey, Mildred.

And you must be Ethel.

I Uh

- I

- Well, say something! Frogspawn.

Smooth, Ethel, smooth.

Everyone to lunch.


! Isn't Miss Pentangle the most beautiful witch you've ever seen?

Erica in Year 2 says they ride on gold

- plated brooms.

And they get donuts every Sunday.

Ah, Mildred! No delicious soup for you.

It's brain food from now on.

Dandelions and nettles, freshly picked this morning.

We heard about poor Tabby.

Are you all right?

Maybe he can come back after the spelling bee's over.

Mind if we join you?

I hear we've got tough competition tomorrow.

Ethel's the best at everything! Then I'll have to try even harder if I want to win this.

- Where are you going?

- To practice my spells.

Poor Mill, she's so upset.

I know what we can do to cheer her up.

I'm not sure I like the sound of this.

What are you, a witch?

Or a mouse?

You look like a witch who's lost a broom and found a twig.

I'm just worried about Tabby, that's all.

- Tabby?

- He's my cat.

Or at least he was.

- Mildred Hubble.

- I have to go! What are we doing in here?

If Mildred's worrying about Tabby, she won't concentrate on her spells, will she?

and this is the thanks I get.

That's the problem with young witches today.

They don't appreciate good, hearty home cooking.

I was hoping I might borrow one of your jellies.

At least someone appreciates my hard work.

Tabby, you're here to catch mice, not eat my cheese! Do you know what I dislike more than children?


-cats! You either toughen up or you're on the next broom to the cats' home, understood?

Excellent! Ooh! Your best bounce yet!

- Now what do we do?

- We have to find a spell for him.

Last time Ethel tried to do that, Mildred nearly got expelled.

Then we better make sure we get it right.

I thought you might be hungry.

Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

Dear old Hecate, she takes things so seriously.

How do you know each other?

We were friends once.

But you're not anymore?

I'd rather not talk about it.

It was a broomstick water

-skiing display.

We'd been practicing all term, and then suddenly on the day of the competition, she didn't show up! Let's just say a doubles display with only one of you doesn't go well.

Still it's all in the past now.

You're not the only one that's been doing their homework, you know.

It would seem that you have saved this school not once, but twice.

It was nothing, really.

On the contrary, Mildred, Cackle's is very lucky to have you.

But what if I let everyone down?

Oh, just do your best.

That's all I ask of any of my pupils.

Maybe this little man will cheer you up.

Tabby! I'll leave you two to get re


What is it, Tabby?

You want me to keep studying?

All right, but only if you promise to go back to the kitchen.

We don't want you getting in more trouble, do we?

A weather spell.

OK then.

What's the spell supposed to do?

Help Tabby catch the mice.

No more hiding, no more rests, rid this kitchen of its pests! Do you think it worked?

It better, or Tabby's for the high jump.

What happened?

Mildred Hubble's useless potions, that's what.

I said I'm sorry.

Is Zac not joining us for breakfast?

He could cast a spell on me any time.

He's just a boy.

You've hung out with boys before, haven't you?

Ethie, just wanted to wish you luck for the spelling bee later.


I know you'll do us proud.

Why do I have to be paired off with the worst witch?

It'll be fine.

You can do it, Mill.

I'd be better if I wasn't so worried about Tabby.

Don't worry about Tabs, we've sorted it.

Sorted it how?

Goodness! Miss Tapioca, what on earth happened to you?

It just came at me! I heard a hiss.

Suddenly, it all went black.

You were att*cked?

A viscous monster, it was.

I'm lucky I got out alive.

It looks like Tabby tried to get rid of the wrong pest.

Oh! Don't mind us.

We're just getting in a bit of last

- minute practice.

My girls need their cauldrons.

Oh, I'm sure they do, Hecate! Seven rounds.

Are you sure you're up to it?

We are more than ready.

Fellow Bees, the competition is about to start.

I thought of a new spell.

Your last one almost gave Miss Tapioca a heart attack.

Have you got any better ideas?

I do, as it happens.

This is no time for snacks, Maud! It's not for me, it's for the mouse.

If Tabby can't catch a mouse we're just going to have to do it for him, aren't we?

Ethel, you must take the lead in each round.

- Mildred, you must do absolutely nothing.

- Yes, Miss Hardbroom.

This is what happens when you let a girl from a non

- witching family

- represent the school.

- My Bees are ready.

As are mine! Let the buzzing commence.

Welcome to the Annual Interschool Spelling Bee.

Representing Miss Cackle's Academy, we have Ethel Hallow and Mildred Hubble.

Don't mess this up! There he is.

What did you do that for?

- I was trying to scare him away.

- Well, where is he now?

He flew away on his mouse broom.

How should I know?

Don't touch anything.

- I can't just stand here doing nothing.

- Why not?

You do it every day.

Put down your ladles.

Mildred, would you care to taste the camouflage potion?


Rowan Webb, if you'd be so kind.

Follow me.

Round two to Cackle's Academy.

Better luck next time.

Quick, he's getting away!

- I think we've made him run away.

- You mean Tabby has.

I'm afraid Ethel just pipped you to the post.

Remember, the spell is to lift the judges off the floor.

Miss Pentangle, if you could adjudicate.

Good luck.

Not this again.

He's just a boy.

Take this table, raise it high, brace the thunder, let it fly! Nice movement, but sadly no lift off the floor.

I'm afraid it's a fail.


Take this table, make it soar, lift these witches off the floor! Round six to Pentangle's Academy! Time for a brief intermission.

High Pent.

It's not fun being shunted aside, is it?

I don't mind.

I take it this is because you don't come from a witching family.

Oh, don't worry.

We have people from all walks of life at my school.

You do?

You're the odd one out here, Mildred.

Why not come to a school that's more suited to your gift?

You think I have a gift?

Oh! From the first moment I saw you.

Miss Hardbroom doesn't think so.

That's because she's set in her ways.

We're what you call a modern witches' school and it just so happens we have a scholarship up for grabs.

We're ready to start the final round.

We think you're a very special witch, Mildred.

We'd love to have you in our school.

The score is currently Hmm! tied at three bats each.

- Then let's start the final round.

- Uh, just a moment, Miss Cackle.

I'd like to draw your attention to the rules, namely paragraph four, clause five.

I'm well aware of the rules, Miss Pentangle.

Well, the rules clearly state whoever took part in the penultimate round

- cannot participate in the final spell.

- She has a point.

Mildred, could you step forward, please?


And, Sapphire, could you do the same?

You're doing this to spite me, aren't you?

I just remember what it's like to be shunted aside like an old broom.

Without further ado Sapphire, Mildred, I'd like you to perform the weather spell.

Oh, no! And the clock starts now.

Thanks, Tabby.

Oh Oh! My beautiful kitchen! I warned you, didn't I?

First broom to the cats' home.

The slime of a slug.

- It needs more slime.

- I know what I'm doing.

And I'm the Great Wizard.

No conferring over there.

What is it, Mildred?

- I think I'm done.

- Are you sure?

See the clouds as they swarm, bring us an almighty storm! Mildred! Mildred! Stop! As official adjudicator, I am delighted to announce Miss Cackle's Academy are the winners! I'm soaked! Well done, Mildred.

Who'd have thought you had it in you?

Mildred! Mildred! Mildred! Mildred! Mildred! Mildred! Mildred! Mildred!

- Mildred! Mildred

- Eth el.

It was a lucky guess.

I did all the hard work.

I bet Miss Pentangle's hopping mad.

I did! Actually, she offered me a scholarship.

You're not going to accept are you?

- Well

- What on earth was that racket?

Where is Miss Hardbroom?

Oh, she had to go and see someone, Miss Bat.

Does anyone know when she'll be back?

- I'll go and check on her if you like.

- Oh.

Very good.

The rest of you can write me an essay on the history of toads.

Mildred said Miss Cackle wanted to see me.

That's funny, she said the same to me.

I've got a feeling someone's been playing a trick on us.

It would appear so.

I should probably tell you that I've offered Mildred a scholarship.

Is that the time?

I've got a long flight ahead of me.

You were my best friend, Hecate.

And then suddenly, you stopped talking to me.


You were the popular one.

You didn't want me getting in your way.

I didn't care about those silly witches.

You were the only one I wanted to be friends with.

But I thought What, because you were the tall, gangly one, I'd rather spend time with them?

All this time we've spent hating each other.

I've missed you, Hiccup.

I've missed you, too Pipsqueak.

I, uh Excuse me.

I hear Miss Pentangle's offered you a scholarship.

And have you considered her offer?

- Yes.

- Well, don't keep us in suspense.

I want to stay here.

I like being the odd one out.

- Thank you for the offer, though.

- You're welcome.

So, what did you decide?

You can't get rid of me that easily.

- Hooray! Whoo

- hoo!

- Hooray! Yes! A toast.

To the best speller at Cackle's Academy.

To Mildred!

- What are you doing?

- Oh, I'm saving it for Tabby.

- The thing is

- We were trying to help.

Has something happened?

It would seem your cat is as bad at catching mice as you are at spells.

As you were.

We better get this back to the trophy cabinet before Ethel finds out it's gone.

- You know what this means, don't you?

- You're no longer the worst witch.