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01x02 - Reaping and Sewing

Posted: 02/01/23 11:36
by bunniefuu
Welcome to

A quaint little town,

but look beneath the surface

and what you'll find
may surprise you--

Women with the power
to foretell the future,

control men's minds with
just a flash of their eyes,

or summon the fury of mother nature.

But when a mysterious stranger

arrives with the promise
of sex and trouble,

these women and this little
town will never be the same.

help! Help! Somebody help!

help! Somebody help!

you can keep screaming,rox.

you're just gonna give
yourself a sore throat.

I just love harvestfest.

It's so festive--
The music,the dancing,

the little skits,fabulous
handmade centerpieces.

- Um,what's yours supposed to be?
- It's a turkey.

Well,how come it looks like a...

It does t.

Yep,that is one hell of a va-juege.

It's really lifelike.

It is not a va-juege. It's a turkey.

It's j uege-tastic.

But don't worry,honey. We'll just
paint it purple,call it a flower.

So I'm,um,I'm thinking that I'm
gonna call that divorce lawyer,

even though I am kinda freaking
out about the whole thing.

Well,if you're not sure,you
don't have to do it.

Oh,yes,she does.

Her husband's an unemployed
schlub who treats her like ass.

Well,he's also the father
of her kids-- her five kids.

So? That means she
has to bring him beers

while he farts on the
couch till the day she dies?

Roxie! Look,I know that
I have to leave raymond,

but it's just scary.
I've never been alone.

- You're not alone,kat.
- Yeah,you have us.

Well,until I get slaughtered
in the woods by a madman.

Another jamie dream last night?

- Wait,wait,wait. Who's jamie?
- My future m*rder.

- He just moved here.
- To k*ll me.

- You don't know that.
- Oh,yes,I do.

Every other psychic vision I've
had in the past week has come true,

and I'm only getting stronger.

I can't explain it.

I don't know why,but it's happening.

All kinds of strange things have been
happening ever since darryl got here.

Ah,that's kind of a
leap,don't you think?

Co on. You have to admit,there's
something about him.

Yeah,kinda dark,sinister.

- Well,I think he's nice.
- No,no!

Darryl van horne is not nice.

He's... Peculiar and rude
and disgusting and... Hot.

And I-I can't put my finger on it,

but there's something about
him that's not of this world.

Do you think he heard me?

No. No! No.

I think you put too
much stuff on that shelf.

And you know what else,miss roxie? I
don't think that you're actually psychic.

I think you're just dramatic.

Oh,my god. Here comes jamie.

He's totallyonna sh**t me.

- You never mentioned he was so...
- What?


Okay,well,maybe after he kills
me,you guys can propose a 3-way.

Don't wave at my m*rder*r!

- Sorry.
- Sorry.

How you doing?


I'm jamie. I just moved here.


Well... Okay,then.

He looks like johnny depp.

Excuse me. What exactly
do you think you're doing?

Um,the police said the only
entrance was through your shop.

I know it's a bit intimate,but
I'm sure we'll get used to it.

What the hell are you talking about?

Oh,homer hasn 't told you?
I just signed the lease.

I'm renting the apartment upstairs.

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eastwick s01e02

Have you noticed that ever
since darryl b ought the paper,

he's been putting pictures
of himself up everywhere

like he's chai rman mao or something?

It's very creepy.

So what are we looking for,exactly?

Yes,darryl van horneis dead.

I am the one who gave you
this death certificate,rember?

Yeah,but look what your
source scribbled on the back.

I have no idea,and I can't
find the stupid article anyway.

Whoever organized these old
issues did a really crappy job.

I organized them.

he Y,you haven't told
anyone about darryl,have you?

No,and I'm dying to,but,you
know,journalistic integrity,blah,blah,blah.

- You wanna hear my theory,though?
- Yes.


Your mystery informant
gave us a death certificate

for a person named darryl van horne.

Well,this morning,I dug
up his obituary online.

He was a baby.

i Don't get it.

Okay,it's really easy to steal
the identity of an infant who dies.

All you have to do is find one who
was born around the same time as you.

From there,you can go to the d.m.v.

And get all kinds of
phony identification.

And it's really hard to get caught

because there's never any duplicates

because that person
never actually grew up.

You're telling me you think that

darryl stole some poor dead
baby's birth certificate

and then pretended to be him?

Well,it would account for the fact that

there's no record of darryl
van horne anywhere before 1984.

There's no school
records,no i.r.s. Records,

no bank account,no
parking tickets,nothing.

Well,because he wast
darryl van horne then.

he Was someone else.


But then in 1984,he
decided to start over,

become someone new--
Darryl van horne.

He got a driver's
license,a bank account,

and then that spring he
founded van horne ventures.

Within a year,he became the
fourth richest man in new york--

A man with no past.

Heust appeared out of nowhere.

- It's freaky.
- I know.

Am I the best investigative
journalist ever or what?

Looks like bun's condition is improving.

Her blood pressure and
heart rate have stabilized.

And her brain activity's normal.

Aside from the coma,she's healthy.

Let's do some blood work this afternoon

- and keep an eye on her liver functions.
- Okay.

Speaking of healthy,hello
there,my star patient.

Raymond,why aren't you
in your hospital gown?

I'm releasing him early
due to good behavior.

You ready? Should we,uh,should we go?

Uh,well,my shift just started. And
what the hell are you talking about?

You heard the man. I'm coming home.

No,you're not.

What are you talking about?

I- I just-- I just
got discharged.

Well,then you need
to find a place to go.

Okay. How about,um,our house?

Raymond,three days
ago,you declared w*r on me.

You threatened to take my children away.

It is notourhouse anymore.

That was a fight,all
right? You were drunk.

I was delirious.

Kat,I had just been struck
by lightning,all right?

We-- we both-- we said
things we didn't mean.

No,I meant every single word.

- I think you're overreacting.
- I'm-- I'm overreacting?

- Yes
- you accused me of purposely electring you.

I was pissed,all right?

I... Okay.


I have not been the
world's best husband.

But almost dying-- It
makes you realize things

that are important to
you,like you,all right?

Come on.

I got no place else to go,kat.

you get one week.

- And then you have to go.
- Okay.

- Ooh,stop.
- What?

December 1984- - "Like a virgin"
hits number one on the charts.

I love that song.

I made it through the wilderness
somehow I made it through...

I was beat incomplete i'd
been had I was sad and blue

'cause you made me feel yeah!

Shiny and new like a virgin hey!

Touched for the very
first ti-- Hey,will!

We were just doing some research
on the old,uh,microfiche.

Yeah,looks like fun.

So,listen,I have this
extra ticket to harvestfest,

and I was thinking,maybe
you wanted to go with me.

It's for a good cause,you know?

Eastwick fire department.

Yeah,no. I can't.

- Are you not going,or...
- No,no,I'm-- I'm going.

I'm just gonna go alone.

Okay. Maybe some other time.

- What the hell was that?
- Nothing.

The man that you've had
the world's most pathetic

crush on for the last two years
finally asks you out,and you say no?

Don't call me pathetic.

I didn't call you pathetic. I
said that your crush is pathetic.

He doesn't really like me,penny.

I did... Something to him to
make him think that he likes me,

but he-- he
doesn't. Trust me.

This isn't real.


"august 4,1984. "

tragedy struck eastwick on sunday "

when local reside nt sebastian
hart drowned in a fishing accident

off the coast of eastwick bay.

" What the...

Ah,roxie,you've arrived,finally.

I have clay. I have tools.

I am very,very excited for us to begin.

Now as you are probably aware,

it was the custom of most serious
18th century french painters--

They wouldfte demeure,or,uh,hmm...
How should I put this?

Have intercour th their subjects

in order to better capture
their essence on the canvas.

- Nice try.
- Right.

How about just a little light
petting,then,before we begin?

You think you're really
adorable,don't you?

I think you think i'm really adorable.

I think you're not as adorable
asyouthink I think you are.

Now should we get started?

Why don't we start with your head?

- yes.

By the way,I wanna thank you for
the recomm endation on the kid.

Turns out he's quite a good worker.

I've got him breaking down
drywall in the kitchen,

and I've gotta say,the boy
is very good with his hands,

but then again,you already
knew that,didn't you?

The boy has a name.

Yes,I know,but I just can't call
anyone chad with a straight face.

- Oh,speak of the devil.
- Mr. Van horne.


Hey,babe. You look smokin'.

Ah,young love.

How embarrassing.

Shut up.

- How's mia,by the way?
- She's fine.

Has she thought about
pursuing that matter?

I'd like to help because I thinthat
bastard should be made to pay.

She doesn'want to go to the police.

She wants to put it all behind her.

Meanwhile,I personally would like to
m*rder the little freak date r*pist

who tried to hurt my baby,

but I hear that's illegal,so...

What are you talking about?


- You didn't tell him?
- Tell me what?

It's nothing.

The other night,mia was with a boy,

and he... Tried to... But--
but we got there in time.

It was fine.

"we"? Who's "we"?

- Me and...
- me.

- Gotcha.
- No,no,no,no,no.

- We were not-- - You wanna go
out with him,go out with him.

Excuse me a minute.

- Shut up.
- yes.

- Are you okay?
- Not now,roxie.

I want you to know iamsorry.

I never wanted to hurt you.

I like you,ro xie.

they know. They're coming for
me,and they're gonna k*ll you.

We'll see.

who wants vodka?

- me. - me.
- and me.

Well,look who decided to
crash the party. I am shocked.

Now,you ladies,you weren't planning
on having a pillow fight,by any chance?

- yes?
- Nothing.

So I bought each of you a present,

because it is rude to show up
uninvited,but not if you bring gifts.

So let's get started. Kat,you're fi rst.

this is to the beginning
of your single life.

- That's,um,I-I don't think I can
take that-- - I'll take it. It's silk.

Thank you,darryl.

Scent-- often underestimated,can
be an invitation.

It can be a seduction.
It can be a w*apon.

It's perfect for the budding
investigative journalist--

That you may better sniff out the truth.

- And it's... Maurice.
- Yeah.


Kat gets silk,and I get maurice.

Well,it's not about the price,my dear.

It's about the quality,plus I was
already at the drugstore buying floss.


For those blessed with the gift of
second sight,these are spirit dice.

Now legend has it that if you
roll one,you can see the past.

If you roll two,you can tell the future.

And if you roll three,you can affect
the very course of fate itself.

The only problem is the change
will always bend toward chaos.

You got thes e at the mall.

Yes,I did. And the kid that
sold them to me assured me that

they were based on actual
ancient spirit dice,

and he had black fingernails,

and he wore some kind of a cape,

so I think he probably knew
what he was talking about.

Can I get a nightgown instead?

I would like t o propose a
toast to the coming harvest.

As we reap the seeds we have
sown,let's hope we've planted well.

Thanks for coming over,even
though we had a stupid fight.

You know me. i' M like a sexual batman.

You call at 4:00
a.m.,and I come running.

Damn it. I forgot to bring
a change of clothes again.

Maybe I should have a drawer here.

- A drawer?
- Yeah,for my stuff.

I-I see you get dressed all the time,

and I never see you open up the
bottom drawer of your dresser.

Um... My husband's clothes are in there.

i Know danny's been dead for
five years,but that's his drawer.

Okay. Don't give me thatdrawer.

I'll take any drawer in the house.

Why do you have to do this?

I'm not asking for a
kidney,just a drawer.

I have to take mia to school.

I'll drive you guys,and then
we can go into work together.

No,thanks. See you later.

That went well.


I,um,ran out of deodorant this morning,

so i,uh,rubbed my-- my
pits with a dryer sheet,

and now I just smell
like mountain fresh b.o.

Anyway,I gotta get going.

No,wait. Listen.

I was thinking,would
you like to have dinner?

Oh,well,you don't wanna
have dinner with me.

You're not acting of your own accord.

- I'm not?
- You're not. Watch. I'll show you,okay?

Punch yourself in the
arm... Really hard.


Now... Walk over here and
put your hands on my ass.

Now why did you just do that?

Because you asked me to.


Awesome. Joanna,milton philmont's here.


Why were his hands
all over-- Okay,fine.

He's at the front in the cap.


Thank you so much for coming.

I'm a huge fan.

Oh,that's very sweet.

Actually,i,uh,just wanted to talk
to you about a specific article.

Oh,sure,I remember
most everything I wrote.

Well,do you rember this one?

Sebastian hart-- he died off the
coast of eastwick in august of '84.

That's awfully strange.

Well,you... You wrote another,uh,

piece about him an d his attempts

to buy the nox mansion
earlier that summer.

What? Whoa,whoa,whoa,no,no,this
can't be.

No,I don't remember any of this.

Milton... Look me in
the eye and think back.

Tell me everything you
remember aut sebastian hart.

I can't.

It's all... Kinda muddled up somehow.

I can almost see him.

He's young,rich,surrounded by women.

You know,I think I was afraid of him.

But for the life of
me,I can't remember why.

Ooh,a candle,a rope and a ladder.

I have no idea what that means.

All right,where should we
go-- Thrift store or mall?

Get off me! Gus,stop. Please. Gus!

Oh,honey,just ignore him.

It's fine,mom. He lives here.
I can't exactly avoid him.

Yeah,I know what you mean.

Good afternoon,ladies.

I've been at the library all morning
doing research,and I am knackered.

Huh,that's interesting,

because I thought only old ladies
and perverts went to libraries.

- I'm sorry. What?
- Gotta go. Real busy. See ya.

- You ready?
- Um,yeah. I really don't need a new dress.

I'm not gonna go to harvestfest.

Why,honey? Because of gus?

- No,I just don't want to go.
- Well,that's it. We're pressing charges.

I'not gonna let that little
ass-face ruin your whole life.


So that everyone in town
can know what happened?

So I can be attempted-r*pe girl?

I just want to put it
behind me and forget it.

Well,then come to harvestfest.
Honey,don't let him win.

Look,I just need time,okay?

I'll go next year. I promise.

I'm gonna go to justine's and study.

Okay,since you're a high
school dropout,would-be r*pist,

future "dateline" predator who works
in a gas station,i'll talk slowly.

If youever touch
my daughter again--

Or any other innocent girl, for
that matter-- So help me god--

Okay,well,first of all,your
little mia is not so innocent,lady.

And second,I may be
a high school dropout,

but you're the slut who k*lled her
husband so she can bang half the town.

I'd be careful what I
say next if I were you.

Aw,hey,don't go.

Hey,we could have some fun.
I hear you like 'em young.

Okay,let's try this one more time.

But I can't remember the words.

I don't want to do this.
Everyone's gonna laugh.

Okay,emily,listen. You made a commitment,and
now you have to see it through.

That's important in life.


Look,you see that butterfly right there?

Yeah? She is just like you.

And all those years you
wanted to be in harvestfest--

Well,then you were just a
caterpillar,but now it's your turn to fly.

Want to try it again? Okay.

A- tisket,a-tasket a
green and yellow basket

I bought a basket for
my mommy on the way,

I dropped it mommy,how'd you do that?

Keep singing. Keep singing.

A little girlie picked it up
and brought it to the market yay!

- are you okay?
- why?

Well,that's the fifth time
you mangled my forehead.

I'm sorry.

I just can't do this right now.

oh,It's that little skid mark.

I just-- I want
to see him suffer.

I want to see him strung
up in the middletown square!

That can be arranged.

- Don't be creepy.
- Oh,i'mcreepy?

C- can we just-- can we just pick
up again tomorrow,when I can focus?

This is the problem with women.

- Excuse me?
- You don't understand the usefulness of anger.

Society trieto force you to swallow
it down like a good little girl.

Because if you're angry,you're a bitch,

and if you're a bitch,no
one will love you.

Well,I say... That's nonsense.

I own my anger,thank you very much.

Maybe,but you don't know how to use it.

You need to channel it,roxie.

You need to put it into
your art... Right now...

as You need to let him go.

He can't handle you.

You know,I'm getting a little
sick of this whole jealousy bit.

Yeah,this... Isn't fun anymore.

That's not what you said last night.

I want to be your boyfriend.

Chad,I'm a widow.

I don't have boyfriends.

I have a daughter with real problems.

Ihave real problems.

- I still keep my dead husband's clothes in a dresser.

And ev ery month,I pay either the phone
bill or the cable bill,but never both.

And-- and there's a g
who lives above my shop,

and I'm pretty sure he's plotting
my m*rder,or else maybe I'm crazy.

No,you know what? I-I take that
back. I am d efinitely crazy.

My life is a mess.

I should be nobody's girlfriend.

I don't care that you're
crazy. I like that you're crazy.

- Well,then you're crazy!
- Exactly.

So we're perfect together.

I'm sorry,chad. You want
something I can't give you.

Indian summer. Freakin' hot.

- That feels nice.
- that nightgown's nice.

Trying to seduce me,mrs. Gardener?

No,I actually thought
you'd be asleep by now.

It's just hot.

I'm gonna Miss this--
Putting the kids to sleep,

coming out here watching
you water the garden.

Oh,yeah,in a skimpy nightgown.

ac Tually,my favorite is you in sweats.

That old eastwick high lacrosse shirt...

With rips in the collar?

I look at you in that shirt,I
go right back to 11th grade...

At the prettiest
girl in school--

At the hell is she
doing going out with me?

I know that it's probably too late,

but I want you to know that I'm sorry.

And... I wish that things
had turned out different.

You're the love of my life.

I'm gonna Miss you.


I mean,did you really think it would be open?
It is 9: 00 at night,and bun's in a coma.

I know. But nobody I talked
to can remember anything

about sebastian hart,and
it's driving me crazy.

All right,well,i'm gonna go home now,

and I'm gonna drink a bunch of wine

and I'm gonna give myself a bikini wax.

- If you wanna join
me-- - What are you...

Okay,but let's just say this
rock here just happened to,

like,accidentally go through the window.

Okay,please don't hit me.

Or... You could... Use this.

So find anything yet,macgyver?

This could take literallyhours,

and we're probably not
gonna find anything.

- Jackpot.
- What?

Um,this file here is called "sebastian.

" Holy crap! We hit the mother lode.

Feels so good inside ide,ide
when you hold me what?

When you hold me and your heart
beats and your heart beats uhh.

And you love me oh!

Holy crap!

Okay,you realize that that dog has
probably been starving in here for days?

I bet we look very succulent.

Maybe he's not that hungry.
We left the door open.

Maybe he just wandered
in off the street.

Look,ei ther way,are we
gonna stand here all night?

Because if we are,I am totally
peeing in that trash can.

Okay,what do you
suggest that we do,penny?

I suggest that you create a diversion,

and then I will go and
run and pee and get help.

Oh,you're gonna pee first?
That is very thoughtful.

What are you doing? What
are you doing? Stop. Stop.

Well,if we're gonna be stuck here,
at least I can get some information.

Nice doggy. Nice doggy.


Oh,my god. That's darryl.

Who are those women?

Well,I don't know who those two are, but
the one on the end-- That is totally bun.

Quick. Maurice. Maurice.


ye Sterday I woke up,and I was so sad.

Today... Mmm. I am happy.

Raymond. Raymond,I'm not... No.

No no,let me go. Listen. Listen to me.

- We're not...
- hey.

We are not... We are not back together.

What are you talking about?

Last night we
were-- look,

I know-- I know
we have this...

Passionate connect and last
night did mean a lot to me,too,

but that's because it was good-bye.


So you're leaving me now,hmm?

you left me a long time ago,raymond.

Ever since you lost your job,

it's like you lost
your will,and I just...

And-- and I just feel like
i'm doing everything on my own,

and I keep hoping that
things will change,

that you'll change,but I
can't wait around anymore.


I'm sorry.

Damn it!

Can I be of any assistance?

No. No,thank you.

Okay,but,um,the way you've
got that thing jacked,

you're probably gonna crush your skull.

There you go. Simple as that.

I just s aved your life.

Right. Thank you.

I've got it from here.

So what happened?

Uh,some little pissant slashed my tire.

But I can handle it.

You don't like me very much,do you?

- I don't know you.
- Exactly,'cause if you knew me,then you'd like me.

But I know how we can remedy this.

Let me interview you for my book.

You're a write r?

yep. Oh,neither an
old lady nor a pervert.

Just a writer.

You know,the last book I
wrote was on irish folklore.

I actually got a
five-star review online.

Um,of course it was from an
old drinking buddy of mine,

but he's very discerning.

So what's this one about?

This one's about eastwick,actually,

you ow,a history of sorts--
Witchcraft and magic.

Actually,I'd like to talk to
you about your little statues.

They have this lovely
kind of spiritual potency.

What are you doing?

There's no scar on your hip.

Well,should there be?

Well,yeah,I thought there... Was.

Why would you think that?

I'm so sorry.

i... I guess I was wrong.

Eleanor roement.

You know,I cannot get the smell
of crappy perfume out of my hair.

- Did you hear what I just said?
- Nope.

- Eleanor rougement.
- who?

She and bun started the eastwick
historical society together,

and I bet that she is one
of the women in that photo.

- And you want to know what else?
- Not really.

She still lives in eastwick.

Really? I never heard of her.

What,you know everyone
in the entire town?

- Yes.
- Except eleanor rougement.

he R phone number's unlisted,but
she still lives out on route 9.

What do u say? Let's go.

No. We don't even know if
that's her in this picture.

You're right. But we do know
that bun is in the picture,

and that she possibly holds the key

to not only who darryl van horne is,

but what the hell he's doing here,

and,you k I would ask
her,but she's in a coma.

So all we have is just the
possibility that maybe one

of the women in this
picture is eleanor rougement.

Even if it isn't her,maybe
she rembers something.

Or maybe she could
tell us that--

that darryl van horne and
sebastian hart are the same person,

but either way,penny, we can't just sit around
and wait for bun to wake up from her coma.


- mom,hey.
- You came.

Yes. I decided you were right.

I'm not gonna let him win.

Honey,I am so happy. Good for you.

Where's chad?

I don't know.

I think our little thing
may have run its course.

Well,that's too bad.

It seemed like you really liked him.

What makes you say that?

I don't know. It seemed like
he made you happy or something.

I'm gonna go hang out with
justine,so I will see you later.

Coming through.

Is that your entry into
the pumpkin contest?

No,I just like carrying this around.

So you might be right. I might not
be an infallible psychic after all.

- What do you mean? I
ran into jamie today,

and he's actually kinda cool.

And some of the stuff from
my dream isn't adding up,

and I'm starting to
think that I might be,

you know,a little bit...
Wrong... In this case.

Well,I promise not
to say "i told you so.

- You just did.
- Oh,right. Sorry.

So how's raymond?

Well,we,uh,we had sex,and
I thought it was good-bye,

and he thought it was
hello,and now he hates me.

I feel like such an ass.

He refused to come tonight.

Isn't that him over there
talking to darryl van horne?

What the heck?

Good luck,tiger.

What was that all about?

I just got my old job
back at the factory.

You did?

Kat,you are looking at the
reinstated supervisor of wicks

and waxes for all scented candles.

Not including tapers and
tea lights,but... Yeah.

You know,I could be
at harstfest right now.

I could be getting
drunk,eating pie,but instead,

i'm in the woods,with you,

knocking on what looks like
the door of a serial k*ller.

I know. Isn't it fun?



So I know you officially hate
me by now,but mia said something,

and it was actually kind of
smart,and it got me thinking.

I don't hate you.


- You remember melody.
- Of course. Hello,melody.

See ya.

i'll be here at the bar... Drinking.

Can we go now? Please?

I can hear the tv.
She's watching "cribs.

" Hello?

uh,eleanor rougement?

I'm joanna frankel,and,um,this
is penny higgins...

- What's up?
- And we work at the "eastwick gazette.

" my God,you're spunky.

You remind me of one of those squirrels
I like to sh**t at in my garden.

I just wanted to ask you a few
questions about,um,sebastian hart.

What about him?

Oh,so you do know who I'm talking about.

Well,I'm standing right
next to him in the picture.

Look at my breasts.

They were so high back then.

I didn't even need to wear a bra.


I am so glad that you rember him.

Remember him? Honey... I
was the one who k*lled him.

Don't make me sh**t you like a squirrel.

I'm sorry.

I just have a few more questions.

I don't have anything else to say.

Eleanor,look at me.

You will answer my questions.

You really think that's
going to work on me?

You're hilarious.

So can we go get drunknow?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

okay,you can have a drawer.

That's my boyfriend you're grinding on.

that was n't very nice.

She's young. She'll recover.

- So a whole drawer?
- Yep,awholedrawer.

Crap. I have a boyfriend.


So,uh,I made a special
request of the band,

so you have to dance with me.

all right,let's go.

so we're dancing, which
is kind of like a date.

Not really.

Yeah,but I feel like
i'm wearing you down.

I already told you,this is not real.

All I know is that I can't
stop thinking about you,

and that feels pretty real to me.

Can I cut in?

um,sure thing.

So how is eastwick's number
one investigative journalist?

Finding anything interesting?


I have some pretty interesting leads.

Well,you just be careful,okay?

What do you mean?

Well,sometimes it's probably safer...

To let sleeping dogs lie...

You know?