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01x08 - Beneath

Posted: 02/01/23 08:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Secret Circle...

My sweet Cassie, you finding this means I'm gone,

and for that I am so sorry.

I didn't want you to have this life,

but destiny's not easy to run from.

Hi. I'm Diana.

- You seen her yet? - She got in yesterday.

- We're different. - You're different.

You're a witch. You're a full-blooded 100% witch.

Here we have real power now.

A complete circle is 6.

You complete the circle.

She's got the gift.

You can get Cassie to do what we need?

The circle will take care of that without even knowing it.

This is part of the blade that girl used to attack me.

That's it.

The hunters.

So the girl who att*cked me was a witch hunter.

Cassie isn't like other witches, Isaac.

She's stronger.


You shouldn't be here.

Cassie has dark magic.


Trust me now?

You Ok?

Last time I was here, I was drugged, kidnapped,

and almost k*lled.

I can take you home if--

No. I'm ok. Thank You...


Is your grandmother home yet?


I've tried calling her cell, but nothing.

Everyone else is here, though.

Everyone except Melissa.

Her mom's been worried about her since Nick died.

Took her out of town for a while.

- Hey. Who invited Jake?

Well, he's a part of the circle.

Jake was att*cked just like the rest of us.

I keep feeling like the witch hunters are going to come after us again.

I don't think so. I keep feeling like the witch hunters are going to come after us again.

I don't think so.

At the shipyard, I heard them say they were leaving town.

They didn't seem like the type to give up easily.

If they wanted us dead, wouldn't they just come

back and try again?

Maybe they got scared off by your good friend

Luke getting torched.

Did anybody see what happened to him?

I think it had to do with me.

When he was about to k*ll you,

I--I yelled out, and the bottle broke,

and it just-- it feel like I had done it.

But we were surrounded by iron and sulfur.

The circle couldn't do magic. We--we tried.

She wasn't talking about the circle.

You did magic by yourself?

It seemed like it.

Has that happened to anybody else since you bound the circle?

I wouldn't be here if I could do magic by myself.

This is amazing.

Jake says it's possible to learn individual magic.

Jake says?

Since when are you in a "Jake says" place?

I've tried to do small spells since, but nothing works.

Like setting more classmates on fire?

Faye-- Doe-ey orphan Annie

breezes into town,

acting like she doesn't know the difference

between witchcraft and Santa Claus.

And now, she's more powerful than any of us.

Hold on. Cassie might have saved our lives last night.

Or maybe it's all her fault they're here in the first place.

Psychos, witch hunters, demons--

they all started coming after us after you came to town.

Actually, it was after we bound the circle.

Which we didn't do until after she arrived.

I don't know if this is going to help.

Calvin, the guy at the antique shop,

he put this in my mailbox, said it was important.

Can I see that?

I've never seen anything like these symbols before.


I think it stands for Jane Blake, my grandma.

She knows him.

What did Calvin say about it?

Nothing. And I tried calling him, but no answer.

Sort of like your grandmother.

She definitely should have been home by now.

I'm thinking I'd better go up to your grandfather's place.

- Make sure she's Ok. - I'll go with you.

Wait a minute. It's my family's house,

and I'm the one that knows how to get there.

Maybe we should all go.

The further we are from the witch hunters, the better.

Did you do something to Jane Blake?

No. After your failed attempt on the circle,

we've been forced underground. Why?

She went to see Henry Chamberlain. And now, she's missing.

Two elders, together.

Could they be practicing again?

Cassie and the others are going to the lake house to check on her.

I'll go and see what I can find out.

They still trust you after last night's attack?

They're scared.

No one's looking for a threat inside the circle.

Maybe Adam, but I can handle him.

Tell me he doesn't have dark magic.

I think Cassie's the only one.

You're intrigued by her.

The closer I get to her,

the closer I get to knowing how to k*ll her.

♪ La da-da da-da ♪

♪ da da-da da-da ♪

♪ La-da, La-da, La-da ♪



Have you heard from grandpa?

Not recently. Why?

Cassie says Jane went up to see him, and now,

she's not answering her cell.

Well, cell service up there is a little iffy.

I'm sure they're fine.

Cassie Blake is all drama, all the time,

and she wants to drive out there and check.

And it's our lake house, so.

Exams are coming up.

You promised you'd stay home and study.

It's just for the day.

Faye, it's a 3-hour drive.

And I've driven it by myself how many times?

If it makes you feel any better, a bunch of us are going.

I'm sure your grandfather doesn't want to deal with

a car full of teenagers.

Mom, what's the big deal?

No a big deal. Just be safe.

I will call as soon as I get there.

And I'll tell grandpa you say hi, and you miss him.

You totally car-blocked me.

Jake's supposed to give me a ride.

Jake and Cassie are neighbors. I told them to go together.

I'm impressed.

- What's that supposed to mean? - It means even though

you and Adam gave back your promise rings,

you still want the competition in the other car.


Did you reach Henry?

No, but unlike Cassie, I'm not freaking out.

He lives in a house on 200 acres

where he still chops his own wood.

Hardly the kind of guy who waits by the phone.

I'm sure he's fine.

Where are you?

We have a situation on our hands.

Should be home soon.

Do you have Jane's phone?

Pretty sure it's in the back.

Look, I need you to text Cassie

and tell her that Jane's home already.


She told Cassie she was going to the lake house.

The kids are headed up there to check on her.

When we made Henry's death look like a heart attack,

the idea was that the neighbor would find him, not Faye.

She won't.

Jane was performing a spell over his body

when I got there, and I didn't want to risk

leaving behind any signs of magic.

No one will find his body. I moved it.

It's better with the kids gone.

It gives us time to figure out what to do with Jane.

Storm coming.

You think? What gave it away--

the clouds or the thunder?

I'm sure you're grandmother's all right, Cassie.


I'm just a little short on family members,

so when one goes missing, it stresses me out.

I hear you. I'm a little short myself.

I'm sorry. No worries.

You know, I see the way you react when people talk about Nick.

And you pretend not to care, but you do.

Yeah. I guess I wish we'd reconnected sooner.

I could've helped him deal with everything, with witchcraft.

I thought you didn't want him getting into it.

But he did.

So maybe opening up could've helped him

understand who he was.

How about you?

Does Jane ever talk about your family and magic?

Not much.

She said our family can be traced back to the

beginning of witchcraft.

Mom or dad's side?

Why are you suddenly so interested in

climbing my family tree?

Old magic is powerful.

Tracing it back might help you understand

why you're able to do it on your own.

Maybe those papers have something to do with it.


I'll look at them again. Maybe I can figure out what they say.

I, uh-- I left them at home.

Right now, I just-- I need to find my grandmother.

Of course.

And we're almost there, anyway.

Hey, you made it!

It doesn't look like anyone's home.

Faye says there's a key under here.

Help! Help me! Somebody!

What's she doing?



Are you Ok?


Somebody, please help me!

Did anyone just hear a little girl's voice?

A little girl?

Never mind.

No lights.

Power goes out a lot when it rains.

There are some candles in the chest right there.



Doesn't seem like anybody's here,

unless your grandpa likes to sit in the dark.

Wow. That's an old one.

Hey, that's my grandmother's scarf.

Where could they have gone in this weather?

Maybe into town.

Want to try and call her again?

Yeah. Well, she--she texted me.

"Cell service spotty here. Stopped to see a friend on

the way back from the lake.

Be home tomorrow." There you go.

Now, no more worrying tonight.

Did she say anything about my grandfather?

No. But they might be together.


I'll go look for some food in the kitchen.

We can head back now, if you want.

I don't know. It's still pouring,

and Jane's not going to be home until tomorrow, anyway.

We may as well stay the night.

Great idea.

There's a generator in the shed out back.

Maybe get that going, get us some lights.

And I'll go see what the old man has in his liquor cabinet.

Now you're talking.

Are there any more flashlights?

Check under the sink in the kitchen.

What the hell took you so long?

I've been a little busy, Dawn.

What did you do with Jane?

She's safe. Knocked out with a few sleeping pills.

She'll be out for hours. Trust me.

What are we going to do?

What can we do? We have no magic.

Oh, my God.

You found it.

Actually, Jane did.

Henry had it in some hidden compartment.

We've got to figure out a way to control Jane's memory.

We have the crystal.

But we still need a spell.

And I know where we can find one.

You know, I think Jake has a thing for you.

No. Definitely not.



I need a drink or several.

I'm going to text my mom before I get a buzz

so she knows we're staying the night.

Then I'm going to take a hot bath.

I got soaked, and I'm freezing.

Come on. No applause? We made light.

Ah. Nice work. Now we need a fire

to get this place warm.

I'll be in the tub, if you need me.

Give me a hand with drinks.

I'll help.


I know a better way to start the fire.

Oh, really.

A spell.

I don't know. Playing with fire, and all that.

Come on.

Doing magic with someone can tell you a lot about them.

Like what?

Let's try it and see.

It won't hurt. I promise.

All right.

From air to fire--

No chanting.


Just picture it.

No words.


That was intense.


Everything looks normal.

But it--it was filled with mud and weeds.

Maybe you had a few sips too many.

I'm not drunk.

- Did you fall asleep? - No.

- Forget the whole thing. - Just get out. Ok.


Did you do this?


You're the only one around here with individual magic.

You said it yourself. The voices, the boots.

What are you talking about?

Are you messing with me?

Maybe trying to make me look crazy

so you can have Jake all to yourself?

Faye, you're being ridiculous.

I didn't do anything.

This is where I followed them after the binding ceremony.

You sure they're not coming back?

Yeah. Faye's text said they were all spending the night.

"Crowley's 777,"

"Holden's Spellcraft." They've got the basics.

Look at all of this. Plants, herbs, tools.

Takes me back to earlier days,

when we started hanging out together, learning the craft.

Yes, before Blackwell.

When it was still fun.

Diana doesn't keep her book at home anymore.

After the circle was bound, she kept it close.

But a group trip, in a car...

If I know my daughter,

she'd would have left it safely behind,

where the others couldn't get to it.

Umbra libre invenio.

Umbra libre invenio.

Umbra libre...


We should take the book with us.

We'll make sure it's back before the kids return.

No. We'll find the spell we need,

but this is where Diana puts her book for safekeeping,

and this is where it stays.

You should give me the crystal now, Charles.

- I'll hold onto it. - I don't think so.

You haven't been yourself lately, Charles,

which is completely understandable.

But I think it's for the best, for both of us,

if I keep the crystal.

I was upset after Nick's death.

But I found this crystal,

and it gives me hope that things can get put back on track.

So please, don't talk to me like I'm one of your students, Dawn.

I don't like it.

This time, the crystal stays with me.

This time, I do what I want.

You don't stop me.

Within reason, of course.

So, Diana...

Truth or dare?

I cannot believe we're doing this.

First of all, there's no TV or Internet.

And second, what better way to get to know each other?

Truth or dare?



I dare you to

take your shirt off for the next 3 questions.

Loosen up a little.

- No way. - That's no fair.

Well, the game's not called truth or fair.

Are you going to play or not?


This doesn't seem like a good idea.

My turn. Faye, truth or dare.


How many people have you slept with?

How about a dare instead?

Those aren't the rules, Faye.

Do you want to play or not?



Ooh, guess I'm not the super-slut

you all think I am. Or I'm lying.

Who's next? How about--

Jake. Truth or dare.

Bring it.


Why didn't the witch hunters put you

in the circle with the rest of us?

Come on, Adam. No witch hunter talk. Please.

He already explained that.

Probably because I'm stronger than the rest of you.

Took more guys to hold me down.

I don't believe you.

Way bored of macho tension.

Moving on to...Cassie.

Truth or dare?

But truth is a two-parter.

Do you ever plan on going after a guy

one of us hasn't slept with?

Or is it just other people's boyfriends that turn you on?

Faye, shut up.

Cassie can defend herself, Adam.


Better choice.

I dare you to...

Kiss Jake.

You are a one-woman relationship wrecking crew.

And you are a bitchy, spoiled little girl

who wants to blame me for all of your problems

instead of just looking in the mirror.


Just let her go.


Pull back your claws. I'm not Faye.

Sorry. She just knows how to push my buttons.

That's what Faye does best.

What's the deal with you two, anyway?

What do you mean? Nothing.

She acts like you're still together. Are you?

No. Faye likes to think our relationship was

more interesting and complicated than it was.

I don't even think of it as a relationship.

Mmm. Spoken like a true guy.

I like this side of you.

You're cute when you're angry.

Spoken like a true cheeseball.

All that emotion swirling inside you right now?

Accessing that is the key to solo magic.

Anger, pain, passion.

It's like rocket fuel.

If that were true, Faye would've bailed

on the circle a long time ago.

Not all witches are created equal.

You can practice, but true power is

something you're born with.

Like you were.

I don't know that for sure.

I think you do. Deep down.

You're just afraid to go there.

You really are a cheeseball.

Not afraid?

Try a spell on your own.

Why do you care?

Maybe I'm just interested.

Then show me.

I've been accused of doing a lot of things tonight.

Maybe I should try at least one of them.

Cassie, stop.

Um. I should go get the rest of my stuff.

Where are you going?

To get firewood.

Are you mad at me? Why? I didn't do anything.

You defended her.

And you looked away 'cause you couldn't handle seeing them kiss.

I looked at you, not away.

I was trying to show you how much I didn't care.

If you really didn't care, you wouldn't have to force

yourself not to look.

I know you, Diana.

You set that up on purpose.

You think?

Altering the fabric of time and space

to ensure your destiny with Cassie?

Oh, come on.

Daring them to kiss.

It doesn't matter how I reacted.

You just wanted a reason to be angry.

You think I like feeling this way?

I think you want a reason to push me away.

I shouldn't want to.

That's not a good relationship sign, is it?

Just talk to me.

Adam, you're just used to us, that's all.

That's why this is so important. You're afraid of change.

- That is pathetic. - Excuse me?

Cassie has made you feel the tiniest bit of doubt

for the first time in your life,

and it freaks you out so much, you need

to turn me into an emotional loser?

Screw you. It's not Cassie

who makes made me feel insecure-- it's you.

If you really wanted me gone,

you wouldn't have to try so hard to convince yourself.

Well, you're the only one who needs convincing.

You're the one chasing me out here.

Yes, I am.


You out here?



Hi. Are you Ok?

Hey, wait for me.

Oh, my God, Faye. You scared me.

There's a little girl out here.

You could see her?

Yes. Just a second ago.

And there's a picture of her in your grandfather's study.

Who is she?


I can't explain it.

All I know is that little girl is me.

Come on, Faye. That's not possible.

I get that.

But I remember the last time I wore that exact outfit.

Those boots, that raincoat.

I was 6, I was here for the summer, and...

I wandered out down to the lake by myself.

Faye, it's not you.

It's dark. It's late. It's been a weird night.

I was throwing rocks into the lake,

and I walked out onto the dock so I could throw them even further.

And I was standing right up to the edge--

Let's go get Adam and Diana.

I reached back and threw one as hard as I could,

and then suddenly, I was underwater, and I couldn't breathe.

And then, I remember trying to scream,

and--and water rushing into my lungs.

I could feel my whole body shutting down.

And I remember the panic.

I was so scared.

Faye. Please, stop. Stop, stop.

And then...

there was a hand on my arm.

And I was yanked up and thrown onto the dock.

It was my grandfather.

He saved my life.

That girl is here for a reason.

I won't lie Jane. I've never really liked you.

And not just because you and the elders took away our power--

which, of course, would be reason enough.

Long before that, I always found you to be

smug and self-righteous.

And dull.

Which is why I'm so pleased with this spell.

I think that after I'm able to control

the things that you say and do,

we're going to be great friends. Hmm?

And isn't that what it's all about? Friendship?

I am sure you'll agree...

in just a few minutes.

Faye, wait!

- Did you hear that? - What?

She fell into the lake.

Where are you? Can you hear me?

There's no one out there.

What's going on?

She saw something or someone.

You saw her, too!

- Saw what? - I don't know.

A little girl, I think. Maybe.

She fell in the water. We have to find her.

There's no one in there. Let's go back inside.

Wait! Let go of me! She fell into the water.

Faye, whatever she is,

she's not in the water, Faye. I promise.

Yes, she is! She fell in the water! We have to find her!

What's the matter?

Get off me! Get him off of me!

Lay off. Get him off me!

All right, let go of her!

Get him off me! Let go of her!

Hey, lay off!

She's in there, and she wanted to tell me something.

She wanted to tell me something!

She's in the water! She's in the--

She wanted to tell me--

Cassie saw her, too! Cassie saw her, too!

Calm down.

I know. I believe you.

Let's get you back to the house.

Let's get you dry.

Diana, take her hand. Hold onto her.


It was cut loose.

That's my grandpa.


He's gone.

I'm so sorry, Faye.

You Ok?

I just can't believe he's dead.

He used Faye's own memories to reach out to her.

How is that possible?

Sometimes, when a witch dies,

their energy hangs around.

It can still be pretty powerful.

The amazing part is that you saw what Faye was seeing.

I felt like we were linked.

The little girl... or Faye...

called me out to the dock.

Seeing someone else's memories?

That's some big time magic.

When I reached my hand into the water,

I knew exactly what to do.

But I have no idea how.


You're looking at me like I'm a freak.

Not a freak. Just...


Well, I guess I can live with that.

Hey, you know, we could drive to the boathouse.

Make you some breakfast.

Adam, what happened last night...

It was pretty good.

It was great.

But it was the last time.

We can't just go back to the way things were.

Being with you is all I know,

but I don't know if it's right anymore.

I do.

I know for both of us.

Adam, we have to find out what it feels like

to really be apart.

It's the only way we'll ever find out

if we're meant to be together.

I don't want you to find out...

You're okay without me.

How was your trip?


Do share.

Cassie's magic is stronger than anything I've ever experienced.


Someone k*lled an elder--

Henry Chamberlain.

But they didn't do it right.

His energy came back and led us straight to his body.

Who's responsible?

I don't know.

But there are other forces in play besides us.

Someone else is targeting witches.

Then we need to strike now--

k*ll Cassie and her circle and move on.

There's something about Cassie I'm missing.

The antiquities dealer left her some kind of warning.

I need to figure out what it is.

No. It's time for the witches to die.

And all that's left for you to do

is to decide whether you're still one of them.

- Hi. - Grandma.

Good morning, sweetheart.

Oh, how are you?

Something terrible has happened.

It's Henry.

He's dead.

Oh, my God.

He was k*lled.

I was just there.

I assumed when he didn't answer, he was away.

You didn't see him?

I never even made it inside.

But I found your scarf inside his house.

Isn't this yours, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

That's strange.

Yeah. It is.

♪ La da-da da-da ♪

♪ da da-da da-da ♪

♪ La-da, La-da, La-da ♪