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01x09 - Balcoin

Posted: 02/01/23 08:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Secret Circle...

My sweet Cassie, you finding this means I'm gone,

and for that I am so sorry.

I didn't want you to have this life,

but destiny's not easy to run from.

Hi. I'm Diana.

- You seen her yet? - She got in yesterday.

- We're different. - You're different.

You're a witch. You're a full-blooded 100% witch.

Here we have real power now.

A complete circle is 6.

You complete the circle.

She's got the gift.

You can get Cassie to do what we need?

The circle will take care of that without even knowing it.

Jane was performing a spell

over his body when I got there.

Well, we've got to figure out a way to control Jane's memory.

There was a guy in Nick's yard last night.

Jane: It must have been his older brother Jake.

There's no way I am going to let Jake be a part of this circle.

I've been accused of doing a lot of things tonight.

Maybe I should try at least one of them.

Jake: Cassie's magic is stronger than anything I've ever experienced.


She has dark magic inside her.

So why are you so desperate to tell her?

So she can fight it!

The antiquities dealer left her some kind of warning.

I need to figure out what it is.

It's time for the witches to die.

And all that's left for you to do is

to decide whether you're still one of them.

What does it mean?

I don't know.

There's nothing familiar here at all.

[Sighs] I just-- I thought because it has your initials...

I wish I recognized any of these symbols, but I don't.

What exactly did Calvin say to you when he gave you this?

That I was in danger.

Then he hung up, and 5 minutes later,

we were att*cked by witch hunters.

I called his store a bunch of times,

but no one answers.

Keep trying.

I'll check with Henry Chamberlain.

He might know what this is.

Faye's grandfather?

Yes. He's an elder, and we're old friends.

Grandma...He died.

Of course he did.

I'm sorry, it's been a stressful week,

and I'm not sleeping well.

Don't worry.

I'm fine, I promise.

Ok. Ok.

All right. I better get to school.

But I'll let you know if I can get a hold of Calvin.

♪ La da-da da-da ♪

♪ da da-da da-da ♪

♪ la-da, la-da, la-da ♪

[Indistinct talking]

Hey, emo girl.

You jerk. What are you doing here?

Helping your dad with the big shindig tonight.

He asked you to come to check up on me, didn't he?

I'd say rumors of your depression were greatly underexaggerated.

Yeah, well, my boyfriend died.

I know. I'm sorry.

I can't stop being sad.

I'm here now.

I'm just going to have to annoy it right out of your system.


Hey, Melissa. Hi.

You're Melissa's cousin.

Holden, you remember Diana.

No. Nice to meet you.

You don't remember her?

She had the biggest crush on you when she was, like, 12.

She stopped by the house all the time that summer.

Oh, my God, Melissa. She's totally exaggerating.

Now I remember. You were the one who made a necklace

out of ribbons you won at the academic decathlon.

Yeah. That's her.

I officially hate you. Forever.

So, what brings you to town?

Helping Melissa's dad out with the gala tonight.

Taking a semester off school.

UCLA encourages outreach to disadvantaged cousins.

Very charitable of you.

So, I guess I'll see you tonight.


What? Ugh!

[Bell rings]

Well, this is a rare visit.

Are you ok?

I can't stop thinking about grandpa.

I'm so sorry, honey.

It's horrible that you were the one to find him.

He would want us to be strong.

And I need your strength too.

The Maritime Memorial Fundraising Gala is tonight.

You're still going?

I'm co-chair with Melissa's dad. I have to go.

There's been a death in the family.

No one will care if you miss it.

Faye, I have responsibilities.

You don't care about granddad, do you?

That's not fair.

Our relationship wasn't easy,

but he played his part in that, too.


It looked to me like you pushed him away.

That's why he stayed at the lake house all the time,

because you wouldn't let him into our life.

Maybe this is your fault.

Don't talk to me like that.

Our history was complicated.

You don't know the whole story.

Doesn't matter now, does it?

Not to him, anyway.

[Door shuts]


[Door shuts]

Cassie: Actually, no, we don't call it the Scooby-Doo magic shack.

I like it. Kind of a girlier "Lost Boys" vibe.

[Both laugh]

Let me go turn on the lights.

Hey, I saw that.

What are you up to?

What are you really doing here?

- I brought him. - Mm-mm.

The Jake I knew hated this town.

He'd never hang around here like a retiree.

But he would steal.



It's my family's stone.

I was going to put it at Nick's grave.

Don't play the death card with me.

Faye, that's enough.

I know this is going to be a blow to your overinflated ego,

but you don't know me. You never did.

You're wrong.

And proving it to these suckers is going to do my ego wonders.


Not your fault.

That's all my mistake. [Scoffs]

- Let's take a look at these. - Yeah.

Ok. How do you figure out the symbols?

Don't know.

Ah. But look at this.

Witches used to separate paper,

write messages on the inside.


And then put it back together.

I'm impressed.

That's my father.

John Blackwell?

Yeah. J.B.

I'm so stupid for not making the connection.

He died in the same fire that your parents did.

But that's pretty much everything I know about him.

Your mom never talked about him?

Hmm. Maybe it was too painful.

After a while, I just stopped asking.

But now...

Here he is, my whole history.

Father, grandfather.

Who are they?

Why did Calvin give me this?

How does it protect me? From what?

I don't know.

Well, I have to ask him.

- Want to go with me? - I can't.

I need to take care of something.

I'm sorry.

But let me know what he says.

I just--I just thought you could help figure it out--

I know. I wish I could.

But those symbols don't make any sense to me.

I'm sure Calvin will know.

It was the strangest thing.

I searched the Blackwell family tree on the Internet for hours

and came up completely blank.

How can a family this big not have a single hit online?

I don't know.

But it gives me a bad feeling.

Did you ask your grandmother about it?

Not yet. She's helping with the Maritime fundraiser today.

Are you going?

I was actually thinking about inviting Jake. [Chuckles]

But then, he was... A little weird today.

You know, kind of distant.

Come on. You guys kissed at the lake house.

It's obvious there's something between you two.

Definitely ask him.

Mmm. I'll think about it.

So, what about you? You going?


Solo. I'm single now.

It's pretty empowering, actually,

when I'm not desperately missing Adam.

- Mind? - Yeah.

Cassie's dark magic comes from Balcoin.

That's not possible.

The Balcoin line was eradicated.

Hidden, but not eradicated.

The name was changed to Blackwell.

Cassie's father was John Blackwell.

He died in the fire and would've been the last

in the Balcoin line--

Until Cassie.

Balcoin is at the origin of black magic.

And Cassie has darker energy than we ever thought.

Reversing the power of the witch cruet on Luke

was just the tip of what she's capable of.

k*lling her is no longer an option.

Her fate is for the Council to decide.

We'll leave in the morning

and present this new information.

I could stay. Keep an eye on her.

You have feelings for her.

No. None.


This is my fault.

I put you in the middle of all this.

And it's natural you feel connected to them somehow.

But you can't let emotion cloud what you know to be true.

Witchcraft k*lled your family.

It's k*lled thousands of innocents, and it will

k*ll more if we let it.

Allowing that truth to guide you,

that's what makes you different from them.

When I found you,

you were filled with pain and self-hatred.

And now, you're on the verge of redemption.

You need to leave here before you lose sight of that.

You're right.

We'll leave tomorrow.

[Knock on window]


[Doorbell buzzing]

[Knock on door]

Going somewhere?

Just cleaning out some of Nick's stuff.


Is everything ok?


I went by Calvin's place. Still locked up.

It's so strange.

- Maybe he's away. - Yeah.

Diana and I tried to find out some stuff

about my dad, or any of the Blackwells.

And nothing.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

Is everything really ok?

You seem...weird.

No weirder than usual.

[Chuckles] Ok, good.

So, uh...

The Maritime fundraiser is tonight.

And I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go with me.

I don't think so.


Uh, yeah, I--I figured.

Why not?

What, I'm good enough to kiss,

but not good enough to actually go on a date with?

Do you really want to do this?

No, not at all. But I just--

I don't understand.

I thought we were headed in a good direction.

Good direction?

Because why? Truth or dare?

Not just that-- you're a nice girl,

but I'm not interested.

Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.

You don't mean that.

Yeah, I do, actually.

There is something between us.

I felt it. And I still feel it,

even in this second, when you're acting like a jerk.

This isn't me acting like a jerk, Cassie.

This is me trying to be nice.

I'm not interested.

What part of that don't you understand?

[Door shuts] [Sighs]


[Sea gulls crying]

Word gets out you're free,

they just come buzzing around.

What do you want, Faye? I'm busy.

We need to talk somewhere quiet.

Oh, if this is your desperate way

of asking me to the gala, the answer's no.

I'm crushed. Truly.

Come on.

I think you're right about Jake.

He's up to something.

Is this because he's hanging out with Cassie?

Yes, actually.

But not in the weird, misguided jealousy way

you have going on in your head.

So what is the problem?

I know Jake better than anyone, and I'm telling you,

joining the circle, spending all this time with us, with her--

there's something weird about it.

I know. What, exactly?

I don't know.


Cassie brought him to the abandoned house today--

She did?

He was too curious, too interested.

- In the house or her? - Both.

Jake doesn't do interested.

Him not caring is what makes him, him.

He's after something. Trust me.


[Chuckles] I saw that.

It was just--

somehow, he got even cuter, that's all.

[Both laugh]

Yeah. It's nice to have him here.

No matter how bad life gets,

Holden always makes me laugh.

I could use some of that.

He's not a rebound guy, Diana.


Guess we're supposed to put

one of these on every table?

Yeah, that's right.

Then you'd better get started.


- Right behind you. - Mm-hmm.

I'm always looking for new ways to get her to glare at me.

[Both laugh]

All right.

You're late.

And you are lovely.

How's the crystal?

Safe and sound. No need to worry.

It must be difficult for you to resist its draw.

I know how you miss the feeling of power.

Maybe you should give it to me to hold.

I'm going to keep it, Dawn.

Let's get going.

But I did have a thought.

Now that we know where Diana keeps her book,

we can look for alternatives to the Blood Moon ceremony.

Find out how to locate the other crystals.

Henry's body just turned up dead

because you didn't hide it well enough the first time.

Your mistake forced us to silence Jane.

If you think the rest of the elders

aren't paying attention to this town right now, you're a fool.

I think we just need to

lay low with the crystal for a little while.

Fine. That's probably a good idea.

You may have the crystal, but you still need me.

Let's not forget that.

[Music playing]

You look magnificent.


Hey, grandma,

I found this family tree inside the parchment.

Do you know anything about the Blackwell family line?

- What's wrong? - Nothing.


I don't know. I'm sorry. What did you say?

I asked you if you knew anything about

John Blackwell's family tree.


I never met anyone in that family.


And your mother never talked about them.

Oh. Ok.

[Doorbell rings]

Would you get the door, please?

I need to find my purse.

What do you want?

To apologize.

For stealing those from our garden?

Ok, two things.

I feel something between the two of us, too.

I'm just not totally sure how to deal with it.

Well, what you've been trying so far hasn't worked, if that helps.

I know. And I'm sorry.

You just sort of took me by surprise

from the first time we met.

I know it's probably too late,

but I'd be honored to go to the fundraiser with you tonight.

[Indistinct talking]

[Music playing]

Hi. Can I get two more, please? A red and a white?

Thank you.


You're looking very nice this evening.

Thank you, Charles.

Are you all right?

I'm fine.

Just enjoying watching Amelia have fun.

You mean Cassie.

Remember, you're supposed to keep an eye on Jake,

not Diana.

You want a drink or something?

As long as we're here.


How about something with an olive?

How about whatever I can con the bartender into giving me?

And try not to let Jake get away while I'm gone.

[Music playing]

[Indistinct talking]

We're going to dance.

Oh, really?


I'm trying to...

picture my mother here when she was my age,

all dressed up, dancing.

Maybe with my father.

Since we found that family tree today,

I can't stop thinking about him.

I never told my mom this,

because I knew it would upset her,

but when I was little,

I created an imaginary version of my father.

And I would just talk to him all the time.

I made up all the things

that she never told me about him--

where he was from, the kind of foods he liked,

what kind of tea he would drink at tea parties.

[Both chuckle]

How proud he was of me.


Look who I'm talking too.

You lost both your parents at the same time.

I talked to Nick once.


he told me that this blonde girl moved next door

into the Blake house--

short, sad.

But strong.

A survivor.

He admired her.

I guess he was talking about you.

[Cell phone vibrates]



I'll be right back.

[Clears throat]

You're the only girl I know here that I'm not related to.

Any chance you'd want to dance?

Oh, I don't know.

Don't know how? I'll show you. Come on.

What are you doing here?

I came to find you.

The plan has changed.

I spoke to the Council,

and there's more going on than you know.

We're taking Cassie with us.

And we're leaving tonight.

[Music playing indistinctly]

We're bringing Cassie with us?

You are. From here, where no one will notice.

I don't think that's a good idea.

Kidnapping's the kind of thing that might set her off.

That's why I'm coming to you.

She trusts you.

She won't leave her friends.

She will for you.

Find a way.

Bring her to the Council.

Unless you can't.

In which case, you need to tell me right now.

Of course I can.

The Council thinks it's too dangerous to leave her here.

They want to use her power to our advantage,

just like we have with you--

fighting fire with fire.

That's what you said.


I'll find a way to get her out of here and to the boat.


[Music playing] [Indistinct talking]


You're back. I'm pleasantly surprised.

- You need to come with me. - Why?

- It's important. Trust me. - Ok.

[Door shuts]

Here. My mother bought the good stuff.

You know. Impress the donors.

Jake is a witch hunter.

How do you know?

I saw him talking to the head witch hunter who tried to k*ll us.

We got to tell the others.

And find Cassie.

Is that your ex?

Melissa told me all about it.

Yeah, it is.

I'm sorry to do this, but I should go.

- Rain check? - Sure.

No problem.

She's not picking up.

If they left, where would he take her?

- Home? - Ok.

Faye and I will look there.

Let's check outside.

Call us if you find them.

If this was just your lame attempt to get

me back to your room...

Is that your family's Book of Shadows?

You said you wanted to know more about your father.

What do you know about him?

Your father comes from a very powerful line of witches

that originated from a man named Balcoin.

These pages are a warning about the destructive power of darkness,

how it can transform someone into evil.

What is this?

Why are you showing me?

Because you need to know where you come from.

Your ancestors did terrible things.

Your father's lineage is from strong dark magic.

That's why you have the power you do,

outside the circle.

You're telling me my ancestors were monsters?

So that's what you think I am?

No, I don't.

That's why I'm telling you,

why I'm trusting you with this.


So this is why you pulled away from me before, isn't it?

You knew.

You knew at the lake house, when Simone att*cked you--

you knew the whole time.

What have you been doing, studying me?

I knew you were special,

not that the Blackwell name used to be Balcoin.

400 years ago? That's what has you so freaked out?

Get off of me.

This is what Calvin was trying to warn you about.

Having this bloodline makes you a target.

You have power inside you that others want.

We have to leave here.

You want me to go with you?

That's never going to happen.

I'm not leaving my grandma or my friends.

Staying here puts all of them in jeopardy.

Staying together keeps us stronger.

What if someone comes after them,

and I'm out there hiding?

Did you leaving help Nick?

[Cell phone beeps]

What is it?


Just Diana checking in.

Everything that you're-- you're telling me,

it's just a lot to take in.

You have to trust me. I know you did once.

I've made a lot of mistakes in my life.

Taking you away from here is the only way to make them right.

But we have to go now.

Ok. I'll, um...

I'll just run to my house and get my things.

This is the right thing, Cassie. I promise.

You need to hurry.

I will.

- Cassie. - Yeah?

You really can trust me.

[Door shuts]



[Gasps and screams]



[Engine starts]

[Music playing]


Are you all right?

I'm not sure. I'm a little dizzy.

Maybe a migraine.


You should sit down.

I'm probably just tired.

Too many double shifts at the hospital.

It's nice to see you two together.

Glad to see you're taking an interest

in someone other than John Blackwell.

Blackwell? What are you talking about, Jane?

Amelia always says you worship him.

Let me take you home.

Thank you. Just give me a minute.

You know, I always thought you had a little crush on Blackwell,

but I guess it was much more than that.

He's dead. What does it matter?

You said the spell was just supposed to make her forget

everything that she saw at the lake house.

- What is wrong with her? - I don't know.

You obviously didn't do it right.

I'm getting a little sick of your accusations.

We did the spell.

You chose it. You did what you wanted to do.

You kept the crystal.

And you got the spell from your family's book.

So if Jane suffers any long-term damage,

it's on you.


Where's Cassie?

Where is she? Get off--

so you can run again, huh?

Witch hunters. They took her.

You are a witch hunter!

I know you hate me.

I don't blame you.

But Cassie's in trouble.

You have to help me save her.

Help me, and I'll leave. Forever.

So first, you're trying to k*ll us.

And now, you're coming to the rescue?

- I don't buy it. - It's Cassie.

That's what he cares about.

It's an act, Faye. He's lying.

No, he means it.

Can you handle a knife?

Yes, I can handle a knife.

There's 3 of us. We can do magic.

Magic won't work on the boat. It's made of ash wood.


It's like the circle of ashes that took away

your powers on Halloween.

Oh, right. When you were leading us to slaughter.

I knew the situation felt familiar.

If you distract and get them off the boat,

I'll get Cassie.

No. No way.

You're not going near her.

You distract. I'll go.

Maybe blow yourself up, if you have to.

Come on.

Isaac: Take her inside. Get the rest of our stuff on the boat.

What's the plan?


Imphatus bannacd.

What was that?

Must be a blown circuit.

Imphatus bannacd.


Ow, my neck! My neck! Ow!

Man: Are you ok? My neck!

Try to keep still.


- Cassie. Cassie. - Adam?

Are you hurt? You ok?

Um...Yeah. I'm ok.

Get you out of here.


[Grunts] Come on.

Aah! [Grunts]

You're not going anywhere.

- Let him go. - Or what?

Your magic won't work on this boat.

Are you sure you want to try me?

Last time I burned up one of your hunters.

[Both grunt] Get out of here!

Focus on the dock.

Picture it in your head. Flames, burn back our path.

All: Flames, burn back our path.


You know what she is, the Balcoin bloodline.

- It's not her fault. - It doesn't matter.

She matters to me.

Then you're a fool.

Get us out of here.

She can fight off the darkness.

The circle doesn't have to be destructive.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Cassie Blake is not the only child of

Blackwell in the circle.

[Boat engine running]

[Flames crackling]

♪ La da-da da-da ♪

♪ da da-da da-da ♪

♪ la-da, la-da, la-da ♪