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01x12 - Witness

Posted: 02/01/23 08:52
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Secret Circle"...

My sweet Cassie, you finding this means I'm gone,

and for that, I am so sorry.

I didn't want you to have this life,

but destiny's not easy to run from.

You're a witch. You're a full-blooded 100% witch.

A complete circle is six.

You complete the circle.

That's the fire that k*lled our parents.

We need to know what happened 16 years ago.

That's when my mom died.

And my dad.

Francis Balcoin was as evil as they come.

He passed his dark power from my father to me.

We can all figure this out together.


Whatever this is, I don't want it inside me.

That fire that he died in,

did he have anything to do with that?

This is not a road you want to go down.

What if I'm just like him.

Jake said understanding where it comes from

is what can help you control it.

Jake was a witch hunter who chose to leave with them.

You're now open to receiving Cassie's energy.

Faster, people. It didn't work.

I got your magic, didn't I?

The circle's magic, not Cassie's.

Interrupting something?

What the hell are you doing here?

Keeping an eye on Cassie.

You were at the school.

You're the one who saved me and Melissa from the fire.

So you're an avenging angel now.

Don't they usually stay hidden in the shadows?

Don't you usually have a different girlfriend?

What happened?

Why did you leave with the witch hunters?

Where have you been?

I had to get them as far away from you as possible

before I could escape.

Part two of your plan is just to lead them right to her?

I came back to warn you. About what?

Discovering you were a Balcoin stopped

Isaac from k*lling you.

Your bloodline's too strong for him to mess with.

He didn't want to get torched like Luke.

So then I'm safe.

From Isaac.

But not from the council.

There's a council of witch hunters?

You their mascot?

They have a ritual that they use

to k*ll witches with dark power.

The last time they used it was 16 years ago.

To k*ll your father.

It's how they plan on k*lling you.

# La da da da da #

# da da da da da #

# La da da da da da #

I thought my father was k*lled in the fire with everyone else.

And that happened because the circle wasn't bound

and their magic got out of control.

That's what we pieced together from Diana's book.

I thought the same thing.

I had no idea that the witch hunters

were at the boat yard that day, but they were.

So witch hunters k*lled my father?


Did they k*ll all our parents?

I only know about Blackwell.

One of the men in the council, Eben, was there that day.

He was talking about the ritual they used to k*ll your father

and destroy his dark magic.

What was the ritual?

He wouldn't tell me.

Isaac didn't even know.

But finding out is the only way to protect you.

You buying this?

Adam, he saved my life before.

Or he just didn't know how to k*ll you last time

without the proper ritual,

and now he's come back to find out.

That's ridiculous.

You stay away from Cassie.

You know where to find me.

You ok?

Heh. I have no idea.

You want to talk about it?

Which it? Jake? The witch hunters?

My father?

I don't know. Ladies choice.

If Jake's right,

then I have to find out what happened to my father.

I mean, I really have to.

How do you trust him?

I don't...I can't explain it. I just do.

I don't get why he's so obsessed with your dark magic.

He's just trying to help me understand it.


Because he cares about me.

You or your powers?

He uses people. That's all I'm saying.

That's who he is.

You don't really know him.

But you do.

Hey. I texted you both like a hundred times.

Is everything ok? I was worried.

Not worried you were together,

worried you were ok.

We're fine. I mean, sort of.

I'll fill you in.

Sweetheart, what are you doing here?

Dawn asked me to coffee.

To catch up on a little girl talk and gossip.

I've got to run, so why don't you take my seat?

No, I can't. I'm...

Dad, sit. Relax.

Thanks again for coffee.

This was awesome.

We'll do it again.

Don't ever use my daughter to get to me.

What do you expect me to do, Charles?

You don't answer my phone calls.

Well, I thought I made it clear I don't want to talk to you.

Why, because your mother doesn't like me?

Maybe because you wanted to k*ll her.

Look, I admit, things got a little crazy.

But we have two crystals.

The circle is bound.

We are on our way to getting our power back.

No, Dawn, you have a dead one and I have an alive one,

and you're never getting anywhere near it.

Why are you doing this to me, Charles?

You're up to something

and I'm gonna find out what.

After what happened last night,

you trying to siphon magic from the circle,

I don't know why I'm here.

Because your circle skanks don't want you back.

Because there are other ways to get your magic back.

So you keep saying.

Hey, Lee.

I didn't know you were with a client.

Please. I'm not a client.

A friend?

Introduce me.

Faye, this is Callum.

What do you want?

Faye. Beautiful name.

I'm surprised he even remembers mine.

Bitch won't return my calls.

I've been busy.

Oh, yeah, I can see that.

Excuse us, honey. Shop talk.

Get us some beers from the house.

Do I look like a waitress?

Get it yourself.

Got yourself a lively one here, Lee, huh?

Can't wait to get to know you better.

Did you get Adam's permission to come here?

Did you come back to k*ll me?

You wouldn't be here all by yourself if you really thought that.

Actually, while you've been gone,

I've been really getting a hang of this dark magic thing.

So, yeah, I would.

If I wanted to k*ll you,

I would have left you in the burning school.

I'm here to save your life.

By figuring out how they k*lled my father?

- Yes. - How?

You can't ask anyone's parents

and you can't ask the witch hunters.

So who's left to tell us what happened that day?


What does that mean?

I was there.

At the fire?

How? You would have been so young.

I was hiding in my parents' car.

They didn't know I was there.

Why didn't you say anything before?

I don't remember much.

I must have blocked it all out.


I think you can help me remember.

Or maybe even see what happened for yourself.


You can connect with others

in ways the rest of us can't.

You want me to go into your memory?

On the day of the fire, my parents were going out.

I didn't want them to go without me,

so I snuck into the backseat

and hid under a blanket.

When we got to the boat yard, they parked,

went onto the ferry.

I waited until they couldn't see me and followed them.

I snuck up onto the boat,

and that's the last thing I can remember.

Diana said you were here.

She didn't mention you brought along your pet psychopath.

Adam, he was at the fire 16 years ago.

Whatever he saw was bad enough

that he's blocked it out completely.


For years I've been working on a memory spell

that can take me back to that day

so we can find out what really happened.

So what makes you think the spell will work now?

Cassie and her dark magic.

See, there's a disconnect

between Jake's memories and the consciousness of it.

So if I can link to him and experience his memory,

maybe I can see what he's blocked out.

You hear how ridiculous that sounds?

I did it with Faye at her grandfather's cabin.

I saw Faye's memory of herself as a little girl.

It was like she was standing right in front of us.

Is this spell safe?

The only risk is if the mind disconnects

from what's real.

By us experiencing it together, we'll be

grounded to each other.

I barely understand what that means.

Cassie, please, it's too much of a risk.

I can't. I can't just wait around

for these witch hunters to come at me

with some super special dark magic k*lling plan.

I have to find out what happened that day.

We all do.

This is our only chance.

Chill out, you'll get it.

Yeah, well, while you're whining, the price is going up.

So how do you know this guy?

I used to work with him.


You make it sound like ancient history.

What's it been, less than a year?

How's Eva?

Who's Eva?

Old girlfriend.

We lost touch.

Sorry to hear that.

So, are you gonna get me what I need or what?

You know I don't deal anymore.

You're a drug dealer?


Not just any drug.

Purundenga. The devil's spirit.

What does it do?

Gives you super powers.

What does that mean?

You want to find out?

No, she doesn't.

And like I said, I don't have any.

I think...

You still know where to get it.

You got two hours.

Faye, why don't you take off?

No, no, no, no. You go, she stays.

Why don't we leave her out of this?

Lee thinks I might hurt you.

But why would I? I don't have a reason to.

Do I, Lee?

Go ahead, Lee. I'll stay.

No way.

It's ok. I'm sure Callum here

will be the perfect gentleman.

You sure?

All right. Be right back.


Your text said it was important.

Cassie's gonna do this crazy memory spell

with Jake tonight.

What does that mean?

Jake was there the day of the fire

that k*lled our parents.

They want to spell his memory and have Cassie access it

like she did with Faye.

So they might be able to see our parents,

find out what really happened that day.

Yeah, that's the idea, but it's too risky.

And Jake has her convinced that it's fine.

She's a big girl, and I don't blame her for wanting to.

I'd do it, too, if I could.

Just to see them, to know the truth.

Everybody in the circle had their lives destroyed that day.

We should all be there.

This is where it happened?


Which one is it?

Are you sure you wanna try this?


I have to know.

Me, too.

Ok, so what do you remember after getting out of the car?

I could hear people on the boat.

I could hear sounds all around me, up on deck,

behind closed doors.

But I couldn't find my parents anywhere.

That's all.

I remember coming down here,

but everything after this is really foggy.

Whatever I saw, whatever happened,

it was down here.

For the spell we need something from the boat

that would have been here 16 years ago.

Hey, Dawn. What can I get you?

A drink.

Is everything all right?

Not really.

Can I help?

You're sweet.

You always were.

I remember when you and Amelia started dating.

I envied how you were always there for her.

She was a lucky girl.

I don't think she saw it that way.

Things got confusing for all of us.

So, what's going on?

It's nothing.


It's Charles.

What happened?

We got in an argument and...

Things got heated.

Did he do something to you?

He choked me.

What is it?

He did the same thing to me.

Dawn, you've got to press charges.

- I can't. - Why the hell not?

He did magic.

Ethan, he has a crystal. I saw it.

Then I'll take care of him.

He's dangerous.

You know Charles and I have never gotten along.

He was a bully back then, and he still is.

But I will not let him get away with it anymore.

Thank you.

When you get the crystal,

we'll figure out the safest way to get rid of it.

Is this you, Nick, and your parents?

It's the only picture I have of my mother and father.

So, what do we do now?

Read the spell out loud.


Touch the dirt and ashes from the boat.

Visualize the night of the fire.

Corpore intin, comsera en praterum.

What's happening?

It worked.

No luck?

Melissa went to Seattle with her dad

and Faye's phone is off.

I left her a message to meet us at the abandoned house.

So it's just us?

I feel like the circle is falling apart.

Maybe finding out the truth about that day

will bring us back together.

Ethan. What do you want?

I know you have a crystal

and that you k*lled Henry Chamberlain

when he found out.

Are you drunk? You should sleep it off.

I'm sober as a church mouse, Charles.

I'm telling the elders.

They'll stop you.

You can't k*ll them all.

What do we do now?

Come on, we're gonna be late.

What if someone sees us?

We're gonna be fine.


I guess they can't.

This is so strange.

Is that?

My parents.

Come on, let's follow them.


What's wrong?

I don't know. My head.

Are you ok?


All right, come on.

Sarah, listen to me.

The witch hunters don't want to k*ll

if they don't have to.

They promised me.

I can't hear what they're saying.

We need to get closer.

It's getting worse.

My memory, everything's getting confusing.

If we agree to stop practicing,

they'll agree to leave us alone.

It's true. It's the right thing to do.

Yeah, but John says we shouldn't trust them.

And you believe his instincts over mine?

What is it about Blackwell?

They're talking about my father.

We...We have to follow them.

I...I can't.

Something terrible is about to happen.


We have to get out of here.

I have to find my father.

No, no.

Everything past here is completely blocked.

We can't go any further.

I have to.

You can't.

It's too dangerous otherwise.

We have to stay together.

I need to see what happened.




Cassie, come back.


Please come back.

Cassie, come back.

Just talk to John, ok?

Hear what he has to say.

They're waiting for us to agree to the truce.

I'm not going to go back to town to find Blackwell...

John's here.

He's on the deck upstairs.

It's too late.

Tom's already inside.

So is Sophie Ann.

But Dawn's up on deck with Charles.

They agree with John.

There's no truce without the whole circle.

Someone has to take the first step.

If we show our support, maybe the others will follow.

Amelia's not even here.

She won't go near John with the way he betrayed her.

I'm worried that the circle is falling apart.

Maybe we should let it.

We've already taken things farther than we should have.

If we agree to stop practicing,

we'll be safe again.


You're right.

Let's end this

and go home to our children.


What are you doing here?

See, I told you Eben would show.

My wife there thought you...


No! No!


You husband should have listened to you.

Oh, my God, Lucy.



Cassie, come back to me. Come back!

Come back, Cassie, please.

Get your hands off her.

What happened?

We went to my memory. We saw my parents.

She followed them.

And then what? Where is she now?

We need to stop this. Do a spell to bring her back.

That won't make things worse?

Can you believe the junk he has?

Not a fan of masks?

Not since Halloween.

Well, we all wear masks, every day.

Tell me more about this Devil's Spirit.

Just a non-addictive herbal enhancement.

But it has special properties.

It'll open up your mind,

free you from inhibition.

For someone like you who I can see isn't afraid of anything,

it would tap into your inner strength

and give you the power to have or do anything you want.

The hell?

Keep your panties on. We were just talking.

Is that it?

Leave. Go.

Want to try some, Faye? It's a rush.

I said leave.

Damn it, Faye!

I just cleaned up the place

from the last time you trashed it.

You're acting like idiots.

No, no, it's ok. Lee here was just trying

to protect you from crazy Callum.

Kind of touching, actually.

Get out.

See you around.

John Blackwell.

You've been accused and found guilty.

Have you anything to say?

Admit your guilt. Confess your sins.

Die with peace.

You know you can't k*ll me.

Couldn't k*ll you.

Not without a dark root colocasia.

Get that away from me.

Tenebras dissipare. Omne evum.

Go to hell.

No, John, hell is where you're going.


What are you doing here?

You don't belong here. can see me?

Get out. Now.

Come with me.

What's happening?

She's suffocating.

She's choking on the smoke.

Her brain's telling her

she's really in the fire.

All right, we have no choice now,

we have to do something.

Put your hands on her.

Concentrate on expanding her lungs.

Breathe. Breathe, Cassie.

Breathe. Breathe.


Breathe. Breathe.

You've got to go back and get her out.

I don't think I can.

I don't give a damn about your blocked memories.

You took her there, now get her the hell out.

Read this spell.

Corpore intin, comsera en praterum.



Ignidissipare et vallum.



Are you ok?

Help! Can anybody here me?

No, no, no! Mom!

Is anyone there?

Cassie, hey.

Trust me, I could kick Callum's ass all over

Chance Harbor if I wanted.


But I'd like to keep him in my past.

And what about this Eva?

Is she really in your past

or is she about to walk through the door?

I stopped dealing devil's spirit for a reason.

I kept telling her to stay away from it,

but she wouldn't listen.

She took too much?

It destroyed her.

I'm sorry.

It was awful.

The truce was a trap.

And I think the circle, they were split over who to believe.

Those who trusted the witch hunters were lead into the cafeteria

of the boat and massacred.

You saw your father?

I didn't see his face.

But he was standing right in front of me.

He got out. He didn't die in that room

like the witch hunters thought.

All these years, I believed Isaac

when he said the witches

were the ones who started the fire that night.


It was definitely the witch hunters.

I saw them.

They started the fire when they tried to k*ll my father.

Your mother was so brave.

Your father, too.

All he wanted was for them to be safe.

What about the rest of them?

Did you see my mother?

Was my mom in the cafeteria?

I don't know.

I could hear things going on in other parts of the boat,

but I'm not sure what.

I'm sorry.

But I saw your dad.

He was coming out of the room.

That's impossible.

My dad wasn't there that day.

You must have seen someone else.

No, I saw his face and heard his name.

Why would he lie?

Let's get out of here.

I'll catch up with you guys later.

Are you sure?

I was right.

You did k*ll Henry Chamberlain.

Otherwise, why come after me with this?

I didn't k*ll anybody.

You're a bully, Charles. You always were.

First me, then Dawn.


She put you up to this?

She's playing you, Ethan.

It's what she does.

You're a fool.

As soon as she gets the crystal back,

you're dead, just like Henry. She k*lled him.

You expect me to believe that?

Power is very intoxicating.

You should know that as well as anyone.

Shut up.

Look, you don't want to repeat history.

It's not too late. Just walk away.

I said shut up.


That's enough. That's enough.

Get out.

Sorry if I scared you.

The horror that you saw that day,

maybe it should have stayed locked away.


I wasn't just blocking out a memory.

I was blocking out the truth.

That's why it was so easy for Isaac to manipulate me.

I believed our parents were destroyed

by the destructive thirst for power,

not that they were m*rder*d.

I found this.

My father was wearing it the day of the fire.

It saved him.

So you're safe from them now.

Glad I came back.

Is that the only reason that you did?


Maybe I was too late.

Everything's just really complicated right now.

I can't stop thinking about my father.

If he really did get off this ferry,

then is there a chance that he's still alive?

Why would he let people

believe he's been dead for all these years?

I don't know.

He's buried at Harbor cemetery,

not too far from my parents.

Do you still think Jake came back to hurt us?

I don't know what I believe anymore.

You do realize he's in love with Cassie.


I don't know how to do this.

Do what?


Being friends.

Me neither.

But we have to.

Anyway, nobody else knows me like you do.

Ethan, what happened?

Did Charles hurt you?

No. I got the crystal.

Oh, thank God.

Where is it?

It's safe.

Can I see it?

Tomorrow. Ok?

Ethan. For tonight...

I think I'll just hold onto it.


Hold onto it.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Stay where you are or I'll scream.

Ohh. Just brought you a little present.

Devil's spirit.

No, thanks.

No problem.

It's just you expressed some interest

and I'm very sensitive to a pretty girl's needs.

Call me if you develop any more needs.

Don't hold your breath.

Just want you to know I realize

this is kind of insane.


I just need to know if my father's alive.


Go ahead.

# La da da da da #

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# La da da da da da #