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02x04 - Not Our Daughters

Posted: 02/01/23 11:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on Motherland


Welcome to w*r College Sekhmet.

I'm your coven leader. Call me M.

And you want me to handfast

with Gregorio Shellbark?


There are things about the army

and Alder that just don't sit right.

Bonnie and Shane, they seem

pretty well connected.

Bonnie said Wersadie pays them

to attend the vigils, too.

Stir things up.

if anyone's a link to

the Camarilla higher-ups,

it's this guy.

Your tribe just laid down and died

instead of fighting the Camarilla.

My tribe was ambushed

and m*rder*d, Abigail.

But what you can do,

I've never seen anything like it.

They're k*lling themselves.

You stole my Work!

It had to be done. You know that.

They already surrendered.

Your heart is black, Sarah.

If Jem made a Working

that could stop the battle

then maybe it's time

for another Bellweather

to build a Working.

Oh, beautiful ♪

For spacious skies ♪

Your true greatness awaits.

Hundreds of young women

from all over the country

are joining every day.

For purple Mountain's majesties ♪

Destiny calls upon each of us

to protect this great

nation in her own way.

America, America ♪

Join today.

Find your true self.

Find your true power.

With sisterhood ♪

Our voices are stronger together.

Will you answer the call?

And you won't be alone when you answer.

We will meet our great nation's enemies

with storm and fury.

God shed her grace on thee ♪

Join today.

Find your true voice.

I found my voice.

I found my voice.

Find yours.

Grafton has it in for me.

I think your tongue has it in for ya.

Try again.

Don't rush through it.

So Mothertongue for

"library" is "library"?

No, there isn't a word for

"library" in Mothertongue.

So where did everybody keep

their books back then?


On shelves, one assumes.

You should be careful about assumptions.

Some people might get offended by them.

And maybe, some people just

need to get over themselves.

You know what?

I'm late

for Strategic Tactical anyway.

So I should

Does anyone else know this was you?

The weather?

It's best that they don't.

Why don't you just unbreak it?

In case you haven't noticed

by the sexy gravel in my voice

my throat's blown out.

Fixers say I'm on the mend, though.

I was on my way to the mess

to get some tea with honey

if you want to come along.

Actually, I need to go pack my bag.


Where are you going?


Khalida and The Hague think

they may have found a new home

for our people.

That's great.

But you just got here, didn't you?

This has been made clear to me

I'm responsible for the rest

of The Tarim having died.

Look, if that's how you took

what I said, I didn't mean

But you still said it.

And you might not be entirely wrong.

So helping the survivors get settled

is the least I can do.

Good bye, Abigail.


Keep making those noises,

I'm gonna have to

start asking questions.

Are you still not talking to me?

I would only not be talking to you

if I were upset about you

abandoning me at the reception.

Which I'm not.

But sounds like you would

have had your episode

even if I had been there, right?

And you wouldn't have had yours

if you'd just come along with me.

I would've just pushed myself too hard

after you'd bunked down.

Haven't you heard?

I'm stubborn

and opinionated. And

Your turn.

So, when's Adil coming back?

Adil left?

Because your voice isn't sexy anymore?

What about this isn't sexy?

He and Khalida are looking

into where to settle.

Is it not here?

What else did I miss?

Tally's gone full obsesso

on the Liberian Conflict.

So, more Alder homework, huh?

All those books, all of them

say that Alder wasn't

there at the Martyrdom.

But I know she was.

I saw her there.

What in the name of the

Goddess were you thinking?

My goal was to have Scylla

lead Anacostia back to her cell.

Once we learned they were

looking into the Camarilla too,

it seemed foolish

not to piggyback on their operation.

Scylla Ramshorn should be wasting away

in Saint Dominique right now.

My orders on that were abundantly clear.

If we followed your orders,

we wouldn't know about the

Camarilla using hearing tests

to identify witches.

At least now, with the testing centers

we stand a chance of

finding our sisters first.

We need to swap out

the test in hundreds,

maybe thousands of schools.

- We need you to authorize

- Petra.

Give us the room.

So you work for Petra now?

You set the bar for breaking

protocol pretty high.

Before the Tarim mission,

you did what you had to do

to make sure President Wade

saw things your way.

And thought them your

way. And said them

your way.

I didn't give you permission

to speak freely.

I didn't ask.

Do you judge me, for what I've done?

I think I'll leave the

judgements to history


You put a fetch on that

Camarilla courier, yes?

General Bellweather was planning on

bringing him in for interrogation.

I'm going to lead the operation

to swap out the hearing tests.

- We just need your okay so that we could

- Oh,

now you need my okay?

You stay on the courier.

Petra can handle the schools.

If the Camarilla's power structure

is the same as it always has been,

he'll report to one of their Exarchs.

We need their leadership

identified and eliminated.

All due respect, but

this is Petra's operation.

And it's my army.

The answer is no.

Our cell disagrees. She

won't be happy about that.

Then the feeling is mutual.

Good bye.

Trouble with that other cell?

They're being short-sighted.

I can't stop anyone from going

on whatever su1c1de

mission they're planning

but I won't be a party to it.

This isn't the military.

And yet, here I am

with an update on my

mission with Anacostia.

Orsatti's on the move

with those hearing test results.

Hopefully, toward a

higher-up in the Camarilla.

Good. Stay on him.

You can keep the photo, by the way.

I miss her, too.

I found my voice.

After today's pilot launch

the military in conjunction

with the civilian government

will open more testing

centers across the country.

As you can see, our

tools are non-invasive,

and the accommodations,

far from medieval.

The military understands

how frightening and exciting

this time can be in

a young woman's life.

Prospective recruits will be

given the utmost privacy

and consideration during

the verification process.

Don't you mean "prospective

witches", General?

Witch or Civilian,

we're all American.

And I have no doubt that this

will bring us closer together

than we've ever been.

We got it. Thank you.

Find your voice! Find your voice!

Not our daughters! Not our daughters!

Viable candidates are

starting to thin, Abigail.

I hear Gregorio Shellbark

is in high demand.

That's because he's a

safety school with a penis.

Isn't finding and fighting the Camarilla

a little more important

than handfasting right now?

There's more than one

way to fight the enemy.

And our family has to fight back

any way that we can.

After Charvel.

Raelle, excellent work at

the w*apon's test, by the way.

The brass were very impressed.

It's all a blur, but thank you.

Savor it. History is

being made, after all.

Oh, speaking of history,

I'd like to pick your

brain about Liberia.

You served there, right?

The forever-front?

You just invited us to keep your mom

from bugging you about

Gregorio, didn't you?

Can you blame me?

I'm really starting to dig

into the Martyrdom of the Rebels.

Oh, before my time, I'm afraid.

All I know is from the

same books you've read

Esterbrook and her witches

refused conscription

when the US came knocking.

So they martyred themselves

to make a statement to

the rest of the world.

So why isn't General Alder

a bigger part of that story?

Why would she be?

She wasn't there when

the martyrdom occurred.

Oh, I heard she was.

Fighting alongside a

soldier named Batan.

It would have been one or

two classes before yours.

Where are you getting your information?

She's been reading so many books,

it's hard to say.


Though, Intelligence does

often have a hard time

keeping track of the

General's comings and goings.

You may want to find a

source closer to the story.

- Thank you, Ma'am.

- Mm-hmm.

You know, I gotta give

it to the Imperatrix

for at least throwing in a

couple of shortish brunettes

to try and trip me up.

You alright, Bells?

I'm great.

I just keep failing at

absolutely everything.

The Witchbomb,


About the Witchbomb,

I mean, there's no

failing or winning at dumb luck.

As for you and Adil,

I-I mean

Did Tally fail with Gerit?

Did I fail with Scylla?

You definitely didn't win.


Well, what I'm trying to say

is Tally's stronger for

having gone through

what she did with Gerit.

And I'm stronger for

having experienced Scylla.

You'll come out stronger from Adil, too.

Besides, I'm not convinced

you two are done.

Orders coming down from the General.

If it helps, I really think

Adil's going to miss you, too.

Shouldn't you be worrying

about your own blossoming relationships?

My mother tells me you have

plenty of available options.

You sound surprised by this information.


Orders just came down

from General Alder herself.

Things are getting tough at

the testing center opening.

Alder wants us there with bells on

to make the new witches feel at ease.

What if we have other things

that are more important

than Parade Duty?

You heard me say "orders", right?

We're moving out in fifteen.


Except for you two teacher's pets

Collar, you'll be on Alder's

personal security detail

once we get there.

Guess, it's the price of fame, huh?

And me?

You won't be taking the bus.

Gonna stare at that all day?

You've been on base.

How is she?

Keep your mind on the mission.

Looks like Orsatti's on the move.

Not our daughters! Not our daughters!

This is ugly.

This is America.

Mind on the mission.



What are you guys doing here?

Just some more pro-Movement work.

Rile the crowd up.

Keep things interesting.

Oh, you guys should put these on.

We heard that the army is

trying to identify protestors

so they can target them.

- Thank you.

- Not our daughters!

Not our daughters! Not our daughters!

Tally, I wanna say thank you

for taking Penelope under your wing.

I honestly wouldn't have

the first idea what to do with her.

Do with me?

I'm not some broken toy.

I'm your daughter.

I never said you were broken.

Oh, but I'm different now, right?

Than me and a lot of other people?


But America thrives on diversity.

Don't talking point me.

I think, your father

was trying to say

Look, I'm the exact same person I was

before what happened at the church.

Only now with the help of Tally

and everyone else at Fort Salem.

I know more about who I'm

really supposed to be

Who you're supposed

to be is my daughter.

I am.

And I'm also a witch.

If you can't accept that,

then you're no better

than the protestors

waiting for us at the center.

It's a scary adjustment.

For anyone.

Even if they know they're a witch

before conscription.

Same goes for soldiers' parents.

Well, here's hoping that

your performance today

makes everyone feel

a little, uh, less intimidated.

On both sides.

You've got this.

Not our daughters! Not our daughters!

Lot of Movement people here.

Agent Provocateurs mixed in

with regular, witch-fearing citizens.

Orsatti's been busy.

He isn't chanting, but

he's not leaving, either.

It's almost like he's

waiting for something.

- We need to go.

- We haven't learnt enough.

We're more in than we're out now,

and Orsatti isn't moving.

We keep a low profile

and ride this out.

The songs we sing are songs of freedom.

Songs of protection.

Of justice and sisterhood

and patriotism and pride.

And no matter what may come

of today's verifications,

I ask that each of you

honor your country

by letting these young women

discover who they truly are

with warmth and support.


Our first prospective recruit.

Please show her respect.

This can't be easy.

Time to find your voices, ladies.

Not our daughters!

Not our daughters! Not our daughters!

Have you ever seen anything like this?

Too many times, Cadet.

No matter how remarkable our service,

there will always be those who hate us.

Okay, Shireen. That's it.

You don't have to take blood

or anything?

To confirm it?

We have everything we need.

And we have a place waiting

for you at Fort Salem.

You-you're absolutely, absolutely sure

there's no such thing

as a false positive?

Welcome, daughter.

I've always felt like I was different.

Now it all makes sense.

Thank you. So much.

Billy's gonna lose his mind.

This way, dear.

Have them bring the next batch.

What is he waiting for?

Feels like something's about to go down.

Keep an eye on Orsatti.

Let me know if he moves.


Join today.

Basic's gonna eat her alive.

It's just 'cause she's

upset about leaving

her boyfriend behind?

People leave, people die.

That's life.

Abs, you don't have

to be okay about Adil.

I'm not.

I blamed him for the death of the Tarim.

That's why he didn't stay.

Shit. He couldn't control that.

Why would you do that?

I don't know.

I know I'm the last person

you wanna hear from right

now, but I need you to listen.

The Camarilla have at least

one operative on site

and have put something in motion

with the Movement and law enforcement.


And thank you.

Thank you so much for coming out today.

You've done your nation

proud, regardless.

Is everything okay?

Keep the Negatives inside

with the others for a bit.

And get me General Bellweather.

Using Provocateurs is very

modern for the Camarilla.

Their tactics are evolving.

So, too, must ours.

If we sound the alarm,

then the public not only knows

that the Camarilla are back

But that they've also

got us on our heels.

For today

we lie.

What did you have in mind?

We'll say it's the Spree.

What are you doing?

You heard the General.

The Spree are on-site.

I need to leave now and

you're coming with me.

I'm the face of this entire thing.

What kind of example do I set

for everyone involved if I run?

Running and falling back

are not the same thing.

No. But it looks the same to

the people you leave behind.

Penny, it's

Once you're trained and deployed,

there is nothing that I

can do to keep you safe.

So pl


just let me protect you

today while I still can, okay?




Not our daughters! Not our daughters!

Please repeat

prepare Sekhmet

for crowd escalation.


What are our orders?

No clue. Farspeech just glitched out.

Abigail, it's me, Charvel.

That doesn't sound like Alder.

That's because it isn't.

Abigail, where are you?

No, no, no.

Bells, who is it?

Abigail, I need you.


No, it can't possibly be her.

Where is that coming from?

Whatever glitched the Farspeech

is screwing with my Sight.

Abigail! Help me!

- Charvel!

- Abigail.

- Charvel!

- Abigail.

- I need you.

- Char?

I've been waiting for so long.

For what?

To finish what

we started at the wedding.

- What is that?

- Don't touch it.

It looks like a b*mb.

No, it's definitely not.


Sekhmet! Start moving

everyone back. Now!

- Clear the area.

- Moving out!

I'm gonna need you all to

please move away from the building.

This is for your own

safety, so please

Our daughters will never be safe!

Take a step back.

You'll take them from our homes!

You'll send them away to die!

Please, step back!

Some of your daughters may be called.

But they will be in great company.

And they will do things

that they never thought were possible.

Someone once told me

that I had to let the

army make me strong.

And she was right.

The army saw something in me

that I didn't even know was there.

Your daughters will be safe with us.

Please, move back.

We're here to help you.

Not our daughters! Not our daughters!

Not our daughters! Not our daughters!

Please step back! Please step back!


Who did that?


Where's Abigail?

My voice was easy enough to slice out.

I can't wait to see what

he can do with yours.

Sing for us, won't you?

No! No!

I'm gonna enjoy this!

Okay. Are you okay?

It's fine.


It's done.

It's done.

- Time to go.

- Yeah.

Though the attack was first thought

to originate from the w*r

College cadets on-site,

it has since been

attributed to the Spree.

Izadora's already working to crack

those Camarilla mines we recovered.

Have her forward her findings to

The Hague, as soon as possible.


They att*cked Abigail. Again, Sarah.

I know you want blood.

So do I.

But fighting angry won't do us any good.

Make sure Sehkmet knows that, too.

And that the truth about

the attack is need-to-know.

Do you really think it was Scylla?

I do.

Tally, I'd know those eyes anywhere.

But that doesn't matter right now.

What doesn't matter now?

Hey, careful.

You've been sedated.

Should've used stronger medicine.

You okay?

Not really.

The Camarilla came for me,

just like they came for Charvel.

And I couldn't do a damn thing about it.

You were outnumbered.

I walked right into their trap.

Because of Charvel.

Because I failed at saving her, too.


look at me.

Don't put that on yourself.

It doesn't matter.

Uh, are we at w*r with

the Camarilla now or what?

Alder's been telling

everyone it was The Spree.

To keep panic from spreading

in the witch community.

She said we didn't have to

worry about the Camarilla.

She told me to let it go.

One lie after another, huh?

They're hunting her.

Tally, all Alder does is lie.

You said it in the Tarim.

Alder does what Alder does.

It's always someone else's

life she's playing with.

Where are you going?


No more lies.

Who is Nicte Batan?