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01x06 - Wake

Posted: 02/01/23 08:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Secret Circle"...

My sweet Cassie, you finding this means I'm gone,

and for that I am so sorry.

I didn't want you to have this life,

but destiny's not easy to run from.

Hi. I'm Diana.

- You seen her yet? - She got in yesterday.

- We're different. - You're different.

You're a witch. You're a full-blooded 100% witch.

Here we have real power now.

A complete circle is 6.

You complete the circle.

She's got the gift.

You can get Cassie to do what we need?

The circle will take care of that without even knowing it.

Possession. Demons need human form to be fully active.

And now that the demon has possessed Nick.

I need a new body. Yours'll do fine.

You know what we have to do.

Drowning the demon is the only way to save him.

[Air rushes]


♪ Da, da, da, da, da ♪

♪ da, da, da, da, da ♪

♪ da-da, da-da, da-da ♪

Good morning.

Baking some things for Nick's wake tomorrow.

Grandma, there was a guy in Nick's yard last night.

It must have been his older brother Jake.

I didn't even know Nick had a brother.

Jake left town a couple years ago.

He was a troubled young man back then.

And now he's lost his brother.

We bound that circle with no clue what we were doing,

a-and look what's happened.

[Sighs] Maybe it's for the best that it's broken now.

It's not, Cassie.

The circle is still bound.

But Nick's gone.

The ceremony you did doesn't just bind you to each other.

It binds you to each other's bloodlines.

Wait. Do you mean Nick's brother?

Yeah. Circles were designed to last

and to protect witches and non-witches.

Ok, I can't deal with this right now.

You have to know to stay safe.

How did this happen?

I know it's a lot,

but you're stronger than you realize.

Your lineage goes back to the very beginning of witchcraft, Cassie.

It's more powerful than any of the others,

and you were born with the responsibility

to lead and protect your circle.


Hey, daddy.

I'm gonna go in to the office for a few hours today.

I won't be long.

What's that?

People are bringing photos of Nick to the wake.

I didn't think I had any.

We weren't great friends.

Then I remembered this.

That's me and Nick, isn't it?

Yeah, when Nick was little,

he used to come and look at the boats.

Sometimes I'd take you both out for a spin.

I remember.

He loved it, but he was scared.

He just clung to your arm.

I don't understand.

That's his whole life?

That's all he gets?

I wish I had answers for you, but...


How you doing?

Ok, thanks.

- I'll put these in the kitchen. - Oh.

♪ Under the sky ♪

♪ no one to see you... ♪

You guys are putting all this together?

Nick's aunt left town to stay with family.

There's no one else.

Well, his brother Jake is in town,

and we need to talk about him.

- Jake's back? - Mm-hmm.

He's not gonna miss his brother's funeral, Adam.

Yeah, he would.

Guy didn't care about anyone but himself.

He's really that awful?

He used to work at the boathouse.

My dad gave him a job when no one else would,

and then he robs the place one night after work.

He stole everything my dad had.

They almost lost the boathouse.

Adam hasn't forgiven him for that.


♪ When you wake up ♪

♪ when you wake up... ♪

What were you gonna say about Jake?

He completes the circle.

Amy Leone stood up in English lit yesterday

and read this tragic poem she wrote about Nick,

something about thorns and a rose or vine.


The whole thing was pretty hilarious.

Yeah. [Clears throat]

♪ Under a sky... ♪

- Oh, my God. - What?

Jake Armstrong is here.


I heard you and your dad were holding the wake here.

Just wanted to stop by and say I appreciate that.

Um, we're glad to do it.

That's great.

No reason for you and me to get

bogged down in ancient history, right?

Like I said, we're glad to do it.

Hey, neighbor.


Yeah. Uh...


I'll see you guys around.

♪ When you wake up... ♪

What was that about?

You know him?

No. Not at all.

[Sighs] Thank God he didn't see me.

I have had an outfit planned for this day for the last 2 years,

and this was not it.

I thought you were past all that.

He treated you like such crap.


And now I need to make him regret it.

Yeah. That sounds like a great plan, Faye.

I gotta go.


I know you miss Nick. We all do.

But you can't spend the rest of your life

lying on your bedroom floor, listening to depressing music.

It's been 2 days, Faye.

♪ When you wake up... ♪

I apologize for not calling first.

No problem.

I'm gonna make some tea.

I have grief counselors coming to the school,

but it's hard to make sense of such a senseless accident.

Nick's death wasn't an accident.

The police say he drowned.

Nick was k*lled by a demon.

A demon?

The children have bound their circle.

They released a demon from Heather Barnes.

Nick was its next host.

He died trying to drown it.

The circle is bound?

Oh, my God.

That could have been Faye.

Are you gonna talk to the elders?

Have them strip the children of their powers?

No. They need it to protect themselves.

Can I count on your help to watch over them?

Of course.

Thank you.

There is no way I am gonna let Jake be a part of this circle.

According to my grandmother, it's not up to us.

He is by virtue of his bloodline.

That doesn't mean we have to tell him.

Don't we want to?

You don't know him like we do.

He's hurt a lot of people.

You can't just replace Nick with Jake.

It isn't right.

I'm sorry. I know how hard this must be.

Does he even know about us

or that he's part of the circle?

I doubt it.

He left before I found the book,

before Nick knew. If we let him leave,

he takes his power with him.

It's either bring Jake into the circle

or leave ourselves vulnerable.

Who died and made you queen witch?


[Air rushes] What is that?

What's going on?

Is something burning?

Damn it.

Who would do this?

Melissa: Oh, my God. It's coming straight for the house.

We can put it out. Come on.

No air for fire...

[Together] No air for fire.

No air for fire.

No air for fire.

No air for fire.

Oh, my God.


Adam: What the hell?

What is that?

It looks like a Crescent moon.

Wait. Who could have done this?

Could be Jake trying to scare us.

He doesn't know about us.

Someone obviously does.

And they burnt this symbol to prove it?

That doesn't make any sense.



There was a fire at the abandoned house.

Was anyone hurt?

No. We put it out,

but someone set it intentionally,

and there was a Crescent moon burnt into the ground.

Do you know what it means?

It's an ancient symbol that means conquest.


It used to be burned onto the ground of a witch's land

to try and scare them,

let them know they'd been marked.

You think someone is threatening us?

It certainly looks like it.

And when I saw Jake last night,

he was--he was setting a fire behind his house.

Have you talked to him about the circle yet?

- Not yet. - Don't.

Hometown parasite returns.

Got yourself all dolled up just to come say hello.


Get over yourself, Jake.

I just wanted to say I'm sorry about Nick.

He was a good guy.

That's why you came down here?


And I was bored.

So where have you been the last 2 years?

Why? Did you miss me?

No, not really.

Sure, you did.

You were always so damn clingy, Faye.

Screw you.

Did you set that fire today?

What fire?

You did, didn't you?

Then tell me what the hell you're talking about.

Let's get something clear.

You don't get to tell me what to do anymore.

Jane could have ruined everything,

but I handled her.

She thinks we're allies.

Charles, am I boring you?


Of course not.

It's good. Jane's handled.

I'm sorry.

I haven't been sleeping very much.

I know Nick's death has been hard on you.

Don't lose focus, Charles.

This new bond with Jane might be exactly the help we need.


Every family had a crystal at some point,

and Jane's not just any elder. She's a Blake.

Now, there's a good chance she might still have one,

and if we can get another crystal,

then we can strengthen the one we have.

We can locate the others,

and we can finally get our powers back.


but it's hard to know anything anymore.

Are you sure you're up to this, Charles?

Because if you're not--

I am.

Hey, Diana, it's me.

I talked to my grandmother.

Give me a call.



[Gasps] Who are you?

What do you want?

Your blood.

[Cassie screams]


[Gasps] Get off of her!

Burning star, blood-red eye.


Burning star, blood-red eye.


[Together] Burning star. Blood-red eye.

Burning star, blood-red eye.

Burning star, blood-red eye.

Who the hell was that?

I have no clue,

but she seemed pretty intent on k*lling you.


Sorry. I was too busy

trying to save your ass to ask her.

So I guess you know you're a witch.


Here. Sit.

Oh. But you left town before Diana found her Book of Shadows.

I found my own book years ago.

I read enough of it to know a spell or two.

We have a circle. Your brother was a part of it.

Lot of good it did him.

You're a part of it, too.

I don't want anything to do with your circle.

You're just a bunch of kids

in way over your heads.

What were you doing in your yard last night?

Putting out a fire.

Someone, probably that crazy bitch that was just in here,

burned a Crescent into the ground.

Well, the way you were looking at the fire,

I thought you had set it.

What's going on?

Oh. Um, a woman broke in.

She took a swipe at me.

Jake stopped her.

Oh, thank God you're all right.

I owe you a thanks,

but I can take it from here.

[Chuckles] I believe it.

Good night.

Good night.

You tell me exactly what happened.

[Pop music playing on the truck radio]

So Cassie has no idea who the woman was?

No, and now she's just out there somewhere.

It's gonna be ok.

Is it?

I don't know.

What the hell is he doing here?


You ok?

My God, Cassie.

You didn't tell me she hurt you.

Jake heard me scream and stopped her

before she could do much worse.

We did a spell together to send her away.

So you know you're a witch.

Why didn't you say anything?

No reason to.

I have no plans to stick around Chance Harbor.

Still should have told us.

Jeez, did I hurt your feelings?

Adam, Jake saved my life.

Yeah, so you keep saying.

It's pretty convenient he happened to be there


The knife the woman used,

it had a Crescent moon on it.

So she must be the one who burned the symbol in front of the house.

My grandmother said it's a way

to mark a witch before an attack.

She marked his house, too.

She could be a witch from another circle.

Maybe she followed you into town from wherever you came from.

I guess it's possible, but I've never seen her before.

Well, I'm just glad you're ok.

We should get going.

I'm glad you're ok, too.

I'll talk to Adam.

Eh, sorry about that.

I need to take care of things for the funeral.

I'll see you later.

What's your problem?

You know how much I hate that guy.

I have for years.

It's different.

You're acting like a jealous boyfriend, and not mine.

♪ go ahead and close the door ♪

♪ I'll stand outside in the rain ♪

♪ a little bird just told me so ♪

♪ it's time to start over again ♪

♪ 'cause it's a cruel and beautiful world ♪

♪ and I got my girl ♪

♪ and if it seems like we're falling behind ♪

♪ we're just slipping on top ♪

♪ from the mountains of our mind ♪

Ok, we need Jake to stay in town,

and I don't know how to convince him.

He has a life somewhere else. Just let him leave.

Cassie might be dead if it wasn't for Jake.

You have to get over this thing you have about him.

It's not a thing.

Jake took advantage of my father.

He made a fool out of him.

That's his specialty,

making fools out of people.

So now you're against this?

So I'm not allowed to change my mind, but you are?

Ok, we need to put aside all our issues.

We've been marked, and there's a psycho coming after all of us.

We need all our power.

If we can't trust Jake,

then I think we're stronger without him.

You know, Nick wasn't perfect,

but we knew he had our backs,

and it still wasn't enough.

When you and Jake were together,

it seemed like you had a connection.

You think we can really trust him?

If we let him leave, we'll never know.

You and Jake were together?


Just to warn you,

he'll sleep with you, then dump you

and leave you in a million twisted little pieces.

But maybe that's what you're into.


she moved so fast.

We have to assume she'll be back.

My mom gave this to me,

and if Amelia were here,

she'd pass it on to you.

This is what you used on Melissa.


Think of it as a lens

that magnifies your power.

Circle magic is complicated.

It involves other personalities, other attitudes.

The crystal is simpler.

It's a reflection of you.


I don't think I'm the person that you think I am.

I can't even keep the circle together.

I know exactly who you are.

No one can know you have the crystal,

not even the rest of your circle.

It's the most coveted magic there is,

but it can bring out the very worst in people.


[Pounds on door]


[Sighs] Hey, Jake.

Figured you'd find me.

[Glass shatters]

Why did you follow me to Chance Harbor,

and what the hell were you doing marking my house?

There's one answer to both your questions--

because you're a witch, and I don't trust witches.

You hate my kind, I know.

Well, I hate yours, the true believer,

so blinded with hate and sure of their righteousness

that they're frothing at the mouth to k*ll.

Give me the blood you took from Cassie Blake.

Get away from there.

You don't want to test me, Simone.

It's too soon for bloodletting.

You just made a big mistake.

Stay the hell out of my way.

["The Greatest Light is The Greatest Shade" playing]

♪ a glass, a view ♪

♪ a mirror... ♪



Do you want a drop?

It's Nick's special witches' brew.

Uh, this is a wake to remember Nick.

You didn't even know him.

This is the absolute best way to remember Nick, trust me.

But then I guess you're more his brother's type, anyway.

Melissa. We're just toasting Nick.

Do you want a drop?

God, Faye.

♪ In a telescope now ♪

♪ this dream is ♪

♪ this dream is ♪

♪ this dream is ♪

♪ this dream is ♪

♪ this dream is ♪

♪ in a telescope now... ♪

Want help?

♪ This dream is... ♪

No. I'll talk to him.

♪ In bedtime covers ♪

♪ go unknown... ♪

Take it easy, Dad.

♪ It grows... ♪

This town just can't stop burying teenagers.

How can it still hurt this much?

It was so long ago.

That wake was at the school gym.

Amelia wasn't there.

I tried to look for her,

but she never showed up.

After everything that happened,

she was still too distraught

over Blackwell to go to the funeral.

Who's Blackwell?

Don't listen to me.

But you need to slow down, ok?

We are kind of the hosts here.

Yeah. You got it.

Jake, what are you up to?

I know it's something.

No one changes that much in 2 years.

Adam, stop it.

Forget it, Cassie. He's probably loaded.

Runs in the family.

Diana: Stop this!


What the hell is wrong with you?

Did you hear what he said about my dad? Huh?

That's not what started this.

Diana, wait.

Just leave me alone.

Ok, that was bad. I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry about your brother.

He didn't deserve what happened.


You need anything,

you come to me, ok, Nick?

It's Jake.

I'm sorry.

You ever think that no matter what we do

or how we try to control our lives,

that it's just out of our hands?

History just keeps repeating.

Come on, Charles.

I saved you a place at our table.

People really hate you, huh?

Doesn't bother me.

Maybe not,

but you did run away.

That was a long time ago.

My mom ran away, too,

left here and never came back.

We moved all the time from town to town, and--


It was like she was hiding from here, no matter where we were.

I don't know if leaving actually gave her any peace.

Did it work for you?

Peace isn't what I was looking for.

I didn't know you back then,

but you must have found something,

because underneath all that attitude,

you don't really seem like the guy everyone should hate.

All right, well,

it should be safe to go back inside now.

I'm gonna hang here a while.

[Knock on door]


Mr. Conant.

[Overlapping conversations upstairs]

Oh. Come on in.

You disappeared.

Saw the light on, so I just thought...

An old drunk like me could use some coffee.

I put milk in it the way you like.


Poor Nick.

You know, maybe if he had someone like you

to pick him up when he was down...

He did, actually,



You love Adam, don't you?


He is so damn lucky to have you.

We're lucky to have each other.

I wish you were the one, Diana.

You deserve to be happy.


It's Adam's destiny to be with Cassie Blake.

Our families are written in the stars--

Adam and Cassie,

me and Amelia.

I should go.

The sooner you let him go,

the sooner you can be free.

Trust me.

Bad things happen when you mess with fate.

[Running footsteps]

What are you doing? Are you crazy?

You think you and me have enough magic to fly?

Stop it, Faye.

Is Jake in there?

'Cause I am so over him.

Is that what this is about, Jake?

I have been through this with you before,

and he almost put you in a psych ward last time, ok?

You need to stay away from him.

I was a kid then. Now I'm a wicked witch.


Where are you going?

You just don't get it.

Tonight isn't about you

for once or Jake.

Do you understand?

It's a wake for Nick, and I loved him.

I know.

He loved you, too.

You know, I can tell you're actually thinking about yourself

and what you wish you had with Jake when you say that.


But still, it means a lot.

Thank you.

[Inhales sharply]

You know me pretty well.


♪ You are afraid... ♪

You deserve that.



What you're doing to Diana, it's not right.

She loves you.

I love her, too.

I just don't trust Jake,

and I certainly don't trust him with you.


I can't help how I feel.

Everything's just so screwed up right now.

We're all hurting, Adam.

Maybe it's easier for you

because you don't know anybody, not really.

That is not fair.

I may not have been here my whole life,

but you guys are the closest thing I've ever had to real friends,

especially Diana.

None of this is easy.

I'm sorry.

You're right.

We're in this together.

♪ You are free... ♪

You know, I hope I'm wrong about Jake. I really do.

I don't think I am.

I'll be right back.

I saw you with the Blake girl.

You were closer to kissing her than k*lling her.

You're never gonna be able to complete the mission.

I told you to stay out of my way.

I'm not done here.

I am.

Oh, my God.

[Truck pulling up]

[Door closes]

So she was a witch?

Pretty nasty one.

Seemed like you two were talking.

She said she was here to scavenge power.

She knew a witch had died.

That's what scavengers come for.

It's scary how much stuff is out there,

how much I don't know.

Cassie, the way her knife flew out of her hand,

did you do that?

Because I thought once a circle was bound,

you can't do magic on your own.

No. I--I saw that.

I thought it was you.

Maybe it was the both of us


Jake, you can't leave Chance Harbor.

I have to.

No, you don't.

We are all bound together,

and I know that's not something that you ever wanted,

and, trust me, neither did I.

But it's not something that you can run from.

If you really knew me, you wouldn't want me to stay.

I don't think that we have a choice.

The bad is coming.

They're here.

It's what k*lled your brother and our parents

and almost you tonight.

We can't do this without you.

We are not strong enough.

And if we don't try, then Nick's death

is gonna seem a lot more senseless than it already does.

You've got all the answers, huh?

No, not usually.


Maybe I'll stick around a little while.

There are still a few people around town

that haven't tried to kick my ass.


What happened? You disappeared.

I went for a walk.

I'm sorry for the way I acted.

Your dad told me about you and Cassie

being destined to be together.

It's just an old story to make him feel better

about being in love with Cassie's mom.

That's what I want...

The kind of love that makes you want to believe in destiny.

That's what we have.


because if we did, I wouldn't feel like I do right now.


I love you. You know that.

There's a way you look at Cassie

that I could never understand,

and I think I get it now.

It's wonder,

wondering if every time you find yourselves together,

it's choice or destiny.

You need to figure out which.

Diana, please. You're wrong.

No. I've been standing on the sidelines,

watching it since she got here.

I can't do that anymore.

[Dog barking]

[Knock on door]


What's wrong?

I broke up with Adam.

What happened?


Uh, Diana--

well, just tell me what to do.

I never meant for any of this to happen.

I honestly don't know.

I don't even know why I'm here.

I guess because he was my best friend,

and I have nowhere else to go,

no one else who really knows me.


You k*lled Simone.


You mean aside from the fact

that she tried to gut me with a blade?

Don't get smart with me, Jake.

I will gut you myself.


You k*lled a fellow witch hunter.


Cassie saw her talking to me.

I lied and said she was a witch,

but it could have been a disaster.

You always taught me to follow protocol,

and that's what I was doing.

Maybe she was right.

Maybe we made a mistake

using a witch to k*ll witches,

especially when his own bloodline

is connected to the prey.

I-I've never let you down before,

and I won't start now.

Are you sure of that?

'Cause I hear Cassie Blake is a compelling girl.

I've come here to avenge the death of my family,

to rid Chance Harbor of witches,

and I will not fail.

♪ Da, da, da, da, da ♪

♪ da, da, da, da, da ♪

♪ da-da, da-da, da-da ♪