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01x07 - Me Time

Posted: 02/01/23 19:16
by bunniefuu
♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ Yahhh ♪

Okay, question:

why is there such a stigma
around being single?

I mean, we're born alone.
We're gonna die alone.

Even when you're with
someone, you're alone, right?

I mean, this is all pretty basic
stuff, philosophically speaking.

I'm just saying, as a single person,

it's honestly pretty great.

- Hey, these guys are so cool.
- I know.

We're just friends.

Don't get me wrong, Clyde's,
he's great, you know,

but, you know, Clyde's
like... riding a bicycle.

Right? You know?

Sure it's good for you.
Sure it's fun, you know,

maybe more fun than you
thought it would be.

But, you know, bicycles are just,

they're... they can be, there can be...

He listens to Phish, okay.

I just, I can't.

- Hey, you want to get another drink?
- Yeah.

So you like to cultivate a kind of

eclectic musical experience
for yourself, huh?

I guess so. I just, you know,
like good music, so...

Is there any music you don't like?


- Don't do that.
- I'm sorry, man.

You know how much that hurts.

Seventeen-minute guitar
solos are not a thing.

It's not even music.
It's more of a state of being.

Hey, you know I'm white, right?

- You know that, yeah?
- Okay.

I gotta go.

Can I ask, is this because of Phish?

Yes. This is, I'm leaving a
hundred percent because of...

- Will I ever see you again?
- No.

- Um... no, I, I have to go.
- All right.

- Glad you were in the hood.
- Yeah.

- Glad you hit me up.
- Mm-hmm.

I was over at the climbing gym.

So I figured I'd...

- Don't laugh.
- Sorry.

- Come on.
- I'm sorry.

Um... so cool, yeah, if you're
back in the hood, um...

- Okay.
- Buying Birkenstocks

or whatever you want to do,

um, hit me again.

Yeah, I will. Or you could hit me.

- I hit you.
- No, you...

No, I hit you and then we
hang out. Which is great.

No. I hit you the other day.

- I was like "What's up?" Yes!
- No.

Look, you hit me in
reference to a voicemail

with which I had hit you
with the previous day.

- No, I hit you!
- That's not true!

- Oh, my God.
- Why does this feel violent? I...

All right.

All right, I'll look into it.

- Okay.
- I will hit you.

- Bye.
- Bye!

♪ Walked in the corner of the room ♪

- What'd you get up to last night?
- Um, nothing.

Saw a show with a friend.
Got some drinks.

That's like the opposite of nothing.

- 'Sup, prodigies.
- Hey, Rob.

Cool if we borrow some wax today?

- Yeah. Help yourself.
- The f*ck?

- Who is this?
- Who is this?

- It's The Beta Band.
- It's tight.

I know.

Hey, look at this.

"Aretha meets Ann Wilson."

- Is that Cherise?
- Hey,

is this you?

- Yeah.
- Would you wanna jam with us sometime?

Our singer just got accepted
to Sarah Lawrence.

Ye... Yeah.

Maybe. I'll think about it.

Well, stop by the warehouse
sometime if you want.

All right, mama, I'll let you know.

Oh, man.

This... this takes me way back.

Did I ever tell you about the time

- that I met Anthony Kiedis?
- Yes.

No, not the Lollapalooza
time you're thinking of.

- The second time.
- Yeah, no, you've told me.

When I was supposed to
interview him for Stereogum?

You know I used to be a
music journalist, right?

- You've mentioned that.
- Kiedis shows up just wasted.

And, like, two hours late.

But you know what the
best part was? He...

Said he remembered you
from Lollapalooza.


But the reason that he remembered me...

- Because of the hat.
- Yes, my f*ckin' fedora.

- Can you believe that shit?
- I can.

Hey. How much for this
limited edition Hurley?

The answer you seek is
hidden behind the number

on the price tag.

Keyword: price tag.

This, this side?

Yo, Cam.

Is that The Hammer?

- It is, right?
- Holy shit!

The Hammer?

Whoa! Cameron!

What's up?


What are you doing here, man?

Man, this is my sister's shop!

Is that Rob? Man, it's been forever.

- 'Sup, Hammer.
- Oh-ho-ho. Mmm.

So what's been going on?

Oh, just traveling a ton, you know.

I've been working a B
cam on this food show.

We were in Tokyo for a week,

then Amsterdam.

Huh? Yeah, he knows.

Flew in from Berlin this morning.

Now we're here for a few days.
You ever go to Berlin?

Yeah, yeah, uh, it's been a minute.

Yeah, so what about you, man?

How's the whole impending
parenthood thing?

It's dope.

It's dope. Everything's dope.

Yo, did you hear Ned Deetch had a kid?

No way! How's he doing?

Uhh... he seems fine on Instagram.

- What, you gonna hit him up?
- Nah!

He's... he's probably
got his hands full.

- Yeah, right.
- Yo,

you wanna hit the Allied for a bit?

You know what? Yeah.

f*ck yeah. Let's get drunk.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.


I'd love to. But, you know,
I got kids to feed.

Do you, though?

Aside from him.

- You guys have fun.
- You're killin' me.

I'm literally dead.

Bye, Cam.

Anything here...

I don't think so.

Yeah, me, neither.

Best record store in Brooklyn.

Come on.

So what's hot for tonight, "Roberto"?

Um, no plans. Gonna chill at
home, have some "me" time.

Oh! Well, I never! "Me time."

Top Five Songs About Me Time!


Okay. I Touch Myself by the Divinyls.

It's a little on the nose
for you, but I'll allow it.

Uh... My Ding-A-Ling, Chuck Berry.


Cyndi Lauper, She Bop.

Uh, Dancing With Myself, Billy Idol.

- And...
- Uh... oh, okay, I got it.

Um, All By Myself by Celine Dion.

First of all, that's originally
by Eric Carmen

and secondly, it's not a
song about masturbation.

Or is it?

I mean, I'm pretty sure it's all
about how she doesn't want to be

all by herself, you know, anymore.

Exactly. Because she's
tired of jacking it.

She needs some of that real good d*ck!

Violent Femmes, Blister in the Sun.

Holy shit! That's what
that song is about, yo?


But wait, why does he
want to do it in the sun?

He don't wanna beat that
shit off in the shade?

Oh, boy.

What's up?

My very special brother
who is still at The Allied

just group texted like
seventeen thousand people

telling them to go there
for his "Last Hurrah."

Ooh! That's dark.

Little bit, yeah.

Hey, Rob, what do you
think of this shirt?

Yo, I like it. It makes a statement.

It's like, "Hey, my
stepdaughter's teenage friends,

"I, too, am cool

and enjoy rock and roll music."

- I was asking Rob.
- I don't care!

- I like it.
- Really?

Yeah. I also liked it yesterday.

- And the day before that.
- Ohh!

You're f*cking dirty.

Why do you care what I think about
your shirt all of a sudden?

Nothing. Just forget it.

All right. Um, hey, who wants to go to a

"Last Hurrah"?

Yeah, no, I gotta go,
uh, to the warehouse

to see if I can teach these
kids some shiz, you know.

Oh, you gonna go "jam," Cherise?

Oh. No. No, no, no.

I'm just gonna, you know,
talk to 'em or whatever.

They're like little cute little
f*ckin' babies over there.

You know, I'll just be like, you know,

"Don't quit. Keep your head up."

That kind of stuff. Whatever,
whatever. Blah-blah-blah-blah.

All right. Simon, let's go.


- Simon.
- Hmm.

Last hurrah.

- Oh...
- Allied. Let's go.

No. Cameron and the
mid-life crisis brigade

slamming vodka sh*ts and,
like, close-talking at me?

Come on, it won't be that bad.

I, I would, literally,
rather listen to Creed.


All right. I hear you.

Um... cool.

- See you guys later.
- All right, y'all. Peace out.

All right.

Cameron Brooks.

He was a good man.

- Yeah.
- An honest man.

A man on whom I could always rely...

to have some dank-ass weed!

Yes, that is true.

And so I was saddened,
as many of you were,

to hear of his apparent passing.

That's right. He's dead now.

Rest in peace, ya bitch!

Oh! Roberto is here!

- My life is made!
- Hey!

Bartender! Signori!

Drei whiskey, bitte,

danke, for my three best friends.

He's bad at counting.

- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.

- Rob.
- Mm-hmm.

- I am so glad that you're here.
- What's going, what's going on?

I have realized that my life is... over.

Very soon.

You know, very soon.

And so this, all this, this is, uh,

my Last Hurrah.

You know? Look.

See? It's official.

- Wow.
- Now, Rob, question for you.

Is your cute friend from the
record store also coming?

- Cherise?
- Yes.

No. No.

Oh, I don't care.

Hey, is your cute wife
from your house coming?

Oh. Mmm.

Put your brakes on.

Mm, mm, mm, mm.

Don't do that. So, I did
a full jukebox takeover.

The complete and unabridged soundtrack

- of my previous life.
- What's up, Cam?

Now, Rob, have I ever told you

about the time I got kicked out
of Daniel Day-Lewis's birthday.

If you're under 75...

- f*ck! You invited Mac?
- Hmm?

Mac is here?

Oh, yeah.


Okay. Full disclosure.

I am very high right now.

I will probably be doing some very
questionable things this evening.

- So questionable.
- And, also,

you know whose team I'm on.

- Yes.
- It's team R-O-B, baby.

It's team R-O-B.

That guy's been here
since the beginning.

I mean, it's only fitting that I step up

and be the bigger man, so that's what...

Yeah, this is a real big boy
party you got here, big man.

Well, what do you want me
to do, kick him out, okay?

- No, no.
- No. Right?

So just f*ckin' take a shot. Boom.

Who loves you? It's me.

Oh, hey!

And now we're cool.

- Hey, Sammy, what's up, man?
- What's happening?

Got an extra one of those?

- For you, baby.
- Thank you.

You outta here?

- Yeah, I gotta jet, man.
- Do your thing.

- Good to see you.
- Rob?


I'm Lily. I'm Mac's fiancée?

- Hi. Yeah, hi.
- Hey.

I just wanted to say hi
and introduce myself.

Yeah, yeah, it's, uh,
it's nice to meet you.

You f*cking bitch.

I'm Lily. I'm Mac's fiancée?

- I, uh, I like your shoes.
- Oh! Thank you.

- You gonna be able to run in those?
- What?

Don't come back, you f*ckin' bitch!

I'll f*ckin' gouge
your f*ckin' eyes out!

I'm Lily. I'm Mac's fiancée?

You bitch!

I'm Lily. I'm Mac's fiancée?

Hi. Hey. Yeah.

Um, congratulations on the... thing.


Look, I was just... I wanted to say

I, I really hope you're not
leaving on our account.

I mean, we could totally go if
you're at all uncomfortable.

These are your people, you know?

Pff. No, no, I'm, I'm
totally comfortable.

I was just actually making a phone call.


I, I can't leave my brother
in there alone, you know.

He's, uh... incredibly irresponsible.

Makes horrible life choices.

Okay. Good. I'm glad.

Look, I know that this
is a little bit weird,

but I was just thinking

maybe we could all drink
until it's not weird.

I don't know. What do you think?

First round on me?

Yeah. Yeah! Sounds great.


All right. See you in there.

See you in there.

What the f*ck is her problem?

Okay, I need backup.

Uh, hey, you got Simon.

Um, nobody calls anybody no more.

Just, just send me a text...

You out here calling my phone,

worried about what I'm doing...

You got to be kidding me.

A little warning, is all I'm saying.

A little warning would
have been nice, dude.

Yeah. Well, you don't need
warning, okay. Look at you.

You're a boss.

I'm sorry. I think I do need warning.

I'm in flats and Mac's with f*ckin'
Andre the Giant's hot cousin.

- Hey.
- Hey, Rob.

Thought I might run into you here.

Yes, yes, you...

Because I'm an alcoholic.


We all are.

No, I mean, you know, it's Cam's thing,

and you're his sister, so...

Right. Yes, that is also
a reason why I would...

- Yep.
- Mm-hmm.

Can I sit down?

Yeah. For sure.

Ah, Mac. Cheers it up.

You want, uh, you want another one?

No, I'm good, I'm good.

I'm good too.


- How you doing?
- 'Sup?

- You good?
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah, I'm good.
- Mm-hmm.

- How are you?
- Yeah, I'm fine, I just, uh...

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Hi.
- You're back.

I'm, I'm back.

- For you.
- Oh, thank you.

Whiskey neat, right?

Yes, that is, that's my drink.

Thank you.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.


Mm, I love your shirt, by the way.

Oh, thanks. Thank you.

I love your sweatshirt.

Thank you.

I didn't know we were going out

and so I kind of had two big
Belgian waffles for dinner,

so... here we are!


Hey, how's the store?

Oh, it's really good!

- Really good, you know.
- That's good.

It's like it's busy. We're good.

- Good.
- Yeah.

- That's good.
- That's good.

I'm pleased to hear.

- Hi.
- Hey!


- How are you. Mm.
- Good.

- I hit you up.
- Yeah.

Yeah, you did.

Um, this is Clyde, you guys.
This is, um, Mac.

And his... fiancée.

- Oh. Hey, congrats.
- Thank you.

- That's awesome.
- Thanks.

- Thanks.
- Cool.

So, Clyde.

- Yeah?
- Where are you coming from?

Oh, my climbing gym,

just around the corner.


- Don't laugh at...
- Sorry.

Yeah, don't have to...

Oh, man, making me feel bad.

I haven't signed up to the
gym since I've been back.

Well, don't feel bad on my account.

I wasn't, uh, working out.
Just over there

doing some volunteering.

Well, thanks, now I feel even worse.

- Sorry, man.
- He's joking.

- Sorry.
- Oh.

I'm not, I'm, uh...

I'm not... Sorry,
I'm not joking. I, uh...

There's, it's free
classes for these kids

who are, like, underprivileged youth.

And they do it, uh, once a week,
but I go, like, twice a month

to try to, like, you know, chip in.

Oh, I didn't, I didn't know that.

- That's cool, man.
- That is so cool.

- Thanks.
- That is really cool.

Yeah. It really... it started
as self-serving act.

How is volunteering a self-serving act?

- Yeah.
- Uh... I guess we're doing this.

I, uh, I have a fear of... kids.

- They intimidate me.
- You what?

How do kids intimidate you?

Oh, I don't know, I just
want them to like me, a lot,

and I try to impress them
and I kind of freeze up

and then I try really hard

and, uh, they, they can sense

how thirsty I am for approval.

And then I really go for it

and spin out and it gets weird,
and... it's not good for anyone.

So I'm coming off of that,
just really want...

- Do you want a drink?
- Uh, yes.

- Yeah.
- Please, I would.

Oh, man.

Man, that's, uh, that's
really cool of you, man.

I, I've been meaning to do something
like that myself, you know.

- Yeah.
- Um, excuse me.

You're very good at volunteering
the idea of volunteering.

He's been doing that forever, actually.

- Hey!
- Hmm.

Ooh! Tell me more.

What about that time when I, when
I volunteered for the marathon?

Oh, is that, is that what happened?

Yeah, in a way.

Oh, okay. Okay.

'Cause what I remember happening is, um,

you trying to steal the free Gatorade

and the actual volunteers
yelling at you.

- Yeah, well...
- And then didn't you panic

and you told them that you
were in the marathon...

Okay, okay. Let's get this straight...

And then ran for three
blocks in your jeans

so that they would believe you?

- Am I remembering that correctly?
- Yes, I was dehydrated!

It was like 90 degrees!
What do you want me to do?

He almost knocked over
a wheelchair racer.

Okay, yeah, that I will
take the blame for.

- As you should!
- Yes. And I do!

- Oh, do you?
- No, I don't, actually.

- Oh, my God.
- He was that wide!

I'm gonna stop talking.


Does anyone want another round?

- Yes.
- Yeah.

♪ We don't have to get down ♪

♪ Just to get it on ♪

♪ You know how to use ♪

♪ My body ♪

♪ Ow! ♪

♪ 'Cause you got rhythm ♪

♪ You got style ♪

♪ That is why ♪

♪ I like you ♪

♪ Ow! ♪

- Hey.
- Hey, you.

I was just trying to offset the
sweatshirt vibes a little bit.

Word. Word. I feel you.

Does it seem like I'm trying?

Annoyingly, no.

Hey, tonight's been kind of fun.

Yeah. Yeah, it's been,
it's been not bad.

I think it'd be cool if you
and I were able to, um,

to be friends.

f*ck you!

Yeah. Yeah, tha... that would
be, that would be cool.

You and Clyde are really
cute together, by the way.

Oh, that's not...

No, no, no, I was just saying to Mac

that we should, like, all
hang out together sometime.

You know? Like, double-date?

Yeah. Yeah, that would be...

We'd love that.


- Okay. I'm committing.
- Looks good.

- See you later.
- Yeah.

All right, see you out there.

What a f*cking bitch.


Hammer Slam!

- Oh, boy.
- There it is.

- There we go.
- Let's go.

Uh... we need to get some...


- Hey.
- Rob's friend.


There he is. Come on.
Do you Hammer Slam?

Uh... yeah, sure.

What's, what's Hammer Slam?

Well, that's the Hammer.

So when you see The Hammer,

what you do is Hammer Slam.

Or... anytime there's a new song,

Hammer Slam.

Oh, so it... it's just never
not taking sh*ts.

- Yes.
- Yeah, okay, I got it.

- Yeah, I got it.
- What's your name?

- Clyde.
- Hey, can I get a sloe gin fizz?

Whoa, God, no gin fizz.

Trevor, Hammer Slam.

So, we need sh*ts.

Forget about the sloe gin. None of that.

So you're having a baby.

- That's huge.
- Thank you, Clyde.

- Yeah.
- Because,

tonight is not about the future.

Tonight is an homage to the past.

Because I used to live a life
of freedom and spontaneity.

Sloe gin fizz. Please.

Sloe no gin fizz.


- He needs to Google something else.
- That guy! God!

But all that's over now.

You know why?

'Cause no one calls Ned Deetch anymore.


You know why? Because he had a baby!

So, you feel me?

Yeah, yeah, I feel you.

That sucks, man. I'm really sorry.

And, like, Rob's all bummed 'cause
Mac broke off the engagement.

And, like, I'm like she dodged a b*llet

and she wants to be mad at me?


Like... but she still has her freedom.

She doesn't have a baby on the way.

Like, f*ck is she
f*cking problems about.

Um... yeah, I don't know, man.

Hey! There he is!

That's my guy. There's a guy.

- What's happening?
- And this is Mac.

This is Clyme.

- Hey, man.
- You guys, um, just be good friends,

but you know I gotta do...
'cause I'm feeling a little tipsy.

So, we're gonna go to
the bathroom and hit it.

Yeah, don't worry This
is the Last Hurrah.

- Let's go, Hammer.
- All right.

- You guys be friends.
- See you, Clop.

- Hey, man.
- Hey. Hey, guys.

- Hey!
- Whiskey.

Uh, bunch of it.

Hey, let's do it, bud.

- Oh, Rob.
- Hey!

I've been wanting to
talk to you because...

If it's your idea for dishwasher
cabinets, you've told me.

No, no, no, no, no.

- What's up?
- I mean, really,

they get washed in the same place.

... the same. It's really...

- It's a good idea. Right?
- Mm-hmm.

No, but what I wanted to
say was just, you know,

- I want to be a good man for Nikki.
- I know.

I love Nikki. Have you
ever thought about...

Hey, The Hammer has all your
cocaine in the bathroom.

He's gonna do all that
shit by himself, man.

- No, he isn't.
- Get in there. Get in there.

- Hey!
- Hi.

- So, double-date is on.
- Yeah.

- Oh, well...
- It sounds good.

- Uh...
- Right?

'Cause I've been saying we
need more "couple friends."

Right. Yeah. Yes. Cool.

What do we do?

♪ I've got cocaine ♪

Craft night.

♪ Running around my brain ♪


♪ Ooh, lot of cocaine ♪


♪ Running around my brain ♪

Ahh, it's Clyde.

And Mac and Rob.

You guys,

you guys were so worried this whole time

about hanging out together.

But, but then, but then, like,
look. We did it. Last Hurrah.

And everybody's friends,
it's so good. And why?

- 'Cause of you, man.
- You know it.

Hey, can I talk to you?

Right? What? No.

- Yep.
- No.

- Just a sec.
- We're doing the friendship...

- Just one second.
- It's friends.

- It's friends.
- Cam,

- first of all...
- What?

You have cocaine all over your nose.

Second of all, don't you
think you've had enough?

I think I've had not enough.

- Thank you very much.
- Cam. Cam.

No, what... what's your problem, dude?

You're f*cked up, and you're
making everyone uncomfortable.

Maybe you're uncomfortable. As usual.

But I'm pretty sure that "everybody"
are having a good time,

thank you very much, Mrs. Grumpypants.

I'm not grumpy! I'm just
trying to handle the situation

- like an adult, okay?
- Oh, you're an adult?

'Cause you dress like a little boy.

Look, just go home to
your pregnant wife.

Why don't you go home
to your pregnant wife?

Oh, that's right. You don't
have a pregnant wife.

Why? 'Cause every relationship
that you touch... turns to shit!

'Cause you're like, "What
happened with me and Kat?

And what went wrong with me and Justin?"

Oh, "What happened with me and Mac

who was perfect for me?"

"I'm Rob and my whole
life is, mmm, pain,

and, bleh, problems."

So, just quick math,

maybe you're the problem.

You really suck right
now, you know that?

Yes, I do know that.

- Oh, hey.
- Hey.


Where's, um, where'd Clyde go?

Oh, I think he just stepped
out to get some fresh air.

Yeah, I think.

I'm just gonna go check on him.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- There you are.
- Yeah.

Here I am.

Ohh, just didn't want to, you know,

did not want to be in there anymore.

- Here we are.
- I feel you, bro.

It's weird in there.


For sure.

Hey, I should probably
tell you something, um...

Me and that guy in there, Mac?

We used to be engaged.


Yeah, I know.

Your brother told me.

Of course he did.

It was somewhere in the
middle of describing

what a "Hammer Slam" is.

And, uh, then Hammer smelling me.

Uh, I think that's when I found out.


Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't,
I didn't tell you.

I just, it's all kinda

hard to explain.

"Clyde, this is Mac.

"We were engaged.

- Now we're not."
- Great.

- Right?
- Yep. No.

- You're not now?
- Mm-hmm.

- No, we're not anymore.
- Oh, you're not.

- Okay.
- He's... he's engaged to someone else.

Right. And she knows that?

She knows that... part?

Okay, yes. Now when you say
it that way, pretty simple.

- Yeah.
- Pretty easy to explain.

- Tonight, no.
- Yeah, hey, look, honestly,

it's fine.

It's fine.

Cool. So next time,
that's how I'll do it.

Next time. Great. Great!

How many times have you been engaged?

- How many fake boyfriends do you have?
- Just you.

- Oh, thanks.
- You're my only fake boyfriend.

You're my only fake boyfriend

and my favorite fake boyfriend.

Is it like "fake news"? Is it like

- fake fiancée...
- Yep. Fake news,

- fake boyfriend.
- Fake boyfriend.

- We go to fake movies.
- Is this a real bar?

Are we even drinking real beer?

Is this real life?

- Yeah.
- Hey, thank... Hey, thank you.

Just, you're the best. You're the best.

- Yeah.
- You're the best. You're the best.

Mm, I don't know.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. f*ck.

- What do you mean...
- No, I don't know.

I just don't know.

Um... you don't know

if those are fake kisses or real kisses?

Ki... kinda.

Oh, f*ck!


this is f*ckin' chaos.

This isn't on you.

But, like, I've, I've...

f*ck, I've worked so hard to
cut that shit out of my life.

Like, to cut this f*ckin'
chaos out, you know?

And you're f*ckin' messy.

I think about you all the time, Rob.

I don't really know what to do with it.

I just want you to know,
like, I would do this.

You know? Like, I would do this.

With you.

If you wanted to

do it.


But I don't want to do this
thing where I'm like your

fake boyfriend.

I don't want to be your
best fake boyfriend.

So I guess I'm just asking
you, like, is this a thing?

Yes or no.

I don't know.

- I don't know. I don't know.
- Yeah.

Yeah, that's okay.

That's fine.

What the f*ck, man!


What's your f*ckin' problem?

What's your problem. I'm sorry.

Did I spill something on
your ironic Seinfeld jeans?

- I'm sorry. There it is.
- Hey, hey, hey.

- f*ck you, man!
- I'm sorry.

- He's really f*cked up.
- Get the f*ck out of here.

Get this guy the f*ck out of here!

- You get out of here.
- Get this guy the f*ck out of here!

You know what? You know what you can...

Hey! Hey! Shit!

- All right. Hey! Hey! Hey!
- f*ck you, man!

f*ck you! Huh? g*dd*mn!

Hey, what the f*ck's going on?

- f*ck!
- What're you doing, man?

- f*ck!
- All right, let me get...

- Let me see. Let me see.
- All right.

- I got it.
- He's cut. Let me get some ice.

- Mac, I got it.
- He needs some ice.

Mac, I'll get it. I'll do it.

All right. Party's over.
You can go home.

You're bleeding. Yep.

Oh, f*ck!

That was fun, right?

- I mean, up until the last part.
- Hmm.




I'm gonna let you guys...

You wanna explain now or explain later.

I'm so excited to have
this baby with you.

Just, I don't wanna

lose the person that I used
to be. That guy's...

I like that guy.

He's super-chill.

Baby... that's not going to happen.

I don't wanna lose the
guy I used to be either.

Like, the first thing
that's gonna happen

after I have this baby is

I'm gonna get drunk as f*ck,

you know what I'm saying?

I'm talking like lose my shoes,

post a bunch of crazy,
blurry Instagram Stories,

come home and dump cereal
all over the kitchen.

After that, we may both have to grow up.

Just a little tiny bit.

- You good?
- Yeah.

I'm sorry.

About what I said earlier.

It's fine.

I say f*cked-up shit when
I'm faded, you know.

Don't worry about it.

And you were probably right, so...

- Bye, Nikki.
- Bye, Rob.

I wasn't right.

Yeah, you were.