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01x04 - Diplopia

Posted: 02/01/23 10:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on Witchblade: You and Dominique Boucher, tell me about it.

Dominique was with me when I first owned the Witchblade.

But she was a pretender, not a destined wielder.

The blade is not kind to pretenders.

Give Sara Pezzini a taste of her heritage, but only a taste.

- Who is this?

- My grandmother.

Her name was Elizabeth.

She worked with the British during World w*r II.

Some kind of spy.

Unreal shapes.

Seen any lately, Sara?

Sara Pezzini, a New York City detective drawn into a chance encounter with a supernatural w*apon.

Each day, each mystery, each encounter will ultimately reveal her true destiny.

Have we met?

Silly question.

I would definitely remember.

Everyone has a fantasy.

Excuse me?

Something so dark and private you've never shared it with another living soul.

My, the direct approach.

I offer you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Tonight only.

You tell me your dream and I will make it come true.

That's a nice collection of heads.


Most people find it strange.

They give me an idea.

I hope you're not one of those deconstructionists.

I want people to recognize me when you're done.

Oh, believe me, the painting will reflect your inner-self.

Oh, my God.

Relax, Jamie.

He's just going to paint me.

Maybe he'll paint us?

He likes it tight.

Careful, baby, you're cutting off my circulation.

What the?



No! Robert picked him up at Badlands.

He was stunning.

But in a frightening way.

Does that make any sense?

He was perfect.

Except for his eyes.

- They were gorgeous too, but - But what?

They didn't match.

One of them was blue, ice blue.

And the other was dark.

Dark brown, almost black.

Like a hole with nothing in it.

Hey, Foster, I got your head.

- Who are you?

- Gabriel Bowman.

I'm just dropping off an item.

Delivering goods.

Uh, it's another one for his collection.

Foster ordered it months ago.

He still owes me 8000 bucks.

Yeah, well, good luck collecting.

Oh, damn.


I mean, who's gonna pay for this?


Uh I gotta go.

Can I go?

- Let's go check out Badlands.

- The bar?

- Yeah, that a problem?

- No, no.

But shouldn't one of us take the, um The lover?


Shouldn't one of us take him downtown?

- Sure.

- Good.

I'll transport the lover, you check out the gay bar.

You know what, on second thought, Jake, I'll check out Badlands.

Wouldn't wanna run into someone you know, give them the wrong idea.



We don't open till 5.

Uh, I'm just looking for a customer.

It should be easy.

One blue eye, one brown eye.

Very easy.

Isaac Sullivan.

Try back after 10.

Not sure you're his type, though.

- I wasn't looking for a date.

- You buy?

- Uh, it depends.

What's he selling?

- His art.

You were looking at it.

He can see me.

- Mr.

Pollack, relax, he can't see you - Yes, he can.

That's the man that k*lled Robert.

And now he wants to k*ll me.

That's a rock-solid ID in my book.

Jake, take Mr.

Pollack and go get him anything he wants.

- Coffee, cigarettes.

- Got it.

- Thank you.

- Come on, man.

Everyone has a fantasy.

You're making a big mistake, detective.

Yeah, it wouldn't be my first.

Well, how refreshing.

Most police persons try to at least appear infallible.

I don't suppose you could prove your innocence?

Do you read the Voice?

Page six.

Can I get this?


Me and Bill.

- From when till when?

- Eight till 2.

- Okay, our witness is comfortable.

- That's great.

Now we have to go get him, bring him back up here and book him.

Look at this.

You're free to go.

I'm gonna spill all my secrets.

Out of the goodness of my heart.

Forgetting an important fact, Ms.


I don't want you to succeed with the Witchblade.

Try the Internet.

Maybe under charms, talismans.

Fairy tales.

You got a warrant?

- What are you doing here?

- What are you doing here?

- I came to talk to your boss.

- Oh, about the m*rder?

No, about business.

Well, in that case, I'm the boss.

Oh, hey, it's a dot-com world, baby.

You, uh, drop out, start-up and get rich.

You like them?

- Uh, nice kit.

- Oh, so you play?

I bang.


- Well, they're yours.

Fifty thousand.

- Dollars?

Hey, that's the last set that Keith Moon played before he died.

And then they were bought on auction by John Bonham right before he died.

So they're, what, cursed?

I was wondering how they fit in here.

What is this place?

Uh, what the sign says.

Idols, icons, talismans.

You know, if you, uh, like the drums, you can put them on layaway.

You leave me a deposit.

Like, say, your, uh, bracelet?

- What about a straight-up swap?

- Deal.

- Damn.

- I came here to learn about this thing.

Seems like I'm off to a pretty good start, huh?

Okay, try this: Tell me everything you know about this Witchblade and everything you can learn.

If I do decide to sell it, you get right of first refusal.

Oh, that's a mighty big if.

At 10 grand, not at 50 baby.

Think about it.

Everyone has a fantasy.

That's the man that k*lled Robert.

And now he wants to k*ll me.


Please come in.

- You act like you were expecting me.

- Well, I was.

Actually, if you hadn't come I probably would have found some pretext to call.

- You need a pretext?

- I found you intriguing today.

I get that from all my m*rder suspects.

This your latest?


Well, that's more of a work in progress, really.

Entitled The Huntsmen of Annuvin.

Name ring a bell?

Uh, were they riders?



Welsh, actually.

It's from an ancient folk tale.

Nine brothers rode the woods, slaughtering everything in their path.

And when one of the brothers was k*lled then the other eight absorbed his power so that if a foe vanquished, say, eight of the nine the one remaining was as strong alone as the group ever was.

- Creepy story.

- Yeah.

Well, that's art.

To transmute human suffering into beauty.

It's about as close to God as you're ever gonna get.

Do you have any brothers, Mr.



And I love the way you did that.

- Excuse me?

- Oh, come on, detective.

- You've done your research.

You know.

- You're right.

Your DOB is 5/1/71.

Father, John Sullivan.

Mother, Mary-Louise Sullivan, died during her first and only childbirth.

Attending physician, Dr.

Peter D'Angelo.

Okay, okay.

Now, Sara, ask me the one question that you can't answer.

- How could you be at two places at once?

- Good question.

And the answer detective is that I couldn't.


It's a full moon.

Wanna come out and howl at it?


Not now, okay?

Oh, well, more fun for me.

She must be pretty special.

Have fun.

Everyone has a fantasy.

Something so dark and private you've never shared it with another living soul.


That bad?

Jerk judge said Pollack had a clean record.

Wasn't a flight risk.

- He made bail.

- Sh Why do we even bother trying to make a case?

His attorney's gonna play this as a consensual sex game gone wrong.

Pollack will get community service.

Probably have teenage boys intern at his gallery.


Jake, we're not gonna have any case if you let that show on the stand.

- Let what show?

- You're a raging h*m*.

What are you talking about?

You wouldn't even go to Badlands.

- Give me a break.

- You can't even say the word "lover.

" Hey, Jake.

- Admit it.

- Hey.

Hey, you can't come in here.

Don't worry, Jake.

I'm a "chick.

" Nobody's gonna think you're gay.

- Give it a rest, Pez.

- Not until you admit it bugs you.

- You had Pollack guilty since we met him.

- You're the one who told me to book him.

For m*rder, not for being gay.

Hey, pal, wash your hands.

And another thing How do you like staring into your own future, Sara?

I came to see how you were doing.

"Maybe I'll engage her in light conversation and she'll inadvertently drop me another crumb.

" Really, Sara.

Kenneth Irons sends his regards.

The Witchblade took hold of her, shook her around.

Discarded her like a damaged doll.

He's one to talk.

He's made me some, um, very compelling offers.


Unless I can learn more about the Witchblade on my own I may have to give him what he wants.

- Guard.

- I'm not surprised.

He always had an eye for a fine broodmare.

What did you say?

Ask me when I'm rested.

Conversation is exhausting at my age.

What do we got, Jumbo?

It ain't pretty.

He took a picture.

Kept a little souvenir for himself.

Give me an evidence bag, man.



Pollack was in lockup when this happened.

Wonder if Isaac Sullivan has another alibi for last night.

- Well, you're looking at her.

- You're kidding.

Yeah, I questioned him last night.

- We're going to Badlands.

- Pez It's a link between two murders we know of.

Maybe more we don't.

- Pez, it's - Hey, McCartey, get over it.

It's just it's a waste of time.

Who's ever gonna believe that I'm gay?

You think everyone who goes there is gay?

- Yeah.

- Like you can always tell?

- Yeah.

- You sure couldn't tell about me.


Good-looking guy like you.

Ever wonder why I haven't made a move?

Yeah, get out.

Get out.

Seriously, we're going undercover.

All right, you know what?

Screw it, I'll go on my own.



What the?

Um Hey.

I'd like to purchase your head.

How did you get in here?

I I didn't, uh, buzz you in.

My employer knows the original buyer was unable to complete his transaction.

Uh I don't deal with strangers.

The original price was 10,000 U.


I'm authorized to pay you That's almost 18 grand.

And you keep the original buyer's deposit.

- Oh, what's the catch?

- The catch?

No further conversations with Sara Pezzini regarding the Witchblade.

Wait, wait, wait.

What's that got to do with anything?

Look, man, she's a cop.

She can make my life very difficult.


I can make you pray for difficult.


Uh, hey, mister, you forgot It's your head.

Come here often?

Oh, jeez.

- What changed your mind?

- I knew you'd forget one thing.


Man, I hate you.

Actually, I decided I couldn't let my partner walk into this den of iniquity on her own.

Glad you're here.

You're a farm boy, right, Jake?


Well, maybe you can help me, anyway.

A broodmare, that's like, uh, a breeding horse, right?

Like a female stud.

Are you?

I mean, really?

Am I really what, Jake?

You know, do you like girls?

Jake - Kiss me.

- What?

- You wanna know, kiss me.

- Pez, you're a guy.


Detective McCartey.

Well, this is a surprise.

So, uh, who's your handsome friend?

No one.

Relax, Jamie, he's just going to paint me.

Maybe he'll paint us.


Have you looked in the mirror lately?


This isn't funny.

No! No, please.

No! - You got the wrong idea, Mr.


- Isaac.


Sullivan, I'm here on the job, okay?

Get away! Get away! Don't hurt me.

- Yeah?

- Hey, Pez.

Looks like the boyfriend's been k*lled.

Same place.

I'm on my way.

Oh, come on, detective.

All work, no play makes Jake a very dull boy.

- Mind?

- No.

- What?

- Jake, Pez.

- We got another one.

- Meet you out front.

Leaving so soon?

Well, if you get off early, um why don't you come on back and see me?

I'll be here all night.

Everyone has a fantasy.

You're gonna be a work of art.

Relax, Jamie.

He's just going to paint me.

I offer you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Maybe he'll paint us.

No! - What is it, Pez?

- Help me! Help me! Help me! Hey.

Uh, we gotta talk.

I got a death threat from someone who doesn't want me talking to you about that.

Let me guess.

Tall, black hair, black overcoat.

Drops the temp.

In the room about 10 degrees?

- Yeah.

So you know him?

- We've met.

And you came and told me?

Ballsy move.

- Why'd you risk it?

- Because I pick my own friends.


And, uh, if that bracelet's half of what they say it is then it needs to be on the right wrist.

Talk to me.

Deal still stands, right?

- Well, you already know one of its names.

- Yeah, the Witchblade.

Yeah, Digitabulum Magae in Latin.

The stories go way back.

Uh, oral tradition, myth.

It, uh, pops up in different cultures.

Ahh, Babylonian friezes.

Uh, Celtic runes.

Keep going.

It's a w*apon only chicks can wear.

Uh, some famous, some not.

Uh, they, uh They say it gives you all sorts of powers.

Uh, strength and agility.


Wanna confirm or deny?

I've I've only had it a few weeks.


Okay, fine.

But you should also know that, uh, supposedly the Blade punishes pretenders who aren't supposed to wear it.

Punishes how?

I don't know yet.

It's all tangled up.

You, uh You want I should look into it?


- Yeah, I want.

- Okay.


Your time is running out, Dominique.

I know what you want.

I can give it to you.

Revenge on Kenneth Irons.

You're out of your league, little girl.

Not with this.

If you help me.

Come on, Dominique.

Maybe it's too late for you, but at least don't let Irons have it.

It's right in front of you.

Always right in front of you.

- What does that mean?

- No coincidences.

You were right.

The Witchblade is orchestrating your life now.

So nothing happens by chance or accident.

That doesn't help me.

Oh, but it does.

Everything in your life connected now.

Your body, your heart.

Your dreams, your work.

What case are you investigating now?

A serial m*rder.

Art community.

Nothing to do with Irons.

Everything to do with him.

The blade weaves a web.


It draws to itself, to you.

Everything you need.

Only what you need to teach you.

To achieve its ends.


O Okay, ahh, okay.

Um I have a serial k*ller who may be a doppelgänger.

But But he's an only child.


You called me that once.




This is Irons' obsession.

Genetic research.

He's already told me, Dominique.

Look for the web.

Your case connects to Irons.

Connects to me.

Connects to you.

- Dominique?

- All of it.

Dominique, don't do this.

I need you.

You are his broodmare.

Guard, guard.

Get a doctor.

The blade weaves a web.

Nothing happens by chance.

"Right in front of you.

" Oh, my God.

- Whoa, what's up?

- Dr.

Peter D'Angelo.

The baby doctor who delivered Isaac Sullivan.

There was a fertility expert a few years back.

Impregnated his female patients with his own sperm, remember?

Yeah, right.

Um Angel of Life?


Peter D'Angelo, Angel of Birth.

Doing 20 years in prison.

Dig hard.

Find out who funded his research.

Ten-to-one it was Vorschlag.

- Where you gonna be?

- Rahway.

They were hard-pressed to find a statute to charge me with.

See, I didn't take life.

I gave life when no life would have been possible.

Not everyone saw it that way, doctor.


" It's nice to hear that again.

I was excommunicated by my medical brethren.

Imagine that.

You used your own sperm to impregnate women who came to you to get pregnant by their husbands.

Inadequate breeding material.

Teachers, bricklayers, cops.

They should have been happy to have your genes, right?

Your IQ must be what?

Uh, 170, 180?

High enough to avoid all your traps.

What traps?

You're already here for keeps.

I'm just curious.

See, the way I see it, most women wouldn't measure up, either.

It's always hard to find a good broodmare.

It's a pity you weren't around.

If you'd just sown your seed all over the countryside you'd have ended up with a scattered bunch of half-breeds.

But you were years ahead of your time, weren't you, doctor?

Thanks to the research funded by Kenneth Irons.

I'm betting you wanted sons.

Sons as perfect as you.

And that would have required one single egg.

One you could harvest and split.

Or clone.

It's the closest man can come to being God.

Have my boys been causing you trouble, detective?

Their design is flawed, you know.



Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Now, Sara.

See, I thought we were on a first-name basis here.

You're under arrest, Isaac.

For the murders of Robert Foster, Jameson Pollack, and the girl on the roof.

And I'm guessing that list will grow.

We both know that's impossible, so Dad says hi.


Well, how is Dad, anyway?

Yeah, how is the old geezer, anyway?


You two ever date the same girl?

Or guy?



We haven't.

Lose the g*n.

But there's always a first time.

Everyone's got a fantasy, Jake.

So I was watching you at Badlands the other day and I got to thinking, what's yours?


Your head, in a vise.


You see, that would be making ugliness out of beauty.

And we make beauty out of ugliness, Jake.

Time to get ugly.

Take it like a man, Jakey.

This is it.

Hey, come on.

Hey, pretty boy.

Come on.

Hey, hey.

Play nice, boys.

Sara! Everybody has a fantasy, Isaac.

Sara! Sara?

I got a problem.

I'm short a guy.

Tried to warn you, Sara.

Yeah, I know.

The huntsmen.

That's correct.

And now I'm getting stronger.

But take solace.

You'll live forever.

As a work of art.




Here, partner.

Are you okay?

What the hell happened?


How did you?

I don't know how to thank you.

You saved my life.

And you quiet the voices.

For now, anyway.

Let's talk about Kenneth Irons.


- Freeze! - Oh.

Easy, chief.

I'm, uh, with the band.

How the hell did you get in here?

Uh, I, ahh, told your super I was delivering a gift.

No thanks.

Oh, well, they're not a gift.

They're, uh They're me securing my investment.

Hell, what's one more curse, right?