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01x13 - Medallion

Posted: 02/01/23 08:53
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Secret Circle"...

My sweet Cassie, I didn't want you to have this life,

You're a witch. You're a full-blooded 100% witch.

A complete circle is 6.

You complete the circle.

- That's my father. - John Blackwell.

He died in the same fire that your parents did.

He was at the fire 16 years ago.

I have to find out what happened that day.

This is our only chance.

John Blackwell,

you have been accused and found guilty.

Confess your sins.

What are you doing here?

You-- you can see me?

Get out. Now.

Dawn? Did she put you to this?

She's playing you, Ethan.

As soon as she gets the crystal back, you're dead.

I found this.

My father was wearing it the day of the fire.

It saved him.

Is there a chance that he's still alive?

- Hey. - Hi.

How did you--

Diana said you were here.

Is your grandmother back?

Actually, no.

I just came to grab some more of my stuff.

Come in.

Everything ok?

Something happen between you and Diana?

No, but she did mention

something a little disturbing, though.

Did you dig up your father's grave?

With Jake?

She told you?

Was she not supposed to?

Are you and Jake's crazy adventures a secret now?

I know it sounds bad--

Cassie, it is bad.

Adam, my father didn't die in the boat yard fire.

I saw him leave,

and I need to know if he's still out there.

Breaking the law and risking exposure is not the way to do it.

Neither is getting dragged into Jake's memory and almost dying.

Is this about me or Jake?


I will not let anything happen to you,

and Jake seems to be the guy who's making

bad things happen.

Digging up the grave was my idea.

And because of Jake, I saw my father.

And found this.

We don't even know what that is, Cassie.

Look, since figuring out who we are,

we have tried to take things slowly and carefully.

What you have been doing lately crosses the line.

And Jake is pushing you.

He's just trying to help.

If your father is alive,

I will do anything and everything

to find out for sure,

and not because I'm obsessed with your family's legacy

of dark magic--

because I care about you.

Present-day you.

The you I kissed the other night.

There's no room for Jake between us.

You're back.

Had to make sure Adam and Cassie don't get

to second base, huh?

Jealousy isn't a good look on you.

I heard witch hunters k*lled your parents.

I know you, Jake. You want payback.

What's your point?

You're barking up the wrong shrub with Cassie.

She won't understand. She's not the type.

She's not your type.

Thanks, Doc.

Why don't you go deal with your sense of powerlessness

and burn down another school?

See, there's the Jake I remember.


Can I help you?

You're Amelia Blake's daughter.



You look so familiar. Have we met before?

16 years ago in the boat yard fire.

♪ la da da da da

♪ da da da da da

♪ la da da da da da

You were at the boat yard fire?


And I've been reliving that day

over and over for 16 years.

Then last week, for the first time,

my memory changed.

Suddenly, you were there.

And now, whenever I think back,

I can see you in the ferry's cafeteria

and me telling you to get out.

Please, can I come in?

I'm taking a risk just being here.

Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you.

My name is Lucy Gibbons.

I knew your mother.

When I first saw you in my memory,

I thought you were her.

You told me to get out right before the fire started.

You were trying to protect me.

Later, I realized you were visiting

in someone else's mind.

You were tethered to someone who really was there.

How could you have even seen me?

Are you a witch?


But I have other abilities.

I'm a psychic.

Every moment, every event in time,

has its own psychic imprint.

You being there altered the imprint,

and I felt it, saw you.

What were you doing there?

I was close with your parents' circle.

I helped them...

When I could.

So you knew my father?

Very well.

He was a hero that day.

His death was a terrible tragedy.

I saw him escape the fire.

I thought he died in that room.

No. I saw him leave.

But I don't know what happened after--

I'm sorry.

There's no time to talk.

I've come here to warn you.

About what?

Witch hunters.

I've been hiding from them for 16 years.

And yesterday, one of them found me.

But you're not a witch.

He was asking about you.


Someone else must've seen you like I did

and told them you were there and know what really happened.

They're coming for you, just like they came for your father.

And they'll k*ll me if they know I'm here.


Why are you telling me this?

Why risk your life to warn me?

I owe it to your parents.

They meant a lot to me.

I'm staying at the Ocean Vista Motel for the night.

Be careful, Cassie.


You sent Ethan after me?

You want coffee?

He's an unstable, pathetic drunk.

And now, he has the power of a crystal.

Why? Just so I wouldn't?

What's happened to us?

How'd we end up on opposite sides like this?

When you threatened to k*ll my mother, it occurred to me

that you and I aren't exactly on the same page.

Look, we have both had to do things we're not happy about,

but the end goal--

getting our power back-- that hasn't changed.

Not for me.

I'm going to get that crystal back.

And the next time you cross me will be your last.

Hi, Mr. Conant. Is Adam around?

He should be back pretty soon.

You want to wait?

I wanted to talk to you anyway.

- Anything wrong? - No. In fact,

I want to throw a surprise party for Adam's birthday.

Is there any chance you could give me a hand?

I'd love to.

I was wondering what I was going to do for his birthday.

It's weird.

Last year, I was so excited.

I broke into his locker and filled it with cookies.

And this year,

I'm not even sure how to sign a birthday card.

I'm sorry.

I know he cares about you.

I think a surprise party is a great idea,

and I'd love to help.

Surprise party.

Well, that sounds fun.

Forget the surprise part.

Be here at 8:00.

Fun, food, and drinks.

Did she say who, exactly, was coming after you?

Like which g*ng of witch hunters?

No. I don't think anyone knows them

as well as you.

I'm just trying to understand how bad it is.

Do you trust her?

I don't know if I trust you.

You don't, or Adam doesn't?


And yet, here we are--

you and me, trying to figure out how to save everyone,

no trace of Adam.

He's worried about me.

I don't want him to worry.

Now, how the hell does this work?

If we can figure it out, we can stop the witch hunters,

for good.

Let's try it downstairs.

The symbol matches the one on the ceiling, right?

Finally making yourself useful.

- Now what? - I have no idea.

Oh. Maybe if I align it in just the right way--

or catch the light...

There must be a spell that can activate its energy.

There was one. My father said it at the fire.

I just... Don't remember.

What's happening?

Something feels completely wrong.

Jake, run! Get out of here!

Hurry, I can't move!

What the hell is going on?

Adam wait!

Look, I was just trying to figure out the medallion.

The whole house felt like it was coming down.

A woman came to see me,

someone I saw at the boat yard fire 16 years ago.

And I know that that sounds crazy.

She said the witch hunters are coming,

just like Jake said.

This medallion is the best way I know how to protect us.

I saw my dad use it to stop them.

And yet, my mom is still dead.

Just like Diana's and Melissa's and Nick's.

So, Jake's, too.

What if the medallion makes things worse?

Diana's grandmother told you

that your father became consumed

by that kind of magic.

What other choice do we have?

You are not alone in this.

The power of the circle,

that's all the protection we need.


Maybe you're right.

So are we done here?

You and Adam going to go get ready for the next school dance

and pretend everything's fine?

No, we're not done.

Let's go talk to Lucy.

Diana said all they found in the coffin were dog bones.

Diana, your new bestie?

Faye, I just told you Cassie dug up her father's grave.

Of course she did. Because

she's a creepy little Stepford ghoul

with dark magic and daddy issues.

She's part of the circle, and so are you.

No matter what happened,

you can't just pretend you're not.

Maybe I can.

Check it out.

Devil's spirit.

It's supposed to help you tap into

your inner strength and power.

We could both use a little of that, don't you think?

Your creepy Lee friend give you that stuff?

No. His even creepier biker pal.

Mmm. You should go help.

Get ordered around by a control freak in

party planning mode.


You could tap into your inner Melissa.

Lucy? It's me, Cassie Blake.

Are you alone?

I'm with a friend, Jake Armstrong.


Quite a barricade.

I don't have powers like you.

How do you know I have powers?

I'm a psychic.

For what that's worth.

I wanted to ask you something.

About my father's medallion.

The Balcoin medallion?

I saw him use it against the witch hunters.

That's how he escaped.

Could I use it, too? To protect us.


But unfortunately, the medallion was lost to us.

I found it.

But we don't know how to use it.

I almost tore down a house trying.

That's because it needs to be unlocked.


If you are a bound circle,

you can do a ritual to activate the medallion.

And then, it can do what it did that day

to Eben and the other witch hunters?

If I were to help, would you be seeking

protection or revenge?


Can you help us?

Yes, I can get the spell.

Is there somewhere safe we can meet later?

My father's old house.

Oh, uh, just a minute, Cassie.

You should see your face right now.

How did you find me?

That day when you betrayed us,

I told you never to come back here again.

And I marked you.

You don't remember?

Do you mind?

Oh, my God.



The medallion is gone.

I'm just here visiting a friend.

Cassie Blake? Is that your friend?

You know I was close with Amelia.

When I heard Cassie come here--

You thought you'd pop by and tell her

how you k*lled her father?

I just wanted to see if Cassie was ok.

You were supposed to protect Blackwell.

You were his psychic.

You should've seen when the hunters coming.

They must've blocked my sight somehow.

You know I'd give anything to get that day back.

Well, you can't.

There may be something you can do to make it up to me.

What do you mean?

What do you know about family crystals?

- Why? - Because I need to find them.

Dawn, I can't do that.

Those crystals aren't yours to find.

I am giving you a chance to make up for your mistakes.

And considering your abilities,

I assume you'll know what will happen to you if you don't.

It can't just have disappeared.

Who else could have gotten in here?

Well, the Book of Shadows is still there.

So someone was just after the medallion.

But no one knows about that drawer,

or has even seen me use it.


There is one person.

You really didn't have to do this.

But thank you.

You're welcome.

But it was mostly Diana.

That girl can plan.

I'm impressed. Diana was able to find enough random classmates

to make it look like Adam has friends.

Other than us 5.

This isn't easy for her.

Trying to move on from Adam and still be there for him

and everyone else?

Sounds exhausting.

I think she's brave and strong.

Oh, I forgot.

You guys are a super duo now.

"Delissa," is it?

Let it go. Have some fun.

The music is amazing.

And the food is amazing, too.

I loved those puffed pastry thingies.

They tasted like gold.

Are you messed up right now?

You don't feel... Shiny?

Maybe I should do some more.

Yeah, let's.

Well, that's just perfect.

Call the biker guy. Get some more.

Thank you.

Happy Birthday.

This is amazing.

It was mostly your dad.

Oh, yeah. That's exactly what he just said.

We both thought you deserved an Adam appreciation night.

And I think you're both right.

Weren't you going to make a toast?

Oh, yeah. Thanks.

Thanks for coming, everyone.

Uh, I'm better at

incoherent rambling than speeches,

so I'll keep it short.

Happy Birthday, son.

I don't say this enough.

I love you.


Happy Birthday, Adam.

Happy Birthday, Adam.

Uh, Diana, um, didn't you want to...



Adam's been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.

He was...The kid who always shared his toys.

Who always said something

when someone tried taking yours without asking.

And I remember getting into the habit of

looking to him first to see how he'd react to things

so I could tell the difference between right and wrong.

Happy Birthday.

It's...Knowing you

that's always kept me headed in the right direction.

And I'll always be grateful.


To Adam.

To Adam.

To Adam.

That was a nice toast.

That's a good son you've got there.

I know.

It's a shame about Adam and Diana.

Clearly, they still have a lot of affection for each other.

What are you doing here, Charles?

Diana asked me to come. And I'm glad I did.

You know, watching these kids really puts things into perspective.

We were just like them once.

Ironically, I needed a visit from my mother

to realize how many bad choices I've made recently.

I'm sorry.

Tonight's about the kids.

Happy Birthday.


What's wrong?

You took my father's medallion.

Yeah, I did.

How could you?

Because someone has to stop you before you hurt yourself.

I need it. Lucy knows the ritual

to activate the medallion,

and until we do it, we're all sitting ducks.

How do you know that?

I went to her hotel--

You and Jake.

You gave me no choice.

This is about protecting the circle,

and you were making it about jealousy.

Jake accepts that dark magic is a part of me.

And he doesn't ask me to hide from who I am.

- Who you are? - Mmm.

Jake's k*lled people for being who you are.

He hasn't k*lled anyone.

He came back looking for revenge after Nick's death,

and maybe he planned on taking that out on the circle,

but he didn't go through with it.

He's changed.

Are you sure,

or is that just what you want to believe?

You were supposed to call me from the car.

I wanted to come check out the party.

Are you Callum?

The devil stuff guy?

I've been called worse.

I'm Melissa.

Did you bring it?

Great. Transaction done. Now you can go.

I think I'll stay.

Suddenly, the night just shows some great potential.

This is a private party, Callum.

- What's up? - I've got this, Jake.

Better listen to her, "Jake." She's got this.

Who are you?

A friend of Faye's voodoo boyfriend.

Get out.

Watch your back, Jake.

Where did you go?

To the boat.

Here you go.

I have no right to make decisions for you.

Thank you.

I'll let Lucy and the rest of the circle know.

How do you know everyone will agree to do it?

It's the only way to protect ourselves.


Everything I said about Jake is true.

And somewhere inside you,

I think you know it.



You ok?

Well, I didn't have a drink, if that's what you mean.

No, I was just-- it's ok, kid. Really.

I'm just wiped out. I must be coming down with something.


Thanks for the party.

Everybody's having a great time.

Means a lot to me.

I'm glad.

You have a lot of friends here who really care about you.

I'm going to go grab some aspirin.

Go have fun.

You ok?

Where'd you get that?

Adam had it.

He stole it.

To protect me.

- From what? - Its power.

The potential for dark magic inside of it.

He doesn't think you can handle it. He's wrong.

No, that's not it.

He thinks that it's dangerous.

I don't care what Adam thinks.

I care what you think.

Have you ever m*rder*d a witch?


Come in.

We can sit in the living room.

I've gathered photos that will help us

tap into each family's energies.

We're not going to need them.


You can forget the crystals, Dawn.

You see, the witch hunters are coming back to Chance Harbor.

And after tonight, the circle won't have any power to stop them.

I've always been on the right side, Dawn.

And it was never yours.

That was a great party, Adam.

I had so much fun.

Happy Birthday, Adam!

So we just have to do what you say

'cause you're the queen of dark magic?

If we don't activate the medallion,

then we're vulnerable to witch hunters.

We don't know that. Maybe we can use

our full power to stop them

without the medallion.

But why take the chance?

You saw your father use it, right?

You know it works?


Then I think we should activate it.

Me, too.


Ok. I'll go along with the rest of the circle.

All right. I told Lucy we'd meet in the woods

behind the house.


You were right. About Jake.

I accept who you are.

I just don't accept that you're only defined

by dark magic.

I think you're... Much more than that.

I know.

- Sorry I'm late. - That's ok.

Well, the sooner we start, the safer you'll be.

Form a circle around the fire and hold hands.

The last time we all stood around a fire,

we bound the circle.

And look how well that worked out.

Focus on the fire.

Breathe deeply,


Air we breathe,

and fire we feel.

Air we breathe,

and fire we feel.

The medallion's getting warm.

Stay focused, Cassie.

Air we breathe.

And fire we feel.

Air we breathe,

and fire we feel.

I don't feel so great.

What you're feeling is your magic activating the medallion.

We're almost done.

By this circle,

bind air and fire to metal,

and ignite its power.

By this circle,

bind air and fire to metal,

and ignite its power.


No, something's wrong. I--I can feel it.

It feels like it did

when Faye tried the spell at the fire and ice dance.

The medallion, it's taking our magic.

I'm sorry.

The medallion channels power in or out.

It's stolen the magic from thousands of witches.

That's what makes it so strong.

Now, it's taking yours.

This is my father's medallion.

I saw him use it against the witch hunters.

And I remember what he said now.


Ignus despair ad volum.

You lied about everything.

She must be working for the witch hunters.

- Is that true? - They threatened me.

Gave me no choice.

You told me that you didn't know

if my father was alive or dead.

But if you're really a psychic,

you could sense his energy.

Tell me the truth.

Is he alive?


No one has any idea where he is. No one.

Aah! Hey! I swear it!

k*ll me, go ahead, but I don't know anything more.

Never come back to Chance Harbor.

And you can tell the witch hunters that I have the medallion,

and I know how to use it.

We're ready for them.

Let her go.

She's not coming back.

Are you ok?

My father's alive.

I need to find him.

I'll help you.

I don't think so.

Don't push me away.

We're not so different.

What you were feeling here with Lucy,

letting your anger drive you,

that's what you'll need to beat the witch hunters.


I'm not like you at all, Jake.


You saved me.


I was surprised you called.

But I'm glad you did.

Thing is,

you remind me of an old boyfriend of mine.

You miss an old flame, I reap the benefits.

This is about devil's spirit.

It made the night a lot easier.

You went through that last bag a little fast.

Please be careful, ok?

I can take care of myself.

No doubt.

I got your text. What do you want?

You failed.

I'm the one who came to you.

I'm the one who told you

Cassie Blake saw the medallion.

If I hadn't seen her in my memory,

you'd never know where it was.

And yet, you weren't able to bring it back to me.

By leaving it behind,

you've opened the door for Blackwell's return.

I'm sorry. She was too strong.

So I keep hearing.

I guess I'm just going to have to see for myself.
