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03x07 - Memory is Your Image of Perfection

Posted: 02/25/14 13:06
by bunniefuu
John: Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

Wow, I can't believe you made all of these.

Do you know your sister is, like, a genius?

I need to ask for an advance on my billings.



Under one condition: You work for me exclusively.



I sold a book idea.

And I wanna hear all about it.

Kathryn, are you out of your mind?

You are talking about intimate details of our friends' lives.

My mom... she didn't show up for work.

Is everything okay?

I was just so sick of looking at that wall.

Her mom is mentally ill.

Stop! If you wanna be a friend to me, promise you'll leave this alone.

This guy I was gonna see tonight just bailed on me.

You can join me if you want.

Toby: Does someone wanna tell me what's going on here?

I kissed your father.

It was a stupid, drunken kiss.

I want you out of here!

Woman on TV: Welcome back on this beautiful day in Kansas City.

Good morning, everybody. Coming up, a local chef stops by to show us what to...

(Softly groans)

Rise and shine.

(Groaning) Oh, man, I am buying you a new couch.

(TV turns off)


Or you could just go home and apologize to mom for making out with my mother-in-law.

I told you last night Jennice kissed me.

Just so you know, it's not gonna make your future grandkids' birthday parties any less awkward.

All right, I get it. I get it, all right?

You know, I shouldn't have had her over when your mom was outta town.

Okay, I made a mistake.

Yeah, you did.

I don't even know what I'm gonna tell Nikki.

Well, there's nothing to tell.

It didn't mean anything.

It was a moment, and then it was gone.

And that's, you know... try telling your mother that.

Who, by the way, is completely overreacting.

So, uh... you just gonna live here forever?


I think till your mother comes to her senses and accepts my apology.

(Groans loudly)

Shouldn't be too long.

It's just, you know, this place isn't that big.

And I kinda need my living room to... live in.

Come on, it's gonna be fun.

Oh-ho, when I was in the minors, they used to cram us in, four guys to a room.

And you know what?

Those were some of the best times of my life.


You know what we're gonna do?

We're gonna start this day the way me and boys used to back in the day... with a doubleheader.

Four eggs, four pieces of toast, hash browns.

You put it all on a big bed of bacon.

And I'm talking real bacon, my friend.

Not that turkey crap your mom has in the kitchen.

You got a frying pan around here somewhere?


Morning, honey.

You hungry?

Not really.

But it looks like you're covered in case

the rest of the neighborhood stops by.

I couldn't sleep last night. (Sighs)

Well, notice anything different about me?

You got your hand back.


Yep. And check out my cool scar.

I'm thinking of telling people I had stigmata.

You know, you still have to rest it.

I will. Hey, where's dad?

He's gonna wanna see this. You know how he's always bragging about that scar on his knee.


You know, I think your dad had an early tee time today.

All right, I guess I'll text him a picture.

(Door closes)

Toby: Hey.

Morning, honey.

Here to pick up some clothes.

Didn't you move all your stuff already?

Not for me.

I'll take care of it.

Okay, what's going on?

I thought you knew.

Last night mom and dad had a big fight.

She kicked him out.




Thank you.

I was going for a Don Johnson, "Miami Vice."

You know, the later seasons.

(Clears throat)

It's career week.

I'm trying to make it seem like a job in audiological sciences is not just for geeks. But, uh, between you and me, it is totally just for geeks.



Don't worry about it.

Getting a woman's number through her ex-husband...

It's probably not the smoothest of moves.

Don't need to explain it.

I get it.

It's okay.

It's really good to see you again.

See you later.

Daphne: Hey, Sharee, wait up.

Hey, is everything okay?

You weren't in school last week.

Yeah, because I was being interviewed by child protective services.

They came to the house. Oh, and my mom thinks our neighbor was the one who called, but I know it was you.

I was worried.

You said yourself she's sick.

I also said I could handle it.

You're lucky they came when she was having a good day.

Wait, that's it? They're not gonna do anything?

Actually, yeah. They're gonna do surprise visits.

So I have that to look forward to.

You promised you wouldn't say anything.

I know. And I'm sorry.

But I didn't know what else to do.

I was just trying to be a good friend.

Ugh. Right. There's not enough drama in your own life, so you had to meddle in mine.

No, that's not it at all.

Look... my mom's a recovering alcoholic, so I know what it's like.

You're scared that if anybody finds out what's going on, you might never get her back, so you keep lying to yourself, hoping it'll get better.

But it doesn't.

So far, the only person who's lied to me is you.

So why don't you mind your own business?

What do you think of the designs?

Very impressive.


They're for a meeting Wes is hosting tomorrow for "The friends of East Riverside."

He wants to get some buy-in from the community before we break ground on the project.

Oh, I had no idea that it was going to be so big.

I mean, a whole city block?

That's Wes. His motto...

"Think big, then think bigger."

And what about those businesses in the building you're tearing down?

I mean, some of them have been there since before you were born.

Wes will take care of them.

Trust me, Mario can buy three pizza places and Hector never has to cut hair again.

Oh, well. Good for Hector and Mario.

No no no, not just them.

This is gonna be good for the whole neighborhood.

I'll see you later.

Yeah, I am totally billing my dad for whatever amount of therapy it takes to erase that image from my brain.

She doesn't know yet.

I mean this in the nicest way possible.

She would totally freak out.

I'm pretty sure it's gonna blow over.

My mom's not gonna throw away 20 years of marriage because of one kiss, right?

Now tell me what you really think.

You never told me that.

Yo, Sharee.

Is that your mom?

Mom, what are you doing here?

You know damn well why I'm here.

No, I don't.

You didn't make your bed this morning!

I'm sorry. Okay, I forgot.

Oh, that's your excuse? You are such a slob.

It's disgusting.

Mom, please.

Not here.

Oh, why?

Because of your friends? You don't want them knowing what a pig you are!

Okay, I'll clean up tonight.

I promise.

No, you're gonna do it right now.

I can't just leave school.

What if those guys from the state come back?

You think I'm gonna let them take you away from me 'cause our house is a mess?

Get in the car now!


Let me get my bag.

I don't think you should go.

Trust me.

When she's acting like this, the best thing to do is go along.

Sharee, she needs help.

And so do you.

I know.

(Car starts)

I hope you're as excited about what you've seen here today as I am.

But at the end of the day, a building is just a building.

We'll do our best with the bricks and mortar, but it's you people that need to bring the magic, that turns a development like this into a real community.

And I truly believe that.

Now before I take any questions, I wanted to introduce to you someone special from my team.

She actually brought the property to my attention in the first place.

Without her, I'd probably be talking to "The friends of Prairie Heights" right now.

(All chuckle)

Give her a hand. East Riverside's own...

Regina Vasquez.


Hey, Dr. Jackson.

Can I talk to you for a second?

I need some advice.

Hmm, let's see.

Jorge's got those eyes, but Campbell's got that smile.

Excuse me?

Every time I turn around you're flirting with one of the guys on my staff.

You're here to serve your sentence.

Instead, you treat this clinic like it's the set of "the dating game."


I deserve that. (Exhales)

I have this friend, and her mom has some mental problems.

I barely have enough time for my own patients.

Call the county.

I already did.


She has nowhere else to go.




So, with the widening of Higgins Street on the south side of the property, we expect traffic impact to be minimal.

Are there any other questions?

Yes, ma'am.

Have you thought about what your project will do to East Riverside in the long run?

Well, I'm glad you asked that.

I expect property tax to bring upwards of two million dollars into the city every year.

Not to mention sales tax, dozens of new jobs.

But what about the families that have lived there for generations?

Well, you know what they say: All boats rise with the tide.

If they can afford to.

What happens when your project brings people with money to the neighborhood, and landlords double our rent just because they can?

(Clears throat)

That tax revenue I was talking about... that's going back into your parks and into your schools.

It's gonna make your neighborhood safer for your kids and your grandkids.

I mean, that's the real future for East Riverside.

That's all the time I have for questions.

Thank you.


(Whispering in Spanish)

When'd the tornado hit?

This is all dad.

He's like an animal.

I have no idea how mom kept the house together all these years.

Where is he?

Uh, he's at the grocery store.



Well, now that my hand's working again, I thought I'd slap some sense into him.

You don't think I've tried?

He thinks mom should be apologizing to him for kicking him out.

This is so depressing. Are any guys faithful anymore?


I'm like a monk.

Do you think they're gonna get through this?

Of course.


I was thinking about how I spent the summer living with Regina and Angelo, and it was great because...

I always thought John and Kathryn would be there to come home to, you know?


One of the reasons marrying Nikki wasn't so scary was 'cause I was like, "mom and dad have made it so long, how hard can it be?"

All those stupid Kennish family traditions that I pretend to hate... what if we never get to do those again?

We've gotta get them talking, and remind them of everything that they might be giving up.

You're right.

First we gotta get them in the same room together.

Regina: I think that went well.

I swear there's somebody whining about gentrification every meeting.

God forbid East Riverside has one less check-cashing store or bail bondsman.

What are you doing?

Looking through the sign-in sheet.

That lady came in late, right?

Uh, what does it matter?

Oh, here we are. "Adrianna Vasquez."

Any relation?

She's my mom.

You're kidding me, right?

Unfortunately, I'm not.


You knew she was against the project, and you let her come to the meeting? Are you crazy?

No. I swear.

That was a surprise to me too.

And I will be talking to her.

Yeah, well, you better.

Keep it in perspective... it was just one meeting.

I don't think you get it.

This kinda stuff spreads like a virus.

You need to get her under control.


From what I've read, I think she might be bipolar.

If her mood swings come and go that quickly, it could be borderline personality disorder.

Is there any treatment for that?

Therapy, maybe medication to control the depression.

But she's going to need a psych assessment.

That's the problem. I don't think we'll be able to get her to see a psychiatrist.


Maybe she'd be more comfortable coming here.

I have a colleague who's a clinical psychologist.

I could ask him to come in and meet with her after-hours.


That would be incredible.

You'd have to get her here tomorrow night around closing.

You think you can talk her into that?

I'll find a way.


Earth to Kathryn Kennish.


I'm sorry. I was on a roll.

You don't have to apologize.

I'm just glad you're finally writing a book that's not about me.

I finished two chapters this morning.

It's amazing how productive I can be when I don't have to worry about whether John Kennish has clean underwear.

(Sighs) I'm sorry.

I know how confusing this whole thing with your dad and I must be.

Hey, sister, you do not have to explain anything to me.

I totally get it.

Guys suck.


Sometimes they do.

(Clicks tongue)

You know what we need?


We need a girls' night out.

Tonight, what do you say?

Oh, we could see if Regina and Daphne are busy, and Renzo...

I was thinking it could just be the two of us.

You know? Old school.

That sounds fun.

Should I make an appointment at the spa?

Oh, I don't wanna interrupt your storytelling magic.

I will handle all the details.




This is so cool.

How do you not eavesdrop all the time?

It's like having a super power.

What's that?

Oh, no. That's nothing.


Okay, now before you freak out and think that I'm gonna s*ab you in the shower or something, it's henna. It comes right off.

One of the girls on my floor was doing them.




Uh, oh, my God.

Travis has told me so much about you.

Look at you, you're completely adorable.

Oh, thank you.

I'm still working on it, but I have a great teacher.

Pa... uh... Pa... I... I have no idea what we'll be eating, but I'm sure it'll be delicious.

(Chuckles) I, actually... I have to get to class, but I'll see you both later.

Okay. Okay.

(School bell rings)

I already told you she's never gonna see a doctor.

I know, but I thought of that.

We give out free flu sh*ts at the clinic, so what if you tell her you're worried about getting sick and ask her to bring you in?

What happens when she finds out why she's really there?

The psychologist will know what to do, but at least we'll get her diagnosed.

That's the first step.



Let's do it.

You got everything?

Or you need some help carrying in your soap box?

I should have talked to you before coming to that meeting.

Yeah, you should have.

What were you thinking?

I was thinking about our neighborhood.


You haven't lived there in two years.

And in case your memory's a little foggy, East Riverside was never that great to begin with.

We still have friends there and family.

I'm looking out for them.

And what exactly am I doing?


You're looking out for your business.



But I'm also trying to make east riverside a better place to live.

What is wrong with that?

I came to that meeting to listen with an open mind.

I figured that maybe I was wrong.

And then I saw that developer guy trot you out like his prized bull.

(Sighs deeply) Is that what this is about?

He needs a latina on his side.

He's using you for the color of your skin.

That is ridiculous.

Wes hired me for my design ability before he even heard of East Riverside.

I can't believe you. I am finally about to get something good going for myself.

Why do you have to take me down?

That's not what I'm doing.


I need this.

And I expect you to get on board.

¿Me entiendes?

Sharee just texted me. They're on their way in.

Dr. Edwards is running a little late.

Will they be able to wait?

I don't know.

Sharee's mom thinks they're here for a flu shot.

She doesn't know she's meeting a psychologist?

We didn't think she'd come.

Oh, there she is.

That was nice of you to set this up.

I can't have my girl getting sick.

Ms. Gifford, Sharee, this is Dr. Jackson.

Hi, there.


Well, let's get my baby this flu shot.

Um, Ms. Gifford, why don't you step into my office?

There's a few forms we need to fill out.

Oh. Okay.

(Ragtime music playing)

(Patrons chattering)

John: When you said guys' night, I thought you meant like a sports bar or something. (Chuckles)

We haven't been here in, like, forever.

Is this really what you wanna do?

Heck yeah. I love this place.

They got everything... skee ball, air hockey, go-carts.


Your mom and Bay.


Family night!

(Sighs deeply)

So, how are things going at Toby's?

Oh, we're having a blast.

Grilling a lot of exotic meats.

I've been getting a lot of writing done.

Oh, that's fantastic.

Should have kicked me out years ago.

We were just talking about all the great memories that we've had here.

My seventh birthday.

The night my little league team won the championship.

But you know what my all-time favorite memory is?

The time the four of us conquered "the pig's trough."


That's very sweet of you two...

(bell clanging)

Here you go.

One pig's trough.

You guys know the rules.

You've got 15 minutes.

If you clean the trough like good little piggies, we put your picture up on the wall.

set, go.

Well, let's go. Time's a-wastin'.

Come on.

You're kidding, right?

No way.

Hey, we've done it before.

10 years ago.

You know I gotta go easy on this since the heart attack.

Suck it up!

We are the Kennishes.

There is no challenge that we can't face.



Mary Beth: I... I love your place.


I'm sorry. I missed some of that.


Totally. You want... a 'roos sweatshirt at cost, I'm your girl.

I work at the campus bookstore.


Uh, yeah, the... the bookstore's like two blocks from my dorm.

It's the best commute ever.

Uh, my... my what?

Did I sign something wrong?

I have no idea what we're talking about.

What's going on?

What's... what's nothing?


Why would you do that?

I think I got the gist of that one.


Mm! Wait!

What? No. Wait.

There's no way that that was 15 minutes.

Aw, so close.

Maybe next time.


The timer's busted. I wanna talk to the manager.

Well, you two could have at least tried.

Maybe we should just call it a night.

I feel pretty gross.

No, we can't call it a night.

We're here as a family to have fun and remember how happy we are.

You know what I remember about this place?

Yes! Thank you. Finally.

I remember bringing you and Toby here alone most of the time, because your dad was always out on the road.

Not exactly what I was going for.

Well, you know what I remember?

I remember all the passive-aggressive guilt trips I got because I was off doing my job.

A job that has given this family everything, including, I might add, your new book deal.


Why don't you two go play in the arcade?

Yeah, here's a couple of bucks.

Knock yourself out.

If this guy doesn't come soon, my mom is gonna know something is up.

He should be here any minute.


Yvette: Oh, no, you don't!

You just back off!

(Loud thud)

What's the matter?

(Breathes deeply)

Sharee, let's go.

Mom, wait.


These people, they're trying to lock me up.

It's not like that.

Please, they just wanna talk.

I said we are going now.

Is Jorge here?

Any of the other nurses?

No, just us. Why?

Call 9-1-1.

(Gasps) Oh, my God!

She stabbed you.

Oh, no no.

Oh, Dr. J.

(Gasping breaths, groans)


I texted 9-1-1. They're on their way.

I need your help.

It's a tension pneumothorax.

Pretty soon I won't be able to breathe.

I don't... I don't understand.

Air is getting into my chest...

(Gasping breaths) ... Pressing on my lungs.

What should I do?

(Inhales deeply) Get my medical kit over there.

Take the needle...

Open my shirt... and take the plunger out.

Oh, my God.


Like this?


Now, use your fingers and find the top of my rib cage...

second intercostal space.

Second and third rib.

There. Okay...

Insert the needle.

Wait, you want... you want me to...

Pop it.

(Inhales sharply) Like a balloon.

That can't be right.

It's the only way.


No no no no.

I... I can't do that.

The paramedics will be here any second.

I... it can't wait.

Can't breathe.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.



(Exhales deeply)

(Shakily) Do it.

(Groans loudly)

(Inhales deeply)

(Air hissing)

(Exhales deeply)

(Breathes deeply)


Now what?

We wait.

(Ambulance sirens wailing)

Did you hire me because I'm latina?

What are you talking about?

You know what I mean.

Is that why you wanted me on the team?

You been talking to your mom, haven't you?

I told you. Like a virus.

Just tell me the truth.

You brought East Riverside to me.

I brought you one building.

You didn't tell me about your plans for development until after I signed a contract to work for you exclusively.

You came to me for a loan.

I wanted something in return.

(Exhales) What do you want me to say?

Do I think you have talent as a designer? Yes.

Does it help me that you're from the neighborhood?


I will find a way to get you back your money.

Aw, come on. You're really gonna throw this all away?

This is how business works.

I'm using you; You're using me.

The people of East Riverside... they get the benefit.

Well, that's gonna have to happen without me.


I guess if that's the way you feel, fine.

But at least take the night to think about it.

I don't need the night.

Are you sure?

'Cause breach of contract suits, they're complicated.

They take a lot of money and years in court.

I mean, my lawyers, they live for that kind of stuff.

I don't think they're so fun.

You did good.

Oh. I don't mind.

I'm sorry about Travis.

Has he ever talked to you about his parents?

I've tried asking him about them a few times, and he always shuts me down.

I wonder if that's why he blew off the interview.

I think this house is his first real home.

It's like he finally found a nest just in time to get kicked out of it.

I don't know. Did I sign all that right?


We should have known this was gonna be a bad plan.

At least we got 'em talking.

Yay us.

Check it out. Is that an iPod?


Behind the cheetah turtle.

Oh, it is so my turn.

I am not gonna apologize for wanting to have a career.

When we first got married, that was the plan, remember?

And then Toby came along, and six months turned into a year.

And then I got pregnant again.

We never stopped to ask ourselves: Is this what we really want?

I never said you had to stay home with the kids.

No, you never actually said it.

Come on, John.

You can't even handle me going out of town for two days without going off the rails.

You know, I'm not gonna explain that again.

I've apologized like a thousand times.

So why don't you just tell me what the hell it is that you want?

I want you to hear me.

I'm not happy.

And I don't think you are either.

What do you want me to say?

I'm not happy? Okay. I'm not happy.

Thank you.

Do you know why I'm not happy?

I'm not happy, because you keep telling me how unhappy you are.

Toby: You're almost there.

Now just drop the claw.

John: Let's look at the scoreboard.

I've made one mistake in 20 years.

Other than that, I've been a pretty damn good husband.

And I have given you a great life.

You're a great provider.

You are.

But let's just be honest.

We don't have very much in common anymore.

Except for the kids.

You're being ridiculous! We have tons in common.

Like what exactly?

I don't know. Like our friends, like the club.

Do you know how sad that sounds?

Is that what we're gonna do for the next 30 years?

Sit around the country club till we die?

And what would be so bad about that?

Last chance.


I think I'm getting the hang of it.

You got it! Sweet!


Now just get it to the drop zone.


Dude, you totally had it.


What's wrong?


We're going in different directions.

No. You are going in a different direction.

I am where I have always been.

And if all of a sudden, that is not good enough for you, then that is your problem.


There's something wrong with Bay.

Honey, what is it?

I... I don't know.

But I can't move my fingers.

I swear I didn't know.

She was talking crazy the whole way home from the clinic.

I didn't know anything until the cops came to arrest her.

That poor doctor.

He was just trying to help us.

He's gonna be okay.

I feel so bad.

I should have known better.

I should have gotten her help a long time ago.

My mom stabbed someone.

Sharee, it's not your fault.

What if she goes to jail?

I mean...

What's gonna happen to me?

She has two lacerated tendons. Middle and index fingers.

It's likely that they were partially severed from the original injury.

How come we didn't know about that?

The E.R. made the best guess they could before they sewed her up.

But there's really no way for us to tell for sure until something like this happens.


What do we do?

We'll get in there and we'll surgically repair the tendons.

And what's the recovery time?

We can usually expect movement within a couple months.

Bay's an artist.

She uses her right hand for everything.

Will she still be able to paint and draw?

We'll do our best.



Aw, darn.

I already asked out the cute history teacher.

I'm... I'm kidding.



See you later.

I'll see you at the house.

What? Why?

Kathryn, I'm coming home.

Bay needs us right now. Both of us.

I agree.

But it doesn't mean that we have to live together.

Okay, this is ridiculous. All right?

Stop playing games.

I'm not playing games.

I've been thinking about what you said last night.


Maybe you're right.

Okay, look...

Maybe it is my problem.

I'm the one who's changed.

And this life that we've created... it's not the life I want anymore.

Even if we had the room, Sharee has to go to an actual foster home.

She has this great aunt that she's never met coming in from Miami to live with her.

Well, she'll be with relatives.

That'll be good for her.


I guess.

I just wanted her to see what it was like to be a part of a real family.

And not just us.

Everyone deserves the royal Kennish treatment at least once.


There's something I have to tell you.

I was sort of hoping that it would work itself out, but now I'm not so sure.

What's going on?

It's about John and Kathryn.

When we came home from Sharee's the other night...

(Piano music playing)

♪ How did this happen again? ♪

(TV announcer speaking indistinctly)

♪ When did the room start to spin? ♪
♪ Out of focus ♪
♪ and crashing the breezes ♪
♪ I thought we'd figured it out ♪
♪ thought our hearts finally found ♪
♪ one love that trumped every reason ♪
♪ one love that trumped every reason ♪
♪ one love that trumped every reason to go ♪


♪ One love that trumped every reason to go ♪
♪ back to a life all alone. ♪