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01x15 - Return

Posted: 02/01/23 08:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Secret Circle"...

You're a witch. You're a full-blooded, 100% witch.

A complete circle is 6.

You complete the circle.

This is about Devil's Spirit.

You went through that last bag a little fast.

I told you it's dangerous stuff.

It took someone very important away from me.

Your old girlfriend. I know.

It's a power totem. Put this on your bed for a few weeks,

and you'll be left with nothing but pure power.

I figured out a way to make you better.

When I was holding the medallion,

I felt an incredibly clear connection to my father.

If your father's alive, he's had 16 years to look for you.

The minute Cassie activated the medallion,

she alerted every dead witch whose power it's taken.

Their power's tied to the medallion.

My father, I think I let the idea of him overshadow the reality.

I think he should stay wherever he's been hiding.

- Moving out? - Actually, yeah.

- Wait, what? Seriously? - Yeah.

My grandmother, she's coming back from the clinic. Tonight, actually.

That's great news. The grandmother part, not you moving out.

I know. She's almost back to her old self, though.

But I really will miss your snoring.

Imagine me without you around asking if I'm awake,

how will I know when it's the middle of the night?

Well, I will call you from home whenever I can't sleep.

I promise.

Come in.


These college catalogs just came in the mail.

I thought you both should take a look.

Cassie's leaving us. Her grandmother's back.

Dad, are you ok?

Yeah, of course. Just surprised.

Diana told me about you getting a job at Java Brew.

And I guess between that and you moving out, it feels like my newest daughter's all grown up.

I know. It's all so exciting.

So, when can I start getting my free coffee?

I'll probably be fired by lunchtime.

No, you're going to be the best barista ever.

Or at least the cutest one. Just work that angle.

Well, good luck, Cassie. And I'm thrilled to hear about Jane.

Thank you. And thank you for looking after me.

It was our pleasure.

Why do all the men in my life like you more than me?



Who's there?

I've already called the police.

I wouldn't open that if I were you. Very bad luck.

What the hell are you doing here?

I thought I saw someone from my place. Then your door was open.


Everything's fine. I checked.

You think someone broke in to tidy the place up a little?

They missed a spot.

Where'd that come from?

I must have tracked it in from outside.

What's going on?

Ash mixed with salt.

The kind of stuff witch hunters use to block a witch's power.

Isaac warned me. He said they'd come after you.

I didn't expect them so soon.

They're here.

♪ Da da da da da ♪

Isaac wanted the medallion, power of a thousand witches,

the only way to stop a witch hunter attack on dark magic.

Then he was furious when I told him it was destroyed.

That doesn't make sense. He's not a witch. He couldn't use it anyway.

I don't get it. But they're obviously in town, and I'm not leaving you alone.

No, I don't need a babysitter, and definitely not one with uncontrollable anger issues.

I'll be safer with this, mixed with a little individual power.

What the hell?

See? I can more than take care of myself.

We have a mocha, half 2%, half soy milk.

An earl grey tea, steamed skim milk, no water.

And a short, skinny, decaf vanilla latte.

We haven't ordered yet.


Carry the tray with your weak hand so you can serve with your strong one.

- Ok. - And it's all about balance.

Yours and the tray's. Bend your knees.

Just a little. Oh, too much.

First cup goes in the center. The others form a circle around it.

Or you could just work here for me? I'll split my minimum wage with you.

Um, that's...

Hi. Here you go. Earl gray. All right.

Look, I've actually got to get to the Boathouse.

Um, look at us, a couple of working stiffs.

Someone was in my house.

I think witch hunters.

What? How do you know? When were you even there?

This morning. I moved out of Diana's.

Well, I told her my grandmother was back.

- Is she? - No.

I've just imposed on Diana for too long, and I want to sleep in my own bed.

Well, that's definitely not going to happen now.

Adam, yes, it is.

Look, I just served a bunch of raging caffeine addicts.

Witch hunters don't scare me.

Yeah, maybe not, but I'm coming over anyway.

- Adam, that's not what I'm saying. - Relax, not to watch over you.

A witch hunter attack is a good excuse...

for me to spend some time with you in an otherwise empty house.

I like your style, Conant.

- Guess they'll serve anybody, right? - Yes, but not well.

The queen bee serving me a latte on bent knees.

Life is good.

- Waitress? Refill here. - Come on, Faye. Get over it.

Get over what?

- Jake's thing for Cassie. - She can have him. I don't care.

Look, if you're so over Jake, why don't you just move on?

- Lee is into you. - Lee?

Date below my station? No. Total power mismatch.

Speaking of slumming...

Hey, there.


I'm throwing a party at my place later.

You ladies interested in making it even more awesome?

No, thanks.

We're just sticking to a coffee buzz these days.

It might be fun.

- We'll think about it. - Great. I'll text you my address.

What? He's not what you think.

He's actually an ok guy.

Yeah? I bet you could get a two-for-one deal in rehab.

Yeah, staying with Diana is great.

But I'll be glad when you're ready to come home.

I miss you, grandma.

Ok, ok. All right. I love you, too.


Hello, Cassie.

My name's John Blackwell.

I'm your father.

How do I know you're really my father?

You know. You sense it.

Does this mean that you...

are actually alive?

- I owe you an explanation. - Don't bother.

I'm pretty much gotten used to the idea of you not being around.

Let's just keep it that way.

I couldn't let anybody know that I was alive.

But once you activated the medallion, I knew that you were in trouble.

I've been in trouble a lot lately. Your timing kind of sucks.

You need to go.


I don't want you here. I don't need your help.

Yes, you do.

Let me explain.

Meet me at the end of the boardwalk in one hour.

Once I know you're safe, you never have to see me again.

Tell me now. That's Adam.

Anything you say to me, I'm just going to tell him anyway.

You can't. No one can know that I'm here.

The only reason why I stayed away all this time was to protect you.

Everything that I've done since the day of the boat yard fire...

was to keep you from being in the very situation you are right now.

Hey, there.

- Hi. - You ok?

- Yeah. Yeah. Totally. - Ok. Well, I was thinking...

maybe we could, I don't know, go see a movie

or get something to eat.

I'm sorry, but... something came up. I can meet you later.

Cassie, what's going on?

My father was here.

- What? - Yeah.

You know that, that spell I did with the medallion?

Well, I told you that I felt his presence. And it turns out he felt mine, too.

He came because I called him.

- So he really is alive. - Yes.

- Where is he now? - He left.

He doesn't want anyone to know he's here.

- Why not? - I don't know.

- But he wants me to meet him later. - You're not going to, right?

Cassie, all those stories we've heard about who he is,

- the evil things he's done... - He's actually here now.

Ok? I can ask him. I can find out the truth about who he is...

and what happened to our parents' circle.

- Then I'm coming with you. - Adam, he's not going to hurt me.

I'm his daughter.

He said I was in danger. He wanted to help.

He's had a lot of chances to help.

He's here for something else.

Then I better find out what.

- Hello. - Hey, it's Diana. Is Melissa with you?

- No. - Well, she was supposed to come over,

and she's really late.

I can't get a hold of her.

It's adorable how clingy you are in relationships.

I mean, it worked out so well with Adam,

I can see why you'd do the same thing with Melissa.

I'm her friend, and I just want to make sure she's OK.

After everything that happened at your place, I'm just worried.

Well, she's at a party, at Callum's.


The guy who gave her devil's spirit? Aren't you freaking out?

- What if she's using that stuff again? - Yeah.

I was just sitting here, freaking out.

I mean, I'm her best friend, so of course I was freaking out.

- God. - We have to do something, don't we?

- Totally. I was just going to say that. - Where is Callum's house?

I don't know.

But I know who does.


What a pleasant surprise.

What, no kiss this time?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Well, I could refresh your memory.

Put it away, Lee. This isn't a booty call.

We're looking for Callum's address.

Melissa's at his party, and we're worried about her.

You let her go to Callum's party by herself?

Yes, mommy.

Now just give us the address, and we'll be on our way.

What are you doing?

- I'm going with you. - You don't think we can handle ourselves?

I get it. You guys are witches.

But voodoo's a whole different world.

There's a right and left hand path.

Callum practices left... evil, malicious juju.

Some of the people that go to his parties don't come back the same.

So you sure you still want to go alone?

He cares.

Callum uses people. He'll take whatever you've got.

And what you guys have, he'll take any way he can.

Now, come on. Let's go.


I'm glad you came.

I don't know where to start.

I have an entire childhood and adolescence worth of questions.

And you aren't sure if you can trust me.

I'm sure that I don't. Why would I?

Because I'm your father.

Yeah, well, there's also the whole our family line is pure evil thing.

There are a lot of stories out there.

But the truth is bigger, I think you know that.

I'm pretty solid on the part about you abandoning me and my mom.

If anyone knew I was alive,

they would have come for you to get to me,

- you and your mother. - My mother's dead.

Yes, I know.

And I'm sorry.

I loved your mother.

So did I.

And I'm sure she was very proud of you.

What, are you just, like, saying that...

to make up for all the school plays

and the piano recitals that you missed?

Because I didn't do any of those, if that makes you feel any better.

I'm saying that because I knew your mother as well as anyone.

And you are exactly the daughter that we always dreamed of.

Cassie, you have to give me the medallion.

- What? - As long as you have it,

the spirits it contained will come after you.

You give me the medallion, I will disappear.


Adam was right.

You only came here for... for something other than me.

- You told him you saw me? - Yes.

You shouldn't have done that, Cassie.

Well, I did. I did, because Adam is someone who I actually trust.

I'm not giving you that medallion, and I don't need your protection.

I've done fine without it for the last 16 years.

Tie her to the chair...

and prepare for the ceremony.

Glad you came?

I guess.

So you're obsessed with voodoo. Do girls usually like that?

It's kind of a hobby.

Want a little devil's spirit?

Take the edge off your judgmentalness?

I didn't come for that.

What did you come for?

I'll let you know when I see it.

How about...

something completely different?

Yeah. Ugly dolls and fake blood is so Lee.

Lee's a scammer.

This is real voodoo. Have a little faith.

Concentrate on your totem.

I'll do all the work.


Oh, my god.

Oh. God. I felt it, like a surge.

- Told you. Feel good? - Yeah. Let's do it again.

All right. My turn. Switch totems.

Um, I don't know. Maybe not...

Relax. All right?

Don't be selfish, now.

All right. Let's just split up, find your friend, and get out of here.

Do not leave this room. Got it?

Yes, sir.

He's very protective of you.

- It's so sweet. - Please.

When you feel it heat up, slap your palms.

Did you feel it?

I sure did.

- Is something wrong? - Not at all. In fact,

let me show you something really amazing.

Cassie? Cassie!


Who the hell are you?

Why were you yelling for Cassie? Did something happen to her?

Why would I tell you anything?

I'm her father.

- You're supposed to be dead. - I asked you a question.

Is something wrong?

We found salt ash around her house.

- Hunters. - And I can't find her.

She's not home, and she's not answering her phone.

- Where else could she be? - I don't know.

With Adam Conant, maybe,

at the Boathouse.


You were expecting Isaac?

He already failed twice here.

He has a soft spot for you that seems to be getting in the way.

And I have to be sure that this task...

gets done.

You came for Cassie.

Yes. To trade for her life.

A witch with her dark magic?

What could you give me more valuable than that?

John Blackwell.

- Blackwell. - Yes. He's alive.

- You have proof? - I just talked to him.

Agree to let Cassie go, I'll bring Blackwell to you.

Your power is of no help to you here.

Not with colocasia powder surrounding you.

That's what you used against my father.

Yes. And luckily for me,

you destroyed the medallion he used to overcome it.

So why aren't I dead?

My plans changed when I heard about your father's miraculous resurrection.

He and I go back a long way.

I didn't expect to see him again.

- You're afraid of him. - One must be careful...

when going against such a stronger adversary.

- What are you doing? - Being extremely careful.

Supnous tiemlo.


I need to find Cassie.

- You're Cassie's father. - Yes.

What the hell?

Adam, go into the office.

You shouldn't be here.

It's not possible.

Hello, Ethan.

- Stay away from my son. - He's looking for Cassie.

Amelia wouldn't want you anywhere near her.

Amelia would want her safe. And I didn't come here to make trouble.

- But I do need to find Cassie. - No. What you need to do...

is get the hell out of Chance Harbor.

Clearly, we have some unfinished business, Ethan.

Right now, I need to find my daughter.

Stay away from him.

Believe me when I tell you he is the last person you ever want to know.

You or Cassie.

I found out where Cassie is.

- Where? - The witch hunters have her.

Diana? I need your help.

Kind of creepy, Callum.

Maid's day off.

So, what did you want to show me?

What are you?

I don't... I don't understand.

When we transferred power back, I got a huge charge off you,

way more than what I gave you.

- You're a witch. - You're high.

I'm right, aren't I?

If I have as much power as you think I do,

do you really want to test it?

I've been looking for you. Where's Callum?

That jerk locked me in a room. He knows I'm a witch. Let's go.

- We have to find Diana and Lee. - Lee is the same. He's using you.

No. Lee came here to help us.

Callum has a totem just like the one Lee gave you.

He showed me how it works. It doesn't give energy. It takes it.

- Are you sure? - I felt it.

Adam called. Cassie's in trouble.

- You found Melissa. - And now we're leaving without you.

- What's wrong? - Melissa told me...

about your totem scam. Screw you.

Where'd she hear that? Callum?

The totem doesn't mean anything. It's just an object.

It's the spell that matters.

I can't believe I trusted you.

- Where is she? - I don't know.

This is where the hunters were taking her.

How would you know something like that?

I have history with them.

You try any of your magic, and I'll k*ll her.

You're making a serious mistake.

- Bold talk coming from a dead man. - Time to let her go.

- We had a deal. - The terms of the deal have changed.

Blackwell gets Cassie. And I get you, Jake.

We have accounts to settle.

I'll give you your daughter unharmed. And then, I'll walk away.


Fine. Let her go.

Go to your father.

- Let's go. - What about Jake?

He'll be ok. We just need to get you away from here.

What the hell, Eben?

The iron will keep your power in check.

- What happened to k*lling Blackwell? - I don't have to.

Cassie will.

Lee, since when do you leave a party before it's over?

When it's a lame party.

Not as lame as hiding secrets from your friends.

- Whatever. - You know,

I thought it was strange how you moved on from Eva so fast.

You loved her.

It'd take more than a tight ass and a smile to get you to forget about her.

- What's your point? - My point is,

there's more to Faye and her friends than I thought.

They're witches.

Melissa's power,

that's big magic for a small girl.

Faye's is off the charts.

Go near Faye and her friends, and I promise you'll regret it.

She got to you.

Don't you kid yourself, Lee.

I know you're using her for something. It's what you do. It's what we both do.

The road's just over there. We got to hurry. They'll come after us.

Cassie? What are you doing?

- What's that? - I don't know.

- Why are you doing that? - I have no idea.

- Cassie? What's going on? - I don't know.

Put the branch down!

- Why is this happening? - You've been spelled with linden.

- It's a hypnotic root. - Use your magic! Stop me, please!

I can't. I don't have magic anymore.

- Fight it, Cassie. - I'm trying. I can't!

- You're stronger than you think. - Push me down! Knock me over!

- Do something! - No! I won't hurt you.

- What are you doing? - Your usefulness has come to an end.

I brought you Blackwell! We had a deal!

Your father said nearly the same thing...

just before I slit his throat.

Oh, my god.

- Did you do that? - We all did. You're welcome.

Can I get a little help?

Lock unlock.

- Are you ok? - Yeah. Thanks.

- What the hell? - That's impossible.

He had a branch through his gut. How'd he get up and run away?

I don't know, but right now, we need to find Cassie.

- Cassie, fight the spell. - I'm trying. I can't.


I've been spelled. I can't stop!

We have to break the connection between Cassie and the spell.

Follow my lead.

By our power, restore her will.

By our power, restore her will.

The spell's not working. We need the whole circle.

Cassie, you have to help.

Focus on the words as hard as you can.

- I can't! - Forget what your body is doing.

Just concentrate on the spell.

By our power, restore her will.

By our power, restore her will.

So, isn't Cassie's father supposed to be really, really evil?

We don't know that for sure.

He didn't hurt Cassie, even when she was coming after him.

I just hope we did the right thing saving him.

'Cause when my dad looked at Blackwell tonight,

I've never seen him so scared.

I can't believe I almost k*lled you.

If the circle hadn't been there to help...

They weren't there for me, Cassie.

They came to help you.

How did you lose your magic?

After the fire,

the Elders stripped your mother's generation of its powers.

Somehow, it affected me.

And honestly,

I wish they'd had taken it a long time ago.

'Cause dark magic took everything I ever cared about...

you, your mother.

So, what will happen now?

I don't know.

No one will ever believe that I've changed.

Cassie, I am not the man I used to be.

And all I care about is keeping you safe.

I can't give you the medallion.

You still don't trust me?

I can't give you the medallion because it's gone.

I destroyed it.

So, there's no reason for you to stay.

No. No, there's every reason.

You can't protect yourself.


Eben spelled me.


When regular people do that kind of thing, they're called witches.

Eben and I go a long way back, and I can assure you that he is not a witch.

Well, then he's working with one like he worked with Jake.

- What other explanation is there? - I don't know.

But until I find out, I'm staying right here in Chance Harbor.

Good night.

What the hell?

I came in through the window.

And now, you can go back out the window.

Faye, listen to me.

- I would never do anything to hurt you. - Touching. Heartfelt.

Nothing says "I care" like a power-sucking totem.

- Give it to me. - What?

Give me the totem.

If you have any doubts about this,

we'll just find you another way to get you power.


You set me up tonight.

Eben would have k*lled Cassie. It was the only way to stop him.

Thank you. You saved my daughter's life.

- You obviously care for her. - I do.

Then you and I should work together to keep her safe,

because tonight was only the beginning.