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01x02 - Episode Two

Posted: 02/01/23 19:07
by bunniefuu
I think Linda's marriage was
a failure almost from the beginning.

She and Tony Kroesig were married
in February...

had a hunting honeymoon...

and were settled down for good
in Bryanston Square by Easter.


Tony started working in his father's
old bank and prepared...

to step into a Conservative seat
in the House of Commons.

..For extending to me
its usual general indulgence...

An ambition which
was very soon realised.

Hear, hear.

You were kind to give me
such a wonderful present.

The Kroesigs thought Linda Radlett...

affected, eccentric and extravagant.

The Radletts considered Tony Kroesig
a pompous, money-grubbing ass.

..Consider making some judicious
investments in America.

You might be glad
to go there yourself.

There's not a w*r.

I may be old, but I can still sh**t,
damn you.

I loathe abroad.

Nothing would induce me
to live there.

And as for foreigners, they're all
the same, they all make me sick.

And did the necklace cost all
the thousand pounds I sent you?

Well, I thought you'd want me
to buy one thing with it...

and always remember
who gave it to me.

Er... no, dear. You should have asked
Tony to invest it for you...

or spent it on entertaining
important people...

who might have been of use to him
in his career.

There's no such thing as profiting.

Just people who are bad
at their jobs and idle.

The only mental qualities
necessary for survival...

are those which produce money.

Why do you think people
who already have plenty of it...

want to lock themselves away from
God's fresh air and blue skies...

simply in order to make more?

Do try to behave like an adult.

But Linda, being what she was,
kept up a perfect shop front...

and I never really knew
much about it.

No, I haven't seen
Linda Radlett for ages.

In a way, it was wonderful
to be away from her...

and all the raging scenes in the
hall at Alconleigh that Christmas.

-You loved it?

I haven't read it.

And to find my heart wasn't racing...

and my stomach churning
all the time.


Yes, W comes after V.


You're the one who's not
a bright young thing.

I suppose so.


Don't you love a book shop?

I do.

It was a happy time, and I got
happily married to Alfred Wincham...

then a young don at
St Peter's College, Oxford.


I have been with this kind,
scholarly man ever since.

You've never been more... sexy.

Just pull it off that way.

Alfred. Sorry, darling.

Finding in our home at Oxford
that refuge from the storms...

and puzzles of life,
which I suppose I always wanted.

One... one moment. One moment.

I'll just get my trousers.

The creases.



Not digestives, my favourite food.

It's so nice here.

Thank you.

The curtains.
Where did you find them?

Gosh, Fanny,
you are lucky to be you.

Well, it's nothing like as grand
as Bryanston Square.

No. It's huge and empty there.

I miss the hours of cheerful bustle...

and pointless chatter at Alconleigh.

Yes, but when you were there,
you always wanted to escape.

No, I know.

I'm in pig.
What do you think of that?

Fancy that. I am, too.


Fanny. My... Look, I'm so fat.

I'm so fat.


It's so lonely without you.

Fanny, the horror
of important people.

You are lucky not to know any.


I do like that Alfred of yours.

He has such a clever, serious look.

What pretty little darn babies
you'll have.

Gosh, I do feel so ill.

Linda's child, a girl,
was born in October.

She was very ill indeed
at her confinement.



Love, not to scare you...

but it was absolutely the worst
thing that's ever happened to me.

How can Ma have done it six times?

I know. I'm absolutely terrified.

Davey keeps trying to tell me
what a wonderful clear-out it'll be.

So, what are you going to call her?
Where is she, anyway?

The sister's room.

It shrieks.

Moira, I believe.

Not Moira. Darling, you can't.

Tony likes it. He had another sister
called Moira who died.

Their old nanny told me it was
all because his sister, Marjorie...

whacked her on the head with a
hammer when she was four months old.

Can you believe it?

And they call us
an uncontrolled family.

Why, even Father never tried
to m*rder anybody.

Well, all the same,
I don't see how you can saddle...

the poor little thing with
a name like Moira. It's too unkind.

It'll have to grow up a Moira if
the Kroesigs are going to like it.

And they may as well like it
because frankly... I don't.

Linda, how can you say that?

You can't possibly tell
whether you like her or not yet.

Wait till you see her.

You must be the cousin
I've heard so much about.

Do you want to see the baby? Yes.

Poor thing,
it's really kinder not to look.

Pay no attention to her.

She pretends to be a wicked woman,
but it's all a put-on.

Poor soul. She must've caught sight
of herself in a glass somewhere.

But Linda's so young.
You both are, Fanny.

I don't believe very young mothers
ever get wrapped up in their babies.

Just like The Bolter.

She was too young to be adoring.

I'm perfectly adoring.

And Linda really seems
to loathe Moira.

So like Linda. She has to do things
by extremes.

No tea for me, please, Fanny.

I'm on a new diet. Ooh.

One meal white, one meal red.

It's doing me so much good.

So, you won't be wanting
any chocolate cake, then?

Er... no, chocolate counts as red.

Surely that's obvious?

Well, OK. Thank you.

She's been terribly ill.
Sadie was in despair.

Twice, they thought she would die.

The doctor said to never have
another child.

It would almost certainly k*ll her.

Don't talk of it.

I can't imagine the world
without Linda.

He was right,
it was an impossible concept.

"Sh. Sh-sh-sh."

"Whispered Freckles, on the alert."

Somebody else
was in the bath beside them.

Should we take her to see the park?


Moira. Should we take Moira
to see the park?

No, thank you.

I've already seen it.

What do you think you're doing?

I'm reading to my babies.

Don't talk nonsense.

Get up.

God's sake. I'm taking you out.

The In Crowd by Bryan Ferry

Linda then proceeded to fritter away
years of her youth...

with nothing whatever
to show for them.

She became what's known
as a society beauty.

Fashionable young men cluster
around her like bees around honey.

Buzz, buzz, buzz. Chat, chat, chat.

At the cinema, theatre,
opera, ballet...

dinner, supper, nightclubs...

parties, dances, all day, all night,
endless, endless chat.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

Hello, Fanny, darling.
What are you doing here?

Well, you invited me.

Yes, I did, of course I did, but...

Thank you so much. Thank you... that
was, that was for lunch at noon.

It's... 11:50 now.

Well, I did get scared once I heard
the birds tweeting.

Dear, I've been
up all night chatting.

Come on, darling Fanny,
let's have lunch in bed.

My feeling is, is that Linda
is in real pain...

and she's only disguising it
with a lot of chatter.

If she had had an intellectual

the place of all this
pointless chatter...

might have been taken by a serious
interest in the arts, or by reading.

Hey, give my doggy back. David.
It's mine.

It's mine now.
Give him the doggy back. David.

Yes, I suppose she should have
become a terrible bore by now...

but she isn't quite one yet.

Of course she isn't.
Linda's extraordinary.

It's your best friend you're
talking about here, Fanny.

Don't hate me, Davey.

But how she treats that poor child
is appalling, darling.

She's completely abandoned her to
Surrey to be brought up by the Kroesigs.

She doesn't even have affairs. I
don't see what she gets out of her life.

It must be dreadfully empty.

It's all frittery and silliness
with Linda.

Linda believes in love.

She... she's passionately romantic.

Casual affairs would be
of absolutely no interest to her.

One only hopes that when the next
irresistible temptation comes...

it will not prove
to be another bottom.

I suppose she really is
just like your mother, Fanny.

And all of hers have been bottoms.

Poor Bolter.

She's happy, though, now, isn't she,
with her Italian count?

Linda's not like my mother.

Tony is a frightful counter-Hon...

and the people who love her
should really be more sympathetic.

I called Linda, who asked me to go
with her to visit Moira...

now seven years old
and living permanently...

with her grandparents in Surrey.

Here you are.


Tony and Moira have gone riding.

I thought you might have
passed them.

Now, I must warn you...

we have something of a rough diamond
coming for lunch.

He's by way of being
rather a Communist.

Clever chap gone wrong.

Son of a dear old professor
who lives in the village.

I always think it's as well
to see something...

of these left-wing fellows.

If people like us are nice to them,
they can be tamed wonderfully.


Welcome. Splendid you could come.

No, Moira, no cake before fruit.

Tony, let her have a piece of cake.

Not until she's eaten her fruit.

It's all right, you can have
a piece of cake. No, she can't.

Have some cake, Moira.

What does your father write about?

The plight of the working man.

Well, I hate the lower classes.

Ravening beasts trying to get
my money.

Well, let them try, that's all.

Shut up, Tony. You wouldn't...

say that if you'd grown up
in the country.

Maybe you ought to be in Parliament.
Who hasn't?

We've all lived in the country.

Do put that dormouse away, Linda.

Surrey is not the countryside.

Your pa's not exactly a man
of the people, Linda.

I mean, for God's sake, he's against
women being let into the Lords...

in case they use
the peers' lavatory.

It's the kind of thing that gives
the man on the street...

the impression we're governed
by a lot of lunatics.

We are governed by
a lot of lunatics.

The USSR, Norway and Mexico...

are the only places worth living in.

Everywhere else is horror.

Fascism in Italy, Nazism in Germany,
civil w*r in Spain...

inadequate socialism in France,
tyranny in Africa...

starvation in Asia,
reaction in America...

and right-wing blight
here in England.

Yes. Tony's frightfully right-wing.

He really rather loves Hitler.

We have financial interests
and many relations in Germany.

Really? Charming chap, Mr Hitler.

I went to see him in Berlin...

and got taken for a drive in a
Mercedes-Benz by Heinrich Himmler.

The only medicine...

is communism.

Come back to mine for tea, will you?

And meet my father?

You'd like him.

And Linda did just that.

Leaving the Kroesigs to behave
for the rest of the afternoon...

like a lot of hens
who have seen a fox.

That really is rather too bad
of Linda.

Moira was looking forward
to showing her the ponies.


Who's that?

Who? That?

Not Fade Away by The Rolling Stones

Linda returned just in time
for dinner, looking very beautiful.

She had a father and a mother...

and they all lived together
in a house...

Christian's father
is an absolute darling.

He lives in the smallest house

but it's packed with books.

God, he's perfect heaven.

I can see you mean Christian
is perfect heaven.

No, it was...

It was just so nice to talk about
the... the betterment of the world.

Instead of the way Tony talks...

which is all about what jobs
his friends get...

and I just want to fall asleep.

Fanny, don't look so worried.

It's not sexual,
it's a meeting of minds.


Just o-open the window, will you?
Of course I won't.

You must, or he'll fall off and die.

Linda, if I let him in, it will mean
great heartache and danger.

You never think, Linda.
Well, you think too much.


Let him in, or I shall stand up out
of the bath and let him in myself.

You wouldn't dare. You know I would.

If you don't draw the line somewhere,
nothing will ever be enough.

But I don't want just enough.

You've got to start believing
in something other than love.

What else is there?

Come and fight the fascists
with me, Linda.

I'd better get dressed first.

Linda was a plum
ripe for the plucking.

The tree had been shaken.

The comrades were sent large
quantities of tinned milk.

She threw discretion and what little
worldly wisdom she may have...

picked up to the winds.

..The workers of Soviet Russia.
Please donate generously.

She became an out-and-out Communist...

and bored everyone to death
at the dinner table.

Finally, to the infinite relief
of the Kroesigs...

she went off to live with Christian...

and Tony started proceedings
for divorce.


This was a great blow
to my aunt and uncle.

You'll be banned from the house.

Your sisters will be banned
from seeing you.

No decent man will marry
any of them now.

An adulterous woman is the single
most disgusting thing there is.

I don't like the light-hearted way
you abandoned little Moira, Linda.

Well, bolting's in the blood.

Meanwhile, our littlest
had started kindergarten...

and I give Alfred breakfast
in the garden to celebrate.

No-one but us until four.


Look at those roses.

Isn't it heaven, our little life?


Or not.

Yes, but that's the marmalade spoon.

Don't put it in the jam.

Fanny, darling?

I know you're still cross with me,
but please, can you not be?

I've come here
because I desperately need a drink.


It was all so pointless
in that big, huge house...

and it does seem unfair
to have to go on feeling...

so dreadfully unhappy
for the rest of one's life.

Of course you shouldn't be unhappy
for the rest of your life.

So, what is your life?

I'm a Communist, you know.
We both are.

And I'm living with Christian
in his flat.

Very small, which is just as well,
because I'm doing all the housework.

And I don't seem to be
very good at it.

I mean, the oven.

I don't wonder some people
put their heads in them...

and leave them there
out of sheer misery.

Darling, might I get another drink?

So, how has Tony taken it?

He's awfully pleased, actually.

OK. Yes. Because now he can marry
his mistress...

without having a scandal upsetting
the Conservative Association.

Who is she?
She's called Pixie Townsend.

You know the sort -
young face, white hair, dyed blue.

She's a terrific counter-Hon,
but she lives near Plains...

and adores Moira and is good
at everything I wasn't...

like Conservatism and golf.

Yes, I think I saw her there.


Well, I'm only too thankful
I found out she exists.

Because now I needn't feel
in the least bit guilty.

I do think it's unfair that when
I'm unfaithful, it's disgusting...

but when Tony is,
no-one bans him from anything.

Please say something.

No-one will be happy if you're not
happy, and especially not Moira.

And after all, our children's
wellbeing is all that really matters...

in the end.

And now you can settle down
with Christian...

and you can have a wonderfully
fulfilling married life...

like you never could have with Tony.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
he's heaven.

So, what's he like?

You just can't think
what an extraordinary man he is.

He's so... detached
from other human beings.

He's just...
He only really cares for ideas.

Fanny, it's so nice to chat.

I really... I miss it.
With the comrades, they never chat...

they just... they make speeches
all the time.

It only ever took
half an hour in her company...

before I had forgiven her
all over again.

Whatever happens,
I shall always be on your side.

That's all that really matters.

Thank God you didn't ban me.

I'm lost without you.

Darling, I must go.

But it has...

so cheered me up, seeing you.


Linda and Christian Talbot?

I can't leave England without
her getting herself mixed up...

with some thoroughly
undesirable character.

I desperately need a drink.
And so do my dogs.

I think her... her... her marriage
to Tony has been rather unhappy.

Naturally, nobody expected her to
stay with Tony, but the point is...

she jumped out of the frying pan
into the empty grate.

No. No. No.

Not water, Fanny, no. Whisky.

I think it is partly the communism that
attracted her cos she felt the need of a cause.

Christian is an attractive fellow,
I do see he provides...

a perfect reaction from Tony,
but it's a disaster.

If she's in love with him,
he's going to make her miserable.

Is she in love with him?

Well, if she's not, she's embarking
on a career like your mother's.

Which, for Linda,
would be very bad indeed.

Linda's not like my mother.

She just needs to spend
five minutes on her own.

I know Christian from a child.

He's a man who moves through
the world, attached to nobody.

I expect he's hardly aware
Linda's even moved in on him.

That's rather what Linda
has just been saying.

So she's noticed it already,
has she? Well, she's not stupid.

What are they living on?

Very little,
and in Christian's tiny flat.

Matthew's cut her off completely.

I heard the Kroesigs go about saying
that there's one good thing...

she's sure to starve.
They do, do they?

Write Linda's address down, please.

You don't happen to know what the daily
consumption of milk is in Vatican City, do you?


No, I don't. I'm sorry.

Bye, Fanny.
I shall have to see what I can do.

Come on. Come on. DOG BARKS

What he did was to present Linda
with the freehold...

of the prettiest little
doll's house...

far down Cheyne Walk...

on that great bend of the river
where Whistler had lived.

The Bryanston Square house
had been dark, cold and pompous.

The only thing of beauty in it
was a painting...

of a fat, tomato-coloured
bathing woman...

which Lord Merlin had given Linda
to annoy the Kroesigs.

The picture was wonderful
in Cheyne Walk.

You could hardly tell where
the real water reflections ended...

and the Renoir ones began.

So, will Christian be moving in?

Yes, of course.

But just for the moment...

I am free as a bird.

"On way Hollywood.
Don't worry. Jassy."

Aunt Sadie and Uncle Matthew
were now presented with...

crises in the lives of two more of
their children. What? Hollywood?

What? Well, that's most peculiar.

She's never shown the slightest
interest in the cinema.

Jassy's in love with a film star...

called, er... Larry Boon...

or... or Barry Loon, I can't remember

He's in that pirate flick, you know?

She wrote to Hollywood
to ask him if he were married.

She said if he wasn't, she was
going straight out there...

to marry him herself.

So I suppose she got a letter saying
he's not married and just went off.

It's lucky she had
her running-away money.

Are there any more sausages, Mum?

It turned out Larry Boon
was not even a hero...

he was just an ordinary pirate.

So far, he doesn't have much
to recommend him.

He's terribly good at
shinning up and down ropes.

Look, Matthew, he's got an
entrenching tool just like yours.

Maybe that's what awakened some
hereditary emotion in Jassy's bosom.

What does a fellow want
to do that for? Bloody fool.

He should've known
there'd be an ambush there.

I don't think much of the cove.

I think he's divine.

No discipline, needs a haircut.

I wouldn't wonder if he drinks.

Uncle Matthew seemed to be
mellowing with age and misfortune...

and was warming to Lord Merlin,
who he no longer called depraved...

and whose very comfortable house he
was no longer adverse to visiting.

God. What the...?

Don't be scared, Matthew, darling.

Moti is almost completely

Much like you.

How do we get her back?
We can't send Linda after her.

It's no good sending one bolter
after another.

Jassy, you can't possibly marry
a man you've only just met.

But I'm madly in love with him.

Yes, but you can't start a life with someone
based only on romance and excitement...

or you'll run off with the next
person who turns your head...

and cause chaos and confusion
for everyone.

Marriage is wholemeal bread,
it's not ambrosia and honey dew.

That's the most depressing thing
I've ever heard.

God, Fanny,
I hope you haven't become a bore.

I only came because you said
there'd be roast potatoes.

Are there any?
They look divine.

Goody. Thank you.

I thought this was
your red meal, Davey?

Well, clearly, potatoes are red.
Thank you. Anyone can see that.

Those crispy ones, please.
Thank you.

Your ostrich feather is fantastic.

How sweet. I really love that.

It really suits you.
I know, I know.

Two days after we got there,
Jassy became Mrs Larry Boon.

Larry is actually a terrific Hon.

He's a dear little peach of a man.

And we're sure Jassy will be
wildly happy with him.

It does seem hard luck to have
reared a pretty love of a daughter...

in order for her to go off
with some little man like a peach...

and live with him
thousands of miles away.

The letter was from Matt...

announcing he had run away from Eton
to fight in the Spanish w*r.

Aunt Sadie minded this very much.

I think Uncle Matthew minded, too.

The desire to fight
is entirely natural.

Though he pretended not to.

But I do think it's a pity
to fight in a second-class w*r...

when there'll so soon be
a first-class one available.

You see, I always understood that...

Christmas that year
was a sad one at Alconleigh.

Did you know that a harbour master
is entitled to fly an ensign?

And I wonder if you've ever
thought about...

What are you hoping for -

I was thinking of a little fur...

one of those tiny little
ostrich hats.

You needn't worry about new clothes,
my darling.

You're like the Royal family...

whatever you wear,
you look exactly the same.

Because you have to register
the tonnage...

Why have all the best ones bolted?

Inevitable outcome.

Terrifying father who told them
all foreigners were dangerous...

and refused to educate them.

The adventurous ones got curious.

Why did I stay behind
with the unadventurous ones?

Is it because of The Bolter?


Fred, am I a bit of a prig?

What did you say?

You a bolter?


A sticker.

I'm a tremendous sticker.

How marvellous.

Linda married Christian...

and asked us to a New Year's Eve
party at Cheyne Walk to celebrate.



I'm so sorry it's not nearly
tidy enough.

I wanted to get a nice piece
of fish, but we're utterly broke.

So there's beer and, um...
Delicious biscuits.

I tried calling to ask what...
Thank you for the champagne.

No, the phone's been cut off,
thank God.

Christian's favourite amusement
is to ring up the n*zi leaders...

in Berlin and have teasing talks
with them.

Let me find you a glass.
..A million pounds a minute.


My God. Being a Conservative
was so much more restful.

Communists aren't
at all thoughtful when it comes...

to keeping things clean.

But I did miss you at Christmas.

Darling. Me, too.

I'm lost without you.

And I do feel like
a terrible old black sheep.



Did I tell you?

I've got a job. What kind of job?

In a book shop.


I know I've hardly read any books...

but the ones I have read, I love,
and so does everyone else seem to.

But Fanny, darling, it should
be you in the book shop, not me.

You're the educated,
intellectual one.

But of course, you've got much
too many important things going on.


It's really exciting.

I can't stand it.
It will be a disaster.

Someone with a worse head
for business, I've never met.

I know it's chaotic, but you can't
say that her life isn't exciting.

At least they're on the front line
of what's happening in the world.

You know, famine and things...

and... the battle against fascism.

People like Tony and Leicester
Kroesig hear Linda speechifying...

and see all these Spaniards
and Communists in Cheyne Walk...

I expect they're more convinced
than ever...

that fascism is the only answer.

I know, but it is galling
about the book shop.

It turned out Alfred was quite wrong...

about Linda's lack
of business sense.

She worked at the book shop
every Friday and Saturday...

during which time, an extraordinary
transformation would occur.

Fooba Wooba John by Burl Ives

Soon enough, the chatters,
headed by Lord Merlin...

came back in full force.

You caught me in the act.
I do that. The old switcheroo.

I thought this one was absolutely
spot-on for you over there.


Linda's the only person who has
ever succeeded in finding me

Froggie's Little Brother.

What is Froggie's Little Brother?

Well, it's the heart-warming
tale of a seven-year-old Froggie...

who strives to take care of
his younger brother, Benny...

after the early death
of their parents.

Well, do you know, it's all about
brotherhood and comradeship.

You'd actually love it.

I was an avid reader as a child.

Linda's presence resulted in it
becoming the only Red book shop...

in England to make a profit,
and being awarded with a medal.

Congratulations, Comrade Linda.


Between the dog's abscess,
the laundry ruining my sheets...

and Cathy stealing from the store
cupboard, it's been a ghastly week.

Do you ever feel like half
of who you are has been stuffed...

into a suitcase
and is slowly suffocating?


Gentlemen. Enjoy your port.

..Paint the cross and shields
and of course, they won the battle.

God, it's your mother.
Hello, darling.

I'm here because I took
the wrong train to a party.

Dear. Are you terribly poor?

How very odd.

I hope you didn't marry
for love, darling.

Whoever invented love
ought to be shot.

Look where it landed me.

A dead white hunter,
an Italian count...

two viscounts, a Greek poet
and still counting.

Dons aren't quite the same
as white hunters or Italian counts.

My advice is a good fur coat.

Don't bother about much else,
you need hardly take the coat off.

And don't waste money on underwear.

Nothing stupider.

Do you have any nice friends,

to make up for your tiny house?

Not really. No?

Oxford seems designed exclusively
for celibate men.

Wives are superfluous, it turns out.

What's the point of being
the educated and intellectual one...

if you still have to leave your own
dinner parties so the men can do...

all the good chatting
and drink all the good port?

What about Linda Radlett?
Where's she?

She ran off with Christian Talbot.

She's working in
a Communist book shop.

Well, I hope he's better
than Tony Kroesig...

though they rarely are.

Isn't a book shop more your style?

Yes, it is.

If I didn't have all these children
to bring up, suddenly.

Well, can't you leave them
with Emily?

I know you think all the babies
in the world should be left...

with Aunt Emily.

Don't let your children get in
the way of your life, darling.

Do you mean me? No. No, I...

You mean me?
No, you didn't get in the way.

Course you didn't.
I've had a wonderful life.

Hello? Hello, Fanny, darling.

I'm talking quickly because the
phone's going to get cut off any second...

but will you come and see me off
at Victoria Station tomorrow?

Franco's brutal fascist forces has chased
half-a-million people out of Catalonia...

and I'm joining Christian
on the French border with Spain.

Well, I'm terrified.

Never been abroad in my life before.

I hope you sent your jewels
to the bank. Darling, don't tease.

You know how I haven't got any now.

Think of me sleeping on the train,
all alone.

I'm sure you won't be alone.

Foreigners are greatly given,
I believe, to casual sex...

with strangers.

Yes, that would be nice.

God. I just do wish
you were coming with me.

It might be easy for you
to drop everything...

and leave your life and be free...
Tickets, please.

..and never face any consequences,

but some of us have to stay behind to support
our husbands and look after the children.

Thank you, miss. I'm staying.

Why are you so cross with me?

Did you even say goodbye to Moira?


I did, actually.

She... she only wants Pixie Townsend.
She doesn't really like me.

Well, do you like me? Don't Moira
and I have an awful lot in common?

Of course not.

Right away. Fanny.

Darling, you're interesting
and clever, and... Fanny.

I suppose everybody has a right
to not like their children.

Please, stop it about Moira.
You're scaring me.

I'm always telling everyone
you're not like my mother...

but you're just exactly like her.

Fanny, stop it.

Please, I'm going to be useful.

I'm going off on a noble journey,
like Odysseus.

You're not Odysseus, Linda.

Fanny, please.
Please, don't give up on me.

I'm lost without you.

You always say that,
but you always leave me.

I didn't see Linda for another year.

She told me afterwards
I'd so upset her that she slept...

all the way across Europe.

Hi. Hello.

A ship has been chartered
to take 6,000 Catalonians...

who the French government
have shut up behind barbed wire...

like beasts and forgotten about,
out of the camps, to Mexico.

Families will have to be reunited
from male and female camps...

to get on the boat.
It's a mammoth task.

Linda? Linda. This is Lavender.

Lavender's an incredible worker.
Muchas gracias, senora.

Linda. Lavender.

What a turn-up.
I'm so happy you're here.


Linda, meet Randolph Pine, who helps
us so marvellously in the office.

Hello. Hello.

Didn't... didn't you sit on my bed
a million years ago...

with a million other young men,

Yes, that was me. Welcome, comrade.


Everyone's got so serious
all of a sudden.

Well, the world's gotten
rather serious all of a sudden.

Yes. What can I do to help,
Christian? I long to be useful.

Never fear, there's masses of work.
Can you speak Spanish?

Well, you'll soon pick it up.

I'm quite sure I shan't.

Maybe... maybe you could help
with the babies?

Un momento, por favor. What do you
know about welfare work?

Dear. Nothing, I'm afraid.

Lavender? Sorry.

I was hopeless with my own baby.

I know, she can help arrange
accommodation on the ship.

Yes, I can do that. I can do that.

Here are the maps.

Deck one, deck two, deck three,
and first class is...

So, how do I decide
who gets which cabin?

It's a strictly democratic ship
run on republican principles...

so I'd give decent cabins
to families...

where there are small children
and babies. Yes.

Lavender? Phone call. Sorry.

Apart from that,
do it any way you like.

Hola. Si. Si.


For the next few weeks,
Linda drove in a little Ford van...

between the men and women's camps
as they waited for the ship to come...

and take them to
a more certain future.

And she grew to love the wild,
rugged countryside of Europe.

A place which had been so maligned
by Uncle Matthew...

through her childhood.

Not knowing much Spanish...

or anything about calories or
babies, like her friend Lavender...

she sometimes found herself waiting
to be useful.

Hello, lady.

Hello. What are you waiting for?


I'm... I'm waiting to be useful,
I think.

Are you lonely?


Did you leave your boyfriend behind?

I leave behind many boyfriends.

But most, I... I miss my... my friend.

My best friend. Yeah.

She is trapped in Barcelona still.

Look at you, with your g*ns.

Yeah. Together, we were very brave.

Don't waste all your time
being useful.

Time is precious.

And we may not have much of it left.

You know?

The end is beginning now.

This is my best friend.

That's a good face.

It is. Yes.

Friends. Friends.

The name "Vatican"
is derived from an Etruscan...

Vatica, or Vaticum, meaning...

Don't put your cup down there,
darling, it'll make rings.

Vatico, or Vatican, meaning garden.
Rather lovely.

Before 1929...

The great day finally came
for the families to be reunited...

from the camps
and put on the ship to Mexico.

The women and children were on
the quayside when the men arrived.

They hadn't seen each other
since the retreat from Spain...

and had doubted
they ever would again.

Do you ever feel lonely, Christian?

Loneliness is a luxury.

If you've three square meals a day
and a roof over you...

there's nothing on Earth
to complain about.


I'm so sorry. Excuse me.

Sorry. Matt. I'm so sorry.



Hello, Linda.
. What...? Are you mad?

He was fighting in Spain.

Gosh, you look ten years older.

You do. You're grown-up.

I had no idea that you were here.

I've seen you several times...

but I thought you might
fetch me home, so I made off.

You are terribly thin.
Do you need anything?

Yes, please. Some cigarettes
and a couple of thrillers.

You will have to go home
when the real w*r starts.

You know that, don't you, Matt?

I don't see why.
I've never been happier in my life.

Fighting fascism is all there is
to do that makes any sense.

And abroad is the only place
on Earth worth being.

Viva Espana.


They'll never see Spain again.


Did you work on any special plan...

when you were arranging the cabins,
or how did you do it?

Well, I simply gave all the best cabins to
the people that had "Labrador" on their cards...

because I used to have one
when I was little...

and it was such a terrific Hon.

So sweet, you know.


That explains it.

"Labrador" in Spanish
happens to mean labourer...

so under your scheme, all the farm
hands found themselves in luxury...

while all the intellectuals
were battened.

Bravo, Linda. That'll teach them
not to be so clever.

There's Christian,
I'll go fetch him in.

He was such a sweet Labrador,
wasn't he, Matt?

Yes. But if you want a pet, why
don't you make an offer for a leech?

I can't somehow imagine the
leech ever getting very fond of one.

Too busy fussing about
the weather all day.

No time for human relationships.

Linda could never remember
afterwards how much...

she really minded...

when she discovered Christian
was in love with Lavender Davis.

I do love your scent, Linda.

Apres Londres?

Yes. Certainly,
her pride was wounded.

Christian, I am leaving you for good
and going home...

because I realise our marriage
has been a fake.

Please look after Matt.

PS, I know you prefer serious...

educated women.

Especially... Lavender.

Hello? Hello? Hello, Fanny?
Are you there?

Hello? Hello, Linda?


My life so far has not been
at all of a success.

I know you can't be useful all the
time, but I'm useless at everything.

Why did I ever leave Tony
in the first place? And Moira?

That was where my duty lay.

Why can't I be dependable,
like Lavender...

and Pixie Townsend and you?

I keep thinking about your mother.
Am I a bolter?

I want to die.

Linda, where are you?

No, see, I'm just...
I'm renouncing men.

They are not the answer
and they do not fill the hole.

No, no. That's my connection
for Paris.

My money's running out.
I love you. I love you.

And I don't...
I'm lost without you, Fanny...

and you're the only thing
I ever got right.

Two more trains and I'm home.
I've missed you so much.

So much.

Mwah. Mwah-mwah-mwah.


You're in a good mood.
Linda's coming back.


Alfred. Wonderful.

Bonjour. Bonjour. My ticket. Oui.

Pardon. Here.

Votre billet pour Londres
est expire, madame.

Um... It has expired.

It is, er... er... it is
for yesterday, not for today.

No, but I'm sorry...

I don't have enough money
for another ticket.

Please, will you make
an exception? Please?

Excusez-moi, sir, please. I just...
I really need to get home.

My friend is going to be...

awfully worried about me.
Rien a faire, madame.


Why didn't I listen to my father?

Why did I ever come to this...

bloody abroad?

I would like to point out
that I am the daughter of a very...

important British nobleman...

so if you are planning
to give me an injection...

and put me on a ship to
Buenos Aires, then think again.

One does not have to be
Sherlock Holmes to guess...

that you're an Englishwoman.

French ladies never sit crying
on their suitcases...

at the Gare du Nord
in the very early morning.

I invite you to luncheon with me.

But first,
you must have a bath and rest...

and put a cold compress
on your face.



Get in, please.

I apologise, madame,
for not taking you to the Ritz...

but I have a feeling for
the Hotel Montalembert just now...

that it will suit your mood
this morning.

I will fetch you
a little before 1:00...

and we will go out
to luncheon. Merci.

Goodbye for the present.


Allo, allo?

Hello? You keep me waiting.

That is a very good sign.

A sign of what?

A good augury for our affair...

that it will be happy
and long lasting.

We are not going to have an affair.

And if that's what you were
thinking, I don't want lunch.

I shall leave this hotel room and go
straight to the train station.

Mademoiselle, don't be so English.

May I ask, what is your name?


Linda? That's a pretty name.

I'm waiting for you downstairs,