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01x05 - Bellweather Season

Posted: 02/01/23 10:58
by bunniefuu
Previously on Motherland:

Gerit: Hello, Tally Craven.

Tally: Am I being an idiot in thinking that there's something more here?

Tally: What do I do?

Tansey: Trust the dance. It'll work out the way it's supposed to.

Tally: General Bellweather

Raelle: I think you knew my mother, Willa.

Abigail: She thinks you're the reason her mother's dead.

Anacostia: How are things in Kiev?

Lt. Clary: Fall back!

General Clary: No!

Alder: You will find them.

General Clary: Perhaps it's time for more extreme methods.

Petra: Tell me about the Tarim Cell.

Alder: How do you know about them?

Petra: I'm your Head of Intelligence. I have friends at The Hague too.

Abigail: My cousin's getting married next week. You wanna come?

Petra: The Dean of w*r College is going to be there. This is your chance to prove to her that you're a leader.

Mikaela: You're supposed to be luring her to us, not to you.

Scylla: I have feelings for you. Not something I'm used to having.

Mikaela: The wedding the Bellweathers are throwing, get yourself invited.


Abigail Bellweather: Oh, we brought the blasting. We didn't become storm fodder.

Raelle Collar: Even Anacostia was impressed with our Windstrikes.

Tally Craven: We could end up at the top of class when basic is done.

Abigail: That's what I've been saying this entire time. Focus. And hear this. Today isn't just my cousin's wedding. We have our interview with the Dean of w*r College.

Raelle: It's not an interview, Abigail. It's an introduction.

Abigail: It's a pre‐interview interview.

Tally: Guys. He made every single one of these moves on me.

Raelle: What about Scylla?

Abigail: It's not a potluck. You have to have an invite. And Scylla's not invited. We need to focus on ourselves, not our distractions.

Raelle: She's not a distraction. That's fine. I can just stay on base.

Tally: Think Gerit will be there?

Abigail: No, Tally. And how many times do I have to tell you, you're supposed to meet other guys. My mother and all my fathers will be there, Raelle. The Dean of w*r College. Military brass. This is the High Atlantic function of the year. It's our chance to show who we are to the community that matters.

Raelle: Have you ever seen High Atlantic Royalty talk to someone with a Cession drawl? No one's gonna talk to me, Abigail. Or, you know, maybe I can let it rip with High Command on how the peasants at Fort Salem are being primed to become w*r meat. I bet your mom would love that, hm? You should want Scylla to be there to keep me distracted.

Abigail: It'll be a nightmare with my family if you don't come, Raelle.

Abigail: So that's it? Your girlfriend isn't included, so you're just gonna bail on us?

Abigail: If you don't come today, you're only hurting yourself.


Opening credits


Raelle: You know what we should do? We should run away together.

[Scylla laughs]

Raelle: I'm serious. Where's your favorite place to be?

Scylla Ramshorn: A beach named Labor‐in‐Pain.

Raelle: [laughs] That sounds, um, magnificent.

Scylla: It's actually not far from the wedding.

Raelle: Oh, yeah?

Scylla: I went there once as a kid, just for a week, but I never forgot it. There's an abandoned lighthouse. I would sit on the beach for hours, watch the ships leave for faraway lands. I think that was the last place I felt free.

Raelle: So what're we waiting for?

Scylla: We'll run away and live on the beach.

Raelle: Leave our medals hanging on the door.

Scylla: Tell the birds to sing our goodbyes.

Raelle: I want to swim in the ocean.

Scylla: After the wedding. I promise. I mean, you shouldn't screw things up with Abigail. Don't not go because of me.

Raelle: I like doing everything because of you. I really wish you could come with me.

Scylla: Get through the wedding and then we'll go somewhere safe, where we won't get caught and court‐martialed.

Raelle: We're witches, Scylla. Where is safe? Um, I wanted to give this to you at the wedding. But I figured we could be fancy and hang out here too, right? This is for you.

Scylla: It's perfect.

Raelle: You like it?

Scylla: Sexy weird. Like us.

Raelle: Yeah, that it is.

Scylla: I have something for you too.

Raelle: Okay...

Scylla: Hold out your hand. This could hurt.

Scylla: [indistinct whispering]

Raelle: That was incredible. What was that?

Scylla: Just a little piece of work I cooked up. I just always want to be able to say hi to you. Wherever you are.

Raelle: I love it.

Scylla: Let me get you back. Let me know if Abigail changes her mind. I'll be ready the moment she gives her blessing.

Raelle: Yeah, good luck with that.


[balloon text on mirror]: We told you to get invited

Scylla: She wasn't able to get me on the guest list. I don't know what else I can do.

[balloon text on mirror]: Find a way to bring her to us at 6 PM

[balloon text on mirror]: Fail us and your future is bleak

[balloon text on mirror]: Your choice


[soft piano music plays]

Petra Bellweather: Major Holke. So glad you could make it.

Major Holke: Edith, what a beautiful home.

Petra: You'll soon see my sister's true calling should have been junior matrimonialist. I won't be able to top this when Abigail has her handfasting.

Major Holke: So she'll have no choice but to enlist your help.

Petra: Or yours. You always did keep the best office at headquarters.

Edith Bellweather: Cheers. To this Bellweather affair.

Waitress: Pass this around.

Scylla: Hi.


Raelle: I can't believe you're here. That's a very nice corsage.

Scylla: Well, thank you. It was a gift.

Abigail: How the hell did you get here? You can't crash this wedding. Did you tell her to come anyway?

Raelle: No, Abigail. I...How did you get here? I'm glad you came.

Abigail: You are not going to mess this up for us.

Major Holke: Abigail. How wonderful to see you.

Abigail: Major Holke. Hi.

Major Holke: Is this your unit?

Abigail: Yes. Mostly yes.

Major Holke: Wait till you see what your Aunt Edith's done, it's just magnificent.


[indistinct chatter]

Petra: Family. I hope everyone's well and ready.

Abigail: Hi, Mom.

Petra: You barely made it on time, and that's as good as being late.

Abigail: Couldn't be helped. Shitbird issues.

Petra: You don't have those issues here. Not today. Please introduce your unit to everyone.

Abigail: Guys.

Abigail: Um, Bellweathers, meet my unit, Tally Craven and Raelle Collar.

Tally: It's a pleasure.

Bellweathers: Nice to meet you. / Hi. / Lovely to meet you.

Raelle: This is Scylla Ramshorn. She's my guest.

Petra: Nice to meet you, Scylla. Tally, Raelle, please consider yourselves part of the family. We'll be starting soon. Abigail.

Scylla: Thanks for introducing me.

Raelle: Wanna bail later and go find the beach?

Tally: That's okay, I'll just hang out.

Raelle: Well, you can come too if you want, Tally.

Tally: It's okay. I should stay here and meet other guys and be all rah‐rah, unit‐unity, like Abigail said.


Petra: Who is the girl Raelle brought?

Abigail: Another shitbird.

Petra: Hm. Well, let's stay positive. Lots of people to impress.

Abigail: I'm prepared.

Petra: Remember that darling boy from summer camp who used to pull your hair?

Abigail: Raf?

Petra: That's the one. He's here. And the Sorcells are here.

[bell tolling]

Petra: The wedding is about to start. Make sure I introduce you later.


[music plays]

Berryessa Tansey: A blessing on the Bellweathers for their matriline to continue on with this union.

Charvel Bellweather and Ciro Hood: As rising moon and setting sun.

Tansey: This knot connects all the ribbons that were passed down from mother to daughter, dedicated to the daughter yet to come. The ties that bind here will strengthen your union for five years. Do you, Charvel Bellweather, and Ciro Hood, seek to enter this contract?

Charvel and Ciro: We do.

Tansey: Charvel and Ciro, will you honor each other as equals in this union?

Charvel and Ciro: We will.

Tansey: And so the binding is made.

[stomping feet]


Abigail: Hey, how are you?

Ciro's Mother: Great.

Abigail: Are you guys enjoying yourselves?

Abigail: Maybe you wanna slow down? Our interview with the Dean is very soon. If we make a good impression here, it'll be a breeze getting into w*r College.

Tally: Aye‐aye, Captain.

Raelle: Abigail, relax. We have at least an hour.

Abigail: I'm good.

Raelle: Suit yourself.

Raelle: So, um, there's a beach nearby?

Abigail: A private beach.

Scylla: They have lobster.

Tally: [gasps]

Abigail: General Clary. For Lieutenant Clary, who fulfilled her pledge with honor. May she journey home and sing the Song of the Spiral with our fore‐mothers.

General Nessa Clary: So kind of you, Abigail.

Petra: Why don't you mingle, dear? Be sure to say hello to the Sorcells.

Abigail: Of course. No problem.

Petra: She seems to forget I have friends at The Hague too. Her hubris.

Clary: General Alder's had plenty of time to do something about the Spree.

Petra: Maybe it's time for a change.


[soft music plays]

Scylla: Just ignore her. Be here with me. Or we can head down to the beach.

Raelle: She's gonna try and kick you out. No, I'm not taking her crap today.


Anacostia: Her name wouldn't be on the list. You're not supposed to be here.

Raelle: She goes where I go. Scylla's my girlfriend.

Tally: A unit‐unity thing has come up. And I...I need you.

Raelle: Okay. You okay?

Scylla: I'm not afraid, if that's what you're asking.

Anacostia: I expressly told you to stay away from her.

Scylla: I couldn't. I have deep feelings for her. And she does for me. Don't take this out on Raelle. I take full responsibility for disobeying your orders.

Anacostia: You disobeyed my orders and you've taken advantage of a new recruit.

Scylla: She's been improving in training since we've met. I've been a positive influence on her.

Anacostia: Raelle doesn't need you. She has her own gifts. I suggest you end it sooner than later. Or I will make life very difficult for you, Ramshorn.

Scylla: Yes, ma'am.

Scylla: Thanks.


Raelle: What, Tal?

Raelle: What's going on?

Tally: Gerit's here.

Tally: I can't believe he didn't tell me.

Tally: I can't believe HE didn't tell me. I should say hi, right?

Abigail and Raelle simultaneously: No! / Yes!


Abigail: This is a disaster.

Raelle: What is your problem, Bellweather? Let her have her happiness.

Gerit's engaged.

Raelle: What?

Abigail: High Atlantic custom. All the betrothed men wear sashes.

Raelle: Oh...

Raelle: This is gonna be bad.


Tally: What are you doing here? How come you didn't tell me?

Gerit: Listen, I have to tell you about this sash.

Tally: I know about the Codices.

Gerit: The Codices? What about them?

Tally: I read them. So you're just trained to be funny and poetic... or are you really like that?

Gerit: I'm just me.

Tally: Oh, so it's a game? You just do whatever the playbook tells you to do?

Gerit: No. Not with you. Tally, I've spent my whole life with High Atlantic girls. You're like a breath of fresh air.

Tally: [laughs] Yeah, right.

Gerit: This is not a game. Even though we met at one.

Tally: Don't mess with me, Gerit Buttonwood.

Gerit: I don't blame you for doubting me. And honestly, I'm a little surprised myself because this is all happening so fast. But I want to be with only you. But, Tally, we have to talk. I'm... you see...


Raelle: Sorry I left you with her. Just, Tally's about to get her heart broken. You okay?

Scylla: Yeah. Anacostia is intense.

Raelle: Yep.

Scylla: She said something interesting, though. Evidently, you're a very gifted student.

Raelle: There's no way she said that.

Scylla: Thank you for what you said.

Raelle: What did I say?

Scylla: You know.

Raelle: What, the girlfriend part?

Scylla: Yeah. The girlfriend part.

Charvel: Are you having fun?

Charvel: [sighs] This'll help.

Abigail: Oh, is this how you've been getting through today?

Charvel: Mm‐hm. You know me too well.

Abigail: Witches' tears in there?

Charvel: Okay. What is it?

Abigail: I'm meeting with the Dean today. With my soup kitchen of a unit. Do you have any advice?

Charvel: About what?

Abigail: What to say, how to make a good impression.

Charvel: "Last name Bellweather, first name Abigail." What more does she need to know?

Abigail: Um, something about me?

Charvel: You seriously can't be sweating this. All you need to do is show up, Little Bells.

Abigail: I'm more than my name.

Charvel: Let the Dean do all the talking. And besides, I'm more interested in you helping me into my dress than managing your privilege. Meet me in the upstairs guest room. I left the dress there.

Raf: I should tell you, I'm here with someone else.

Abigail: I only need you for an interview energy boost. Ten minutes, max. Then I'll be good.

[bell tolls]


Tally: We should go inside.

Gerit: We can't.

Gerit: Tally, I wanna be with you. I do.

Gerit: I love you. And you have to believe me, no matter what happens. Okay?

Tally: I love you too.

[horn sounds]

Gerit: Shit. Um, I will explain everything after. Okay? I promise.

Tansey: We have an announcement to make.

Tally: Wait, after what?

[horn sounds]

Tansy: And finally, our last union to recognize today.

Tally: What's going on?

Tansey: Gerit Buttonwood will be out of circulation for the next five years. Sorry, ladies. He and Hilary Saint went on a trial run last season and decided to make it official with a five year contract based on healthy issue. Congratulations to the new couples!

[feet stomping]

Petra: 'Tis time. The Dean of w*r College, Coral Hallmote, meet my daughter, Abigail, and her unit, Tally Craven and Raelle Collar.

Abigail: It's an honor to meet you. For all of us.

Petra: Feel free to use the den if you want some privacy, Coral.

Coral Hallmote: Thank you.

Petra: Abigail knows the way.

Hallmote: Are you all right, dear?

Tally: I'm sorry. Excuse me.

Raelle: Excuse me, I should go help.

Hallmote: Well...

Abigail: I could apologize, but I know I have a lot of work to do with them.

Hallmote: Don't worry about that. It was nice meeting you, Abigail.

Abigail: Dean, shouldn't we talk about my credentials for w*r College?

Hallmote: You're Petra Bellweather's daughter. w*r hero, mistress of blasters, a leader of witches. Even sleepwalking, we'd let you in. We owe your mother at least that much. Now, have you tried the lemon cakes and grilled calf's hearts? The caterer really got the traditional pagan grub right this season.


Raelle: Hey, Tal. Tal!

Tally: I just need to be alone, okay?

Raelle: Let me know if you need me, okay?

Petra: So I hope it won't be too long before we all gather together. I have big plans for Abigail's handfasting once she finds her intended. We never have enough time to get together. I really enjoy...[indistinct] I just wanna say thank you.

Raelle: Excuse me, excuse me.

Raelle: I've been wanting to have a conversation with you for a while.

Petra: Yes, of course, Raelle.

Raelle: I heard a lot of things went wrong with my mom's last mission. And a lot of things could've been done differently.

Petra: Willa Collar was one of the bravest soldiers I knew. She was the fixer every unit wanted to deploy with. Your mother's unconventional methods delivered incredible results. Countless lives were saved because of her work. And from what I understand, you have followed in her footsteps, trying to save
a young man's life. I wish she could have been here with us today. She would be so proud of you.

Raelle: I wish she could have been here too.


Abigail: It's like a thousand aftershocks have been set off by your bridal glory.

Charvel: That's what I said when I saw it.

Abigail: It's not just the dress, though.

Charvel: Something's missing. Where are my earrings? You're supposed to be getting me into all of this.

Abigail: You're so demanding.

Abigail: In the best bridal way.

Abigail: I'm happy for you, cousin.

Charvel: Me too. I'm so happy for me.

Abigail: Do you think you'll make it five years with just one man?

Charvel: Abigail! Of course not. And that's not the point of the ceremony.

Abigail: What about the part where you vow to give five years of your youth and beauty away?

Charvel: More of a lend than a give. Anyway, it's nowhere near as limiting as they make it sound. You'll see when it's your time. Besides, this is what Bellweathers do when we're not winning wars.

Abigail: Ciro's a fine choice.

Charvel: In every way. What a family. His mom's a Brigadier General.

Abigail: Goddess permits, you'll be deploying with a full belly. Wasn't Edith pregnant with you...

Charvel: During the Siege of Khartoum? Yes. But I turned out okay.

Abigail: Just okay? Now you're being modest.

Charvel: I just want to get to the part where I can show off this dress. [sighs] Look at it. We don't get to wear a lot of dresses.

Abigail: You'll be a hard act to follow at w*r College. Dean's List every year.

Charvel: You'll be on there too, dear. Don't fret. Another pull?

Charvel: Okay. So how did it go with Dean Hallmote? You look pinched. You're not still worried about getting into w*r College, are you?

Abigail: You were right. The briefest of introductions, and then she made a break for the buffet.

Charvel: [laughs] I told you the deal. Bellweather. End of story.

Abigail: I just want to do well. Make a name for myself.

Charvel: We all do, but the name is what people remember. The sooner you accept it, the sooner I can have a perfect wedding. You're stressing me out.

Abigail: Sorry. This is your day.

Charvel: It's okay, biscuit.

Charvel: I love you to the moon and back, cousin.

Abigail: You too, Char. I need to be more like you when I grow up.

Charvel: I wouldn't go that far. You mingle. I'm gonna soak my feet so I won't wobble around in my high heels all night. And then we're gonna grab ten minutes so I can reintroduce you to the Dean, get you on her list before you even leave Fort Salem.


[door opens]

Scylla: I have her. Awaiting instructions on extraction point.

[balloon writing on mirror]: 6PM Penelope Road

Scylla: I need to know she will be safe once I get her there. Should I wait with her?

[balloon writing on mirror]: Deliver her. No more questions.


Scylla: Something happen with Abigail's mom?

Raelle: Um, no. It's nothing. It's just, um... my mom and her mom...Just a lot of moms around.

Scylla: Come with me. Have that walk on the beach.

Raelle: Actually, can we dance for a minute?

Scylla: Sure. Of course.

Petra: Excuse me.

Petra: Good news. The Dean was very impressed with you.

Abigail: With me? Not so much. Impressed with your medals and the Bellweather name? Absolutely.

Petra: What are you talking about?

Abigail: She didn't even pretend to care about what I had to bring to the table. Shouldn't being a good soldier mean more than coasting on a reputation and legacy?

Petra: Abigail, everything I've done has been with you in mind. So you could have every opportunity.

Abigail: To make yourself look better.


Abigail: Have you seen Charvel?

Gerit: No. Have you seen Tally?

Abigail: Leave her be. You'll only make it worse. Just... just stay away from her.


Anacostia: Yes, I agree. I think the bride and groom‐‐Excuse me, Private Craven.

Tally: Sorry, it's urgent.

Tally: [whispers] And private.

Anacostia: Will you please excuse me?

Anacostia: What is it?

Tally: I saw a balloon.

Tally: I think Scylla is Spree.


♪ Here I am a stranger ♪

♪ Here I am an old man ♪

♪ Staring in the mirror, mirror ♪

♪ How did we arrive here? ♪

♪ How he moves when I move ♪

♪ Moving in the mirror, mirror ♪

[bell tolling]

Raelle: Scylla, what's wrong? You look pale.

Scylle: Nothing. I'm good. I'm fine.

Raelle: You sure?

Scylle: I'm good. Let's just dance.

Raelle: Okay.

♪ You may forget ♪

♪ In time you may not see ♪

Scylle: No matter what happens, I love you.

♪ What love can mean ♪

♪ Stay wild at heart ♪

♪ But know the end is near ♪

♪ What love can be ♪

Abigail: Charvel? Charvel, it's me. Charvel!

[high pitched buzzing]

Abigail: Charvel?

Abigail: Charvel! Ahh!


[high pitched buzzing]

Abigail: Charvel?




Petra: Balloons.

Petra: Follow lockdown protocol. Secure the perimeter.

Major Holke: Everyone clear out. Move inside.

Raelle: What's happening?

Major Holke: Let's remain calm and move inside, everybody. Let's go. Party's over. Move inside. Let's go!


Petra: Where's Abigail?

Raelle: I don't know.

Petra: Go back and help.

Ciro's Mother: Oh!

Raelle: Here, up, up! Get inside.

Tally: Get inside, stay inside.

Petra: Where's Abigail?

Tally: I haven't seen her.

Raelle: Scylla!

Tally: Where's Abigail?

Raelle: I don't know, where's Scylla?

Raelle: What the hell is happening?


Petra: Abigail!

Petra: Abigail!

[high-pitched buzzing]


Attackers 1 and 2: We are the Spree!

[heart beating]


[wailing, sobbing]


Tally: These fixers will see to you. I'll find your sister.

Raelle: There's still no sign of Abigail and Scylla. Do you thinks she's hurt? What could've happened to her? Tal?

Tally: Abigail.

Tally: You're hurt. Abigail.

Abigail: Charvel. She's dead.

Raelle: Scylla's gone, too.