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01x14 - Valentine

Posted: 02/01/23 08:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Secret Circle"...

You're a witch. You're a full-blooded 100% witch.

A complete circle is six.

You complete the circle.

You're back. Had to make sure

Adam and Cassie don't get to second base, huh?

I believed Isaac when he said the witches

were the ones who started the fire that night.

But our parents were m*rder*d.

It was definitely the witch hunters.

I found this, my father's medallion.

I saw him use it against the witch hunters.

This medallion is the best way I know how to protect us.

There must be a spell that can activate its energy.



What are you doing?

Trying to sneak out before you wake up

and I realize what a mistake this was.


'Cause you're stomping around

like someone desperately trying to get my attention.

You're dreaming.

And I'm living a nightmare.

Hey, you're the one that came running over here last night.

You called me.

You knew exactly what for.

Not at all.

I thought you'd done something stupid

and needed my help.

So you put on slinky lingerie

and changed your clothes?

I wear slinky lingerie because I like feeling slinky.

Why are you studying my outfits?

Please don't start obsessing about me.

This was a one time only mistake.

The faster you leave, the faster I'll forget it ever happened.

I was just trying to get a mental picture

to prevent this from ever happening again.

You, me, an overwhelming feeling of shame.


Take a good last look.

[Music playing]

I was holding the medallion,

standing under the symbol in the basement,

and I felt this crazy rush of power.

But the second that I did...

[Bell rings]

I felt an incredibly clear connection to my father.

It was like his energy was reaching out to me

through the medallion.

I think he was trying to find me.

I'm gonna go back there later today and try again.

Are you ok? Fine.

Is it Adam?

Or is Adam in combination with the greeting card,

florist, chocolatier, industrial complex?

Well, no.

In fact, I want this Valentine's day

to not be about relying on a guy for happiness.

Oh, I completely forget it's anti-independence day.

Or as I like to call it, the loneliest holiday of the year.

Just be thankful you're not one of these needy,

pathetic delusionals.

What's going on?

There's extra sparkle in your bitchiness today.

I stayed at Jake's last night.

Oh, you fell off the Jake wagon.

Technically he fell off my wagon.

This is where it starts.

No. I won.

He was feeling wounded and reached out,

and I made everything better. Awesomely better.

And then I left him home alone to stew

in why I'm the only one who can make him feel like him.

I've got the power back.


So what are you guys doing for Valentine's day?

I'm telling you, it's over.

Listen, screw boys. They suck.

A slumber party at my place. No boys allowed.

And we'll do a horror movie marathon

where we'll watch hearts actually being ripped out

of people's bodies.

I'm in.

Hey, guys.

We're having a screw Valentine's day

slumber party at Faye's tonight.

You guys want to come?

Uh-uh. No way.

No lame boy talk.

Especially Adam talk.

I promise.

Faye, come on.


[Bell rings]

Oh, uh, I forgot my book.

I'll meet you guys in class.



You kind of disappeared last night.

Yeah, just I needed some time to sort everything out.

I thought I saw you with Jake.

I was telling him that he doesn't know me

as well as he thought he did.

You want to do something later?

We could reminisce over any number of near-death topics.

I thought over dinner.

Are you--I would-- I can't.

I'd love to, I really--

oh, that's all right. No, no, no.

It's just Faye is having this like

slumber party and anti-Valentine's day thing

since it's Valentine's day today.

Is it? Yeah.

That's so random.

Well, maybe we could do something

on a less pressure-filled night.

Like a date?


Like a date.



Ok, I'm gonna go get my book.

See you.

"That's so random"?

[Car honks]

♪ La da da da da

♪ da da da da da

♪ la da da da da da

[door bell rings]

So you're back from your little family trip.

I left a bunch of messages.

You just never called back.

You never got me my own power.

So now we both know

what incredible disappointment feels like.

I got you your power.

You and your friends just didn't like the way I did it.

But I brought you something new.

What is that?

It's a power totem.

It draws away weakness to intensify your strength.

Put this on your bed for a few weeks

and you'll be left with nothing but pure power.

Or it'll k*ll me in my sleep.

It's the real deal.

Hmm. Take it.

Think of it as my version of a dozen red roses

since I also came to ask you to dinner tonight.

Yeah, no.

But thanks anyway.

And I thought the way to your heart was through power.

It is. But all you brought me was a creepy doll.

Me and that creepy doll are gonna change your life.

Let me know how it goes, huh.

I'm never gonna try it.

What are you doing here, Isaac?

Death wish?

I'm here to help you.


Uhh! Ahh!

I saw what eben did to my parents.

I know you did.

You told me that it was the evil of witchcraft

that destroyed my family.

You lied.

I never lied.

What you saw that night was only part of the story.

My parents were willing to give up witchcraft.

All they wanted was peace.

So did Eben.

He called for the truce,

but Blackwell would have never let it happen.

He manipulated the circle into thinking

the hunters were deceiving them.

He lead your parents to slaughter.

I don't believe you.

I understand.

And I understand why you came back.

You know an attack is coming on Cassie,

on your whole circle.

I'm here to tell you that you can stop it.


The medallion Cassie Blake found,

if I bring it back to the council, they will not attack.

You really think I'm an idiot.

That medallion saved Cassie's father.

The council will never get their hands on it.

The medallion isn't what you think it is.

By activating it, Cassie has put her life in danger.

Evil will come for her.

And the only way to save her is to give to me.

The vengeance that I'm craving right now

you brought out in me.

I'm trying to protect you, son.

But you'll find out for yourself soon enough

what the medallion brings.


[Door closes]



Hey, hey, it's me.

What's going on?

There's...There's someone down there.


A witch maybe. I don't know.

Just stay here.

Are you sure you saw someone?


He was...

He was wearing the same robe

that my father wore when the witch hunters tried to k*ll him.

The same one we wore on Halloween.

This robe had a symbol on it.

[Sighs] What?

Why were you down here?

I was gonna use the medallion

to try and contact my father.

But this hooded thing was here, just waiting for me.

Do you think it has something to do with him?

I don't know.

But yesterday...

I felt like his energy reached out to me.

That has to be connected.

You sure that's a good thing?

I know you don't want to hear this,

but if your father's alive,

he's had 16 years to look for you

and he hasn't.

So why do you want to look for him?

Because he's my father.

And if he's out there, then I have to find him.

And what about his dark magic?

Everything we've heard about John Blackwell?

I need to find out for myself.

You said there was a symbol on the robe.


Well, I hate to say it,

but if there's one thing Jake is good for,

it's knowing all about witch hunters.

You want me to talk to Jake?


But...If he has information that can help.

Then I'll ask him.

Aren't those cute?

It's a slumber party.

How many wardrobe changes are you planning?

I guess I did kind of over pack.



I'm so sorry. Diana!

What is that?

Broken is what it is.


It's ok.


This was a bad idea.

Faye doesn't want me here to begin with.

Well, I do.

Deep down Faye does as well.

She's just too preoccupied with stuff

to realize it.

I think I may have something to loosen things up.

It's called devil's spirit.

It's herbal and totally mellow,

and it'll just take the edge off.

Yeah. I promised myself I was moving on tonight,

but I'm not really sure that's what I meant.

Well, it's just us girls,

and now is the perfect time

to try something a little different.


Ok. Hurry up before I change my mind.

Do you know it or what it could have

to do with my father?

You're sure this is the symbol on the robe?

Positive. Why?

The symbol belonged to the Nidaros coven.

Really old blood.

They came to Chance Harbor directly from Europe, not Salem.

But the entire coven was destroyed years ago.

So now I'm seeing dead people?

Did it say anything to you?

Or thr*aten you?


There's something you're not telling me.

What does this have to do with my father?

I really have no idea, I'm sorry.

Movies. I hear you. Whoa.

Where the hell's Cassie?

I don't know. I don't know. Go text her.

Wait, tell her to hurry.

[Music playing]

Bitch, hurry.

Pizza's ordered.

Should be here in 20.

Oh, good, I'm hungry.

We should order a pizza.


Wait, check it out.

When the pizza guy gets here,

let's do a spell so we get it for free.

Yes! Seriously?

Well, I could do that by undoing two buttons.

No, no, no, no. I got it.

Before the pizza guy gets here,

we're gonna do a spell to make him hot.

Ok, that could be the least boring idea you've ever had.

And when he gets here,

I'm gonna make out with him.


Watch me.

Ok. Ahem. Circle up.

How do we do this?

By making fire.

Except we picture the hottest guy imaginable.


[Doorbell rings]

That was fast.

I got it.


Ok. Uh.

Doesn't the fact that he's not holding any pizzas

tell you he's not the pizza guy?

Oh, I was too busy kissing him.

You invited him?

Just to fix what she ruined.

Faye, the deal was no boys.

That was a bad deal.

I didn't know you had company.

Slumber party, actually. Glad I called?

We'll see.

Right this way.


"Bitch, hurry."


Your friends seem messed up on something.

They're on your devil's spirit.

It's not mine. And I told you, it's dangerous stuff.

It took someone very important away from me.

Your old girlfriend. I know.

But don't worry about those two.

I've got my eye on them.

Where's the patient?

Can you fix it?

I think so.

And it'll still work?

So now you believe it's real?

I don't know why you would come all this way to fix a fake.

[Music playing]

[Doorbell rings]

It worked.

You did order a pizza, right?

Actually, we ordered you.

Mmm. Mm-mmm.

Keep the change.


Oh, my God.


[Doorbell rings]

I got--no, I got it.

You want another tip?

Were you just kissing the delivery guy?

[Laughs] We did a spell

to make him hot,

so we get to kiss him.

Ok, maybe I should go.

I'm not really in the party mood.

Don't you dare leave.

It's girl's night.

Give me that.

Something's happened.

Cassie's being haunted by a dead witch

from the Nidaros coven.

Does that have anything to do with the medallion?

Are the witches you k*lled coming after Cassie now?

We didn't k*ll the Nidaros coven.

Cassie's father did.

You're lying.

Their blood spilled in a church

less than a mile from where you're standing right now.

But k*lling them wasn't enough.

He used see medallion to steal their powers.

They must want them back.

But they're dead.

The minute Cassie activated the medallion,

she alerted every dead witch whose power it's taken.

They sense its presence.

And they'll do anything to get it.

As long as Cassie holds the medallion,

they'll come for it.

And Nidaros coven is just the beginning.

But if you give me the medallion,

I can help her.

And why's it so important?

That medallion holds the power of a thousand cursed souls.

Its evil is unquantifiable.

No witch hunter could ever use its power,

but surely you can see that no witch should

be able to, either.

The medallion will k*ll her.

And if I don't bring it back with me,

we'll all die with her.

He fixed the thing, then he left.

Something freaky happened to Cassie.

Yeah, of course it did.

Otherwise how else could this night become all about her?

I saw a ghost.

In the basement of the abandoned house.

And then the medallion moved on its own.

You actually saw a ghost?

I think it was trying to tell me something.

And I got so scared when I first saw it that I ran out,

but when I came back, it was gone.

I looked through the Book of Shadows,

but there's nothing about contacting ghosts.

You want to speak to the dead,

I think I have just the thing.



Nothing's happening.

This is so lame.

We're witches. It should work.

Apparently not.


Maybe this will.

Is this a good idea?

Let's find out.

I'm trying to contact the spirit that's following me.

Are you there?


Let's try it again. So sorry.

What are you trying to tell me?

I'm not doing that. Me, neither.

What? Oh, my God.



Oh, my God.





Sacred. What's sacred?

What does that mean?

Maybe that the witch was sacred

or buried in sacred ground?

Your--your father's sacred to you.

You're the most sacred witch in all the land.


You two are acting like idiots.

This is serious.

Ok. Come on.

Group hug. Come on. Come on.

Come on. No, thanks.

Group hug?

Group hug. Come on.

Since the medallion doesn't want to talk anymore,

why don't we just keep partying?

I want pizza. Oh, me, too.

[Both laugh]


[Cell phone chirps]

[Cell phone chirps]

Oh. Sorry for all the laughing.

I'm just a little messed up.

I think I'm gonna head out.

I'm just bringing you guys down.

So I'm gonna go.

Who are you texting?

Ahh, Adam.

The pull of Valentine's day takes another victim.

He's just trying to help me figure out what's going on.

I won't tell anybody.

I'll probably forget in two seconds anyway.

[Footsteps on stairs]

[Doorbell rings]

Did you sluts order another hot pizza guy?

Sorry. Sexy slumber party. No boys allowed.

I need to talk to Cassie.

I've been trying to call her all night.

You're not a hot pizza guy.

And Cassie just left.

So you're out of luck.

Where'd she go?

It's important, Melissa.

[Laughs] To Adam's.

[Tires squealing]

[Choking and gasping]




You know, sometimes less is more.

What are you doing here, Jake?

Looking for Cassie.

Well, obviously she's got other plans,

so see you.

She should be here.

I was just at Faye's house. She left already.

What the hell's going on now?

I'm not sure, but she could be in trouble.

Coming, lover boy?





Every time Cassie's in trouble you're lurking.

What about these hooded things she's been seeing,

what, are those witch hunters, too?

No. They're witches.

Dead witches.

Diana. What's wrong?

Do you know where Cassie is?

I'm with Jake. We can't find her.

Oh, how adorable.

You and Jake together looking for Cassie.

I've got to go.

Has she gone back there?


You know, maybe she found a third boyfriend.


You boys have fun chasing Cassie.

Well, what?

How's it feeling being replaced by Cassie?

You would see it that way.

Faye, all you ever think about is yourself.

And your point is?

You're the one who's worried about being replaced.

You think I haven't noticed how jealous you are

over my friendship with Melissa?

You think I'm jealous of you?

Yeah, I do.

Maybe if you'd been a better best friend,

you wouldn't be so worried about losing her right now.

I guess you've forgotten all about junior high

when you dumped Melissa as a BFF

the second that you and Adam got serious.

Wait, where is Melissa anyway?

Oh, my God. Melissa!

What happened? What's wrong?

What happened? What did she do?

Talk to me. Melissa, wake up.

Hey, hey, hey. Wake up.

Hey, talk to me. Wake up.

Melissa, wake up.

Did you take the rest of this?

Come on, we gotta get her to the bathroom.

Come on.


Cassie's not here.

Do you think those dead witches-- I hope not.

What do they want with her?

Blackwell used his medallion to steal their power.

And now Cassie has the medallion.

So, what, they want their power back?

How do you know all this?

I just do.

Adam, we've got to find Cassie.

All right, where would they take her?

They can't take her anywhere. They're dead.

Their power's tied to the medallion.

All they can do is show up and disappear.


Blackwell k*lled them in a church near here.


When a witch is m*rder*d,

some of its energy stays where it was k*lled.

These witches have more power at the church.

If they lead Cassie there, she's in danger.

Well, let's go.


Who are you?

Who are you?



You're ok.

You're gonna be ok.

I can't believe you did those dr*gs with her.

I can't believe you introduced them to her.


God, I'm sorry. No, no, no, it's ok.

Come on, let's get you cleaned up.

Where are you?

Where are you?

I saw you.

Come out!

Face me!

What do you want?


Wait, don't.

[Gasps] Wait, wait. Don't!


Hold on.

Hold on. We don't know what they're after.

She needs us. Now.


Adam, run.




Adam? Stop.

They went into Adam.

Cassie, stay away from him.

Give us the medallion.

We want our power back.

You took it from us.

It wasn't Cassie.

It was her father.

What are you talking about?

Your father k*lled the Nidaros coven.

How do you know that?

Isaac told me.


He wants the medallion.

If we give it to him he'll help us.

It belongs to us. It contains our power.

No. It has the power of thousands of witches.

And now that it's activated,

all of them will come for it.

Dead or alive.

It's too dangerous.

Give us the medallion

or we k*ll this shell.

Stop, don't hurt him!

If you give it to them,

the coven won't only get their power,

they'll get all of it.

6 witches with the power of thousands.

They'll be unstoppable.

They'll k*ll you, Cassie.

Your father destroyed them.

The moment you give them their power back,

they'll destroy you, too.

If I don't, they'll k*ll Adam.

Give us the medallion.

I choose you.


Give us the medallion!

Cassie, no, please!

I don't have a choice.






Adam! Adam!


It's ok, it's ok, it's ok.

They're gone. They're gone.

Ok. Ok.

They're gone.

They're gone.

It's ok.

It's over.

The witches are gone.

Here's the medallion.

You're welcome.

Our deal was for the medallion,

not a piece of it.

You should be happy.

You're not a witch. You can't use it.

Why do you care?

You should have honored our deal.

I could have spared you and Cassie.

You didn't answer the question.

Why would you want the medallion?

Your anger makes you weak.

It prevents you from seeing the truth.

There's nothing more I can do for you.

Melissa's feeling better, so I'm gonna go.

Just grab my stuff.

You should stay.

Not that I care one way or another,

but Melissa obviously wanted your help, so.

I screwed up back in junior high, ok?

But I am never gonna leave Melissa as a friend again,

no matter what.

I know you won't.

Because I'll make sure of it.

I got it.

It's gonna be ok.

I figured out a way to make you better.

[TV playing indistinctly]

Worst Valentine's day ever.


You have to quit that stuff.

Lee says it's really dangerous.

That guy likes you.

I guess he's not as bad as I thought.


I am done with guys.


For now.

Oh, too bad. He's a really good kisser.


Really? Guy, guys, don't.

No pillow fighting. Ha ha!

[Gasps] Oh, well...

[Laughing and squealing]

[Music playing]

This may or may not be what you think.

A surprise Valentine's day dinner.

Planned for earlier.


Hmm. So random.

Oh. So you caught that today, huh?

Oh, yeah.

Happy Valentine's day.

Thank you.

It's beautiful.

Just I--I wish I would have made it in time.

You're here now.

You were right.

About my father.

I think I let the idea of him

overshadow the reality.

He k*lled that coven.

And I don't know who else.

I think he should just say wherever he's been hiding.

I don't want to know him.

After having spent some quality time

with those witches tonight,

I can tell you they're not so great. So.

I just didn't want to think that he was a...

A terrible person because...

I didn't want to believe that I am, too.

You're not.

You're amazing.

♪ La da da da da

♪ da da da da da

♪ la da da da da da