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01x19 - Crystal

Posted: 02/01/23 09:07
by bunniefuu
Cassie: Previously on
the "Secret Circle"...

I'm Diana.

Pete. Ship's captain.

How big is your boat?

Your boat?

I might have exaggerated
my position

in regards to the boat.
It's not mine.

That's not an exaggeration,
it's a lie.

So you do have magic.

But I can't stop
all the witch hunters.

The hunters are back?

Yes, and they're going
to k*ll all of us.

You're a witch.

If I have as much power
as you think I do,

do you really want
to test it?

Each one of your
families has its own crystal.

Bound together in
their original form,

there is no
stronger magic.

And there'll be enough to stop
Eben and the witch hunters?

You're a circle.

Together with the power
of crystals,

you can destroy them
once and for all.

[Music playing]

[Sighs] I can't believe I just
rifled my mom's underwear drawer.

No one that old should have
that many thongs.

The crystal's never
gonna be here.

The elders were trying to keep
magic away from our parents.

Well, my grandfather
is dead,

and I guarantee
if he had a crystal,

my mom found it.

Ok. Let's say she had one and
was trying to hide it from you.

What's the last thing
you'd ever do around here?

I don't know.

Cook, clean.


A journal?

Tied with an actual


You leave something
like this lying around,

you're just begging
for it to be read.


"He says my presence
chases away the dark

like the dawn
of every day."

Ew. I have to stop.
I just ate.

Your mom and dad
were in love.

That's nice.

I don't know about that.

"I told John today that we
can't hide our relationship

from Tom and Amelia
for much longer."

Wait, Tom's
your dad, right?

And Amelia was
Cassie's mom.

Which means...

My mom and John Blackwell
were secretly hooking up.

♪ La da da da da ♪

♪ da da da da da ♪

♪ da da da da da da ♪

You guys reading stories
to each other? How cute.

Yeah, about witches being
massacred over the centuries.

There's years
just known as the burning times.

Whole towns burned
at the stake.

And that was before
the witch hunters

had demons
helping them.

That's why we need to find the
crystals and bring them together.

It's the only w*apon
powerful enough to defeat them.

No crystal at my place.

Then we just
have Cassie's.

How does it work?

My grandmother says
the crystal is a lens

that magnifies
individual power.

So I could destroy
this ugly vase all by myself?

Let me try.

Faye, drop
the crystal!

Faye! Don't do
that again.

This is not a toy.

Its power
can be drained.

So only use it
if you have to.

Now, we need to get the rest
of the crystals

from the elders before the witch
hunters attack.

Wouldn't the elders want
to stop the witch hunters, too?

Can't we just
ask them for help?

The elders will
never trust you.

the boatyard fire,

they stripped your parents of
their magic.

When they find out
you have it,

they'll do the same
thing to you, too.

I'm gonna drive out
to my granddad's.

If my family has a crystal,
it'll be there.

My grandparents are on the other
side of the country right now.

My grandmother

after she tried
to k*ll Cassie.

I'm sure I can find a way
into my grandmother's place

and look around
pretty easily.

Don't underestimate
the elders.

Go in groups so you can use
your circle magic.

Why don't you and I
help Melissa?

I told Jake I'd go
with him.

Well, I call shotgun.

Unless you two were planning
a romantic daytrip.

I can help

Ok, let's go.


Uh, my grandmother

She comes home

She does?

I'm glad,
for both of you.


Look, I know you two
were never best friends,

but it would be nice
to see you two getting along.

Well, you know, if I'm gonna
be staying here in town,

there's a number of people
I need to reach out to,

and she's definitely
one of them.

Thank you.

[Music playing]

For you. For giving me
a second chance.

You won't regret it.

For the next

you're gonna get all
truth all the time.

And Pete's letting me borrow
the boat for the afternoon,

so I'm gonna take
you to the San Juan islands

for a sunset picnic.

That sounds amazing.

And I can't believe
I have to do this,

but something came up

and I was hoping we could
reschedule for tomorrow.

we're shipping out

first thing in
the morning.

I'm not sure when
we'll be back.

Melissa, hi.

I love the way
you say my name.


And you're the guy
from the boathouse.

- Adam.
- Grant.

Can you excuse us
for a second?


I just bailed on an insanely
romantic date he had planned,

but can I at least
just have an hour?

As soon as my grandmother
leaves the house,

we have to be ready.

It's our best shot
to find her crystal.

But do we have to go
right now?

Well, maybe we can pull it off
without the three of us.


So you don't need me
at all?


Thank you.

Let's go picnicking.

[Fake Australian accent]
Well, good day, mate.

That sounded Irish.

Look, grab us
a couple coffees,

I will meet you
up front.

I emailed.
I called.

And you haven't
heard from me.

What does that
tell you?

Sorry about the way
I acted at the party.

Couldn't help myself.

Come on, you're a witch.
You know how amazing that is?

Yeah, actually,
I do.

Why are you here?

What do you care?

It's ok, Jake.

No, it's not.
He's a bottom feeder

who just wants
our power.

Our power?

You mean he's a witch, too?

Just leave us alone,

You know that I'd never
hurt you, all right.

This Ken doll, I mean,
he's a different story, huh?

You know how much a pint
of witch blood goes for

on the black market?

Stop it!

Stop it!

Let's just go.




Ha ha! What?

I--I didn't expect you
until tomorrow.

And I was gonna
clean the house you flowers,
put food in the fridge.

You don't have to worry
about me anymore.

I should be taking care
of you.

I managed ok.
And Mr. Meade was really great.

And my father's back.

We came to visit you
at the clinic. Remember?

Yes, I do.


Look, I know you two haven't
had the greatest history.

A real father is someone
who raises you,

looks after you,

not someone who pretends
to be dead for years.

But people can change,

Look, don't get mad,

but I asked him
to give you a call.

All right.

I will try to get
along with him.

For you.


That means everything to me.

[Horn honks]

Oh, um, I have to go.

I mean, I just--
I didn't know

that you were gonna be home today
and I have this thing.

Go. Have fun
with your friends.

If your father calls,
I will invite him for coffee,

see if we can't
play nice.

I love you, grandma.

Love you, too.

Why is Faye
taking so long?

Why did you tell Adam you were
already going with me

when you weren't?

It's just...

Look, it's hard
being around him right now.

Why hard?

I thought the elixir
made you forget

you ever had
feelings for him.

It did.

Hard's not the right word.

It's just, uh, weird.

Scootch over.

About time.

I was getting snacks.

And you're welcome.

Jake, I got you some jerky
'cause I love saying it.

For you I got healthy,
boring, non-fat nut bars

'cause you are
what you eat.

Wow. Your grandmother's got
a lot of crystals.

She used to spend
de winters in Sedona.

They're really into
this stuff there.


[Music playing]

Jake: My parents always
kept him away from us.

They said
he was crazy.

How about you knock?

What a gentleman.

Lock unlock?

[Locks clicking]

Crazy and paranoid.

Wow. Just wow.

I guess he's
getting worse.

What the hell
is all this?

It's a conspiracy wall.

A hall of fame conspiracy wall
from Salem to Satan

and a lot of weird crap
in between.

Hey, guys. You need to take
a look at this.

It's us.

Why does he have
our birthdays?

What does it all mean?

That Jake's grandpa
is crazy.

No offense.

None taken.

And that we have to
find the crystal

and get out of here
before he comes back

and kills us.

Again, no offense.

[Camera clicks]

[Camera clicks]

[Camera clicks]

The last time
I saw him

was when he crashed
my parents' funeral

screaming about
the end of the world.

My aunt said that
after they died

he just completely
fell apart.

Well, at least he's
kept himself busy.

Let's just find
the crystal.


Do you have a minute?

No, I don't.

I've been meaning
to come see you to explain.

I came back to town
for my daughter.

I just want to do
right by her.

You've never done anything
for anyone but yourself.

Where have you been,

while we were
picking up the pieces

and dealing with the
consequences of your actions.

That's unfair.

I told you the witch hunters'
truce was a lie.

You told us
we could beat them.

We could have,

if we stayed united.


You summoned demons after we
all agreed it was too dangerous.

You betrayed us.

That was a mistake.

I thought it was the only way
to k*ll the hunters.

And then when the mother of
my child tried to talk you down

from your delusional ego trip,
you k*lled her.

I have no idea what happened
to Elizabeth that night.


I'm not a teenager

and I don't have to
listen to your lies.

Charlie, I'm trying to do
the right thing here.

Don't push me.

Push you?

I'm gonna bury you.


Newspapers are disgusting.

We're never gonna find
anything in here.

[Door opens]

Who the hell are you?

Grandpa, it's me,

That's a lie!

Oh, my God.

It's really you.

You have powers.

The three of you.

You did this together.

You're bound.


Is your brother
part of this, too?

Nick's dead.

Oh, no.

No, no, no.

Now it's too late
to stop it.

Stop what?

The circle.

The circle will be
the death of you.

All of you.

You're late.

He'll be here soon.

What about Cassie?

She won't be home
until tonight.

I'm just finishing carving
the symbol for the spell.

I've never seen
anything like that.

Malleus maleficarum.

Hammer of
the witches.

Tell me what to do.

Once he's seated,
the symbol will block his power.

Approach him from behind
with the crystal.

That will
mobilize him.

How do we k*ll him?

A witch cruet.

Yes. years ago I prepared it for
John Blackwell--

his blood and a ring
he once wore.

I should have k*lled him when
I had the chance.

I underestimated
his hold on Amelia.

On all of you.

Not this time.

years ago,
families escaped

from the Salem
witch trials.

They split into

Two of them
stayed east

and one went west
to Chance Harbor.

- Our families.
- Yes.

But years ago,
a Balcoin descendant

named John Blackwell

tried to corrupt
the Chance Harbor circle.

Corrupt them how?

He fed them lies,

taught them
dark magic,

and he pushed them
to confront the witch hunters.

And they were

We know.

The other elders
wouldn't listen,

but I never thought
that Blackwell

could be outsmarted
and so easily k*lled.

I finally realized
that he knew

that he could never

and control the circle
from the outside.

He needed to control it
from within.

What Blackwell really
wanted from the circle

was children.


Did you say "children," as in
more than one?

Enough Balcoin blood

to ensure that
the next circle would be dark

at its very core.

If the two other circles

have been turned
to darkness like this one has

and all three
are brought together,

it will tip the balance
of power

in the w*r between
good and evil

and our existence
will be swallowed

by a river of blood.

We shouldn't have
come here.

I'm sorry to disturb
you, grandpa.

Um, if what you're
saying is true,

is there any way
to protect our circle?

Oh, no.
It's too late.

You've been bound.
Your fate is sealed.

What about with crystals?

Well, we know that
the crystals were divided

amongst the elders,

so you must have one.

Maybe that can help us.

No. Absolutely not.

Mine is hidden.
In the wrong hands,

the power of a crystal is far
too dangerous.

How can you be so sure
yours won't get found?

Because it's deep
in a mine,

far from the eyes
of man

and spelled so
that no witch with dark magic

can go near it.

That definitely
sounds hidden.

Well, it has to be.

The crystals,
they form a crystal skull.

The most powerful w*apon
of destruction ever created.

You're gonna
want layers.

It gets cold
out there.

[Cell phone rings]

Uh, I don't want
to scare you,

but someone put
a romantic picture

of you and the boathouse waiter
onto your phone.

That's Adam.

We used to date.

So not a security
breach? Phew.

[Laughs] We're not
dating anymore. At all.

Good. That'd make
today awkward.


[Mouthing words]

How about some champagne?

For the picnic.
The real stuff this time.

Actually, have some
chilling on the boat.

I prefer it warm.

So I'll just grab
a bottle from here.

I'll give you a hand.

Uh, I mean,
thank you,

but I got this one.

I'll be right back.

Right now?

We hit a snag
in the plan.

We need to identify
the right one.

Why don't you
just touch them all

and see if magic

We did.
Nothing happened.

We think her grandmother
spelled the crystal

so it couldn't
be discovered.

We tried to use circle magic
to counter the spell,

but the two of us
together aren't

as powerful
as my grandmother is.

We need more of
the circle,

and you're
the only one around.

What's going on?

They just needed help
for a school project.

A geology project.

It'll just take a minute.
We got confused

by all the different
kind of quartzes.


I'll be right up,
I promise.

You know, I took
rocks for jocks senior year.

I can help.

We're not actually
supposed to get outside help.

It's kind of
like cheating.

Why don't I just
finish with these guys

and then meet you at the
boat in like minutes?

Um, ok. Sure.


Let's do this


[Vacuum cleaner whirring]

Are we good here?

I have a dream date
to get to.

Good luck.
And sorry.

Ok, I have to
show you something.

Your diary?

My mom's from when
she was our age.

And there is a lot of stuff
about your father in there.

Romantic stuff about the
two of them together

around the time that my mom
got knocked up with me.

No way.

Well, you heard
what he said

about more than one
Blackwell child.

That child could be me.

Isaac did once tell me

that you weren't the only child
of John Blackwell in the circle.


Why didn't you say anything?

It was Isaac. I thought it was all
part of his manipulation.

[Glass shatters]

Grandpa: Somebody stole
my map.

What map?
To the mine.

Where I hid
my crystal.

[Motorcycle revs]

Faye: It's Callum.

We're screwed.

If that lowlife sleezeball
gets the crystal,

we'll never get it back.

- I got it.
- What?

The map Callum stole.

I have it one of the pictures
I took of his wall.

I can send it to
Adam and Melissa.

They can get there
before Callum.


I'm sorry about Nick.

Be safe.

I will.

So how exactly did you
unlock your dark magic again?

Faye, drop it, ok.

My father
would never...

You're not
a Blackwell.

What's the matter,
scared of someone

stealing your
dark magic thunder?

Fine. I was on
the brink of death

when my dark magic
kicked in.

Diana's grandmother was
burying me alive at the time.

So if you want, I
can give her a call

and you can
test it out.

Let's just get
the crystal first,

and then we'll see.

[Music playing]

Sorry about earlier.

Yeah. That was
kind of weird.

I know.
It's just midterms.

My friends are, like,
totally stressed out.

You know what's
great for stress?

Long sails
during sunset.

To bad for them
they're not you.

Yeah, too bad for them.

[Cell phone chirps]

No way.

[Sighs] Sorry.

I can't believe I'm
about to do this.

Please tell me
you're kidding.

I'm sorry. It's...
I have to deal with--

A geology project

A midterm? A combo?
It's Saturday.

It's complicated.

And I can't explain
right now.

I came completely clean
with you

because you wanted trust,
and you were right.

But so do it.

What's going on?
Tell me.

I can't.
I'm sorry.

Yeah, me, too.

At least when I was lying,

it was to be with you more.

You're lying to get
away from me.

I'm sorry.

I gave you a day to show me
who you really are.

And if you gave me
a day when you come back,

I will do the same.

I don't know if
I'll be coming back.

I'm sorry.

[Owl hoots]

I don't see
Callum's motorcycle.

Are they sure it was him?

I'm sorry, Melissa.

I guess my taste in guys
has hit a new low

I never imagined possible.

At least we got here

So, where
do we go now?

Up there.

How bad can it be?

Adam: Besides
old expl*sives,

poison gas,
and cave ins,

not bad at all.

Look, we're gonna need
some light in here.

Focus on those bulbs.

It's not working.



They were mining
for iron ore.

Magic won't work
down there.

And this is a dangerous
place to be normal.

what's this?

Come on.

Well, thank you,

I really appreciate
the invitation.

As I said on the phone,

I'm willing to try
for Cassie's sake.

She says that you two
have had a chance to

spend some time together.

Yes. It was a little
rocky at first,

but I, uh, I think

that we're finally
starting to get, um...

with one another.

Everything all right,

You look a little pale.

Jane, what did you
do to me?

He can't move now.
Hand me the crystal.

Charles. Still a
ladies' man, I see.

And by that, I mean
hiding behind them.

Please allow me.

It would be
my distinct honor.

[Blows] Not yet.

What are you doing?

I never believed
my daughter's death

was an accident.

I think John knows
what really happened.

Listen to me.
Don't lose your focus.

If he did it, he's not gonna
tell you, so what's the point?

The crystal will help
with that.

And I have to know
the truth.


I think it's here.


Do you hear that?

Tell me
we're not lost.

Actually, I think
this is the place.

It should be
right back there.

How deep do you
think it is?

I don't know.


What are you doing?


Adam, what are
you doing?

What are you doing?

You don't even know if that's
gonna hold you.

I'll be fine.

Adam, be careful.






Ok, let's go.

Hello, darling.

Callum, what are you
doing here?

I was following
your buddy Jake,

hoping to collect
a little blood,

maybe give him a taste
of some voodoo revenge.

Then, this amazing, massive
opportunity presented itself.

And you know how
I'm a sucker for opportunity.

Why don't you toss me
that crystal?

Don't, Adam.

Come on, baby,
don't be selfish.

You've got plenty of magic when
you're not deep in an iron mine.

If you know what
this crystal is,

you know it's
useless to you.

See, that's where
you're wrong.

Big magic is big money.

And I'm finally gonna
have enough to retire

to my own voodoo island.

You can come with me
if you want.

Your friends don't seem
like a lot of laughs.

Callum, put the g*n

Well, I would, but this guy won't
give me the crystal without it.

I mean, I could have shot him

and I could have ran
out of here already.

I'm trying to show you
that I'm not a bad guy.


Bad idea, superhero.
Bad idea!


Take it and leave.

Your loss.

I just heard a g*nsh*t
from inside the mine.

I think Adam and Melissa
are still in there.

Faye: Look,
there's Callum.

We've got to stop him.


We have to make sure
Adam and Melissa are ok.


What is it?

What is it?
My dark magic.

Your grandfather,
he spelled the tunnel.

I can't breathe
in there.

Go help Faye and Diana.

Ok, here,
take the map.

[Engine revs]

Diana, stay back.

We can stop him
with circle magic.

No. I have to do this alone.

To access my own magic.

I need to access
my own magic.

What are you
talking about?

What are you doing?

Faye, get--get back!

Faye, get out of the way.



What happened?

She wouldn't move.

are you all right?

My magic,
it didn't work.

I knew nothing about
Amelia's death.

I loved her
just like you did.

Don't you do dare compare your
love for my daughter with mine.

But in the end, she ran away from
both of us, didn't she, Jane?

Didn't she?

The crystal's clear.

If I was lying,
it would turn black.

You have
your answer.

Maybe he can deflect
the crystal's power.

No, he's telling
the truth.

It doesn't matter.
It's time for him to die.

We can't k*ll him.

Of course we can.
For everything he's done.

We have an agreement.

He didn't k*ll Amelia.

I can't do it.

No, I'll spell him,
weaken him.

You don't have
enough power.

He'll get free,
and he'll come after us.

You're making
a mistake, Charles.

Shut up!
Charles, put that down.

Listen to her. You don't really
want to do this.

Send you to hell?





I had days alone
in this house

just remember how much
Jane used to despise me.

And finding where
she hid the cruet?

That was child's play.

And you remade it
into her cruet.



But let's just keep
that between us.

And the only reason
you're not dead right now

is I still have use
for you.


Callum: Wait!
Let me go!

Stop! Stop!
Stop! Wait!

Wait, what are
you guys doing?

I can't let you
hurt the circle.

Look, I swear, I'm never gonna
mess with you guys again, any of you.

No, you won't.

No! No! No!

No! No!

Cibé áit tu air,
an aimsir fháistineach tusa.

You've been marked.

If you ever come back
to Chance Harbor again,

we'll know.

And next time we
won't let you go.


Where'd you get that?

From an old friend.

You have a lot more friends
than you let on, don't you?

Like my mom.
She wrote all about you.

What did she write?

Well, she practiced writing
"Dawn Blackwell"

about a thousand times.

Let's just say the rest
was rated NC- .

Does she know
you read this?

Well, I'd like to think she'd
show it to me one day

when she was ready
to tell me the truth

about you and her
and me.

Heh. Faye, this is...

This is a testament to
your mother's imagination.

Dawn had a crush on me,

but it, it never
went beyond that.

It's the truth.

Then I'm not
your daughter.


But your father
was my friend

and he was
a very good man.

Did he know how my
mom felt about you?

He loved your mother.

And he knew that she could
be a little obsessed sometimes,

but he didn't let it
get to him.

He loved her strength
and he loved her passion.

And I just wish
he would have lived

so that he could
see you now

because he'd be
very proud of you.

I guess I should put this back
where I found it.


You're not alone.

You have your circle.

And I might not
be your father,

but I'm here, too, ok?

[Music playing]

Hey, there.


I got your text.

You ok?

I need to take
a break

from the circle
for a little while.


I just...

I feel like
I'm suffocating,

like the circle is taking over
every part of my existence.

You are the circle,

I mean, you're the one
who started it,

who guided the rest of us.

Look, I know you like
this new guys.

Yeah, I do.

And instead of trying to get to
know each other

for what should have
been the best date ever,

I spent the whole time
lying and hiding.

I can't be with him
and the circle. It won't work.

Yeah, but you can't
just walk away.

Not now.

If we don't work together,
then we could get k*lled.

The circle, our parents,
our grandparents.

You know this.

I will see the witch hunter
thing through.

And then I'm out.

It's not that simple.

We need each other.

Like today, you barely
made it to the mine on time.

Adam and Melissa, they were
almost k*lled in there.

I was there in time.

I heard the g*nsh*t.

I just couldn't
get in.

What do you mean?

I couldn't get in.

I tried, but when
I stepped inside,

it felt like my lungs were
gonna explode.

I couldn't breathe, I could barely
have enough air to gag.

So don't tell me
what I did and didn't do.

The mine was spelled.

That's why you
couldn't get in.

That's why I couldn't
get in.

Oh, my God.
It's true.

What are you
talking about?

It's you.

What's me?

You're the other Blackwell
in the circle.

You're my sister.